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Guest Occupation: Activist/Author
Guest Biography:

Former Vice President of the Concordia Student Union, Yves Engler is a Montréal-based activist and author. He has  published eight books: Canada in Africa — 300 Years of Aid and Exploitation, The Ugly Canadian — Stephen Harper’s Foreign Policy, Lester Pearson’s Peacekeeping — The Truth May Hurt, Stop Signs — Cars and Capitalism on the Road to Economic, Social and Ecological Decay (with Bianca Mugyenyi), The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy (Shortlisted for the Mavis Gallant Prize for Non Fiction in the Quebec Writers’ Federation Literary Awards), Playing Left Wing: From Rink Rat to Student Radical and (with Anthony Fenton) Canada in Haiti: Waging War on The Poor Majority and Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid. Yves was born in Vancouver, where he grew up playing hockey. He was a peewee teammate of NHL star Mike Ribeiro at Huron Hochelaga in Montréal before playing in the B.C. Junior League. After being suspended from Concordia University, he turned to research and writing, but he’s still a fan of the great Canadian sport.

The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy


About the book:


This book could change how you see Canada. Numerous studies have found that Canadians' self-appraisal of their country's foreign policy is more positive than any other country. Most believe Canada's primary role has been as peacekeeper or honest broker in difficult-to-solve disputes. But, contrary to the mythology of Canada as a force for good in the world, The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy sheds light on many dark corners of Canadian foreign policy: From troops that joined the British in Sudan in 1885 to gunboat diplomacy in the Caribbean and aspirations of Central American empire, to participation in the UN mission that killed Patrice Lumumba in the Congo, to important support for apartheid South Africa, Zionism and the US war in Vietnam, to helping overthrow Salvador Allende and supporting the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile, to Haiti, Iraq and Afghanistan today.

Praise for Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy:

We bear responsibility for what governments do in the world, primarily our own, but secondarily those we can influence, our allies in particular. Yves Engler's penetrating inquiry yields a rich trove of valuable evidence about Canada's role in the world, and poses a challenge for citizens who are willing to take their fundamental responsibilities seriously. --Noam Chomsky

Engler has done for Canadian foreign policy what I tried to do for United States foreign policy in my book "Killing Hope" -- cover each region of the world, showing how "peaceful, benevolent, altruistic Canada" has, on numerous occasions, served as an integral part of Western imperialism, particularly the American version, helping to keep the Third World down and in its place. From Vietnam to Haiti, Canada has served the political and economic demands of US foreign policy and the multinational corporations. The picture that emerges is not the image of Canada the world has long admired. --William Blum

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Destiny Architect
Guest Biography:

Linda Brewer is a Destiny Architect. Building relationships in truth that Empower People, Align Principles, and Enhance Processes for Prosperity and Profits. A defining moment in my life: “I remember when I was five years old, looking up at a very tall adult, placing my hands on my hips and saying, ‘that is not what you meant.’” In spite of the adverse reaction of that adult, I can hear and observe when someone’s words are out of alignment with their behaviors and outcomes. I discerned that the issue of their heart is self-condemnation that creates fear, relational, financial and success issues.

My passion and my gift are to create a safe place for a person to connect with their sacred heart and discover the root lie they believe about themselves that is affecting their life. The core of the truth they need to receive is that each of us is love. I help my clients realize they can choose to live their lives in truth through awareness of the lies they believed when their fear is activated through a current experience. I believe, to heal any problem, a person has to heal the source. The source is the memories they have stored in their sacred heart—their subconscious, their cellular memories.

My focused commitment to all my clients is to create a safe space and to ask thoughtful questions, so they feel encouraged and worthy of love. The choice is theirs to move through theirs fears and addictions into love and truth that creates loving thoughts, words, and actions.

My entrepreneurial career has included Business Management, Accounting, Sales and Marketing, and Facilitation for Organizational and Personal Growth, a former Vistage International chair.  She created two successful companies, including her company, LSG Advertising, Inc., and Crowns Now. Her organization also serves other high profile companies, including Milliken, Volvo, BMW, DS2, and AgFirst.

Cell: 864.205.2518 

Guest Category: Business, Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Musician,Singer.Songwriter,Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:





Jesse Colin Young, critically acclaimed solo artist and lead singer of the legendary classic rock band, The Youngbloods, took the nation by storm when The Youngblood's single Get Together became a worldwide Top 10 hit and a prominent soundtrack for peace. After seven group releases, Young began the production of more than 15 acclaimed solo albums including Song for Juli, Light Shine, Songbird and a live album with his great touring band titled On the Road. In 2005 he released the most comprehensive collection of his music to date—The Very Best of Jesse Colin Young. For the first-time ever, songs from his solo career as well as hits from The Youngbloods were placed in two CD package.

In 2014 Jesse became interested in the Saratoga warhorse project for Veterans and made a DVD in support of that organization called Out of the Darkness. It is available on iTunes, Amazon, Google and DVD on his website.

In 2012 Jesse was diagnosed with Lyme’s Disease and was unable to tour. In that time he created the Couch Series with Labrador on YouTube. He performed a variety of songs new and old, solo acoustic or with friends, and always with his famous silver Lab, Django. It was a way to still reach his audience without traveling due to the complications of Lyme’s Disease.

Jesse's musical accomplishments are many, including performing with Led Zeppelin, The Grateful Dead and Janis Joplin in 1969, touring with Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young in the summer of 1974 and performing with Billy Joel, the Doobie Brothers and the Beach Boys. Jesse has also shared the stage with comics like Martin Mull. Other performances include going to the prisons of South Dakota and Minnesota to sing for American Indians rights with actor and musician Floyd Westerman.

As a member of the Youngbloods, in 1969 they were the only band to walk off the Johnny Carson show which was the definitive gateway to superstardom. The Story is worth a listen.

The Youngblood’s version of Get Together has been heard by millions from the Forrest Gump soundtrack in 1994, Cats and Dogs: Revenge of Kitty Galore, Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas, The Simpsons Oh Brother where Bart thou and Tree of Horror II, and South Park’s Smug Alert. Get Together commercials include The Pepsi commercial for the 1995 Super Bowl, the Luv's commercial in 2010 and Kentucky Fried Chicken in 2014.

Darkness Darkness, written by Jesse, was in Jack the Bear (1993), was the theme song for the James Cameron movie Ghosts of the Abyss in 2003 and was in the trailer of TV series Bloodline (2015). A cover of the song by Robert Plant won the Grammy for Best Rock Vocal in 2002. It remains a popular cover song for many bands.

2016 and 2017 will be productive times for Jesse. Starting Sept 16, 2016 he will begin the re-release of his 1970’s LP catalogue starting with Song For Juli on Audio Fidelity. Jesse is currently working on a collection of new recordings to be released in 2017 and will plan a tour in the fall.

Throughout his professional life of recording and touring, Jesse has always taken the time to dedicate his life to giving back to the world. He has performed on behalf of organizations ranging from the Dream Foundation and Saratoga Warhorse, to Prep Fest and the Kona Pacific Waldorf School, now the Kona Pacific Charter School. Holding environmental accountability, Veteran support and quality education as a moral code of action, Jesse remains committed and active as an individual and performer.

Visit Jesse Colin Young on Facebook at

Visit Jesse Colin Young on Twitter at

Guest Category: Military, Music, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Researcher/Cryptozoologist
Guest Biography:

Rex Gilroy - 50 Years of Scientific Research

Photographs from Australia & New Zealand

There is something mysterious about the Australian bush never explained in the tourist brochures. For while this literature reveals the countless floral wonders, the magnificent scenery and the more common birds and marsupials, what is never mentioned is that it can also be very dangerous for the inexperienced to leave the beaten track. Nor does the tourist literature admit that to catch even a glimpse of some secretive and elusive species it is necessary to tread quietly in the Australian bush.

Native animals soon vanish at the sound of noisy humans on the approach. People have disappeared without trace in these vast, often inaccessible mountain ranges-the New South Wales Southern Alps, the Blue Mountains, the New South Wales north coastal and inland ranges-and the jungles of far north Queensland, to name but some areas. These vast, eerie, sometimes mist-shrouded mountain wilds are impenetrable bastions to the inexperienced and the day-tourist. There are remote wilderness recesses that no human has yet been able to penetrate.

And perhaps this is just as well, for these are the habitats of those mysterious, 'unknown' or long-thought-extinct native animal species never found in the tourist literature-species such as the 'Tasmanian tiger", the "Australian panther", the "Blue Mountains Lion", Giant Lizards, and the "Australian" Bigfoot hominid known as the yowie, to name but a few.

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My wife Heather and I have backpacked into some of the wildest areas of the NSW Southern Alps, the Blue Mountains, northern NSW and Queensland's Cape York jungles in search of evidence of these 'unknown animals' (and hominids!), and it never ceases to amaze us how little most Australians really know about their country. We have seen regions where television documentary cameramen never tread due to the inaccessibility of these wilds-vast, silent mountain wildernesses that most people know nothing about. It therefore annoys me no end when scientists, journalists and laymen alike ridicule anyone who has claimed to have seen a Tasmanian tiger, panther, yowie or whatever, for these people usually know absolutely nothing of the habitat in which these creatures live.

Until they are willing to forsake the comforts of home and learn how to explore and survive in the remotest regions of the vast Australian bush, they are unqualified to pass judgement. In any case, they have never bothered to study the evidence, and refuse to do so for it is not a recognised subject in the scientific textbooks. Yet despite their attitude, Australia's 'unknown animals' continue to be seen. The study of worldwide animal species either still unknown to science or else thought long-extinct but which might still exist, is called cryptozoology. Regardless of the many scientists who believe it is a waste of time to pursue such 'mythical' creatures as the panther, giant monitor lizard, yowie, etc., the thousands of sightings reports I have collected from Australia and its neighbouring Pacific islands are more than enough evidence to convince me that many rare and secretive creatures, both land- and sea-dwelling, still await scientific discovery and identification.

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It is a field of research not always guaranteed to win friends. My relatives regard me as 'mad'. The scientific community 'blackballed' me long ago. But have I lost any sleep because of all this? Certainly not! For even if I fail to find physical proof of the yowie or any of our Australian 'unknown' animal species, my wife and I have had the satisfaction of visiting and seeing remote, unknown and spectacular Australian wilderness regions that average Australians have never seen. So, dear reader, if you ever thought that giant lizards were only found on Komodo Island, that plesiosaur-type aquatic reptiles were confined to Scotland's Loch Ness, that dinosaurs were extinct, or that relict hominids were confined to America's Pacific North-West and the snowy wastes of the Himalayan mountain ranges, then hold on to your armchair! You are now going to be forced to accept that Australia possesses a whole menagerie of 'unknown' creatures, ignored for far too long and begging for recognition.

Rex Gilroy - 50 Years of Scientific Research

Looking back over my 50 years of research on the Yowie mystery, I see an evolutionary pattern in my work, beginning with the youthful enthusiasm of a teenager gathering old Aboriginal and early settlers stories of encounters in the bush with the “hairy man”, to the beginnings of my earliest field investigations and footprint finds; how I at first believed that the “hairy man” was some form of longhaired bipedal primate, which might be a surviving population of Gigantopithecus blackie which had made its way into Australia during the Pleistocene period. Yet I eventually realised that the cast footprints of the Yowie that began appearing in the 1960s, and also those recovered during the early 1970s, were more hominid than primate. At the same time I was beginning to uncover recently-manufactured crude stone implements from remote areas of the Blue Mountains. These, together with Aboriginal accounts of the “hairy men and women” being able to make fire and cook their food, soon led me to realise that I was dealing with remnant populations of living Homo erectus.

This belief was meanwhile being reinforced by discoveries first with my late father, Mr W F [Bill] Gilroy, and later by my wife Heather and I, of actual fossil skull-types of Homo erectus over a wide area of Australia, mostly in areas once inhabited by the “hairy people” according to Aboriginal traditions. I learnt also that ‘Yowie’ was but one of many, indeed a great many names throughout Australia, by which these beings were known to our Aborigines. In fact, I discovered that these names all identified any non-Aboriginal race with which they once shared the continent, be they average modern human height beings, pygmies or giants. All these names meant “hairy man”, “hairy woman” or “hairy people”, and they were all called such not because they possessed long body hair, but because they wore cloaks of kangaroo and other marsupial [fur] hides, just like the Aborigines in early historical photographs which can still be seen today.

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Thus as my information and evidence grew I was able to discard previous ideas on the physical appearance and identity of the Yowie. A similar evolution of my theories, both on the origins of the Yowie and of pre-Aboriginal hominid evolution as a whole, can be seen in the way that my ideas have changed over the years as my collection of fossil hominid skull-types grew. In September 1969 I recovered a 52mm tall giant hominid lower back premolar tooth at a fossil site now covered by Westmead Children’s’ Hospital in Sydney’s west. The discovery of my first giant hominid fossil footprint followed in April 1970 at Mulgoa, at the eastern base of the Blue Mountains. Then in May 1972 my late father found the mineralised endocast of a large ‘archaic’ Homo sapien skull at an old Pleistocene site at Tarana, just west of the Blue Mountains; followed by my own discovery of a smaller endocast of a ‘late’ Homo erectus skull-type about 30 metres away in the same strata, demonstrating upon various grounds to be discussed further on in this book, that Homo sapiens were already present in Australia by 300,000 years ago, and that they shared the land with their ‘father’, Homo erectus.

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Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Paranormal, Science, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Founders BBS Radio Network
Guest Biography:

DONALD and DOUGLAS NEWSOM - co-founders of BBS (Blogin Broadcasting Service) Radio Network, manage and engineer the live shows on their network and have been doing so for over 12 years.  It's been a labor of love - sometimes, excruciatingly hard labor both tiring and frustrating - but they've perservered and grown and learned.  The end result: a network that features the most technologically cutting edge platform, entertaining and innovative hosts, guests and music, backed up by topnotch engineering.

Talkers Magazine, considered the Bible of Talk Radio by Business Weekly Magazine, in 2014, listed BBS Radio founders Donald and Douglas Newsom as one of 'Talkers Magazine Frontier Fifty' (#39) - among the top 50 outstanding talk media webcasters:

Here  below in their own words, Doug and Don describe their creation, work and passion:

BBS Network, Inc. is a corporation engaged in the production and distribution of Original live talk radio shows in all types and in all genres. We engineer and produce over 120 hours of live original programming every week via our studio facilities in Paradise, California. Live broadcasts are later made available as on-demand podcasts, with each podcast having its own episode. They are globally syndicated and then usually archived within our massive audio library, becoming a permanent part of this passionate endeavor.

BBS Radio is one of first networks in the world to provide live internet talk radio broadcasts, professionally and remotely engineered. In 2004 there may have been one other radio network providing live talk radio remotely engineered for the internet. We are a pioneer in this environment and have helped create and define this craft, worldwide. Many things now well established as protocols for this industry originated right here at BBS Radio!

BBS Radio network has an extremely diverse variety of thought provoking shows ranging from Yiddish art to clean energy, metaphysics to divination, non-mainstream political commentary to alternative health. It really is a network of powerful personalities providing illuminating information.

Our original broadcasts and podcasts cover exactly what is most stimulating, intriguing and crucial to humanity at this time, such as: natural health alternatives; self-awareness; current & global events; cutting edge theory; alternative medicines; changes in the human condition; changes to our planet; Law of One; religion; spirituality; life after death; near death experiences; new emerging sciences; space exploration; ghosts and the paranormal; the mystical arts; secret societies; astropsychology; astrology; astronomy; metaphysics; trance channeling; shamanism; intuitive healing arts; meditation techniques; arcane lore; paranormal investigating; remote viewing; emerging trends; hypnosis & hypnotherapy; ufology & aliens; counseling & life coaching; homeopathy; free energy systems; self-publishing; numerology; tarot; predictions & prophecy; spirit mediumship & communication; living green "off the grid"; botany & herbology; survival; cutting edge skin care & hair care techniques; feng shui; yoga; tantra; horticulture & permaculture; world news & investigations; conspiracy topics; variety shows; comedy; and so much more.

BBS Radio is a worldwide live and interactive premier internet talk radio network that takes the guess work out of broadcasting. We deliver a professional live broadcast that also becomes a globally syndicated podcast! We professionally engineer live talk radio shows, remotely, for quality live and interactive talk radio! It's our passion, and we love it! Enjoy listening to Original Live Talk radio and an exciting mix of the very best indie music on the planet! We will be your favorite! 

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, News, Technology
Guest Occupation: Andromeda Council representative
Guest Biography:

Tolec is a human representative of the Andromeda Council, an intergalactic, interstellar and interdimensional governance & development body of aligned benevolent star systems & planets of sentient, intelligent life, for worlds in both the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. 


He’s been given the name “Tolec” as an Earth based, pubic-persona name by the five (5) people with whom he regularly communicates…  who are stationed on the primary Andromeda Council biosphere.  There are presently 12 Andromeda Council biospheres stationed in this solar system, 3 relatively close to Earth.


Tolec’s first conscious, fully awake contact as an adult in 1993  was with his principal Andromeda Council contact person, the commander of the primary Andromeda Council biosphere who, like Tolec, is originally from the planet Dakote…  in the Taygeta star system, in the Pleiades.


Tolec learned from this man that Tolec’s soul origin was first birthed on the planet Dakote, the genesis planet of the Lakota, Dakota, Nakota and many other western Native American peoples.


In late summer of 1993, this same commander took Tolec on 3 closely clustered together, but separate, time-travel trips, via an Andromeda Council scout craft, back in time to the 1840s to an area of rural Kentucky or West Virginia to observe a family of four in their day-to-day life struggles.


Tolec’s Andromeda Council contact people indicate they’ve been in communication with him by various methods… since age 5.


Tolec says his communication with them happens via a variety of modalities:


(1) Telepathic communication while he is completely awake & conscious

(2) Communication with him in his sleep, ‘dream state’

(3) Brief ‘snap-shot’, photographic images, as well as ‘streaming movie shorts’

(4) Some automatic writing

(5) Interdimensional travel of his soul essence, as well as the physical travel of his Earth human body, to Andromeda Council biospheres where many council & sub-committee meetings are held -  where Tolec also holds a position on the “Joint Earth Council” – sub committee.


Tolec is aware of in excess of 100+ physical visits he’s had to the primary Andromeda Council biosphere that continues today.

YouTube channel:

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Politics & Government, Spiritual, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Producer/Host Nuclear Hotseat
Guest Biography:

Libbe HaLevy produces and hosts Nuclear Hotseat, the weekly international news magazine on all things anti-nuclear. She has been a TEDx speaker, an Amazon #1 Bestselling Author, hosted rallies, and led media workshops at anti-nuclear conferences around the country. She is also the co-creator of Radiation Awareness Protection Talk, or RAPT, an audio series on how to best protect from the negative impact of radioactivity on our health.

Nuclear Hotseat has been in weekly production since June 14, 2011. As of May, 2015, every month the program is downloaded in 58 countries on six continents and has received as many as half a million hits in a week. The show provides the week’s anti-nuclear news, serious reporting as well as comic relief (“Numnutz of the Week” for Nuclear Boneheadedness), jingles and sound effects. Her insightful interviews w/nuclear experts in all aspects of the issue have broken national stories in mainstream media and been translated into German and Japanese.

The Mission Statement of Nuclear Hotseat:

  • Provide only verifiable information as news, so it can be trusted to be as accurate as possible. When mistakes are found to be made, retractions and corrections will be issued immediately.
  • Provide context and continuity on stories, so that individual factoids and incidents can be seen as part of an overall pattern of nuclear dangers.
  • Do whatever I can to keep the anti-nuclear community in good heart.

HISTORY: Libbe was visiting friends one mile from the nuclear reactors at Three Mile Island in

Middletown, Pennsylvania, when the nuclear accident happened on March 28, 1979. Libbe is author of the Amazon #1 best-selling nuclear memoir, Yes, I Glow in the Dark!  One Mile from Three Mile Island to Fukushima and Beyond, available as an ebook on and coming out as a physical book in late 2015.

During an extensive career in broadcasting, Libbe worked for WGN-TV, WGBH-TV, 20th Century Fox Studios, Norman Lear’s production companies, and many radio stations.  A accomplished playwright and librettist, her plays and musicals have won awards, been produced internationally, and optioned for Broadway. For more than 20 years, she ran a musical theatre development organization, Broadway on Sunset, and produced shows for Joan Hotchkis and Tearsheets Productions. Now an experienced life and business coach (clients include stage and screen legend Julie Andrews), as well as a popular storyteller and sought-after public speaker, Libbe’s dream is to take Nuclear Hotseat international via satellite, cable or broadcast and continue to be a catalyst to help end all things nuclear. 

Along the way, she’d make a great Nuclear Pundit for any of the broadcast or cable comedy shows , as well as a consultant on nuclear issues for the film, television and entertainment industry because let’s face it: she knows where the “bodies” are buried!

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Science, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author/Digital Marketing
Guest Biography:

Jeremy Feig is a writer based in Southern California. Originally from New York, Jeremy headed west after college to pursue creative endeavors. He’s written and directed numerous comedic short films and cartoons including Lady and the Ostrich (featured at the Indie Spirit Film Festival and VisionFest) and This Dam Life. His screenplays have been Paige International Screenwriting Awards semi-finalists and Cynosure Screenwriting Awards quarterfinalists. Jeremy's first book, How My Cat Made Me a Better Man, is a humorous self-help book for guys.

When he's not writing, Jeremy enjoys taking long walks and competing in midnight scavenger hunts.

Guest Category: Pets and Animals, Self Help