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Guest Occupation: Partner with Montana’s Natures Element, a CBD Health & Wellness Company
Guest Biography:

I have been blessed with being raised in Big Sky Country, Montana that is, on the banks of Rattlesnake Creek in Missoula. Truly a river runs through it. It was youthful curiosity that took me traveling the world as well as taking a sabbatical to recenter by doing some evangelical outreach in the Philippines. It was after that I married and was gifted shortly thereafter with two beautiful daughters.

While my entrepreneurial thirst in business started early in life, it didn’t break stride until my early 20’s when we employed 50 team members performing paint and coatings throughout the Northwest. Within years our growth sprouted multiple vertical integrated entities servicing the railroad, timber, mining and heavy construction sectors. My spare time was filled with commercial, industrial real estate development and entitlement which I still pursue today.

A full life of recreational and business pursuits collided with a traumatic automobile accident which left me in a wheel chair for 2 years and the possible loss of multiple limbs. After over a dozen surgeries it was time to reevaluate my priorities once again.

It was then in 2015 that I stumbled on an unrealized passion……that of farming. Farming along with the ranching of Scottish Highlander cows turned my world upside down. The tranquility and restorative powers of being in amongst some of the cleanest air, water, soils and Rocky Mountain peaks did amazing things for my mind and body.

With chronic pain being a part my daily life, it was a natural fit to start researching CBD cultivation and processing. Montana Organic Hemp LLC was formed and our first crop planted in 2018. This was followed by a second crop in 2019 with a growth of 300%.  This massive increase in biomass harvest brought us into the second phase of our business model; that of processing for the extraction of cannabinoids.The team that has organically formed in this pursuit all share the same goal of bettering each other’s lives. We are blessed to have all the key ingredients for a successful high growth business while living in one of the worlds last best places and delivering groundbreaking natural product that is changing peoples lives for the better.


Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: advocate for education and research in the Cannabis community
Guest Biography:

An advocate for education and research in the Cannabis community, Jeremy Schmatz (I) currently resides in Missoula, Montana. He is passionate about dispelling the stigma surrounding Cannabis and it’s use. He found this passion after many failed attempts at managing his ADHD through traditional medicine as well as managing pain from consecutive knee surgeries through out high school. He was introduced to plant-based medicine shortly after graduation. Striving to learn about the purest and most effective medicines he joined a medical marijuana farm in 2011 in Northern Cali. There he learned techniques to grow and process Cannabis. He joined Montana Ogranic Hemp in 2019 and has worked tirelessly to ensure quality and consistent product that can be used by all.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Soul Mentor & Energy Facilitator
Guest Biography:

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Crowd Funding Campaign: Lemurian Light - Elevate Yourself Through Gratitude; Lemurian Light Publishing – Elevate Yourself Through Gratitude A New Publishing House All About YOUR Spiritual Growth

Hillis Pugh is an Author and Energy Facilitator working with modalities such as Psychic Mediumship, Reiki, and Lemurian Light Energy to co-create a deeper connection to the Soul. He is a teacher/speaker of gratitude and the Law of Attraction, and Host of Light Insight

Hillis does this work is to guide others on their path to let them know they are not alone. He mentors each soul on their path to lift them up so they can see what he sees, beyond the physical realm. We work together in universal sync of exploration of your inner-space to be expressed outwardly.

Poet |Author |Inspirational Writer |Entrepreneur | Intuitive Consultant |Philanthropist.

Hillis is the author of Awaken With Gratitude a blog and book of channeled inspirational stories and original poetry. The blog and book engage questions and provide answers on how we can open our minds to experience the gift of gratitude in every waking moment of our lives.

Hillis has become recognized as a poetic voice of self-reflection, spirituality, thankfulness, sensuality, mindfulness, and transformation. By honoring his ability as a change-agent who demonstrates giving gratitude to life-in-action is what inspires him to write. Through a variety of philosophical expressions and profound emotions, Hillis has learned how to be transparent with his work in order to share freely with the world. By practicing gratitude in his own life, he has become an unforgettable example for others to shadow.

Available Now – Awaken With Gratitude 22.99

(Kindle and Audible Prices May Vary)

Awaken With Gratitude is a collection of true-to-life moments and personal perspectives threaded together in a series of internal commentary. These observations create a new awareness of self. Each theme allows a deeper understanding of how gratitude runs through every aspect of every day in each moment creating cohesion. Gratitude is more than an attitude, it is the path to feeling good, the path of acceptance, and the path of least resistance.

Available Now – Silver sPHere – 10.95

Silver sPHere is an emotionally driven work that covers many diverse aspects of life, such as love, pride, and sensuality. Using the paper as his easel and the pen as his paintbrush, Hillis creates vivid mental imagery of his life experiences and draws us into his world. He wears many masks to portray the outpouring of emotions shared through Silver Sphere. He encourages us to see life in a different light, whether it’s simple, emotional or thought-provoking. It’s the world in which we all live.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Naturopathic Physician and the founder of the Institute Of Applied Energetics
Guest Biography:

A survivor of childhood abuse, herself, Dr. Rita Louise has emerged as a gifted empathy and talented clairvoyant medical intuitive.  She is a Naturopathic Physician and the founder of the Institute Of Applied Energetics that trains students in the art of medical intuition, intuitive counseling, and energy medicine. She has authored six books and produced several feature-length and short films.  Dr. Louise has appeared on radio, television and in movies and has lectured on health and healing, ghosts, intuition, ancient mysteries and the paranormal. Her books and articles have worldwide circulation. 

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Biography:

Jerome Infantado has 14 years in the beauty/salon industry and will touch on the topic of how beauty correlates with sex, Secret on the housewives he meets, and the tea on salon gossip. Jerome will also tell us the story of how he meets and manages his distance relationship with his Danish boyfriend of 3 1/2 years. 

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Sex, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Nurse
Guest Biography:

April Natale started her career as a Nurse. She is the mother of two beautiful children. As a young child, April knew that she was different and let’s say “extra sensitive” to her surroundings. She came from a Catholic upbringing which helped open her up to the world of Angels. April recalls seeing spirit as a child and not being sure how to navigate those emotions. She held them all in and, as a result, I developed anxiety. April's gifts gave the ability to see the messages and signs which became clearer and vivid. April would hear and fell significant, and sometimes life-altering premonitions that she knew she could not ignore.

 April was unaware of how to use her gift which made gave her debilitating anxiety. She sought out therapy to try and understand what was happening.  It wasn’t until I had a session with Pat Longo, an Internationally known author, healer, and spiritual teacher, that April began to understand more about how to expand and use her gifts. She was responsible for mentoring the very well known Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

Tonda and Mike Lawson will share their story on how they meet through Auto crossing. This show will highlight their marriage, Intimacy and their love Auto crossing as a couple.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Sex, Sports & Recreation
Guest Occupation: Founder, CEO, psychologist, scientist, and social entrepreneur.
Guest Biography:

Dr. Shamini Jain is a psychologist, scientist, and social entrepreneur. She is the Founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative, a nonprofit collaborative accelerator that connects scientists, health practitioners, innovators, and social entrepreneurs to advance the science and practice of healing. She also serves as an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Jain was trained in neuroscience at Columbia University and in clinical psychology and psychoneuroimmunology at UC San Diego. As illustrated in her TEDx talk, Dr. Jain has a natural gift for translating difficult scientific concepts into easily understandable, practical action steps. She has been featured on Gaia TV, Curious Minds with Deepak Chopra, the documentary “Vibration: The Symphony of Life,” CNN, US News and World Report, Time magazine, Prevention magazine, and more. Dr. Jain is on the board of directors of Greenheart International, Modern Spirit, and Leap Forward. In her free time, Shamini enjoys spending time with her husband and two children at their home in Greer, South Carolina. You may also find her singing heavy metal! Her last musical project was as the lead singer for an Iron Maiden tribute band in San Diego, California, where she lived for 18 years. To learn more about Dr. Shamini Jain, visit

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, News, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Technology