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Guest Name
Hillis Pugh
Hillis Pugh Energy Facilitator, Psychic Mediumship, Reiki, and Lemurian Light Energy to co-create a deeper connection to the Soul
Guest Occupation
Soul Mentor & Energy Facilitator
Guest Biography

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Crowd Funding Campaign: Lemurian Light - Elevate Yourself Through Gratitude; Lemurian Light Publishing – Elevate Yourself Through Gratitude A New Publishing House All About YOUR Spiritual Growth

Hillis Pugh is an Author and Energy Facilitator working with modalities such as Psychic Mediumship, Reiki, and Lemurian Light Energy to co-create a deeper connection to the Soul. He is a teacher/speaker of gratitude and the Law of Attraction, and Host of Light Insight

Hillis does this work is to guide others on their path to let them know they are not alone. He mentors each soul on their path to lift them up so they can see what he sees, beyond the physical realm. We work together in universal sync of exploration of your inner-space to be expressed outwardly.

Poet |Author |Inspirational Writer |Entrepreneur | Intuitive Consultant |Philanthropist.

Hillis is the author of Awaken With Gratitude a blog and book of channeled inspirational stories and original poetry. The blog and book engage questions and provide answers on how we can open our minds to experience the gift of gratitude in every waking moment of our lives.

Hillis has become recognized as a poetic voice of self-reflection, spirituality, thankfulness, sensuality, mindfulness, and transformation. By honoring his ability as a change-agent who demonstrates giving gratitude to life-in-action is what inspires him to write. Through a variety of philosophical expressions and profound emotions, Hillis has learned how to be transparent with his work in order to share freely with the world. By practicing gratitude in his own life, he has become an unforgettable example for others to shadow.

Available Now – Awaken With Gratitude 22.99

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Awaken With Gratitude is a collection of true-to-life moments and personal perspectives threaded together in a series of internal commentary. These observations create a new awareness of self. Each theme allows a deeper understanding of how gratitude runs through every aspect of every day in each moment creating cohesion. Gratitude is more than an attitude, it is the path to feeling good, the path of acceptance, and the path of least resistance.

Available Now – Silver sPHere – 10.95

Silver sPHere is an emotionally driven work that covers many diverse aspects of life, such as love, pride, and sensuality. Using the paper as his easel and the pen as his paintbrush, Hillis creates vivid mental imagery of his life experiences and draws us into his world. He wears many masks to portray the outpouring of emotions shared through Silver Sphere. He encourages us to see life in a different light, whether it’s simple, emotional or thought-provoking. It’s the world in which we all live.