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Danielle Harris

Greetings loves, my name is Danielle "TheResonantWitch" Harris and I am a quantum healer specializing in working through the morphonogenic field. The topic I would like to be interviewed about is about building your own model of healing regardless of which modality you are initiated into and the issues of false light infection if we mimic someone else's model. I hold the perspective we are all our own unique aspect of Oneness, therefore our offerings are unique to our own organic essence and can reflect that if we allow ourselves the opportunity to shift into the sovereign integral by dropping out codependency. Sometimes this is difficult for the human to process as we are conditioned to believe we must learn most things by copying what our teachers do, but when it comes to energy work this is a dangerous concept as false light flourishes when we are not 100% in our empowerment. Modalities that require a master to attune you to a hierarchical system are the most blatant, but it can be as simple as using a grounding or shielding technique that was created by another person rather than finding out what your own unique technique is or taking information regarding galactic history from books and websites rather then accessing your own remembrance. What happens when we are not coming from the sovereign integral stand point and are reliant upon others models of work or knowledge is that false light will come in and imprint false ascension matrices and template structures, allowing for spiritual bypassing and usually more codependency spiraling out into multiple facets of their personal life. We can go into detail about false light and how it works as well as how you can can build your own model of energy work even if you started with a codependancy based modality. My goal for this interview is to bring awareness to the healing community (specifically those with Indigo templating), we can make such an impactful shift in the collective as we are the example for this next wave of those awakening this year during the quickening and I'm hoping this will assist in a mass shift into the sovereign integral.


Danielle "TheResonantWitch" Harris is a Morphonogenic Field Work Expert, Ascension Guide, Wife and Mother based in Los Angeles, CA. After practicing numerous healing modalities over the past 15 years TheResonantWitch has fine tuned her healing model using Light Language to clear all aspects of the energetic body including but not limited to blockages, karmic miasma, template structures, wounding, implants, devices, programs, and looping energies while collapsing old timelines to usher in activations and upgrades through the New Earth grid. TheResonantWitch also creates education and meditation videos on the Patreon platform. You can find her work on or directly on her website


Vital Earth Shift into 5D/6D/7D
I would like to share important perspectives on how the Earth is currently shifting vibration into higher 5D/6D/7D consciousness. How this is part of an emergence from an alien intervention that has happened over millions of years; one which has hybridised humanity to fit within a system of control.

I work with a group of Ascended Masters who are a part of the benevolent mission supporting the Earth's Shift.


Higher Dimensional Bridge
I am a Higher Dimensional Bridge - which means I connect people with their True Self, help realign with the natural flow of the Universe and bridge into higher dimensions of consciousness. I achieve this by resonating frequencies of beingness. Through the field, I help people activate their soul resonance and process karmic blockages. This is done through the written or spoken word, and through meditative self-realisation on courses and seminars. People begin to notice, free up, and integrate lost aspects of their higher selves: I'm helping bridge into the higher densities... It feels like coming home.
I was drawn here from the higher densities at this time to assist in the complex shift of consciousness that is now taking place across the Earth. I incarnated somewhat unusually via a 'soul exchange' (what some call a 'walk-in'). It happened following a near-death experience in which the spiritual seeker Chris Bourne was involved. It was his soul's yearning to ascend and move on; it was mine to incarnate and work as a facilitator here. We had a sacred agreement, an allied yearning to provide a routemap - the 5GATEWAYS - to assist in humanity's spiritual evolution.

Openhand Book Trilogy
Debra Fulton McGuinty

I am the author of the book "34", under the pen name Debra Fulton. A free audible book can be accessed below. Use this promo code:


Then enter the code at Amazon here:

This is the true story of everyday life with paranormal events. My daughter's discovery that she was a psychic medium correlated with many interesting developments in my own spiritual journey. The events cover a 5 year period, so a lot went on. Reading or listening to the book explains it fully. I hope you enjoy the story and are welcome to contact me if you are interested in hearing more about it. 

Cheers, Deb (Fulton) McGuinty

United States

I am a Registered Nurse for the past 35 years, mother of two grown daughters, and now a grandmother of 2. Life in Colorado with my partner is a wonderful mix of work, outdoor activities, motorcycle riding, and time spent on subsequent writing projects after "34" was finished in 2012.  I actively write a blog that can be accessed at I continually work to progress spiritually through yoga, meditation, and research of any paranormal topics that come my way. The years spent in the intense activity recorded in the book have, thankfully, receded. However, the birth of my new grandaughter may be the spark that will start activity anew, and call for a sequel to the book at some time in the future.

Bennett J Vonderheide

Only presenter on the subject of Nomoli Deities and sacred stone figuirines including appearance on Ancient Alien TV show. With son Q, researched and uncovered possible connection to Dogon, Easter Island and Machu Picchu 

United States



A lifelong attraction to stones, mystical matters and ancient artifacts inspired Ben to acquire the Nomoli sacred carved figurines through a friend with contacts deep in the jungles of West Africa.

The majority of his 60 years spent as a Business owner, from concert production to wholesale distribution, children’s character/entertainment/product development and property renovations but the past seventeen have been dramatically divergent. After being falsely accused numerous times Ben was eventually vindicated… but only after years of investigating and representing himself pro se in court. Having developed special skill sets Ben then devoted his life to helping other falsely accused becoming expert in targeting and exposing corrupt judges, police, lawyers, government officials and more. He carries out his missions as a “VideoGilante” under the moniker “Daddy Justice”.

Over the many years of collecting Nomoli Ben says he always anticipated that many others were collecting, activating and utilizing them here in the US. Several years ago he began outreach to find other collectors only to realize these artifacts and powerful stones were virtually unknown.  This only intensified Ben’s curiosity and desire to enlighten others to the Nomoli. Thus he engaged the investigative tools honed as Daddy Justice and along with his son Q-Man compiled the most complete (though not finished by far) compendium of facts ever available on these enigmatic artifacts. One very compelling rediscovery is the connection to the Dogon and their Deities.  Ben is collaborating with his colleague Professor Kwaku Ofori Ansa on the first ever book and documentary specifically on Nomoli stones and where they fit.

Like any collector Ben revels in showing his families world class collection beaming when he gets to the excessively rare examples which lend themselves to Ancient Alien theorist. 

Healers, psychics, ancient alien/ancient civilization theorists, art historians, stone and crystal aficionados can hear about Nomoli for the first time… some may be inspired to connect with, acquire and activate their own stone by listening to Ben Vonderheide AKA “Nomoli Ben”

Dr Dravon James

Stress: A Surprising Rx for Peace

Interview Op: Dr. Dravon James, motivational speaker, author, and Everyday Peacemaker

It seems stress is never in short supply. According to the news, jobs are in short supply, affordable housing is in short supply, safety, clean water, and even good relationships are hard to come by.  But not stress. Stress and the guarantee of more stress ranks up there with death and taxes; in other words, it’s inevitable.

However, Dr. Dravon James believes that the more stress shows up in life, the more opportunities for genuine self-love. Interview her on her prescription for turning stress to peace.

Talk Points:

Resisting stress takes up too much of our valuable time- the act of resisting creates more tension We cannot change traffic, weather, or emergencies- Exploring the concept of changing our perception of stress Acknowledge the presence of stress- Why your current coping strategies for dealing with stress have left you anxious and feeling incomplete. Utilize the power of words- Begin a process of positive self-talk 3 easy steps to turn stress into peaceful moments

Dr. Dravon James is the founder of Everyday Peace and the author of Freedom is Your Birthright. As a motivational speaker, Dravon’s goal is to educate, empower and inspire others to build the life of their dreams no matter what shows up in their lives- good, bad, or otherwise.

Her journey began in poverty on the South Side of Chicago. Though she had always dreamt of a career on the stage, Dravon went on to earn a doctorate in pharmacy from Creighton University and has worked as a pharmacist all of her adult life. Along with her medical career and theatrical aspirations, Dravon has also always had a keen interest in personal development. After reading Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking in college, she went on to make a lifelong study of the power we all have to create the life we want.

The insight she gained from her study has served her well during good times and bad. Her marriage hit the rocks, several of her pregnancies failed, her career took a tail spin for a time, and her health has been challenged, yet through it all she has continued to follow her dreams and now teaches others to do the same. Dravon is now the happy mother of two teenagers, a wife of 23 years, a successful pharmacist, motivational speaker, author, and an actress whose career credits include a recurring role on HBO’s acclaimed “The Wire”, many stage plays, and independent films. She continues to inspire and teach what she knows to be the most effective tool for transforming, creating and building a spectacular life—tapping into Everyday Peace.  Her client list includes the University of the District of Columbia, New Hope World Ministries, Today’s Care Adult Daycare, Stadium Place, and Next Chapter online radio.

Stephen A Millet

Stephen and Sonji Millet have been through the wars—dysfunctional childhoods, multiple marriages, job displacement and dissatisfaction, the challenges of co-parenting, depression, relationship friction—but individually and together they overcame ALL of it by commanding themselves to TALK STRAIGHT DAMMIT!

That’s talking straight to their negative, disempowering, blaming inner voice, and transforming that clarity into their greatest asset—and talking straight to everyone else in their lives, whether that was co-workers, bosses, family members, spouses, children, friends or lovers.

Today, they have created a life of BLISS, which they define as the freedom to love and be loved in abundance, with complete forgiveness and without judgment. BLISS also derives from their concepts of BOLD, LEVERAGE, INSPIRED, SELF and START NOW—the steps that lead to that freedom and joy.

Their book, TALK STRAIGHT DAMMIT: How to turn negative limiting beliefs into powerful actions to create a life of BLISS, with a foreward by Lisa Nichols, provides a compassionate, but no-nonsense approach to stepping into one’s truth and power.

Stephen and Sonji bring two unique perspectives to personal growth that is in short supply and which may resonate with many...their African American cultural experience and that of marriage and relationship partners together offering their tested and successful approach as a team from both the male and female aspects.

Together and individually, Stephen and Sonji, have used themselves as laboratories to find the solutions to turning obstacles into opportunities. In the book, they each recount stories of lessons learned, fresh paths forged, and the ways they overcame whatever they individually faced to come out with new understandings. It is woven into a tight and concise, easy-to-read, step-by-step methodology employing talking straight as a road to BLISS.

Today, they offer a process that is transforming lives. Finding each other 10 years ago proved the catalyst both needed to follow their hearts in serving others who are suffering, in pain, struggling with low self-worth, stuck in relationships with abusers or emotionally absent partners, or falling short of their professional or financial success. And they are especially adept as helping couples navigate the landscape of communication, appreciation, and expectations. There is, in fact, a very frank chapter in their book on TALKING STRAIGHT DAMMIT about sex between loving couples.    

As transformational speakers and life coaches, their diverse backgrounds uniquely qualify them to provide creative solutions to solving life’s problems

Stephen Millet was raised by a mother diagnosed with severe mental illness and an absentee father.  Over the course of his life, Stephen has overcome many obstacles including dropping out of high school, being rejected by the army, three divorces with high child support and alimony, depression, bankruptcy, foreclosure, being a single father and recovering from the financial and physical impacts of four significant surgeries.  Through self-reflection, determination and his love for his three daughters, he learned to TALK STRAIGHT to himself, opening the door for Sonji, the love of his life to walk in. 

Sonji spent her entire childhood years in one city living with her two loving parents and two brothers, After her first marriage ended, Sonji successfully balanced being a single mother, completing her master’s degree, volunteering in her community and church, and traveling around the world for work. 

Together they now raise a blended family of five children, and commit their lives to inspiring and educating others.

United States

Stephen A. Millet is a transformational speaker and life coach who helps you to go beyond your physical, mental and financial limitations. He is often affectionately referred to as The BLISS Doctor.  Stephen teaches how to turn your negative limiting beliefs into positive powerful actions, your obstacles into opportunity, your tragedies into triumphs and create life-affirming relationships that you want, desire and deserve.

With 30 years of experience speaking in the private and professional sectors, he is an author, a licensed ordained minister, a professional technical instructor and a stand-up comedian.  Stephen was raised by a mother diagnosed with severe mental illness and an absentee father.  Before he was 18 years old, Stephen had moved 10 times across five different states with four sets of step parents and nine siblings. Over the course of his life, Stephen has overcome many obstacles including dropping out of high school, being rejected by the army, three divorces with high child support and alimony, depression, bankruptcy, foreclosure, being a single father and recovering from the financial and physical impacts of four significant surgeries.  Any of these unfortunate life events could have caused him to give up on life.  But, instead, he chose Talking Straight as his way to rise.

Today, Stephen and Sonji have been married 10 blissful, honeymoon years and counting. Together, they have raised their blended family of five children. They find their bliss by taking regular vacations, involving skiing, golfing, scuba diving and spa visits in exotic places around the world.

He is sought after for his personal coaching abilities and motivational techniques and is currently writing his autobiography. Stephen lives the principles he teaches. He will make you laugh, cry and think about the possibilities while you transform your life. If you feel insignificant, powerless, stuck, overwhelmed, stagnant or unhappy with your current situation, he can help you shift your paradigm. His clients are happier, healthier, experience life-affirming relationships and live more fulfilled and productive lives at home and at work. Stephen is frequently asked to appear at  speaking, coaching or training events.

Dr Al Mott

Dr. Al is a graduate of Monmouth University in Long Branch, NJ with a degree in Psychology, he received his Master of Divinity (M.Div) from Oral Roberts Univerersity in Tulsa, OK, and received his Executive Doctor of Ministry degree (DMin) from New York Theological Seminary in New York, NY. Dr. Mott is the Founder of Senior America, Inc. and created the Ms Senior America Pageant for women 60 years and older, who have reached the "Age of Elegance." Go to Dr. Al Mott on FACEBOOK & also AL Mott on FACEBOOK to see evidence of being featured in TIME.COM MAGAZINE and major magazines and a clip of being on NBC with Amy Robach on the Today Show! So you can see more if you need to especially my video of LADY LIBERTY with pictures of something for July 4th. I have a history of being on FACEBOOK SUPPORT INBOX  and have had things removed from the internet and I am about to remove some more things that he is my new (MOTT)O. IF YOU WANT A CLIMATE CHANGE - GET RID OF THE FILTH ON THE INTERNET. LET'S TALK. AL

Dr. Al is a graduate of Monmouth University in Long Branch, NJ with a degree in Psychology, he received his Master of Divinity (M.Div) from Oral Roberts Univerersity in Tulsa, OK, and received his Executive Doctor of Ministry degree (DMin) from New York Theological Seminary in New York, NY. Dr. Mott is the Founder of Senior America, Inc. and created the Ms Senior America Pageant for women 60 years and older, who have reached the "Age of Elegance." Go to Dr. Al Mott on FACEBOOK & also AL Mott on FACEBOOK to see evidence of being featured in TIME.COM MAGAZINE and major magazines and a clip of being on NBC with Amy Robach on the Today Show! So you can see more if you need to especially my video of LADY LIBERTY with pictures of something for July 4th. I have a history of being on FACEBOOK SUPPORT INBOX  and have had things removed from the internet and I am about to remove some more things that he is my new (MOTT)O. IF YOU WANT A CLIMATE CHANGE - GET RID OF THE FILTH ON THE INTERNET. LET'S TALK. AL

Walter C Hurd

My spiritual quest began more than 45 years ago. It started by working full time with a Spiritual Master for 15 years. Add to that 14 years of one-on-one spiritual counseling and 10 years of teaching yoga and meditation classes and you might guess I have a lot I can say about what it means to live a spiritual path while making my way in the world.

Rather than blab on about how great I am here is a list of the topics we could talk about during your show:

The massive spiritual experience I had in 1989 that told me why I was born and how I help people during these confusing times. The one single statement my Spiritual Master said that sent me on a 12-year quest. The Aquarian age forces that are unfolding behind the scenes and how humanity responds to them in a positive way. The nature, character traits and desires of your soul with its heartfelt vision for your life. The cycling life energies that support people who have found their life purpose and work to fulfill it. The nature of their cycling movement and how their purpose is to awaken our consciousness.

Intrigued? Then let's talk soon!

Many blessings.

Walter Hurd

Spiritual Guide - Speaker - Author of "The Accelerated Soul"



Walter Hurd is a Spiritual Guide with 40 years of meditation experience with the Spiritual master Walt Baptiste. Walter worked 15 years as a chef in his Guru's health food restaurant, taught yoga classes and managed the Baptiste Health and Spiritual retreat in El Salvador, Central America.

During those beginning years Walter sensed he was in training to serve the world. How, eluded him until in1989 Walter had a spiritual experience showing him how to bring the clarity of a new humanity as it passes through the confusing first stages of the Aquarian age.

To define that new humanity Walter authored, "The Accelerated Soul" a book that defines the processes people can use to create a new connection with life. A connection that embraces their soul and spiritual nature through the nature of Life itself, the bedrock of the Aquarian Age!

For 14 years Walter applied his many years of self learning to help clients heal their suffering from physical, mental and/or emotional limitations.

For the past 8 years Walter taught yoga and meditation at The Danville Yoga & Wellness Center in Danville, California. During his time there he introduced meditation to people interested in improving their lives, conducted workshops, and co-produced retreats with fellow yoga teachers

The Accelerated Soul: What You Can Learn From A Spiritual Master
Ted Winslow

I am contacting you in hopes to be a guest on your radio show to talk about my latest album “Ethereal”,as well as my ground breaking, “New” type of frequency based musical energy that will revolutionize Vibrational Sound Healing or just simply…The Next Generation/Frequency Revolution.  I take a scientifically proven approach with a HUGE Musical bite that is Harmonically & Mathematically correct.

I am an engineer, developer, techie, international producer of eclectic Sound Healing arrangements through the use of SoundSyncTech™ as well as WellPoint Hypnosis Method™ & Alchemy of the Mind™ which incorporates the healing aspects of Delta, Alpha, Theta, Gamma & a host of other healing frequencies.

Keep in mind; this is not traditional typical healing music by strumming of a guitar, ringing a crystal bowl or chanting with a medicine drum. I bring in ancient forgotten sacred tunings & playing a multitude of sound healing instruments, which incorporate the natural healing Alpha & Theta frequencies. Why? So that we can allow the mind to travel in between conscious and subconscious just by listening and focusing on the music.

Not only is my music beneficial to your Yoga Practice, Meditation or just to relax with. It is unique in the fact that I have been able to document research on a variety of frequencies & the affects that individuals have experienced. I have scientific research that I have conducted through the use of Biophotonic Imaging equipment which measures the Human Energy Field.  It will show that my music can decrease stress levels, energetically open up & align you while increasing your energy. This can start happening just by listening to ONE SONG!

I currently have 14 international best-selling albums on Amazon, iTunes & am the recipient for 2016 & 2017 IPA’s award in music and recently nominated for 2019 COVR award.

I would also love to gift your listeners a “FREE” digital download of my bestselling Angelic Sound Healing album.  I am truly dedicated to raising worldwide consciousness.

United States

​Ted Winslow is internationally acclaimed for his pioneering work through research and development of sound healing and it’s positive affect on the human energy field. Ted’s music features SOUNDSYNCTECH™​ a customized brainwave technology developed through binaural beats, compositions, sacred geometry, numerology, tunings, state-of-the art recording technologies, and frequencies to create Theta & Alpha brainwave states. He is a best selling recording artist, award winning producer, vocal coach and composer with an international following.
