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Guest Occupation: Doctor Healer
Guest Biography:

ROBBI CAMPBELL is a Native American born in Fairbanks, Alaska and grew up in Cheyenne, Wyoming.  She attended the University of Wyoming, graduated from Northwestern University. Graduated Rush Medical College, Chicago.  Practiced surgery at Illinois Masonic Hospital, Internal Medicine at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona. 

Robbi is now retired but offers natural therapies without pharmaceuticals and natural prevention.  She has always warned people about the dangers of vaccines, antibiotics, chemotherapy, radiation and unnecessary surgery, which did not make her popular with the lords of orthodox medicine.  She has paid a severe price for this heresy.

Founded with her husband and Rebecca Carley, MD the American Defense Party.

Please visit:

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, News, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Founder & CEO Evolve Now
Guest Biography:

Susan grew up in NYC, where she taught teens in a Brooklyn ghetto. She has been facilitating workshops, retreats, and individual sessions for over 35 years.  She has over 10 years of extensive training in Gestalt Therapy, Encounter, Rebirthing, and several yoga and meditation techniques.  Susan has parented 3 children, who are all thriving and vibrant adults.  She has also fostered teens at risk.  Throughout her life she has sought insight, mentors, and experiences that have broadened her abilities and depth of humanness.

This is what Susan has to say about her work:

“All of the workshops and offerings of EVOLVE NOW are based on the premise that it is within each of us that the greatest treasures in this world are to be found.  Inside, we find rest, tranquility, real happiness and satisfaction.  In that place lives the genuine confidence in our innate value as human beings.  We are able to become benevolent authorities in our lives. In that way we become a gift to everyone and everything we touch.”   

Guest Category: Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Author, Facilitator and Inspired Speaker
Guest Biography:

Dolphin grew up in Vancouver BC.  For as long as he can remember he has been a passionate student of life and the human condition.  He loves the opportunity to share and grow with people through his work and brings a clarity, sensitivity and playfulness to it.  With over 15 years of experience coaching and facilitating workshops to tens of thousands, Dolphin is a beautiful combination of insight and action.   He is constantly inviting others to join him in a more authentic life; the one that we all are here to live.

“I do this work because of my strong belief and trust in each person’s ability to heal, grow and live a deeply satisfying life.  We cannot do it all, or fix everything.  We can, however, do the good that is there to be done in this moment.  In that, we can be the ripple that touches the entire surface of the earth “ ~ Dolphin Kasper

Guest Category: Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Lawyer
Guest Biography:

On May 2, 2013, Ann Hume Loikow of D.C. Statehood - Yes We Can! testified before the D.C. Council's Government Operations Committee on the need for the D.C. Office of Policy and Government Affairs to actively work with D.C. statehood activists on passage of the New Columbia Admission Act and on the need for the Council to enact Bill No. 20-0171, the District of Columbia Statehood Advocacy Act of 2013, to properly fund our statehood effort and compensate our statehood delegation.

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Blogger, Activist, Writer
Guest Biography:

CAREY WEDLER is the girl whose Youtube video went viral with near a million hits in a week's time.

Her video WATCH IT NOW shows her torching her Obama Shirt and ennumerating many reasons why she feels Obama betrayed her and millions of Americans who voted for him.  Please also see Carey's latest video: How I became a "self-hating Jew"

As you can see by the bio below, Carey is more than just a pretty face:

CAREY WEDLER is a political activist, writer, and blogger born and raised in Los Angeles. After several misadventures in Hollywood and the film industry, she began writing a book about the inanity of the media, celebrity culture the effects both have on young girls and women. In the process, she became an active libertarian, raising awareness about government violence, corruption, collusion with corporations,and intrusion into the lives of individuals all over the world.

To combat these ills, she promotes peace,non-violence, voluntary interaction and love for all of humanity (she's also a yoga teacher-in-training). Her book will be released later this year as she continues to produce Youtube videos, blogs, and popular enthusiasm to stand up to egregious, shameless violations of human rights.

Guest Category: News, Philosophy, Politics & Government
Guest Biography:

MARK KLEIN is the whistleblower who exposed AT&T’s participation in the National Security Agency’s illegal warrantless spying on millions of Americans.  Klein grew up in New York City and in 1962 entered Cornell University’s School of Engineering. As the 1960s exploded in social upheaval he was moved with his generation to investigate society and graduated in 1966 with a B.A. in history. Later he returned to technical school, obtaining certificates in electronics and computers which led to employment in computer manufacturing in the 1970s.  He was hired by AT&T in 1981 as a communications technician and worked for the company for over 22 years. In 2003, he discovered the illicit NSA installation in San Francisco and three years later brought it to public attention. He retired from AT&T in May 2004, and now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife.

ABOUT MARK KLEIN'S BOOK: Wiring Up The Big Brother Machine...And Fighting It

Whistleblower Mark Klein tells the story of the illegal government spying apparatus installed at an AT&T office by the National Security Agency, and his battle to bring it to light and protect Americans’ 4th Amendment rights. After the New York Times revealed in 2005 that the NSA was spying on Americans’ phone calls and e-mail without Constitutionally-required court warrants, the Bush administration openly defended this practice which also violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. All details of the highly secret program remained hidden from the public—until Klein came forward. A technician for over 22 years at telecom giant AT&T, Klein was working in the Internet room in San Francisco in 2003 and discovered the NSA was vacuuming everyone’s communications into a secret room, and he had the documents to prove it. He went to the media in 2006, and then became a witness in a lawsuit brought against the company by the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Whistleblower and Documentary Filmmaker
Guest Biography:

BEN BLUM is a 13 year old documentary filmmaker who lives in San Rafael, CA. He is an 8th grader at Saint Mark's School, also in San Rafael. His latest video, Data Obsession, focuses on the overuse of government surveillance in the U.S, and won second place in the national C-SPAN StudentCam competition; out of over 5,000 people. In addition, he runs a highly acclaimed Youtube channel, which has accumulated over 1.1 million views and 4,000 subscribers.  His channel can be accessed at   He is passionate about U.S. history, current events, and foreign affairs.  Currently, he is working on a documentary relating to human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Ben's school - Saint Mark's - is so proud of Ben and wants everyone to know that Ben is a product of his environment as you can tell from Saint Mark's description:

"For over a decade Saint Mark's media and information literacy program has fostered in students the ability to understand information, interpret meaning and communicate with others across multiple forms of media, from novels to news, from writing an essay to producing a video. This innovative program, honored by the National Association of Independent Schools with a Leading Edge Award, raises students' awareness of how mass media influences individuals and society.

Students learn to identify and deconstruct the codes and conventions media use to sell, persuade, entertain and educate. They also learn fundamental critical thinking, communication, research and technology skills, along with how to use the power of voice to make a difference in the world."

Please visit Ben's Youtube Channel to view his award winning CSPAN StudentCam film and other works:

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government