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Guest Biography:

Each of us lives with insecurity—the prospect of losing a job, physical illness, emotional suffering, divorce, the death of loved ones, our own mortality. When we feel our lives may be falling apart or risk being overrun by these powerful emotions, we long to connect to who we truly are, to know the certainty and peace that comes from our core, because only then can we face—and surmount—life’s challenges. A contemporary thought leader who has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Network’s Super Soul Sunday, Panache Desai calls upon us to harness the power of our authentic selves through our unique soul signature—our spiritual DNA—and be guided by our true purpose. In his first book, DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL SIGNATURE he gives readers a day-by-day spiritual roadmap to confront negative emotions and overcome them energetically, in a way that allows us to tap into a deeper sense of worth and well-being.

Guest Category: Spiritual
Guest Biography:

Nic Askew is a former Managing Director who took a u-turn to become a film maker and poet. He has spent the last decade exploring the capturing of the human soul on film. Somewhere in those depths ~ the causes of much of what happens in our lives lie far deeper than we imagine. Yet we seldom look far enough beneath the surface. The films, words, observations and unprotected conversations of Nic Askew consider the many elements of our lives, work and society at an unusual depth. And in doing so, opens our eyes wide to what people and organizations might become. To what we might become.

Guest Category: Arts, TV & Film
Guest Biography:

Soleilmavis Liu is a Chinese citizen, born and raised in China in a rural area.

She was first attacked in December, 2001 by remote voice to skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies when she was studying for a Master`s Degree in Australia. At the time, she was unfamiliar with mind control technologies. Eventually, she came to learn of these technologies that are being secretly used or covered up by governments worldwide to control and harass the populace.

With the evidence that she used to be controlled by remote voice to skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies, and she was taken into the USA Embassy in HongKong, She worked hard to seek justice by exposing these horrible crimes to the public, which - if not exposed and publicized – in the future humanity would no longer know the meaning of physical inviolability and privacy.

Guest Category: News, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Spiritual, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Spiritual Intutive Healer
Guest Biography:

A Divine channel that writes the most magnificent invocations.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Angel Communication, Medium & Channeling, Divination, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Professor of Biology, Stanford University Medical School
Guest Biography:

Michael Levitt, Ph.D, is an American-British-Israeli biophysicist and a professor of structural biology at Stanford University, a position he has held since 1987. His research is in computational biology and he is a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Levitt received the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, together with Martin Karplus and Arieh Warshel, for "the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems". Michael Levitt was born in Pretoria, South Africa, to a Jewish family from Plungė, Lithuania; his father was Lithuanian and his mother was of Czech descent. He attended Sunnyside Primary School and then Pretoria Boys High School between 1960 and 1962. The family moved to England when he was 15. Levitt spent 1963 studying applied mathematics at the University of Pretoria. He attended King's College London, graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics in 1967. In 1967, he visited Israel for the first time. Together with his Israeli wife, Rina, a multimedia artist, he left to study at Cambridge, where his three children were born. In 1979, he returned to Israel and conducted research at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, becoming an Israeli citizen in 1980. He served in the Israeli Defense Forces for six weeks in 1985. In 1986, he began teaching at Stanford, and since then has split his time between Israel and California. Levitt holds American, British and Israeli citizenship (he is the 6th Israeli to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in under a decade). Levitt spends time every year in Israel, where his wife and children live.

Guest Category: Medicine, Science, Biology & Chemistry
Guest Occupation: Linguist, Actress, Model, Hypnotherapist, Healer
Guest Biography:

Born and raised in Europe, Anna moved to the United States at 13 years old, where she quickly adapted to her new life and home. After graduating high school in 2001 in Glendale CA, she attended Cal State Northridge, where she graduated Cum Laude in 2005 with a BA in Linguistics, and an emphasis in German. Part of her college experience involved living as a foreign exchange student in Germany for one year, thus learning a new language and expanding her understanding of culture and worldview. After college she went on to pursue her dreams of acting and modeling, which she did for over 6 years. During this time she felt spiritually un-fulfilled, and so invested in her spiritual and creative endeavors, thus pursuing a path to Enlightenment. During her training as a Hypnotherapist in 2008, Anna delved deeper into her natural healing abilities that she was born with, and anchored her intuitive knowledge with certificates in Reiki and Theta energy healing, EFT, hand writing analysis and specializing in Past Life Regression hypnosis. In 2009 she graduated from the accredited Hypnosis Motivation Institute of Tarzana with a certificate in Hypnotherapy. Since then she has been seeing clients regularly and fully committed herself to a career of healing work.

“This is the most wonderful and rewarding job I can imagine. Having been born with a deep love for Spirit and people, I see the divine in each and everyone. Through my education and studies of human behavior I have learned to unlock the mind and bring about healing. The human body and mind are the result of the past, which can be easily healed with intention, hypnosis and various energy healing modalities. I believe that the only limiting factor is ourselves, and that we truly can achieve anything and everything we put our minds to and have the will to pursue. I am grateful for having discovered Hypnosis, as it has truly changed my life, and I like to offer it to as many as possible to positively change theirs” ~Anna

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Biography:

Albert Einstein is most famous for proving the relationship between Time and Space, known as the Law of Relativity or E=MC². The power concealed within the core of that remarkable theory has been incorporated into a dynamic approach to living called the Personal Time-Map System now being introduced to the world at by Rev. Thabiti, the system’s inventor.

“Where” a given person is right now can be mapped out geographically, but “when” that person exists is a function of their Personal Time-Map. Personal Time-Mapping (PTM) does not predict which direction a person will choose, but it does reveal what will happen—or what someone might expect—as he or she moves through each new time period on that person’s Time-Map. The Time-Map shows an individual’s movement through time in the same way a map of a country would show that same individual’s movement through space.

Join us for a fascinating discussion on The Personal Time-Map System — An Holistic Approach to Helping Guide Life’s Decisions

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Chef, TV Host, Author
Guest Biography:

Born in 1956, Anthony Bourdain attended Vassar College and graduated from the world-renowned Culinary Institute of America. He began running New York kitchens at restaurants such as Supper Club, One Fifth Avenue, and Sullivan’s.  His extensive body of work has graced the pages of The Times, New York Times, Observer, the Face, and Scotland on Sunday. He is an ongoing contributor and authority for Food Arts magazine.

Tony currently lives in Manhattan and works as executive chef of Brasserie Les Halles.  Bourdain’s fictional works include two crime novels – 1997′s Gone Bamboo and Bone in the Throat in 1995.  Two years later, The New Yorker published Tony’s scathing exposé of NYC restaurants Don’t Eat Before Reading This to incredible review. The article’s success both in the U.S. and overseas would serve as the catalyst and basis for Bourdain’s hugely successful Kitchen Confidential:

Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly. In 2002, the Food Network debuted what would become a twenty-two episode series featuring Bourdain circling the globe and feeding his adventure eating habit with the most extreme cuisine the world had to offer. The inspired bestselling book, A Cook’s Tour In Search of the Perfect Meal, met with huge success in the United Kingdom and the United  States. 

Two years later in October of 2004, Bourdain released the Anthony Bourdain’s Les Halles Cookbook: Strategies, Recipes, and Techniques of Classic Bistro Cooking. With over one hundred recipes, Tony provides the secrets to some of his best recipes in typical bawdy fashion.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Travel & Leisure, TV & Film