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Guest Occupation: Researcher, professor
Guest Biography:

Dr. Steven Zarit has done considerable research as regards how the stress experienced by family caregivers can best be managed. His recent research focuses upon the benefits that caregivers derive when their elder attends a day care facility. This arrangement allows them a valuable respite from their caregiving efforts. His studies indicate that having this support even results in caregivers' level of stress hormones decreasing. 

Dr. Zarit developed the Zarit Burden interview that measures the extent to which caregiving might be placing a "burden" upon those who accept this "responsibility." It has been used extensively in both therapeutic and research settings. 

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Indigenous Wisdom Keeper, Star Being and Healer
Guest Biography:

Itasha's teachers have been many. s she describes herself: The journey long and beautiful. I was born clairvoyant, telepathic, high empathic.  No veil was present-knowledge of past existence was present. Direct contact with Creator provided teaching from Star Beings and Angels from day one. My Earth teachers have been Lakota Medicine Men Martin High Bear, Frank Fools Crow and Devere Eastman {Brave Buffalo} of Eagle Butte, South Dakota. They made and presented me my pipe. I have completed my four year SunDance and am a Sacred Pipe Holder.

I spent 26 years in sacred spaces. Often for years at a time, isolated from mainstream society, while being taught by the Medicine, Holy people. These places were: Mt Shasta {in and on it}, the Klamath -Modoc , Lakota Bear Butte and Eagle Butte, the Blackfoot, Hopi, Navajo, and ten years the White Mountain Apache. My academic background is as a teacher. I am trained in Spanish, World Civilization, History and Anthropology. I have a B.A. and a Masters in Ed leadership. My degrees and certification are: A.S.U., Purdue and N.A U. I have taught on the reservation.

The Holy people explained to me that I was to come to the city to help teach and prepare people for this Spiritual special time. I was chosen by the Elders and Medicine People in 1980-81 at their gathering in Arizona, as a Wisdom Keeper, to represent the Spiritual Ones. It was a seven day test and ceremony, where we were intensely scrutinized. For one year I traveled representing them. Some of these Elders were Hopi, Navajo, Lakota,  Huichol, Taramahara, Pima and Apache. Present were Medicine People of other Nations. I am also an Azteca Dancer. I have performed on the Pima Reservation. I am a writer and Poet with Native Images, in the past, Presentations have been done across Arizona with A.S.U. English Dept under Dr.Lynne Nelson, in prior times. This is a special time of Great Peace and Love coming out. The Wisdom teachings are being brought to many so they may awaken and gain understanding and Love. Ultimately it can only be done through the Creator and Divine LOVE.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Medical Marijuana Grower
Guest Biography:

"Corey" is highly educated and an expert in biodynamic gardening. After many years of successful vegetable farming, he recognized the profound medicinal value of marijuana and is now a grower of medicinal marijuana. He works specifically to develop strains with premium medicinal properties.

Because of ambiguity in laws, "Corey" still works in shadow, and his name and location will not be revealed for his safety and privacy.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, News, Politics & Government, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Joe Alton, M.D., & Amy Alton, A.R.N.P
Guest Biography:

Joe Alton, also known as “Dr. Bones the Disaster Doctor”, is a medical doctor and Amy Alton, also known as “Nurse Amy”, is an advanced registered nurse practitioner and a certified nurse midwife.  They are medical preparedness experts and the authors of the #1 Amazon Bestseller in Survival Skills, Disaster Relief, and Safety/First aid, “The Survival Medicine Handbook”, a guide for when medical help is not on the way.  They have just published a brand new 2nd edition to their book about survival medicine.

Besides their book, the Altons produce a weekly podcast called the “Survival Medicine Hour” and have a YouTube channel named “drbonespodcast”. The Altons are also contributors to magazines like Backwoods Home, Survival Quarterly, and others.

Their website has over 400 posts on medical readiness and is one of the top survival sites on the internet. The Altons have designed an entire line of medical kits to deal with issues you might encounter after a catastrophe, and produce instructional DVDs to teach skills that might be useful in times of trouble.

In addition to their medical credentials, the Altons are associated with the Master Gardener program for their state, with emphasis on growing food and medicinal herbs. They have Ham Radio licenses, and raise tilapia as a food fish in South Florida.

The Altons are popular speakers throughout the country in their role as survival medicine experts.  Their mission: To place a medically self-reliant caregiver in every family or mutual assistance group before a disaster occurs.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Medicine, Science, Biology & Chemistry, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Astrologer
Guest Biography:

William Stickevers has been a practicing astrologer since 1990, mostly in New York City, and now based in San Francisco.  With a broad scope of political, economic, psychological, spiritual, and metaphysical knowledge, William systematically explores possibilities about the future and how they can emerge from the present by weaving current secular trends, geopolitical factors, and mundane astrological portents. As a regular guest on news and astrology TV and radio shows in New York City, William has appeared on WFUV-FM's Cityscape with George Bodarky, The Judith Regan Show on Sirius XM Satellite Radio, Alan Steinfeld’s popular "New Realities" radio show, and Jenny Lynch’s groundbreaking “Star Power” astrology television show.  William was also one of 10 select astrologers invited to give a presentation on the future of the U.S. for the “We the People” and the Stars 2013 online video event.

He is well-versed and/or certified in psychological, Horary, Electional, Astro*Carto*Graphy, Medieval, and Renaissance branches of astrology and worked with Alphee Lavoie of the Astrological Institute of Research (AIR).  William has lectured for the National Center for Geocosmic Research (NYC, Long Island, New Jersey), American Federation of Astrologers (Los Angeles), the Astrological Society of Connecticut, and in Europe (Munich, Germany and Bucharest, Romania) and Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama). William is an active member of the NCGR and Society of Astrologers.

While immersed in the Anthony Robbins Master Coaching Program from 1999 to 2003, William studied Neuro-Associative Conditioning amongst other personal transformation techniques. This led him to work as a Life Coach for five years, helping his clients turn their lives around and succeed in their personal growth and achievement. The knowledge of the human psyche enables him to better understand and help his clients in their individual situations and create strategies to help them succeed in their endeavors, both personal and business.

In 2006 William studied Xybernomics, the study of far-reaching discovery of the effects of gravity concerning the analysis and forecasting of economic data related to human-influenced phenomena as those found in publicly auctioned financial markets. In 2011 William studied stock market astrology with financial astrologer Tom Bost in conjunction with Alphee Lavoie's Financial Trader software.

Continuously interested in the most effective approaches to self-discovery, individuation, and self-transformation, in late 2011 William began Jungian analysis for the purpose of exploring his psyche, along with the pursuit of holotropic non-ordinary states of concsiousness for the purpose of self-exploration and transpersonal discoveries based on the guidance of Stanislav Grof.

Currently William is part of a team headed by Astrological Institute of Research (AIR) Software’s Alphee Lavoie conducting research and development in furthering the capabilities of financial trading and long-range market forecasting employing the artificial intelligence systems and Black Box, Neural Net, and Easy Expert modules in the Market Trader software. 

In addition to astrology and cutting-edge technologies, William earned a B.S. in Music Performance (Clarinet) from Temple University (Philadelphia, PA) in 1989 and a CCRS Diploma in Computer Science from Hofstra University (Hempstead, NY) in 1996. He has a thriving computer consulting business and, musically, has performed internationally and has been a finalist in several international music competitions. He continues to perform in New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area.

William's clients include investors, business owners, entrepreneurs, astrologers, psychics, professional performing artists, fashion designers, and doctors. He enjoys working with clients who are committed to personal growth and spiritual development.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, News, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology
Guest Occupation: American Singer Songwriter
Guest Biography:

Josh Royse is an American Singer/Songwriter based in Los Angeles, California. He is the salty voice of road worn grit fresh off the streets of the Oklahoma panhandle. Employing a coy lyricism as he crafts love songs with abstract tangents of astral inquiry, he says his subversive writing style is inspired by the astronomical depths of culture, creativity and cosmic energy that fills the streets of Los Angeles – all combined with the human struggle of a young man who has loved, lost and learned so much on his journey to see his visions of global, political and cultural cohesion come to fruition.

He has found that kundalini yoga has developed his capacity to connect with the world around him and says that this new practice in his life has significantly evolved his writing style and energy on stage – all of which is embedded in his new album that is currently under development. Josh has immersed himself in the new age concepts of yoga, vibrational energy and healthy eats in the heart of West Hollywood and hopes to bring these evolutionary principles to his audience through passionate, bluesy licks and a rock n’ roll attitude – changing the world with music as he travels across the globe.

Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: Published Author, Editor, Astrologer, Exopermaculture and Social Activist
Guest Biography:

Ann Kreilkamp, Ph.D., received a doctorate in philosophy from Boston University in 1972 and has been pushing personal, cultural and philosophical boundaries ever since. A professional astrologer for over 30 years, she is also a mother, grandmother, published author, editor, and social activist. For more on her and her work

In 2007 she took the two-week Permaculture Design Course with teachers Peter Bane and Keith Johnson, who run the Permaculture Activist journal and live on their permaculture homestead two miles down the road in Bloomington, Indiana.

In 2007, she worked with others to establish a 10-year sustainability plan for her Green Acres Neighborhood that was based on the cultural permaculture design that she did with two others as their practicum for the PDC.

In 2009, she established the Green Acres Neighborhood Garden, a public garden on her own land.  Also in 2009, she began to attend UFO conferences, and to read avidly in this highly politicized, disinformation-riddled, secretive, mind-bending, outrageous and wondrous field.

With this exopermaculture site, she hopes to bridge these two worlds within herself,  to meet, share, and learn from others who explore the same split within themselves, and to crossfertilize the above with the below.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, UFOs, Philosophy, Local, National, World, Psychology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Intuitive Healer, Interfaith Minister
Guest Biography:

“Rev. Frances Fayden, Your Sacred Living Mentor, Intuitive Healer and "Divine Translator" for Mother Mary, the Saints and Archangels. She is the founder of the Community of Mary, an online spiritual community that honors the Divine Mother, and  is author of "Meditation is Friendship with God".  She loves to help people discover their Sacred Life Purpose and to see themselves through God's eyes. Through intuitive readings, tele-classes and spiritual seminars, she will help you have your own direct experience of God, which often results in profound healing on a heart level.”

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual