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Guest Occupation: Drummer
Guest Biography:

B   O   B   B   Y

B   E   R   G   E






In the spring of 1970 Bobby Berge got a call from legendary guitarist Tommy Bolin in Boulder, and he said he wanted him to come out and audition with his band Zephyr. Bobby had been listening to their first album, and absolutely loved Tommy’s playing and the sound of the group. After flying out and hitting it off with the group with an initial audition, he immediately moved out to Boulder. He played with Zephyr for the next year or so and it was an extremely exciting experience. Boulder was a thriving musical Mecca at the time, and they would play in and around Boulder at small outdoor mini-Woodstock types of concerts.

They played in Denver at Mammoth Gardens along with Joe Cocker and Leon Russell. For a good year they flew to many major cities and played at huge concerts on the same bill as musical greats like Steve Winwood, Mountain, Fleetwood Mac, the Kinks, and Iggy Pop to name a few. In the fall of 1970, he played drums on the second Zephyr album Going Back to Colorado at Electric Lady Studios in NYC with the great Eddie Kramer as engineer. This was Bobby’s first major experience playing with Tommy Bolin and it was fantastic to say the least.

Bobby was asked if he did play on “The Grind” on the Teaser album. He did play on that track, but somehow the record company got the info wrong on the cover.

Bobby says … Tommy was always outgoing, upbeat, friendly, and extremely funny! He was so much fun for a drummer to play with. I loved to play off him and copy his lightning fast riffs as we jammed. I learned a lot about weird time signatures from him. I miss those hippie days and miss Tommy and playing with one of the greatest.

On Bobby’s work with the great Buddy Miles … Buddy’s a very talented, soulful man. During 1975-76 I did more work with him than with Tommy Bolin. I was switching back and forth with projects, mainly recording. I did the More Miles Per Gallon album with Buddy in 1975, and Bicentennial — A Gathering Of The Tribes in 1976. When we played live Buddy would play drums for a few tunes, then I’d hop on the skins and Buddy would go out front and sing. We had a five-piece horn section, a funky bass player, and keyboards. It was wild playing with both artists during that period (1975-76). I’ll put up some Buddy stuff some time, kind of a disco feel but very funky!

For more information about Bobby Berge

 visit or ​

Guest Category: Entertainment, History, Music
Guest Occupation: Founder of the Dave Duerson Athletic Safety Fund & Concussion Awareness
Guest Biography:

During 34 years at the Director/Management level my day-to-day operational responsibilities include strategic planning, tactical implementation, production, quality, marketing/sales, new product development, manufacturing engineering, capital planning, P&L and Cash Management. I have supervised up to 500 exempt and non-exempt employees, as well as managed multi-site/state plants ranging from 40,000 up to 1,000,000 square feet within various manufacturing disciplines including automotive, aerospace, off-highway, industrial products, food processing, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

In 2006, I received my highest honorat the Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago, IL): I was recognized as 1 of 10 best African-American Engineers in The United States of America.

My management expertise also includes both union and non-union environments. My successful union contract negotiations included bargaining unit relations and agreements with the United Food Workers, United Auto Workers, Steelworkers, and Teamsters.

The focus in my career has been the creation, direction, and management of turnaround teams. These teams are successful in substantially improving the bottom-line profits of the companies I have served. As a compassionate businessman, I pride myself on treating people with respect while improving productivity and manufacturing practices. I am a servant leader. My formal education has been in Industrial Management/Supervision and Industrial Engineering (B.S. Degree - Purdue). I have also had the pleasure of learning the Japanese continuous improvement techniques used in the Toyota manufacturing system and practice Dr. Deming’s philosophy. I have been blessed to have worked in numerous countries including Japan. 


The Dave Duerson Athletic Safety Fund, Inc. (DDASF) was founded in May 2012 to commemorate the legacy of my brother, Dave Duerson (2-time Super Bowl Champion, NFL Man of the Year, during his 11- year career with the NFL).  Dave died on February 17, 2011 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest.  It was confirmed on May 2, 2011 by the Neurologists at Boston University that he suffered from the 4th and final stage of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE).

Mission Statement (DDASF):

Dave Duerson Athletic Safety Fund, Inc. is a continuous program to educate all students (Grades K – 12) about concussion awareness and detection. Furthermore, we provide neurocognitive testing for all male and female student-athletes in all sports (from Cheerleading to Football) in 7th through 12th grades. This fund is designed to be a sustainable funding mechanism for the school systems that we support.

Concussion History:

My wife Lori and I originated this 501(c)3 organization.  We have a strong passion for this fund to succeed not only because of what happened to Dave, but also because I have hidden disabilities as a result of a concussion that I suffered while playing basketball at IUPUI in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1977 – which left me paralyzed on the left side for 6 months.  I returned to play my 2nd year at IUPUI and sustained a career-ending injury.   Ihave been diagnosed with neurological and psychological issues which have become more pronounced as the years have passed.  From the age of 30 to 61, I have been voluntarily hospitalized for these brain traumas 19 times.   This is a huge driving factor for my passion concerning the high-technology ImPACT Concussion Testing as a tool to assist the physician in the decision-making process regarding the athlete returning to play.   I have received continued treatment for these diseases since age 18.  Ihave Accumulative Concussion Syndrome, in addition to the neurological and psychological problems. Dave was my Medical Power of Attorneyfor 20 years. In addition, Dave was also on the Board of Directors for the NFL Players Association for retired player’s disability. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Eco-Conscious Lifestyle Expert & Interior Design & Healthy Home Advocate
Guest Biography:

As a passionate advocate for a healthy eco-living lifestyle, Charisse focuses on transforming interior spaces into beautiful, breathe-able dwellings to support the home, well-being, and the natural environment. Her mission is to empower and inspire you with the necessary tools of the trade to begin your transformational journey today.

Even as a little girl, I loved feeling the energy of the earth under my feet and uplifting energy that radiates from others. I was drawn to nature, to loving it, protecting it, and basking in its beauty and goodness.

And I still am! I’m a delightful spirit who loves traveling, taking long walks and deep breaths of pure, clean air, and living a healthy, creative lifestyle in harmony with nature.

I earned my B.S. in Interior Design from Philadelphia University, and went on to study Feng Shui at the NY School of Feng Shui and Graceful Lifestyles.

The more I became conscious of the connection between the homes we live in, the air we breathe, the lifestyle we live, and our overall joyfulness and well-being, the more I wanted to learn how to weave these threads together on a higher plateau. For me, interior design is about so much more than picking the right pieces of furniture—although I enjoy that, too! But at the heart of it, eco-conscious design is about cultivating the energy of the space to support the connection between a beautiful healthy home and quality of our well-being that also supports our planet.

I became a certified Professional Building Biology Environmental Consultant (BBEC) through the Building Biology Institute where I studied the science of healthy buildings, green design, eco-consultancy, and sustainable design. I added the gentle power of essential oils to my repertoire while attending the Young Living Natural Remedies and Beauty Schools.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author and Speaker
Guest Biography:

If you knew how to optimize your self-confidence and unlock your full INTUITIVE INTELLIGENCE for success would you step into SYNCHRONISTIC FLOW and use it today? My guest is James Redfield, the #1 Best Selling Author of the CELESTINE PROPHECY series of books, Lecturer, Filmmaker, Therapist, and Writing and Business Consultant. Together his books have spent over three years on the New York Times Best Sellers List. His awards include the prestigious Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Senate, The Auburn University Humanitarian of the Year Award, and The International New Thought Award. Redfield is perennially included in the Watkins List of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. James is currently engaged in a world-wide Celestine Prophecy “Inspiration” Tour."

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Inclusion and Empowerment Strategist, corporate diversity trainer, inspirational speaker and author.
Guest Biography:
Peggy O'Neill, an Inclusion and Empowerment Strategist — a corporate diversity trainer, inspirational speaker and author. From the soaring height of 3' 8" tall, Peggy has triumphed over a mountain range of challenges.
Over the past 15 years, she's been sharing her story- the trials and triumphs of being a little person- inspiring others to open their minds and hearts to differences, and to overcome their own challenges. She also educates women and people in minorities to find their voice, speak well and walk tall.
Coming from the field of psychotherapy, Peggy draws on the wisdom of her unique life-experiences and life-long training in the areas of empowerment, diversity and awakening.
Throughout her speaking career, Peggy has presented to high-profile companies such as FEMA, Chase Bank, Diversity Works, Texaco, EPA, and many others, as well as inspiring over 100,000 students in anti-bullying practices. She has authored 5 books, and celebrates her daily life in Ojai, CA.
Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Longtime drummer for Black Oak Arkansas … Producer, Session Drummer
Guest Biography:

J  O  H  N  N  I  E

B  O  L  I  N




B O  L  I  N



Johnnie Bolin grew up in the Midwest in the 50's. His Father, Richard Bolin, worked at a packing plant and Mother, Barbara, worked at the hospital. They had busy full-time jobs not related to music, so hardly the parents to raise three boys that made music all their lives. Johnnie’s oldest brother, Tommy, was a guitarist, Johnnie a Drummer, and his younger brother, Rick (Pudge), was a singer. They all started playing in bands after getting their first musical instruments and then performed at high schools, ballrooms, street dances, etc. Tommy left school and moved to Denver at age 16. He got in a recording band and was on American Bandstand at age 18. He went on to play with concert bands -- James Gang and, one of the biggest rock bands of the 70's, Deep Purple. Johnnie somewhat followed his path at the time. He continued to play around the Midwest and got a big break joining Tommy’s band in ‘76, playing Mile High Stadium in Denver changing his life forever. Johnnie tragically lost his brother later that year but continued on. He moved to California, Miami, NYC, and, eventually, settled in Minneapolis. At that time, he accepted a job with Black Oak Arkansas and traveled worldwide for the next 30 years. Playing, recording, and traveling were and are Johnnie’s life. Today he’s back in his hometown of Sioux City, Iowa... and still beating the “skins" after all these years.

For more information about

Johnnie Bolin

and Tommy Bolin


Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music, News, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Cellular health specialist
Guest Biography:

Challamar Rayne has sent the past 30 years searching for the answers to ultimate cellular health, knowing that the body is only as good as it's cells. Owner of a spa and clinic called Ultimate Products For Life in White Rock, BC, Canada, she has been directing seekers to look to their cells as the cause of all physical conditions and these same cells as the answer to reclaiming health back from virtually any degenerative issue.

Challamar will be sharing her knowledge on the power and authenticity of this revolutionary discovery

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Guest Category: Alternative Health, Physics & Metaphysics, Biology & Chemistry, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Back specialist, owner of
Guest Biography:

My Father now 95 developed the Sacro Wedgy many years ago to mimic an osteopath technique of holding the sacrum known as the keystone of the anatomy. This technique was used many years ago and is still used by a variety of therapists. Over the last 30 years I have traveled extensively demonstrating how to use the Sacro Wedgy to anyone that will listen. We started at all sports events because of my Dad's background being a football coach and trainer as he would hold the sacrum of his athletes for at least 20 minutes as taught to him by an osteopath. We use gravity to do most of the work to rebalance the muscles. After meeting many massage therapists that were also athletes we moved to massage therapy conventions which is mainly what we do now. I teach classes to therapists so they can use the Sacro Wedgy for self care and then show clients how to relax at home in between visits. This is a great self care tool and combined with the neck support we incorporate with the Sacro Wedgy creates a total balancing system.

One project we are involved with now is working with veterans suffering from back pain as well as other issues such as PTSD - I'm proud to be working with an amazing group of therapists coordinating events for veterans having speakers as well as other natural therapies.Dick Liberty has an All Things American program for veterans and the Sacro Wedgy has helped a lot of these veterans find a way to help themselves at home on a daily basis.

Our website and business is family owned and operated and all of our products are made in the USA.



Guest Category: Alternative Health, Fitness & Exercise, Self Help