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Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

Author Jaimi ilama is also the President of Open Door Publishing based in beautiful Open Door Publishing creates beautiful books with positive messages that teach the importance of advocacy for both human & animal rights. The goal is to raise awareness to causes that both humans and animals face and start a dialogue on how to bring about change through acceptance and inclusion with stories of courage and never-ending spirit.

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Pets and Animals
Guest Occupation: Author & Humane Educator
Guest Biography:

After rescuing a puppy two decades ago, Diane Rose-Solomon became involved in animal rescue and education, serving for years on the board of directors of a small grassroots organization, the Animal Guardian Society. This lady with a heart of gold felt the need to give back even more to the animal community, so she became a Certified Humane Education Specialist through Humane Society University in 2009. She then combined her humane and creative interests by publishing her first two books, award-winning JJ the American Street Dog, and How He Came to Live in Our House and the sequel JJ Goes to Puppy Class.

Her latest contribution to book shelves everywhere is What to Expect When Adopting a Dog - a guide to successful dog adoption and pet parenting for every family.

Guest Category: Pets and Animals
Guest Occupation: Professor of Near Eastern Studies
Guest Biography:

Dale Loepp is a Professor of Near Eastern Studies at University of California Berkeley.  Dale is also a leader and spokesperson for Isaiah58 -  a group of concerned Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Lutherans who support justice for those living under military occupation in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and Gaza.  Isaiah58 urges the ELCA to take a more active role in assisting our neighbors in need in this part of the world, and listen more closely to our Lutheran sisters and brothers who live and minister there.

The group takes its inspiration from a Bible passage, Isaiah 58, which speaks about the consistency between religious belief and human action.  Without actively seeking justice, religious practices are rendered void.

Here is an article from Electronic Intifada featuring Dale's views...

In massive shift, Lutherans vote to halt US aid to Israel

Ryan Rodrick Beiler Activism and BDS Beat 17 August 2016

Lutheran church wants US to halt aid to Israel until settlement construction and human rights abuses end.

Ryan Rodrick Beiler

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has become the latest US denomination to take economic action against the Israeli occupation.

At its triennial assembly last week in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the four million-member church, one of the largest in the US, voted on two separate resolutions targeting Israel’s occupation and human rights abuses, passing each by a landslide.

The first resolution calls for the end of US aid to Israel until it ceases violations of international human rights norms, specifically the ongoing construction of settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

It passed by a 751-162 vote, or 82 percent, on 12 August.

The US gives Israel more than $3 billion every year, despite laws that prohibit aid to countries with persistent records of human rights violations. The Obama administration has vowed to increase that sum over the coming decade in what would be the largest military aid package the US has ever given any country.

The second resolution, adopted by a 90 percent margin on Saturday, calls for the creation of a “human rights social criteria investment screen,” specifically citing concerns raised in the church’s Middle East policy.

The Lutheran church has deep ties to Palestinian churches which are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land. Reverend Mitri Raheb, whose Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem is one such congregation, was one of the authors of the Kairos Palestine Document which calls on churches around the world to use “boycott and disinvestment as tools of nonviolence for justice, peace and security for all.”

“By adopting this investment screen, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is taking an important step to ensure that we are not profiting from, or complicit in, injustice in the Holy Land and elsewhere,” said church member Jan Miller in a press release from the grassroots group Isaiah 58. The group describes itself as Lutherans advocating “for an end to Israel’s occupation and a just peace for both Israel and Palestine.”

Dramatic shift

According to Tim Fries, an Isaiah 58 activist, much of the assembly was focused on getting the church to move toward taking responsibility for the ways it has been complicit in systemic privilege, “namely, white, European colonial privilege.”

Fries cited huge majority support for resolutions also put to vote at the assembly about supporting refugees and immigrants (by an 842-48 vote), and expressing solidarity with Black Lives Matter (846-73).

Resolutions on fossil fuel divestment and opposition to US military spending also passed with overwhelming support.

Still, the votes on the Israeli occupation marked a notable shift in position.

Dale Loepp, an Isaiah 58 leader, noted that at the previous church assembly in 2013, there was visible and organized opposition from the Zionist activist group Christians for Fair Witness on the Middle East.

At that time, Loepp told The Electronic Intifada, the main strategy to defeat such measures was to introduce amendments that removed any economic consequences, allowing such “toothless” resolutions to pass easily.

Similar tactics were used to effectively deflect divestment actions targeting occupation-linked firms during the United Methodist Church convention earlier this year.

At the 2013 Lutheran gathering, the only amendment that introduced an investment screen targeting the occupation failed by a 70 percent margin.

“The surprising story here is that there has been a massive shift in the stance of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on the occupation in only three short years – 70 percent opposed to economic tools to end the occupation, versus 90 percent in favor today,” Loepp said. “Though these are three years that I’m sure seem like two eternities to Palestinians.”

Abuse of privilege exposed

At this year’s assembly, Loepp observed no such visible organized opposition.

At the same time, grassroots organizers from the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation joined Isaiah 58 and allies from the Israel Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA), American Friends Service Committee, Friends of Sabeel North America, New Orleans Palestinian Solidarity Committee and Jewish Voice for Peace to support the resolutions.

Yet the same obstructionist strategies were employed by a number of bishops who had actively opposed divestment efforts three years ago.

Echoing widespread complaints about the US presidential election system, both Loepp and Fries noted how these bishops used their privilege to manipulate parliamentary procedures in an attempt to thwart popular sentiment.

Loepp credits the head of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, with not allowing filibusters to block the measures from going to a vote.

He has also observed calls on social media for systemic reforms that would prevent a handful of elites from attempting to hijack the democratic will of such proceedings in future.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Religion, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Success System: #1 Resource To Do What You Love
Guest Biography:

Shanda Sumpter knows if you have ever dreamed of having a life of no worries—being able to pay your bills, buying a nice home, sending your kids to college, taking a great vacation, or having the freedom and money to make a difference for others . . . she is the business coach to show you how to make those dreams come true (and how it may be less complicated than you think). Over the course of her career, Shanda has built her multimillion-dollar coaching company, become a best-selling author, hosted the infomercial “Your Wealth Matters,” and helped thousands of her students break through the six-figure (and seven-figure) ceiling.  But there was a time when she had only $500 to her name and found herself sitting on her apartment floor in Las Vegas, completely broke, unable to pay for her apartment and car.  She took a chance and hired a mentor on credit. That risk was the catalyst for what became her own multimillion-dollar company, HeartCore Business.  Now . . . as mom of a new baby and fiancée to her guy, Ash, she is grateful that she built a company that allows her to live on her own terms.  Shanda is passionate about helping you live life on your own terms, too, with her step-by-step system to get your business launched and make money. 

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author Intiuitive Reiki Master
Guest Biography:

Mary A. Love...

Empathic Intuitive, Angel Messenger, Ordained Minister, Reiki Master Healer Teacher and Published Author with over 8 years of experience. She channels the angelic realm for informative guidance during a Reiki session. Messages from Spirit Guides and Angels come through while she connects with your energy.

This is the link to the Balboa Press website to purchase my book.

From Rock to Gem

From Rock to Gem is designed to help those who have a similar story to the author's realize they have a power within to change the course of their life to a positive direction. This change can bring them more love, joy, happiness and self-empowerment than they could ever dream possible. A spiritual awakening can be the most freeing, life-altering shift one could ever experience. The author unabashedly shares her challenges, struggles, and triumphs to teach how an ordinary person can become extraordinary using faith, strength, and passion with a focus on not giving up or surrendering to what may seem to be the reality. From Rock to Gem can be a portal to the Divine in an amazing journey to self-discovery. The choice is ultimately yours.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Self Help, Spiritual, Angel Communication
Guest Occupation: Waterologist, Inventor
Guest Biography:

Jeff Louis is a Husband, Father, Waterologist, and Inventor of the BiophotonLight, Founder of comes from a background in electrical engineering, also joins us with Gary Voss as they discuss their latest Emerging Technology Venture.

Founder, Planet One Solutions. PlanetOneSolutions

Trustee & Water Scientist. BeyondWater

creator of the BioPhoton LS . BioPhotonLight

Co-Founder & CTO, IntelliTrees

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Founder, Waterologist, Inventor
Guest Biography:

Inventor of Intellitrees, CEO of Green-Aid Foundation International, Gary Voss comes from an engineering background in the armed forces which inspired his interest in Alternative Energy Technologies and Environmental Sciences. In October 2000, he launched an International Think-Tank called TAP-TEN Research which consists of a variety of the world's most cutting edge Engineers, Scientists and Physicists.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: French-American gourmet chef, songwriter, and Holistic Health Practitioner, who spent 10 years cooking in a yoga and meditation retreat center
Guest Biography:


Prem is a French-American gourmet chef, songwriter, and Holistic Health Practitioner, who spent 10 years cooking in a yoga and meditation retreat center (at the Self Realization Fellowship), where he learned the arts of meditation, international cuisine, Ayurveda, devotional chanting, and the art of balanced living. The quality of his music is positive, uplifting, and encouraging. His music sounds as though Trevor Hall, Jason Mraz, and Bob Marley went on a yoga retreat, and decided to write some songs together.

Prem, meaning “love” in Sanskrit. Prem Maurel is a gourmet chef and singer/Songwriter from San Diego who often combines food and music for various events. He spent his 20’s in a yoga ashram learning about yoga and meditation where he also became the ashram chef for nearly a decade. It is during that time that he devoped his skills as a chef and as a musician which he still uses today for all kinds of events and festivals.

Up to date, Prem has performed at events with other featured musicians such as Dustin Thomas from Medicine for the People, Tubby Love, MC Yogi, Wah!, Jaya Lakshmi, Cheb I Sabbah, Singing Bear, Here II Here, and Breath of Life Tribe and many others.

Prem has shared his music for up to 60,000 people at a time at places like the Holi Festival of Colors in Spanish fork Utah, St. George Utah, Los Angeles, and Oceanside. He has also played at The Kali Klub, Humphrey’s by the Bay, The World Beat Center, Yoshi’s in San Francisco, Youtopia Music Festival, Earth Day (SD), Harmony Festival, Harbin Temple, Karmaval Music Festival, HeartBliss Music Festival, Mystic Garden Music Festival, Circle of Life, as well as many yoga studios and non-denominational churches throughout the west coast.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Music, Spiritual