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Guest Occupation: Author and Life Coach
Guest Biography:

Throughout my life I’ve been very spiritual and spend many years researching and studying the various religions of the world. Ten years ago I did researched 2500 NDEs and loved the information there, thus my book, THE WONDER OF YOU, What the Near-Death Experience Tells You about Yourself. It explains the deep learning of spirituality. I also have a workshop The Spirituality of Science that answers the questions, Why am I here? What is life all about? What am I? How can I be One and separate at the same time?  I have a workshop called The Spirituality of Science. Throughout my life I have had a high interest in cosmology and quantum theory. My workshop looks at how science is verifying what amazing creatures we are. It answer questions that have been asked through the ages. Why am I here? What is life all about? What am I? How can I be One and separate at the same time?


Contact Lynn through my website, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. Be sure to use Lynn K. Russell or Lynn Kathleen Russell as there are so very many Lynn Russells out there.

Guest Category: Education, Paranormal, Near Death Experiences, Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Visionary, Bliss Finder
Guest Biography:

Bio: My favorite saying is, 'Find Your Bliss!' That's what I'm doing as I write my Ocean Depths series. It's fun, like reading one of my favorite novels as it unfolds before me. I want to entertain my intended audience and take them out of their world into the fiction world I've created.

As for me, I enjoy nature, the ocean, my family/friends and animal friends and discovering new ideas. Educating myself and learning about different spiritual ideas is fun. I enjoy playing my Taylor guitar and Kawai grand piano. Creating a garden space around my home and being out in nature is part of my bliss.

I'm concerned about our planet, her oceans and fresh water ways. Our planet can only take so much pollution, dumping of chemicals, sonar blasts in our oceans that destroy the internal organs of sea mammals, and bombs before we sicken it beyond its ability to heal. Once we've poisoned and abused the Earth to point of its demise, where will we go? We can't help but impact it, but why destroy it? We have the ability to nurture it and be respectful of it. But will we?

My hope for humanity is that we can work at finding our own bliss and be good to one another and our planet along the way no matter what belief systems we adhere too or what governments we live under. Is that simplistic? Yes, but often times the simpler an idea is, the easier it is to implement.

Life is interesting, hilarious, catastrophic, heartbreaking, heartwarming, and amazing and I'm glad to have a chance to live and learn.  And I hope along the way that my journey may help someone else realize their bliss to the betterment of us all!

Book Series: The Ocean Depths series would make a wonderful movie series for my intended audience, being visually fun. The characters are mermen, mermaids, real gods, goddesses (who live among us), river and sea nymphs and witches. They're living in La Jolla on the San Diego coast, in coastal rivers and deep out in the ocean at King Poseidon's castle as he rules over the world's oceans, or 'Mother Gaea's blood' as deity in my story call it.

Callista Ann Sunders, my heroine is a California senior in high school who is saved by Triton, (hero, god/merman and shape-shifter) after her car rolls down the bank into the Pacific. Callista is jabbed with toxin/venom while in the ocean and freaks when her body slowly changes from human to something else. She eventually learns that Triton isn't just a teenager like herself, but a god and merman.

Callista is a generational witch whose element is the sea and is well grounded in myth because of her mysterious Grandma Anne. Still, Callista finds all that's happening to her and learning who Triton is, completely unbelievable and incredulous! Romance, magic and conflict over how to save the planet because of mankind's continued abuse of it is the back drop for all the drama in the series.

Book two, Ocean Depths A Time, is at the publisher.

The conflict continues as the hero and heroine try to solve some of it. It involves time travel back into my heroes past (Prince Triton) on Pitcairn Island which Triton calls, 'Nanwe' before the Bounty gets there. Callista has to convince Triton that he and she are dear friends and more, quite a daunting task.

Book three, Ocean Depths A Life, is 100 pages in as the adventure, drama, romance and conflict continue! Book four Ocean Depths A Dream is just the title, but that's all I need for it to LIVE! As I progress, the ideas for the rest of the series will come to me. Triton and Callista will see to it. They want their story told!

Guest Category: Literature, Visual Arts, Earth & Space, Love & Relationships, Society and Culture, Access Consciousness, High School, Variety
Guest Occupation: Holistic Health Coach
Guest Biography:

Michael Tamez is a certified Holistic Health Coach who lost 105 pounds, lowered his blood pressure, and reversed sleep apnea and advanced gum disease. This was all accomplished without drugs or surgery. All of these experiences combined led Michael to discover his true passion in life. He is dedicated to guiding, empowering, and sharing the knowledge and wisdom he has acquired over the course of his lifetime. Drawing from this incredible health transformation, Michael published his award winning book, Transformative Nutrition. His guidebook to healthy and balanced living is powerfully designed to create a permanent shift in the way people eat, think, and feel, live, and love.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Philosophy, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: musician, golfer, international bestselling author, and speaker/trainer
Guest Biography:

Michael J Russ is the son of an Air Force Officer and educator who has lived in three foreign countries and traveled the world. He is a musician, golfer, international bestselling author, and speaker/trainer who is passionate about helping people live the authentically fulfilling, prosperous life they envision. He is fascinated by how complicated people make their lives and enjoys revealing how people live their lives through the lens of wonder--looking forward to how who and what they encounter each day will touch their soul, touch their heart, and guide them closer to their dreams.

MIchael's favorite quote is from Rumi, the Sufi Poet: There is something I do not know, the knowing of which could change everything. Michael's view is there are no coincidences or accidents, just life unfolding to and around you. It is up to you to remember you have a choice as to how you perceive and respond to what you experience.





Guest Category: Literature, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Spiritual Author and Messenger
Guest Biography:

Det Lana and Dr Lana Love speak to Hollow Earth Author Dianne Robbins from Mt Shasta about her messages from Telos and Inner Earth.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Society and Culture, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Inventor & Entrepreneur; Founder, Atari and BrainRush
Guest Biography:

Nolan Bushnell

Inventor & Entrepreneur; Founder, Atari and BrainRush

Nolan Bushnell created an industry when he founded Atari in 1972 and gave the world Pong, the first blockbuster video game. Today his design credo—that games should be “easy to learn and difficult to master”—is inspiring a new generation of developers. A prolific entrepreneur, he has started more than 20 companies, including Catalyst Technologies, the first Silicon Valley incubator, and Etak, the first in-car navigation system—not to mention Chuck E. Cheese Pizza Time Theater.

In the process, he pioneered many of the workplace innovations that have long made Silicon Valley a magnet for creative talent. Bushnell was the first and only person ever to hire Steve Jobs, which he details in his 2013 book, Finding the Next Steve Jobs. With his latest startup, Brain Rush, he is intent on fixing education with software that uses gamification principles to “addict” students to learning. A biopic, tentatively titled Atari and slated to be produced by Leonardo DiCaprio’s company, Appian Way, is currently in pre-production.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Technology
Guest Occupation: Singer and Songwriter
Guest Biography:


“…her right thumb plunks the bass part while her forefinger upstrokes notes and chords, leaving the other three fingers unused. A banjo technique, it’s also used by acoustic blues guitarists. Her fingers are long and strong – Robert Johnson hands – in jarring contrast to the waif they’re attached to. The walking bass line sounds like a hammer striking piano keys in perfect meter, while the fills are dynamic flurries – like cluster bombs. I haven’t heard a young guitarist this dexterous and ass-kicking in eons.” – Michael Simmons, L.A Weekly

Sunny War (born Sydney Lyndella Ward) is more than just an artist; she is a force of nature that is tough to pin down. What exactly is her style? Is she a blues or punk artist? The answer is yes and no. You can try to place Sunny in a few boxes, but doing so would be a major disservice to the young songstress. Yes, she may be a Robert Johnson with a shot of Bad Brains, but even this description falls short. The only way to really know Sunny is to immerse oneself in the music. Easy enough, right? OK, maybe not that easy.

Sunny was born to single mother just over 20 years ago. Her childhood was unconventional. One way to describe it is nomadic. Her mother’s bohemian lifestyle had Sunny moving from place to place, including stays in Colorado and Michigan. Most stays were not for very long, usually about a year or so. “Throughout my whole childhood, I was in a different place every other year, so naturally, I am not used to staying in one place for too long. I think it is time to leave once people get to know your name,” she comically explains.

Early life was somewhat of a struggle because there were many instances Sunny experienced being different from her peers. This was especially evident when she moved from Michigan to Tennessee. “I lived in a predominately white suburb while I was in Rochester, Michigan. When I went to Nashville, I did not ‘talk Nashville.’ I felt the kids at school were really closed-minded, mostly because we were in the Bible Belt. They would harass me all the time. I was also small for my age and wore glasses, “says Sunny. She found music to be the ultimate refuge. “I was really depressed all the time, but I was playing guitar all the time. I would hang out with my cat. I did not have a lot of friends when I was younger,” says Sunny.

By the age of 13, Sunny taught herself to play guitar and began to write her own original songs. She credits her mother’s boyfriends for introducing her to the blues. Once that fire to create sparked, there was no turning back. Eventually, Sunny decided California would be a good place to try to set down some kind of roots and get her music heard. She found herself living and performing on the streets of San Francisco and San Diego.

After a short time, Sunny felt that familiar feeling…the need to change her scenery. She felt a strong connection to the eclectic art center, Venice Beach, CA, where she has become a mainstay performer on the world famous boardwalk on and off for 7 years.

In addition to memorable boardwalk performances, Sunny continued with a side project, Anus Kings, as an outlet for other musical interests. The band created a buzz in the local LA punk scene with frequent performances at the famed Downtown punk favorite, The Smell. “With Anus Kings, I try write punk stuff, but I try to write like a blues musician would,” she says when talking about her punk influence. Local art and music advocates in Venice soon caught wind of the young guitarists’ claw hammer style—a complex banjo style of guitar playing frequently used by Southern acoustic blues guitarists. After years of paying dues, fans and critics are finally beginning to “get it.”

Then there is her voice with all the melancholy found in Billie Holliday and its remarkable ability to cut through the listener’s heart like a hot knife through butter. Many Venice Beach cultural notables, including Gerry Fialka, have publically sung their praise (no pun intended). Soon, influential publications like the LA Weekly took notice. The attention resulted in a feature article by Michael Simmons. In the article, Fialka is quoted saying, “Sunny is going to blow your mind. She is like no one else.”

Sunny’s repertoire includes an expansive collection of songs exploring personal aspects of her life. Her lyrics prove she is not afraid to share her insights and philosophies on life. In her track, “Man of My House,” Sunny speaks on the trials and tribulations of living without a father in the home and inheriting the role of head of the household. Other tracks are just as powerful, but also contain a dose political philosophy as exemplified in the moving blues tracks, “Police State” and “Sheep.” There is also “Downtown–”a track that touches on the damage to one’s life drugs can cause without warning.

Sunny has indeed blown people away as evidenced by signing a sponsorship deal with Gibson Guitars and signed with performance rights organization BMI.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Space and Universe Life Research
Guest Biography:

Debbie West hosts an internet show on Revolution Radio called Lost Knowledge. Her show deals with topics about the importance of extraterrestrial disclosure and our expanded consciousness. She said New Hampshire is an important state when it comes to UFO history.

"The most widely ever written about UFO case Betty and Barney Hill happened right near Conway, NH" said West.  "And more people now than ever report UFO connections from everywhere, yet we remain a country cemented in time since the crash at Roswell and the cover up. Why?"

“Scientists today that I have interviewed including astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the moon, insist that we need to examine our physics to understand the UFO phenomenon because space/time is not linear and there are many dimensions.”

Debby is hoping that Hillary Clinton meant what she said and, if elected, will end the truth embargo and disclose the UFO information that keeps us cut off from the Universe and each other.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, History, Physics & Metaphysics, Science