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Guest Biography:

Geoff about himself:

Ive been employed in two Enforcement Jobs, both with the Government in Canada. I have also had UFO encounters, two Near Death Experiences and some ET Contact, I have done numerous Interviews which can be found on Youtube under Geoffrey Faulkner. I live in Northern California and am now writing two books on my life experiences with the Spiritual and ET side of Life. How the Gorvenment is covering up our Truth. not only about our history but for many, their own Identity. I have had my Personnel Records erased by the Government yet, I still have safely put away my training certificates to validate my employment. I will be Speaking this year at various locations so please watch for my posts, I am also on Facebook under Geoff Faulkner. I am availalbe for Speaking Engagements and can be contacted either on fb or email.

Guest Category: Cosmology, History, UFOs, Near Death Experiences, Access Consciousness, Medium & Channeling, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Certified Life and Mind Coach, Holistic Astrologer
Guest Biography:

Oksana's Bio:

Reflecting her versatile and curious nature, Oksana’s formal education consists of degrees in Fine Arts and in Business Economics. Furthermore, she has been studying various aspects of Metaphysics for over a decade. Those areas of study and expertise include: conscious and sub-conscious mind, Universal Laws, creation and manifestation of reality, mind’s effect on health and reasons for dis-eases, dream interpretation, working with energy, concentration, meditation, techniques of visualization, thought projection, and many more. In addition, she is an avid technologist and analyst, having had a successful career in the Information Technology sector prior to becoming a certified Life Coach and Spiritual Guide (CLC) and a Mind Coach.

She has always been driven to help others with attaining their full potential, actualizing dreams, and becoming balanced and happy. Her Dharma is that of Serendipity, which, in a nutshell, means that Oksana often finds herself in such circumstances where she can successfully assist people with attaining personal awakening and leads them toward realizing their potential. Hand in hand with her Dharma exists her ability to recognize talents and gifts in others, which she uses purposefully as part of her service to people.

She draws personal inspiration from working with people and watching them progress and succeed while getting in touch with their inner selves and achieving happiness. She has a joyful, optimistic and constructive mindset. Oksana has a unique and consciously developed ability of clarity of mind as well as keen intuition which allow her to see and perceive connections between people, events and more intangible phenomena on multiple levels and understand how they fit together on a more global scale.

Oksana is the founder, CEO and the President of Joyfulness at Solful Gifts, Inc. Her biggest desire and life’s purpose is to help thousands of people to become whole-functioning, self-realized and happy.

Lucy's Bio:

Lucy’s formal education consists of a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy. Much like Oksana, she is an experienced technologist with a successful career in the corporate world. She is a lover of ideas and concepts spanning a wide range of areas, applying her broad theoretic knowledge in the physical world.

Lucy’s Dharma is that of Beauty and Symmetry. She is able to recognize and reconcile the dual in the Whole, thus resolving conflicts and struggles – be they rooted in ideology or reality, bringing peace and balance into her environment. She sees beauty in all people, objects, and events, and it is recognition of this order that inspires her to create and to communicate it to others, helping them acknowledge and appreciate beauty within themselves and the world around. Lucy’s love for symbolism implicit in everything around has led her to pursue exploration of such fields as Astrology.

Sharing the goal of helping others unleash their full potential and having just the right balance of common and complimentary traits with Oksana, Lucy happily joined in the founding of Solful Gifts, Inc.

Guest Category: Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Motivational, Numerology, Astrology, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer
Guest Occupation: Yoga Teacher/Author
Guest Biography:

RAJASHREE CHOUDHURY was born in Kolkata, India, and started her yoga training at the urging of her parents at age four. She was a five-time winner of the National Indian Yoga Championship from 1979 to 1983.

With over 15 years in the East and 25 years in the West, Rajashree’s special focus has been on the emotional side of yoga and how yoga balances the energy of the human body and impacts not only disease, but also affects the body/mind/soul connection which constitutes vibrant health.

She also helped her husband create the highly successful Teacher Training program after more than ten years of teaching yoga in the United States. She conducts seminars on yoga and personal development worldwide. She also teaches her highly-acclaimed and has a DVD Pregnancy Yoga Classes.

Rajashree has appeared on many national television programs in the United States and abroad doing seminars worldwide promoting the countless benefits of yoga. In conjunction with the International Yoga Asana Championships, now in its tenth year, she has founded the USA Yoga Federation, a non-profit organization formed to facilitate her goal of yoga ultimately being accepted as Sport. Most recently her mission is to help women in crisis of all ages and nationalities. She has been active in many charitable organizations over the years including Karma for Kids, dedicated to helping children with cancer, Uprising yoga, helping child victims of sex trafficking, and Parikrama, educating slum children in India.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: medium, teacher, spiritual adviser
Guest Biography:
Maureen Allan is a highly gifted Medium, Master Channeler and Spiritual Teacher.  She helps individuals find peace and closure by connecting them with loved ones who have passed on, as well as channeling personal guidance and loving messages from their Spirit Guides and Angels. Maureen is also the Host of the internet radio show "Spiritual Enlightenment – Advancing One's Wisdom", which airs weekly on Tuesday's at 4pm PST on VoiceAmerica's 7th Wave Channel.
Dedicated to her path of bringing about spiritual enlightenment and development, Maureen has a reputation for her integrity, delivering clear messages, and her incredible connection to the spirit world.    She has helped thousands of people locally and internationally through readings, psychic classes, healings, spiritual events, ghost clearings, and missing person and other investigative work.
Guest Category: Education, Religion, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: School Teacher, Writer, Education Activist, Scholar, Blogger
Guest Biography:

Mercedes Schneider is a Louisiana public school teacher and education activist who holds a Ph.D. in applied statistics and research methods. Schneider blogs regularly on both local and national education issues on her own education blog,, and can be reached via email at

Her new book "The Chronicle of Echoes: Who's Who in the Implosion of American Public Education" is now available on! Here is a brief description of the book:

“Corporate reform” is not reform at all. Instead, it is the systematic destruction of the foundational American institution of public education. The primary motivation behind this destruction is greed. Public education in America is worth almost a trillion dollars a year. Whereas American public education is a democratic institution, its destruction is being choreographed by a few wealthy, well-positioned individuals and organizations. This book investigates and exposes the handful of people and institutions that are often working together to become the driving force behind destroying the community public school.

Schneider has exposed the corruption, greed and entangling of self-interests that underlie the attempt of the mega-corporations to grab billions of tax-payer dollars that are appropriated for America’s K-12 public schools. She puts the names and faces on the movement that Diane Ravitch documented in “Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s Public Schools.” There are no “must reads” anymore. There are just a handful of “should reads”: “A Chronicle of Echoes” is at the head of that list.

Guest Category: Education, Kids & Family, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Molecular Medicine
Guest Biography:

My second guest, Dr. Albert Mensah is an internationally recognized physician-specialist in metabolic treatment approaches for patients with developmental, learning/behavioral and mental health disorders.  Dr. Mensah is the president and co-founder of Mensah Medical, the world’s largest biomedical practice specializing in biochemical individuality and imbalances.  Mensah Medical’s non-drug, nutrient approach is targeted to correct biochemical imbalances associated with autism, anxiety, depression (including postpartum), behavioral and learning disorders, OCD, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s Disease.  Dr. Mensah regularly consults with physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and other health care professionals, and leads annual physician training with William J. Walsh, PhD, of the Walsh Research Institute in orthomolecular medicine in the U.S., Australia and Ireland.  Mensah Medical’s main clinic is located near Chicago and patients can be seen at their U.S. Outreach Clinics located in Scottsdale, AZ, Annapolis, MD, and near San Francisco and Los Angeles, CA. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Psychology
Guest Occupation: M D Holistic Cardiologist
Guest Biography:

My first guest, Harvard-trained, Dr. Cynthia Thaik is a heart doctor that practices with her heart. She delivers security and peace of mind to her clients by orchestrating behavioral and mindset shifts to evoke lasting transformational changes in their health, well-being, vitality, energy, and creativity. She has helped thousands of people make changes to transform their lives through the ways they think, feel, and act. Intuitively, she has known that she would serve this calling since the age of five, after accompanying her physician mother to the medical clinic in their home country of Mayamar, formerly known as Burma. There, she witnessed the pure hands-on art of healing, free from the modern-day challenges of drugs, bureaucracy, and the threat of malpractice.

Dr. Cynthia began her professional training at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. From there, she completed her internal medicine and cardiology training at the Harvard’s training programs (Beth Israel, Massachusetts General, and Brigham & Women’s hospitals). She manages two successful cardiology clinics and is the founder of Revitalize-U, a wellness center focused on health, nutrition, weight loss, and detoxification. Beyond her academic and professional achievements, she is most proud of the praises that she receives from her patients: caring, compassionate, service oriented, and excellence are words used to describe her style of practice.’

Dr Cynthia believes the mind-body connection for health is best served through the practice of being centered and present in each moment. A practicing Buddhist, Dr. Cynthia is now on a mission to deliver that message about healing through her new book, Your Vibrant Heart: Restoring Health, Strength & Spirit from the Body’s Core.

Dr. Thaik has received numerous awards and honors including the Cardiovascular Research Award from the American College of Cardiology and the L.A. Business Journal “Women Making a Difference” nomination in 2005. :In addition to her book she has published several peer reviewed articles in professional journals and is involved in her professional organizations.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Counselor
Guest Biography:

As a Numerologist, Empath and Matrix Energetics practitioner, Tara combines the modalities for  sessions that are energetically enlivening for people as well as their loved ones and pets.  She volunteers her services for the Central Texas Cancer Support and the Aged of Central Austin.  Tara writes Numerology posts for online magazine, and enjoys using her skills at private sessions, corporate events, birthdays, anniversaries, and wedding events.

Tara’s  life consists of interesting twists, turns and major life changing events that continually change.   Through intense inner growth, and applying unique tools such as studying with Matrix Energetics founder, Richard Bartlett, Tara realized that her true interests lie in the opportunity to empower people to live creative and joyful lives.  Clients have said Tara’s way of teaching and healing is compassionate and angelic.

The Magical Matrix is a company whose vision is “to help humankind overcome the feeling of limited existence, and  to a create a life full of health, joy and unimagined possibilities”.

Guest Category: Energy Healing, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Motivational, Access Consciousness, Numerology, Meditation, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive