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Guest Name
Andromeda Council
Guest Occupation
Andromeda Council representative
Guest Biography

Tolec is a human representative of the Andromeda Council, an intergalactic, interstellar and interdimensional governance & development body of aligned benevolent star systems & planets of sentient, intelligent life, for worlds in both the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. 


He’s been given the name “Tolec” as an Earth based, pubic-persona name by the five (5) people with whom he regularly communicates…  who are stationed on the primary Andromeda Council biosphere.  There are presently 12 Andromeda Council biospheres stationed in this solar system, 3 relatively close to Earth.


Tolec’s first conscious, fully awake contact as an adult in 1993  was with his principal Andromeda Council contact person, the commander of the primary Andromeda Council biosphere who, like Tolec, is originally from the planet Dakote…  in the Taygeta star system, in the Pleiades.


Tolec learned from this man that Tolec’s soul origin was first birthed on the planet Dakote, the genesis planet of the Lakota, Dakota, Nakota and many other western Native American peoples.


In late summer of 1993, this same commander took Tolec on 3 closely clustered together, but separate, time-travel trips, via an Andromeda Council scout craft, back in time to the 1840s to an area of rural Kentucky or West Virginia to observe a family of four in their day-to-day life struggles.


Tolec’s Andromeda Council contact people indicate they’ve been in communication with him by various methods… since age 5.


Tolec says his communication with them happens via a variety of modalities:


(1) Telepathic communication while he is completely awake & conscious

(2) Communication with him in his sleep, ‘dream state’

(3) Brief ‘snap-shot’, photographic images, as well as ‘streaming movie shorts’

(4) Some automatic writing

(5) Interdimensional travel of his soul essence, as well as the physical travel of his Earth human body, to Andromeda Council biospheres where many council & sub-committee meetings are held -  where Tolec also holds a position on the “Joint Earth Council” – sub committee.


Tolec is aware of in excess of 100+ physical visits he’s had to the primary Andromeda Council biosphere that continues today.

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