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Guest Occupation: Language Interpreter, Humanitarian, Columnist, Writer, Researcher
Guest Biography:

Before resigning from the US State Department in 2004 due to excessive secrecy demands, Fred Burks served many years as a language interpreter for presidents and other dignitaries. He interpreted for G.W. Bush, Clinton, Gore, Cheney, and many other top officials of the US and other countries. Having participated in numerous secret meetings where the only people allowed were the principals and their interpreters, he has acquired important inside information and contacts.

After receiving a wealth of eye-opening information on major cover-ups from respected friends and colleagues, Fred was inspired to develop this website in October 2002. Continually opening to divine guidance, Fred has dedicated himself both to getting the word out about the cover-ups, and to inspiring others to help transform ourselves and our world through love and empowerment. He is currently executive director of the PEERS network of websites and manager.

Fred has also helped develop and foster several inspiring communities and websites, including Moment of Love and the free Personal Growth Courses. 

Guest Category: Languages, News, Politics & Government, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Speaker, author, wellness consultant
Guest Biography:

Robbie Holz is an international speaker, award-winning author and consultant for body/mind/spirit wellness. She and her husband, Dr. Gary Holz, co-authored their multiple award-winning book Secrets of Aboriginal Healing: A Physicist’s Journey with a Remote Australian Tribe.

Using Australian aboriginal healing principles, Robbie healed herself of Hepatitis C, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. She has also participated in healing ceremonies with Outback aborigines. Robbie is passionately committed to teaching their ancient wisdom to awaken the powerful innate healer within each of us. 

Since 2002, she has spoken at national conferences, international speaking engagements and workshops on holistic health topics. A skilled speaker of exceptional clarity, humor and inspiration, she has presented at various locations including Australia, Canada and across the U.S. 

Through her work, Robbie empowers others to live healthier, happier, enlightened lives.

Guest Category: Medicine, Science, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

Martin Pytela

After some eye-opening medical events, I started researching natural and alternative health principles. I started the Fit For Life regimen - mostly raw food, lots of detoxification with algae and proper food combining. After five years of this, my back problems subsided, and after ten years my allergies went away. By that time I was at least as well read as any naturopathic doctor or nutritionist, and I decided to start a health and wellness company.

I wish to give people new hope in natural healing methods, to ease years of suffering. 

Suzanne Toro

Suzanne has a Private Practice that guides her clients through transitions: Birth|Life|Death. She integrates the following modalities during the sessions: Sound, Energy & Human Psychology Therapy and Education: Meditation, Parenting, Inner Wellness, Tea, Food, Yoga & Self Love. In addition, Suzanne is a Public Speaker, Writer, Food Alchemist, and Workshop & Retreat Facilitator. She leads national and international workshops and retreats speaking to diverse audiences ranging from the Business World to remote Jungle settings. 

Morava Schaa

Morava is very excited to announce that she and her husband, Gunter have fouunded an Avesa Quantum Healing Center in Silver City, New Mexico. The services offered include a variety of energetice healing modalities, intuitive and spiritual counseling, transpersonal hypnotherapy, holistic nutritional and herbal guidance, live foods consulting and workshops and much more. Morava embraces that which exponentially expands how she may be of service ot others.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Nutrition, Sound Healing, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

Steve is the channel for the group beginning in 1996. 6 books later the group's messages are available in 18 languages.

The Beacons of Light monthly messages featuring timely re-minders from the group, along with Barbara's Connecting the Heart messages are distributed each month and translated into 24 languages.

Steve and Barbara are five time presenters at the United Nations on two continents and as far as we are aware, they are the only people to have taught a channeling class at the United Nations.

They are the hosts of the VirtualLight Broadcast, a three-hour monthly internet TV broadcast live to a global audience of dedicated lightworkers originating from Las Vegas. The show features news, updates, and guest interviews with leading teachers and healers globally and is free of charge.

Steve’s greatest accomplishment in life was finding Barbara at the age of 16. They have just celebrated 41 years of marriage with two grown boys and one grandson. After traveling the globe extensively for the first 17 years of the work, they now keep very busy presenting online video material, and channeled classes in the Evolution Center. All of the free courses are also offered through the non-profit sister site

Guest Biography:

Alice Collins, Patty Peterson, Susan Edwards, and Barbara Matthews

Alice Collins, Patty Peterson, Susan Edwards, and Barbara Matthews are Certified Self-Ascension Intuitive Counselors with thriving healing practices located in three states in the US.. Each has dedicated herself to offering quantum healing services to as many people as possible while forging a solid uplifting presence in their respective communities. Each has a unique perspective and background with much to share on quantum healing in today's society!

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

William (Bill). Birnes, is the publisher of UFO Magazineand was co-host of the weeklyy series, UFO Hunters on History. Each week, he and his team of researchers traveled to the sites of world-famous UFO events where they used high-tech equipment and cutting-edge investigative techniques to explore the encounter and arrive at answers about what really happened.

Birnes is well-qualified to lead such a team, having written and edited over 25 books and encyclopedias in the fields of human behavior, true crime, current affairs, history, psychology, business, computing, and the paranormal. He is the co-author of The Day After Roswell, which was a New York Times bestseller in 1997, and subsequently a documentary on The History Channel.

He is a New York Times best-selling author, a magazine publisher, and a New York literary publishing agent who has written and edited over twenty-five books and encyclopedias in the fields of human behavior, true crime, current affairs, history, psychology, business, computing, and the paranormal.

William Birnes received his Ph.D. from New York University in 1974 while he was an Instructor of English at Trenton State College in New Jersey where he taught structural linguistics and historical linguistics as well as literature and writing. Professor Birnes was a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, a Lily Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, and a grants award judge for the National Endowment for the Arts.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, UFOs, TV & Film
Guest Biography:

Eric Pearl, DC, founder of The Reconnection, has been featured in top media including The Dr. Oz Show, The New York Times and CNN. He has presented at leading venues including the United Nations and Madison Square Garden. His internationally bestselling book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, now in 39 languages, has been endorsed by such notables as Deepak Chopra, MD and Wayne Dyer, PhD.

At the World Congress of Quantum Medicine Conference in Hawaii in 2013, Dr. Pearl’s keynote presentation was the highlight of the event. As the foremost visionary, leader and pioneer in the field of “Energy Medicine” or “Quantum Healthcare,” he is increasingly sought out as a speaker, expert authority and media spokesperson. As science, medicine, media and the public come to embrace Energy Healthcare, Pearl stands at the forefront.

Dr. Pearl was running a successful chiropractic practice in Los Angeles when a series of unusual occurrences led him to realize that his purpose was far beyond anything he had previously known. Patient after patient reported healings from cancers, epilepsy, cerebral palsy and other severe health conditions, simply when Dr. Pearl held his hands near them.

Seeking to understand what was happening, Eric consulted with leaders in science, medicine, and spirituality – discovering they did not have the answers either. Supported by researchers affiliated with multiple prestigious institutions including Harvard, Yale, and Stanford, Dr. Pearl went on to pioneer studies on the Reconnective Healing frequencies and their effects on people – a comprehensive healing approach, which completely transcends “energy healing” and its complex rituals and techniques – known around the world today as Reconnective Healing.

Dr. Pearl has gone on to introduce hundreds of thousands of individuals and practitioners to Reconnective Healing and living a reconnected life. The Reconnection hosts seminars around the world where Pearl and his lead instructors teach others to access the Reconnective Healing frequencies so they may effectively facilitate healings for themselves and others. To date, approximately 90,000 people around the world have been trained in Reconnective Healing.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Workshop Leader, Ceremony Leader, Spiritual Leader of The Template
Guest Biography:

Workshop Leader, Ceremony Leader, Spiritual Leader of The Template.

Sacred Geometry, Sonic Codes… Awakening the Light Body Matrix

The activation of the sustained reconnection of 33 circuits of Human bio-circuitry via a resonant response to the synergy of the geometric and sonic codes of creation.

The Template ceremonies are a coded convergence of sound and geometry, which, together with the revelations of Humanity’s origins and history and the full potential of the immortal Human design, initiates a powerful and transformative journey into the past, the ability to courageously be conscious and grounded in the present, and an understanding of the future which we will collectively co-create through the resurrection of the light body.

We are the amalgamation of various visible and invisible energy systems that together generate the Human hologram. The primary system that supplies this unit with the energetic nature of Creative Intelligence that births the field is the circuitry system. At this time the circuitry system is considerably less than optimal. The fact that out of 3 billion base pair chemicals in the Human gene code only 60million are active and that we only use a fraction of our brain capacity are manifest signs that point to Human genetic modification.

Built upon the laws of resonant harmonics, creating synergy with the vibratory infrastructure of your dormant DNA, The Template is a transcendent model that offers the un-interpreted, uncensored energetic truth of Creation, delivered by the simple reconnection of electromagnetic energy via bio-circuitry.

Conscious communion with sacred geometry is a fundamental aspect of our evolutionary awakening.

Bio-circuitry & DNA

The map of the evolution of the Human entity is indelibly written into our genetic codes. Our ability to activate and integrate the fullness of these codes is a question of circuitry.

The Template links alchemical ceremony with brain chemistry, bio-circuitry, the endocrine system, DNA, the archetypal arena and the morphogenetic field to reveal the holonomic system of creation which births and binds the Human hologram. The Template ceremony codes are an intelligent patterning of information that acts as an alchemical catalyst to activate dormant Human potential, initiating a journey of healing, forgiveness, remembrance, resurrection and, ultimately, transcendence of the dualistic mortal paradigm: a journey of liberation and empowerment, to retrieve the knowledge of our true history, our soul’s lineage, and our celestial seeding.

As units of Human bio-circuitry, we are the culmination of a variety of life-force energy systems. The new frontier of healing lies in the knowledge that these systems are not fully connected. The energetic nature of consciousness that fosters all life is integrated by the Human heart-body-mind via bio-circuitry. The circuitry is the delivery system that integrates this Source Intelligence, translating this energetic electromagnetic life-force into the bio-informational matrix that is the vibratory infrastructure of the Human hologram.

As a result of the genetic modification of our DNA the Human bio-computer is not capable of sustaining its molecular structure in a state of super-consciousness. The reconnection of circuitry restores the fundamental energy supply intrinsic to the Human ability to achieve and sustain conscious evolution into the new paradigm. This electromagnetic energy is integrated into the body through meridians or circuits, to be translated by the chakra centres into bio-informational signals for the endocrine system to utilize.

The circuitry does not begin and end around the Human energy field. Each circuit is spherical and intersects with another spherical field of conscious energy, which, in turn, interacts with another, as part of an electromagnetic intelligence system that encompasses all – from the subatomic to the multi-universal, the wheels within wheels. Each sphere of consciousness is a holonomic fractal of Source Intelligence. The Source is everywhere. The more circuitry the Human entity is able to utilize within its computational system, the more Source Intelligence it is able to integrate and synthesize, and the more conscious and enlightened that entity becomes. Enlightenment is not simply a state in which the intellect is in possession of questions and answers – it is a state of being in which the full spectrum of Source Consciousness is integrated, synthesized and crystallized into the incarnate body presence, understood in the mind, felt in the heart and made tangible in the body.

The Science of Transcendence

As we witness the acceleration of the deterioration of our environment, social, political and economic structures, it is beneficial to understand the evolutionary influences that are driving this age. By so doing we can consciously implicate ourselves within the phenomenal opportunity for transmutation that is available during this phase of culmination. It is the transitional phase of conception and deterioration in any cycle which creates the powerful frictions that open the portals for transcendence. It is during the degenerative phase that the rotting fruit falls away and the new seed is expelled. The global crisis is not a dark event but a redistribution of natural power created by an immense influx of light.

This influx is being created by the maturing influences of a solar system that is itself reaching higher and higher states of cosmic comprehension, transmitting to Earth and its inhabitants ever new spectrums of radiance data – light. Massive beams of this ‘hyper-creation code’ are emanating from the Galactic Core to sweep their influence through the solar system, activating and integrating the symbiotic evolutionary covenants that lie dormant and waiting in every cell of every living creation for this kiss of light to awaken them to a new model of existence, a new paradigm.

It will be the degree to which we are able to translate and utilize this light code that will allow us to break the barriers of illusion set by this dualistic paradigm and the genetic modifications that are in resonance with it. It is because of this light influx that we are now able to answer the three most fundamental questions that define us as conscious Human entities: “Who am I? Where am I from? Why am I here?”

In order to do so, we must have some ability to understand the implicate order of our own creation and, to some degree, the complexity of the reality in which we find ourselves. No living thing within creation exists in isolation. The interconnected, interactive, co-creative individual system of each entity is a fractal of the one holographic system that encompasses the subatomic to the multi-universal. Transcendence requires the resurrection of the dormant components within the Human hologram, to be re-embraced into the governing mechanism of the universal holography.

The Template Ceremonies

The Template reconnection process restores 33 bio-circuits, through a spoken code and the presence of items of sacred geometry. It takes place in six phases in a series of coded ceremonies: C1, Original Innocence: C2, The 13th Circuit, The Sacred Marriage: C3, Sacred Breath: C4, Source: C5, The Temple of Time: C6, Worldbridger.

The design and progression of the ceremonies are combination codes which, through resonance, build synergy with the vibratory structure of the DNA, reconnecting bio-circuitry ..permanently. This initiates the return to wholeness, re-establishing our true identities and freeing us from the fear-based matrix that rules our deepest behavioural patterns, and connecting us to a new consciousness grid.

The Soul Covenant

The Human Soul Covenant contains a holonomic symbiotic code in which the Human is the sensory organ of planetary transcendence as Earth is the sensory organ for Human transcendence. The codes of the Template ceremonies resurrect our ability to translate and utilize, through our physical bodies, the language of light – to achieve, literally, en-light-enment. The Template is not for a spiritual elite but for everyone of any age, race or creed who wonder what is happening to our mother planet and to those who are sustained by Her: who feel, however dimly, the stirrings of the remembrance of their quintessential identity.
Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Access Consciousness