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Dr Peg OConnor

Peg has been sober for 34 years. She believes that philosophy helped her to get and remain sober, but she avoided Alcoholics Anonymous for the first 20 years of her sobriety because of the concept of a “higher power.” Now, Dr. O’Connor is the author of the forthcoming book, Higher and Friendly Powers: Transforming Addiction and Suffering (Wildhouse Publications, September 1, 2022). 

In Higher and Friendly Powers, Peg O’Connor, PhD, addresses an audience much like herself: those in recovery who have struggled with the Christian-centric God at the heart of Alcoholics Anonymous. She brings our attention to a little-known fact: the term “higher power,” a touchstone in the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, was coined by William James, philosopher, psychologist, and intellectual giant of the early 20th century. 

Drawing from her expertise in addiction studies and key themes from her book, Dr. O’Connor can discuss:

•               Understanding the Concept of “Higher Power” at the Heart of the 12-Step Program 

•               Why There Must Be Multiple Paths out of Addiction and No One is the Best or Right

•               Why Needs in Recovery Change over Time

•               Are Some People More Susceptible to Addiction

•               Undertaking Spiritual Recovery in AA without a Religious Denomination

•               The Barriers People Face When Seeking Treatment for Addiction

•               How to Talk to People About Their Alcohol or Drug Use

•               Changing Your Relationships with Addictive Substances and Behaviors

•               Good Without God: Recognizing the Difference Between Spirituality and Religion  

Please let me know if you would like to connect on an interview with Dr. Peg O’Connor.

United States

Peg O’Connor, PhD, is a recovering alcoholic of 34 years and has been a Professor of Philosophy at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN for 27 years. She believes that philosophy helped her to get and remain sober. She avoided Alcoholics Anonymous for the first 20 years of her sobriety because of the concept of a “higher power.”  Dr. O’Connor is the author of the new book, Higher and Friendly Powers: Transforming Addiction and Suffering (Wildhouse Publications, 2022) and Life on the Rocks: Finding Meaning in Addiction and Recovery (Central Recovery Press, 2016). She also writes a column, “Philosophy Stirred, Not Shaken,” for Psychology Today that has nearly 2,000,000 total views and select columns have appeared in the print publication. 

Higher and Friendly Powers book cover
Judy Gaman

Author, speaker, CEO and podcast host, Judy Gaman, was so busy as a 3rd generation workaholic that she didn't even notice life was passing her by. While working on the book Age to Perfection: How to Thrive to 100, Happy, Healthy, and Wise she interviewed centenarian, Lucille Fleming. What started as a short meeting about what it took for Lucille to make it to 100, soon turned into an incredible friendship that spanned nearly four years. Lucille's wisdom, humor, and love of life completely changed the trajectory of Judy's future. In her Best-selling and award-winning memoir, Love, Life, and Lucille: Lessons Learned from a Centenarian, Judy leaves her readers laughing, crying, and finding a renewed sense of perspective. 

Here are a few things that Judy Gaman can discuss:

Forget the science, here's what the centenarians say about what it really takes to live to 100. The health pitfalls of workaholism and how to overcome it. Lucille gave Judy a new sense of perspective on the world and she's happy to pass that insight on to your listeners/viewers. The word "friend" has taken on a whole new meaning these days. Learn what it REALLY means to be a friend and to have a friend. The elderly are unburied treasure that we need to be mining while we can. Learn how having a friendship that spans generations can be mutually beneficial.
United States of America

Judy Gaman is the CEO of Executive Medicine of Texas, author of 7 award-winning books, a national speaker, and the host of the Stay Young America! podcast. She holds a BS in Health Sciences from The George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, a MSPS from GW, and a graduate certificate in Strategic Management from Harvard Extension School. Judy is featured in the media, including Fox News Radio, quite often as a Healthy Living Expert. Learn More About Judy Gaman

richard blank

1. Interpersonal Communication Conflict Management Strategy

2. Phonetic Micro Expression reading for mastering verbal tell signs.

3. The Famous Buffer-Boomerang Technique

Please feel free to accept my invitation to join your audience for a solid discussion regarding moving abroad and building a company from scratch in Costa Rica. I am available at your earliest convenience to discuss advanced telemarketing strategy, conflict management, interpersonal soft skills, customer support, rhetoric, gamification, employee motivation and phonetic micro expression reading.

Costa Rica

Richard’s journey in the call center space is filled with twists and turns. When he was 27 years old, he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers.  Richard Blank has the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America making gamification a strong part of CCC culture.Richard Blank is the Chief Executive Officer for Costa Rica’s Call Center since 2008.

Mr. Richard Blank holds a bachelors degree in Communication and Spanish from the University of Arizona and a certificate of language proficiency from the University of Sevilla, Spain. A Keynote speaker for Philadelphia's Abington High School 68th National Honors Society induction ceremony. Giving back to Abington Senior High School is very important to Mr. Blank. As such, he endows a scholarship each year for students that plan on majoring in a world language at the university level.

Dr Sharita Speed


I am Dr. Sharita Speed, I want to introduce my recently published book titled BLUEPRINTS TO UNLEASH YOUR ENTREPRENEURSHIP. This book contains eye-opening information to help new entrepreneurs such as students, young adults, or anybody looking forward to finding a successful navigation path in the business world. According to entrepreneur statistics in the united states, entrepreneurs established 5.4 million new businesses in 2021. This iconic statistic reflects not only the growth of entrepreneurship so far in the economy but also the benefits and impact of diving into entrepreneurship. Blueprints To Unleash Your Entrepreneurship was written based on my experience encountered as a new entrepreneur. I aim to disseminate every piece of information in this book to everyone to get them inspired, motivated, guided, and aware of what it really takes to begin a business in the United States.

United States

Author, Inspiring Business Coach, Entrepreneur, and Dynamic Motivational Speaker, Dr. Sharita Speed, is dedicated to assisting people with life-changing resources, methods, and practical techniques that can lead them to their authentic purpose. While being a Mother, with a wealth of knowledge in business and Finance, she is the Author of, Introducing, “JoJo The CEO, JoJo The CEO & The Unexpected Virus” and founder/CEO of DrS Consulting Group LLC.

A native of Helena-West Helena, AR, she grew up in a world where hardly anyone believed in her even in her family. Sharita spent most of her childhood in these pains of caring for herself but used them as a stepping stone to overcome these odds. With these practical life experiences, she is challenged to help people boost their self-confidence and be willing to embrace success. Sharita has made it her ultimate life’s mission to help individuals understand the importance of Entrepreneurship, Financial Planning, and Financial Responsibility. With her vast knowledge in the finance industry, she is dedicated to assisting people to become more informed and take charge of their financial lives.

An astute Businesswoman & Author, she owns three businesses and brings over decades of experience working with High Impact Business-driven environments. Dr. Sharita is a result-driven, community leader who holds a Doctorate in Accounting, Masters of Business Administration, and Bachelors in Business Administration with a minor in Finance from various elite universities.

Ed Smink PhD

“In 2020, 23% of American caregivers said caregiving had made their own health worse.” ~ AARP ‘Caregiving: The Growing Crisis that Everyone Must Face (May-2022)’ The implications of caregiver burnout are far reaching. Dr. Smink will help your listeners identify the early signs of compassion fatigue and provide actionable steps to self-care. Dr. Edward Smink was a caregiver for over forty years as a registered nurse, chaplain, pastoral counselor, and executive leader. As a survivor of PTSD, compassion fatigue, and burnout, Ed’s choices to move forward and seek opportunities for growth ultimately led him to creating a coaching for caregivers practice. Caregiver burnout and compassion fatigue are at an all-time high and the reality is that most of us will at one time or another be thrust into the role of caregiver. Whether it’s a family member or friend needing help, having access to self-care skills as a caregiver are essential for developing compassion resilience. Newly revised, The Soul of Caregiving reveals how reflection itself can prove to be an extraordinary source of power. Insights gained from reflection strengthen one's confidence and develop a practice of self-care, a key to resilience. In preparation for your interview with Dr. Smink, we would like to offer you a complimentary review copy in the format you prefer (kindle, print, or audiobook). Ed’s one-sheet is also available with program suggestions and interview questions. Thank you for your consideration. Katrina Marsh Wise Media Group PR

Edward Smink, the founder of The Soul of Caregiving Coaching Practice, is an in-demand speaker, coach, and author of The Soul of Caregiving, A Caregiver’s Guide to Healing and Transformation. Edward holds an Associate Degree in Nursing from Newton Junior College, a BA in Psychology from Boston College, an MA in Counseling Psychology, a MA and  PhD in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. He is a former Registered Nurse, Healthcare Executive in Mission, Values, Spirituality, Ethics, End of Life Care, and Community Health. He holds titles as a Board-Certified Chaplain with the National Association of Catholic Chaplains and is an Associate Coach with the International Coaching Federation.

The Soul of Caregiving (Revised edition)
Kayla and Kourtney of Goal Achiever Inc

Please consider Goal Achiever Inc., providing scholarship awards and school donations to students across the USA as well as charity donations to cancer awareness foundations. The concept launched around the simple idea of goal-setting and achievement by rewarding members for creating and completing goals through a state-of-the art platform and an "Inspiring Story" podcast, which focuses on members sharing their stories. Launched by two Black powerhouse female entrepreneurs and their father, Goal Achiever Inc. donates proceeds to educational and charitable initiatives, promoting any kind of business looking to give back across the country. Inspired by the loss of their cousin Terri Large at 18 years old due to cancer, who achieved her goal of finishing her education before her death, Kayla and Kourtney Ainsworth can comment on the following hot topics:

-Their process in funding endless amounts of school donations, scholarships and charities and how they find the organizations and schools in need

-The founder's (Kederio's) niece Terri Large who was diagnosed at 10 and passed away with brain cancer at 18, but never stopped setting goals and achieving them, and how this inspired the formation of the company to help others in need.

-How their upcoming podcast: Inspiring Stories, School Talk and Entrepreneurial Talk will highlight their participating members, educators and sponsors this May, motivating members to set goals and achieve them.

Kayla says, "Terri Large's legacy has allowed Goal Achiever Inc. to inspire the nation by providing a platform to help set goals and to be heard. Our system is set up so that members can stay on track with their goals, allowing them to create daily reminders and participate in our friendly mobile app game to win cash rewards towards their aspirations. Sponsors can obtain brand recognition simultaneously, while supporting a program that gives back.”

Every Thursday, the company hosts a cash reward giveaway to the lucky winner(s) and in January 2022, they successfully presented their first $500.00 scholarship award. For nearly a decade, The Terri Large: Keeping the Faith Scholarship Award has been awarding Senior Students at Rancho Cucamonga High School. (founded by mother Keysha)


United States

Kayla and Kourtney are two sisters that both graduated from CSU Northridge with a Bachelor Degree in Communications and they’re both mothers. Kayla and Kourtney’s father Kederio is the founder of Goal Achiever Inc. a business dedicated to helping others and giving back. Their story was inspired by their late cousin Terri Large who passed away at the age of 18 years old due to a rare brain cancer. Terri’s vision was to help those in need. A decade later Kederio wanted to carry out Terri’s vision and help a massive number of individuals by hearing their inspiring stories and helping them achieve their goals. Kayla and Kourtney have been honored to be working side by side with their father and to take charge on getting 1 million goal setting individuals across the United States to be a part of an inspirational movement “Goal Achiever 1 million”.

Steven Machat

Despite the advancements in technology, wisdom and knowledge, there are some questions which continue to perplex mankind just as they have done for centuries. What is the meaning of life? What happens when we die? How did we get here? Who's really in control?

It is precisely these questions that prompted 'Renaissance man' Steven Machat to embark on an epic lifelong quest spanning five decades to find out the truth, the results of which are documented in their entirety for the first time ever in his latest mind-blowing book, ‘We’ve got to get out of this place’.

In what is Steven’s tenth book, We’ve got to get out of this place! explores the smoke and mirrors that surround humanity, religion and philosophy, revealing the truths that remain hidden in plain sight. He delves deep into the exploration of Earthly death, ascension and reincarnation and draws convincing research-based conclusions to five of the most significant questions for mankind, including, 'what happens after we die?'

No stone is left unturned in Steven’s quest for the truth about life, death and what comes next. Multi-dimensional travel, quantum physics and metaphysical truths are all carefully considered, as is a thorough analysis of the ancient, mystical Emerald Tablets and insightful communications from energies who exist beyond the Earthly realm.

For anyone looking for a challenging and mind-altering read that will question everything they’ve ever thought to be true, We’ve got to get out of this place! will not disappoint. It is the perfect companion for anyone who is curious about spirituality and who knows in their gut that there is more to this thing called life than what those in positions of power or influence are telling us.

For readers who feel compelled to look way beyond the confines of religion and societal norms, and to understand the truth behind so many of the traditions, assumptions and beliefs that shape modern-day life, this book is a must.

Steven’s impetus when writing this book was simply to encourage people to expand their thinking, ignite the spark of curiosity and explore life a little more deeply.

“This book is my life studies of: 'what is life about and where do we go from here?' If nothing else, I pray this book opens your mind and allows you to go beyond the portal of your third eye, the eye that sees beyond the physical body existence and gets you to understand what this life is about and what comes next,” explains Steven.

United Kingdom

Born and raised in NY City, Steven Machat is one of the world's most successful entertainment moguls and owner of SSK Records, SSK Productions and the School of Sacred Knowledge. He is the author of ten books and has lectured at over 80 universities, colleges and schools including Oxford and Cambridge, He has also appeared at musical festivals and book fairs in more than 100 countries.

Front cover of Steven Machat's tenth book 'We've got to get out of the place' displayed on a coffee table
Tisha Jackson

please consider author LeTisha Jackson’s “Woman to Woman: Letters from Wives to Mistresses,” surrounding women being fed the false narrative that the future looks female. LeTisha turns the concept of ‘sisterhood’ on its head by watching it crumble at the hands of women who desire married men, making them complicit in tearing apart another woman's family and forgetting where loyalties lie. Award-winning Journalist & TV Host Bridget Smith says it's "a freshly written exploration" of an old taboo topic and Jackson can comment on the following:

-The modern-day role of the mistress as a destructive betrayal of the sisterhood cliche.

-An inside look at a wife’s devastation, inviting both wives AND mistresses to speak through letters they wrote for the book and how she coordinated it.

-How the book taps into the uncomfortable, yet necessary, arena of meaningful female conversations to get on the road to healing themselves and their sisterhood. 

-How to handle/what to do if the mistress reaches out to you.

-How she got book reviews from celebrities and high profile women including USA Today best-selling author, Kecia Bal, Star of "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" Mimi Faust, R&B Singer and star of "Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood" Teairra Mari and Grammy-nominated Songwriter Shirley Hanna-King.

So, are you your sisters' enemy? According to the book, your resounding answer after reading will be ‘Never again!’

“Woman to Woman” is not just the title of the book, but the 3 words Letisha’s former husband’s mistress said to her, making the mistress just as guilty of betrayal as her own spouse. Journaling her reactions and notes to the situation is what evolved into the weaving of “Woman to Woman: Letters from Wives to Mistresses.” Jackson’s personal experience shines a light on the negative dynamics between women that needs to be resolved to create security in modern day sisterhood.

LeTisha says, “My message and mission with this book is to change the negative dynamics within the female community to strengthen global sisterhood. I believe mistresses today know something that mistresses of yesterday didn't; that they hold the power in these illicit affairs! So, the issue is no longer the betrayal from husband to wife, but the betrayal from ‘woman to woman,’ making it clear that there is no healing without personal accountability from all parties…wives included.”

This book will help put an end to the ultimate betrayal of women CHOOSING to step into the role of mistress, which devastates wives and their families, in a constant cycle of mistrust, competition and back-stabbing, passed down to the younger sisters who are to become the next generation of women.

For press inquiries, media interviews, book requests and more, please contact Kat at or call 3054905911.

Be sure to check LeTisha out on her upcoming interview with Kristina Guerrero on "theLIST" TV show airing May 4th, 2022. Check your local listings. 

For more information, please visit the following:

Website URLs:

Facebook: @womantowomanloyalty

Twitter: @AuthorYay

Instagram: @letishasjackson




TV clips:

CW33 Dallas

FOX21 News Colorado

United States

More about:

LeTisha Jackson is the oldest of four siblings born in Detroit MI. After several years of pageant wins and a semi-successful modeling career, she would take her love of the limelight to California where she resided for 21 years. Now residing in Arizona, LeTisha is a talented writer offering “Woman to Woman: Letters from Wives to Mistresses” as her first of several projects, to spark a long overdue conversation where women can speak honestly with one another to rebuild female compassion, support and ultimately, loyalty.

Eva Mariam

About seven years ago, I prayed an intense prayer for the world. I had just seen something on the news that had upset me and I prayed intensely to Mother Mary. I asked how to turn our world around and how to relieve the suffering of so many. Suddenly I heard a soft feminine voice: “I cannot do it for you” the voice said. “But I can show you how”.

With these words a beautiful, exciting and transformative journey started. A journey I would like to invite you for by sharing my music and by sharing my story.

My album Awake

After this prayer, I started to receive songs, sometimes accompanied with a vision and information about the meaning of the song. The songs are part of my own awakening process and I have been receiving them, recording them, polishing them (with Producer and Musician Eric Van Den Brink) for the past five years. With every major step in my own process I received or wrote a new song about how we, humanity, can heal the deepest parts of ourselves, and restore the brother- and sisterhood of mankind. I receive many beautiful reviews on my album. People share that they feel the healing energy within the songs.

I also published a workbook to go with the album so that people can deepen their experience with the songs through meditation/visualization, reading about the meaning of the songs, reading about the visions/messages from my guides and through journalling.


I have been writing songs since I was fifteen years old. After years of performing in the Netherlands and abroad, I pursued a different kind of career as an entrepreneur and nutritionist. But during a time of spiritual awakening, new songs and different lyrics started to flow through me. These new songs are mostly about a new world, about new possibilities for our world.

More and more I was tapping into a spiritual reality beyond our everyday experiences. In this realm I experienced the harmony and unity of all beings. And as I continue to align to this reality, I experience the presence of many loving guides who support humanity in what I believe to be The Great Change. They join me in the creation of my songs. Sometimes indirectly in the form of inspiration or directly with a song that carries their message. These are messages of hope, of love, of unity. To bring back to us the memory of who we truly are.

Mariam works together with musician/music producer Eric Van Den Brink, whose work includes productions with artists such as Gerry Beckley (America), David Paton (Pilot, Alan Parsons Project, Kate Bush, Elton John), Blondie Chaplin  Beach Boys, Rolling Stones), Probyn Gregory (Brian Wilson Band), The Monkees and Paul Jones (Manfred Mann). He also created remixes for Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band, Mason, a.o., and engineered tracks with Jan Akkerman, and Herman Brood with Dick Dale, Nina Hagen, Hans Dulfer & Candy Dulfer.

Album Awake