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Walter C Hurd
Your Pitch

My spiritual quest began more than 45 years ago. It started by working full time with a Spiritual Master for 15 years. Add to that 14 years of one-on-one spiritual counseling and 10 years of teaching yoga and meditation classes and you might guess I have a lot I can say about what it means to live a spiritual path while making my way in the world.

Rather than blab on about how great I am here is a list of the topics we could talk about during your show:

  • The massive spiritual experience I had in 1989 that told me why I was born and how I help people during these confusing times.
  • The one single statement my Spiritual Master said that sent me on a 12-year quest.
  • The Aquarian age forces that are unfolding behind the scenes and how humanity responds to them in a positive way.
  • The nature, character traits and desires of your soul with its heartfelt vision for your life.
  • The cycling life energies that support people who have found their life purpose and work to fulfill it. The nature of their cycling movement and how their purpose is to awaken our consciousness.

Intrigued? Then let's talk soon!

Many blessings.

Walter Hurd

Spiritual Guide - Speaker - Author of "The Accelerated Soul"



Walter Hurd is a Spiritual Guide with 40 years of meditation experience with the Spiritual master Walt Baptiste. Walter worked 15 years as a chef in his Guru's health food restaurant, taught yoga classes and managed the Baptiste Health and Spiritual retreat in El Salvador, Central America.

During those beginning years Walter sensed he was in training to serve the world. How, eluded him until in1989 Walter had a spiritual experience showing him how to bring the clarity of a new humanity as it passes through the confusing first stages of the Aquarian age.

To define that new humanity Walter authored, "The Accelerated Soul" a book that defines the processes people can use to create a new connection with life. A connection that embraces their soul and spiritual nature through the nature of Life itself, the bedrock of the Aquarian Age!

For 14 years Walter applied his many years of self learning to help clients heal their suffering from physical, mental and/or emotional limitations.

For the past 8 years Walter taught yoga and meditation at The Danville Yoga & Wellness Center in Danville, California. During his time there he introduced meditation to people interested in improving their lives, conducted workshops, and co-produced retreats with fellow yoga teachers

The Accelerated Soul: What You Can Learn From A Spiritual Master