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Gabrielle Cardona

Everyone's heard of MBTI. How many people understand functional order? Would you like to know the key to success? The key to relationships? The key to fulfillment? Functional Order. Personality strength. It's not what you think! 

When you understand yourself and the people around you, you then know what to say and do in order to be more successful. But just as importantly, you know what NOT to say and do, to avoid problems and conflicts that often exist in daily life. They never need to happen in the first place.


I am passionate about watching people succeed. People have always fascinated and entertained me.

Over the years I have studied psychology; understanding how people function in their life. I have studied sociology; how people interact with people in their life. I have studied theology; how people define things that happen in their life. 

I have been MBTI certified for 13 years and a licensed Coach for 15. I've been married for 25 years and raised 3 kids. I have life experience and formal training. True success includes both. 

Kate Okiomah


I'm reaching out on behalf of my client, Strive. Strive is a Sports Tech company that takes performance monitoring to the next level through real-time insights. I would love the opportunity for one of our team members to be a guest to explain the difference that Strive is making in training, injury prevention, and injury recovery for athletes throughout the country. Please see the biography below for more of a description of Strive. Of course, let me know any questions you have and I look forward to hearing from you.

United States

Strive Tech: This Seattle based company is rapidly growing in the athletic and military markets as a unique multi-faceted monitoring system that integrates three systems in one. Founded around the idea that comfort leads to compliance and compliance allows for consistent data collection, Strive features smart compression clothing embedded with EMG sensors as well as measuring motion via GPS, accelerometer, magnetometer and 3-Axis gyroscope. The solution integrates the measurements in a cloud based software that provides unique actionable insights and reporting via an app, web based portal, and API. Strive is currently being used in the NCAA and NFL with use cases across all areas of performance including enhancing return-to-play protocols, injury prevention, athlete profile development, training load management, and peak performance. 

Fred Wiehe

I'd like to talk about how my newest book The Collected Nightmares was born out of my own trauma and pain and how writers use their craft as therapy.


Fred Wiehe is a member of the Horror Writers Association and bestselling author of Aleric: Monster Hunter, Holiday Madness, Fright House, and The Collected Nightmares. Fred has also taught Creative Writing to children of all ages and adults.

Gail Thackray

Recently, Gail surprised us all with her latest book, “Running with Wolves,” revealing her former life as a mega business mogul at the launch of the adult Internet.

“I wanted to be authentic. I used to have a very successful adult business, but I packed it away to pursue a spiritual quest. I found meaning in speaking and helping others in the spiritual world, but I rarely talked about what I used to do.

In my teachings I talk about loving your whole-self, as our past molds who we are today. I was not a victim, and my life was strangely fun and exciting, but even I was afraid to share because of what people might think. It was important for me to embrace my past now and write my story.”

Now I want to help people to accept themselves fully, so they can release themselves from fears of the past and experience all that life has to offer.

My goal is to bring spiritual principles to the entrepreneurs and business leaders and to help spiritual followers achieve material success."

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Gail is a success coach who believes we can be both materially successful and lead a spiritually empowered life. 

She is the author of “30 Days to Prosperity: A workbook to Manifest Abundance,” “What’s Up with Your Life? Finding and Living Your True Purpose,” and several spiritual books on Natural Healing, Reiki and Developing Intuition. Gail has led groups around the world seeking inner truth and spiritual enlightenment. She is extremely intuitive helping people embrace these aspects into their daily lives.

Gail has appeared on FOX, NBC, CBS, Hallmark Channel, Home & Family, Fox & Friends, Good Morning San Diego, Good Day Today,Today Show, Channel 5 News and many more.

Tag words: Author, Medium, Healer, Pet Psychic. Spiritual tours: John of God, Psychic Healers. Reiki, Crystals, Manifesting, Intuition, Soul Purpose, Past Lives.

Email me:

Running with Wolves by Gail Thackray
David Somerfleck

I'm a Digital Marketing Specialist and business consultant with over 20 years' experience working for marketing and advertising agencies across America. I've spoken at Microsoft Headquarters, wrote for Fox Reality and AOL/Time-Warner, and have advised hundreds of businesses from tech startups and law firms to CEOs asking for help planning exit strategies.

My goal is to demystify digital marketing and business growth for those who need it most, America's small business owner, and help clarify where the two meet.


While finishing a degree in English (with an emphasis in Creative Writing) and interning at several local newspapers, I began studying web design and SEO while still in college. I soon began working with small business clients across the area and then online. Once I graduated and worked for several marketing agencies and publishers, I started freelancing as well, started a mediation nonprofit organization, then started a small digital marketing agency while still working full-time, eventually retired, then volunteered as a certified business mentor for several nonprofit agencies (including SCORE a division of the U.S. Small Business Administration) for almost a decade. I'm currently working on a book to demystify digital marketing and business planning for today's small business owner while still working with a small number of clients.

Dr Johnny Delirious
Hearing my recovery story will give new material to your show. With fresh ideas and hope your listeners will be inspired not to give up but to fight harder. Life is always more of an opportunity than it is a loss. Many people forget that. Sharing my experience of recovery as well as helping my patients live that were sent home to die, I will bring to your show front and center how lucky we really are. 
In the early 1980s I  worked with one of the first pioneers of the scientific modality – Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), finding the right diet to experience life free of disease. I then owned and managed an analysis laboratory but did not know I had life threatening hepatitis c. When I sold the business because I had no energy and went for treatment the doctors tested and examined me, I had 12 million hep c viral load and 96% scar tissue (cirrhosis). They said I would have to have a liver transplant because I had less than 6 months to live. When I choose not to get the transplant because I wanted natural therapy they said I was not thinking right and called me delirious. That was over 25 years ago. I  naturally recovered from my life threatening illness using my experience from the lab. Today, I work with several laboratories to balance the gut and balance every cell in the body. With my expert advice of 35+ years of experience as a professional in the health industry I help my patients achieve total wellness. The guessing game to achieve good health is over. There is only one Laboratory Naturopathic Doctor Johnny Delirious – The Master Survivor ™ his work is truly beyond Ph.D.
Cheryl Melody Baskin

As a dreamer and doer for seventy years, my purpose is to inspire those who dream to dream bigger dreams, those who lost their dreams along the way to use the self-healing tools in "heart-dreamer" to help them find their way again towards living their full potential, and those who never knew how to dream to use this book of wisdom, encourage, unconditional love and support to open their heart towards self-discovery and re-discovery, being reborn again into qualities of wonder, curiosity, determination, courage and resilience. I lead a facebook group of over 700 people from around the world who also want to shift and grow from inside out. I am here to invite everyone to become a heart-dreamer right along with me.


I am an author of several books, a playwright, life coach, healing and creativity arts specialist, educator, motivational speaker, voiceover artist, performing and recording artist, composer and have 9 albums that develop self-esteem, inclusion, love and hope.

"Heart-Dreamer: Stepping into Life, Love, Creativity and Dreams- No Matter What" by Cheryl Melody Baskin
Debbie Anderson

If you've ever used an oracle deck, you know that the perfect message you need to acknowledge right at that moment is always the card you draw.

This ancient communication vehicle between spirit and human consciousness has long provided guidance for living in alignment with your heart, your soul, the Universe and the purpose you deeply desire to experience. It's an unparalleled tool for helping make decisions or pointing the way to personal evolution, happiness and prosperity.

Debbie A. Anderson is one of the leading experts in North America on the use of oracle cards. Her four acclaimed gorgeously illustrated Vibrational Energy Decks for adults and children have sold more than 20,000 decks.

An internationally known clairvoyant born in England, she experienced spirit-communicating phenomenon from early childhood, saw people who had passed over, knew information about people that she could not have known otherwise, and could see future occurrences. Debbie was told that she was at risk of being institutionalized as psychotic, so she suppressed her gifts.

Venturing out gingerly, she started using the Tarot to guide friends, and she realized that it was not just the cards providing guidance, she was using her intuitive skills to augment what was on the card. At the Arthur Findley College in Stansted, Essex UK (which she says was like attending Hogwarts), during her 20s, the began to explore the mediumship side.

Eventually, spirit directed Debbie to apply those skills to creating her own decks to help people clear and enhance their personal vibrational energy. In the process, she became aware of how to guide individuals on maximizing their own intuitive skills through the use of oracle cards. 

Debbie has developed specific steps that enable anyone to get the most success out of any oracle deck, and to heighten their intuitive skills. 

Says Debbie: "Each of the 52 cards carry a message in both the imagery and the insightful definitions where they invite you to tap into your intuition to discover with open heart and mind, how to connect to do readings for yourself and others."

She maintains there are actually three easy steps:

Connect to the Question Connect to the Deck Connect to the Card

Sounds simple, right? But there are nuances that make all the difference! Debbie will advise your listeners on the optimum ways for cleansing the body first, setting intentions, shuffling the decks, selecting the cards and discerning what the card is telling you. And then how to take action.

Debbie also recognized the need for a deck to inspire positive values in children and help them connect to their higher selves. The children's deck is additionally now used extensively by adults and therapists to help give people of all ages the ability to fully express and connect with their inner child. She can speak to both of these matters in the interview as well. 

Debbie, who is now a citizen of Canada, lectures throughout the world on the use of oracle cards and vibrational energy therapy. She has been doing intuitive spiritual readings for more than 35 years around the world.

If you would like to give your listeners a powerful grounding in the use of oracle cards with Debbie A. Anderson, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details. 


It was shortly after her parents divorced, when she was 4, and sharing a bed with her mother, that Debbie A. Anderson, saw the ceiling peel back and ethereal beings of brilliant light sit on the edge of the bed. 

This was the beginning of a childhood and teen years filled with seeing, hearing and doing what others could not: having more visits by spirit beings, seeing people who had passed over, knowledge of the future, obtaining information about people that could only be obtained through her intuitive gifts, healing people with her hands, and more. 

But when told by her mother it was time to see the psychiatrist, 

Debbie’s guides painted a picture of her ending up “in a nice white coat (a straight-jacket) in a padded room,” so she suppressed what was really happening and told everyone that she was simply trying to get attention. 

Nevertheless, in young adulthood and out on her own, she was drawn to Tarot cards, and a community of like-minded people who would meet weekly for meditation, card reading and esoteric exploration. In her 20s Debbie took courses at Arthur Findley College in Stansted, Essex UK (which she says was like attending Hogwarts), and she began to give full reign to her gifts. 

Encouraged by a friend to attend a past-life regression workshop, she met Chris Lee, who was Canadian, the man who would become her husband. Moving to Canada in 1997, she took a job in the corporate world, but continued to do readings for people on the side. 

But still reluctant to leave the steady paycheck of corporate life, Debbie got a wake-up call from the Universe after a sequence of injury-causing accidents that make it difficult to work in a traditional job. She knew she was being called to step into her life as a clairvoyant and spirit communicator fully. And part of that was clear direction from her guides to start creating her own oracle decks. 

She had been traveling with her husband around Canada for his past-life regression workshops and her offering clairvoyant readings, and then in May 2013 when she published her first deck, the Vibrational Oracle Deck, she offered it for sale as they journeyed 13,000 km eastward from British Columbia. The cards were an immediate sellout, and in fact, she has to rush to print an additional 1000. 

In 2014 she added the Vibrational Earth Children Oracle for youngsters 8 and upward. More recently, she has added the I AM Vibrational and I AM Sacred Affirmation Decks. 

Today, she has sold more than 20,000 decks and is distributed in Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. She has been doing intuitive spiritual readings for more than 35 years around the world.

S Suzanne Grandon

We are living in transitional times.  Those who are awake and aware are being called to finish the task of healing and to move on to an aware conscious creator mode to help bring forth a new reality of abundance for all.  

SSuzanne's 70 years on this Earth have all been about mastering and fine-tuning these abilities.  She has been a teacher of the teachers and had occasions to seed and nurture ideas whose time have come in various places and cultures worldwide to uplift human consciousness and birth new realities.  

She is re-emerging  in a new form once again after another near death experience to assist humanity during these auspicious times.  As a mystic, SSuzanne  often transmits energies through her stories as well as channeling direct energy transmissions.  

Her gifts are many, her goal is to serve, and her choice is to say Yes to a bright abundant future for all.    


SSuzanne's intuitive gifts were open at birth, and her life course was always guided from the higher planes. She began her formal earth work at the age of 16 while traveling throughout Japan, Hong Kong, and Hawaii. She graduated from Ithaca College in Upstate New York with a BFA Degree in technical theater, television and film. In those four years she worked on over 200 shows, sometimes under the tutelage of Rod Serling, originator of The Twilight Zone. After a year in New York City working professionally in theater, she returned to Ithaca to head up Cornell University's Center for Religion, Ethics, and Social Policy's Community Art and Communications Programs. She went on to work in northern Europe, and took responsibility for her own health during a major life-altering cleanse and healing as a part of a dual union soul/twin soul exchange. Her navigation skills were later honed while living in Massachusetts working on the 12 Meter Sails for America's Cup, the largest sailboat race in the world. Ted Turner captained that year's winning boat - The Courageous. Soon after, SSuzanne taught specially gifted and challenged children during the same time she taught in country jails garnering unique perspectives in a series of unusual circumstances. SSuzanne went on to teach advanced professional specialty courses in Hypnotherapy that lead to changes in childbirth practices in order to pave the way for the wise old souls ready to be birthed. Her 8 years in Egypt offered opportunities to teach and influence practices in women and children's health alongside the country's leading psychiatrist and a well-respected doctor's clinic and later to lead spiritual group tours. She is an energy specialist who is comfortable in communicating with the seen and the unseen. SSuzanne has collected many initials for after her name, some of which at times opened doors, none of which were ever the reason for her opportunities to work. She is honored to have collaborated with artists and scientists, physicians and metaphysicians, educators, shamans, indigenous elders, wisdom-keepers, and illuminators alike ... all relations in service to Earth! SSuzanne is now once again emerging with a new form to assist in humanity's shift into a purer and more refined consciousness. She will be bringing forth projects begun years ago and shelved until it was time for them to be received well. Now is that time. RECENT SHOW: BBS Radio-TV, Nov 4, 2019 5 pm Conscious Wellness Show - Host Raymond Morris Show Title: Birthing A New Reality-Through Pure Love LINK:… Pure Hope #9 - What Is The Experience Of Pure Consciousness - Guest S Suzanne Grandon This free link to a previous interview show provides background information about what can be termed conscious dimensions to understand more fully the energies humanity is presently traversing.