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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

The Newsroom, Blogs, Articles, Featured Guests, Headlined Shows and Indie Music

NEW Music Artists & Bands Heard Between Talk Shows! We'll Be Your Favorite!

Headlined Show, Paradigm Shifters October 13, 2020

This week on Paradigm Shifters:


Hello Fellow Paradigm Shifters - Let's talk about shifting paradigms. How do you think? How do you define yourself, by income, beauty, health, education.... purpose in our society? List those attributes and "belongings" for a moment. Is what you described true to the real you? Interesting question isn't it?


My guest this week is John Petersen, founder of the Arlington Institute. John is a "futurist" and, with others, over the past 30+ years, has been influencing directions in our country. He's been involved in the Military, then, wanting to find different ways of empowering people, he moved into think tanks in the State Department, and onward into the White House, to advise some forward motion into the world.


We are honoured to speak with John about what to expect in the coming decades. Life has changed. Our systems are being totally disheveled, or indeed torn apart. We have heard that that would be happening but let's ask John how we ride out the chaos that

is already perking throughout our society. John will suggest what to expect, and be consciously designing our steps forward.


Paradigm Shifters ~ with Veronica Entwistle

Tuesday, 8pm (pst) ~ October 13th.

Special Guest ~ John Petersen

tune in on


~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to to worry - you can listen directly to the episode directly from the Podcast section on my website the day or so after the broadcast

Past/future episodes are available for FREE on iTunes



A Message from Veronica --


Hello Everyone,


Here we are again. The energies are moving fast and are confusing but many new opportunities are rising through our Covid-ed world Here are a few inspirational pointers!

Be aware of your energy, realizing that as we lift our frequencies, the outcome of the drama and trauma changes. It is easy enough to test it out. Breath deeply through your nose. Run the breath to the base of your spine - now draw it back up. Back up along your spine into your brain. Now again from the deep breath that fills your brain. With your outbreath, breath it back down your spine. Then back up your spine to fill your brain again. 3 times is good. More is even better. Then visuaiize your world with feeling.


Ask your own Guidance to inspire the way. As you do, notice the heaviness or fear, the question of what on earth to do, loosens up. You will find direction and incentive, and the love it takes to grow your trust.


Keep at this and find yourself surfing through the white waters of today.


Maybe its time for a chat with the Guides. Call for your session or book it on It'll be wonderful to catch up again.


With much love


Headlined Show, Shadow Politics October 11, 2020

Our guest is Former Time Magazine Reporter Alain Sanders. Professor Sanders is a former TIME Magazine reporter and Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Saint Peter's University. After a chaotic presidential candidate debate, and a more civil, less interesting vice-presidential debate, Maria and I will interview Professor Alain Sanders. Will either party move the needle with independents and undeclared voters as citizens across the nation begin to vote. Tune in and find out! 

Headlined Show, Lets Find Out October 11, 2020
17px; color:
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17px; color:
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sans-serif;">We move into the moment — bring in kindness, acceptance, and love.
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rgb(64, 47,
sans-serif;">Let’s Find Out always finds out!
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sans-serif;">Each show ends with a guided meditation.
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Headlined Show, Breaking the Silence October 11, 2020

Good Morning, FaithSprings Family and Friends!

Things are getting EXCITING here at FaithSprings Baptist and I want to let you know to GET READY!


First of all,


You can experience us MANY DIFFERENT WAYS:

*LIVE in our Church located at 2551 O’Day Road in Pearland, Texas!

*ON FACEBOOK at the Shattered By The Darkness Facebook page!

*ON heard and watched AROUND THE WORLD!



Here’s what is happening THIS SUNDAY:

I am REALLY excited about THIS SUNDAY’S SERVICE!  Don’t Miss It!




Great progress has been made on the new church building this week and most all the flooring in the bathrooms are completed. 

The rest of the bathroom flooring and walls will be tiled and finished next week.

Everything is starting to come together and we are getting closer by the day.

NOTE:  Please DO NOT go into the building this weekend or next week.  The tiles need to SET.  Thanks!



Well, we had to get “creative” in our approach to our normal “Trunk and Treat” Community Event this year.

SO….we will be having a VERY SAFE (Covid-friendly) Drive-thru Fall Festival and will be giving each child a bag of treats.

These “treat bags” will be handled with the greatest of care and in accordance to the CDC guidelines.

We will have a few church members greeting and handing out the treat bags that evening in a very fun and unique way.

Each bag will not only have treats, but also:

~~Information about our church

~~Service Times of our church services


~~Information about God’s Love and Plan of Salvation

~~A free DVD of the JESUS movie for each family!

~~Information for prayer needs

~~A special “pumpkin flashlight”

~~and much more!


I think this year could be even LARGER THAN EVER…because many places may cancel their own events because of COVID, so please help out by doing this for us:

**Start praying for the event!

**Instead of donating candy this year, we are asking for a financial donations so we can purchase each item at one time and keep items safely handled as possible.

**HELP SPREAD THE WORD by posting this poster on Social Media, emails, texts and everywhere you can:

Are you excited?  I am sure am.

I PROMISE we will take LOTS and LOTS of pictures to share with you so you can see all the families that we reached!




We have some GREAT weekly Adult Bible Studies available each and every week ONLINE on ZOOM.

Take advantage of these and join in on the learning, fellowship and fun!

Here is the information for all the Bible Studies:



The Sunday night radio show is REALLY starting to gain LOTS of attention and the growth of the program is getting really exciting.

This week’s guest will be an UNBELIEVABLE guest with so much knowledge and it is going to be AWESOME.

Here is the information about this week’s program:



I have been working on these books SO HARD and for SO LONG and I believe that if all goes well, ALL THREE of the books will be released BEFORE Thanksgiving!

Trying to write THREE BOOKS at the same time was CRAZY, but I believe they will be able to point so many people to HOPE!

More information about these in the coming weeks.

Hope to see each and every one of you THIS SUNDAY!!!!

Have an awesome Weekend!

Thanks for allowing ME to be the PASTOR of the BEST CHURCH FAMILY EVER!

Pastor Greg

Headlined Show, SOS October 9, 2020

Everyone has birth trauma. 

The Mother of All Wounds needs healing for us to be happy. If your mother was a narcissist many challenges occurred from this deep wound from challenges in all relationships, inadequacy, rejection, abandonment, blocks to intimacy, difficulty bonding, perfectionism, and people-pleasing are all part of this core wound. Let it all go beginning in this hour!

The Red Eyes CD : Up All Night Songs : Ran Alternative, Indie, Music, Pop, Reggae/SKA, Rock
Michael Brass CD : Michael Brass Songs : To Make This Guy Your Own Music, Pop, R&B, Singer/Songwriter, Soul, Urban
Curtis Mayfield III CD : Just Being Me Songs : Just Being Me, Soldier In The Sand Contemporary, Gospel, Music, Pop, R&B, Religious, Singer/Songwriter, Spiritual, Urban
Chris Joyner CD : Loved Songs : One Way Ticket, You Can Have It All Blues, Folk, Music, R&B, Singer/Songwriter, Soul, Urban
Caroline Waters CD : Venus Envy Songs : Deep Blue Sea, How Can I Love You, Please Don't Run Away, You Know What I Mean Acoustic, Contemporary, Jazz, Music, Pop, Vocal
The Sports Doctor Guest, Trish Kruchten October 06, 2021
Mom of Matthew

Fibular Hemimelia explained

Fibular Hemimelia is a partial or total absence of the fibula and is the most common form of lower limb deficiency present at birth. There are two long bones in lower leg, the thicker one is called the tibia and the thinner one is the fibula. With Fibular Hemimelia the tibia is shorter than normal and the fibula is missing or underdeveloped. A leg affected by Fibular Hemimelia will look shorter than an unaffected leg. The tibia may be bent and the foot may also be smaller than normal, bent outwards at the ankle and may have fewer than five toes. The knee is often also misshapen and may move abnormally.

Usually only one leg is affected, with the right fibula affected more often than the left and males are 50% more likely to be affected than females.

PFFD explained- Proximal femoral focal deficiency, also known as Congenital Femoral Deficiency, is a rare, non-hereditary birth defect that affects the pelvis, particularly the hip bone, and the proximal femur. The disorder may affect one side or both, with the hip being deformed and the leg shortened. Wikipedia


How common is Fibular hemimelia Prevalence is estimated at 1 in 50,000.

How common is PFFD…

Proximal femoral focal deficiency (PFFD) is an uncommon condition that affects about 1 in every 200,000 children, and can vary in

I say I won the lottery when I learned about Matthew on 5/2/12 (during pregnancy)!

My life changed for the better!

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Ron Hanks October 06, 2021
Colorado State Representative


Serving Our Country

  • Combat veteran - Ron served in the military throughout the world and across the United States.  He purchased land in Colorado in 2007 with the intent to retire and explore the Mountain West from the center of it all.  Out-of-control government forced him back into public service.

  • Ron retired from the U.S. Air Force at the end of 2017 after more than 32 years of active and reserve service, serving as an enlisted man and as a commissioned officer.  He worked as a linguist in Desert Storm and during multiple operations, including Northern Watch, Southern Watch, and Earnest Will.  During the Global War on Terror, Ron served as an intelligence officer, performing duties in Iraq, Kuwait, and United Arab Emirates.

  • Ron served in several other capacities during his career, to include as a treaty escort for foreign inspectors from Russia and other countries, as a counterdrug officer in Kazakhstan working to stop the flow of drugs out of Afghanistan that funded the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and as a badged, credentialed counterintelligence agent.

    When not deployed or in uniform, Ron worked in the oilfields of North Dakota, witnessing first-hand the benefits of American energy independence, the merits of hydraulic fracturing, and the spirit and know-how of blue-collar America.

Passion for Public Service

  • His passion for public service began in the mid-1970’s as he listened to Ronald Reagan articulate the differences between conservative and leftist policies.  Just like Reagan, Ron Hanks understands that at all levels, government is too big and spends too much, and that protecting personal liberty should be the main goal of any elected official.

  • Now a Colorado State Representative, Ron continues his life-long dedication to serving others, based on Reagan’s conservative principles, and motivated by the Democrat Party’s dangerous attempt to move our state and country towards the disastrous and failed models of socialism. Good people must stand up to stop the out-of-control liberalism that we are getting from Denver and Washington, D.C..

  • Recognized as one of our best conservative representatives in the Colorado House, Ron Hanks knows that he works for you. Your liberties must reign supreme - NOT the government’s powers.

Serving Our Community

  • Ron devoutly believes in our Bill of Rights and is an ardent, no-compromise defender of the 2nd Amendment.

  • Without The People’s full trust and confidence in the validity of our elections, all public policy decisions are irrelevant because they do not have ‘the consent of the governed.’  Secure, open, and fair elections must be the backbone of our elections if our country is to survive.

  • A strong social and fiscal conservative with a respectful live-and-let-live attitude toward others, Ron Hanks will keep fighting to protect Colorado taxpayers, grow our small businesses, and support and defend every law-abiding citizens’ God-given right to life, liberty, and property.

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Karen Kataline October 06, 2021
Radio Host, Author

Karen received her Masters’ Degree in Social Work from Columbia University and has worked in the areas of family therapy, eldercare and PTSD.

Acclaimed talk show host of Spouting Off

As a performer, she has toured the country in musical comedies, entertained on cruise ships and appeared in television and film. Her broadcast experience includes turns as a classical music radio announcer, news-caster, voice-over artist and of course, talk radio host. She lends her operatic voice to a variety of fundraisers and community events and has sung the National Anthem and God Bless America in numerous venues from State Legislatures to the New Jersey Nets.

Karen has trained people of all ages in public speaking, voice and diction, assertiveness and interpersonal communication. She taught communications at a Manhattan corporate training firm, the New School for Social Research, Parsons School of Design in New York, New Jersey’s Montclair State College, and Fairleigh Dickenson University, among others.

In politics, Karen has written numerous editorials and run for public office. She is passionate about freedom, equal justice and personal responsibility. You might have trouble pigeonholing her.

She enjoys encouraging people to think for themselves and to question everything.

Karen is the author of the awarding winning memoir, FATLASH! Food Police & the Fear of Thin, a memoir about her "stage mother on steroids" and her participation in child beauty pageants.

Shadow Politics Guest, Elle Rochford October 03, 2021
Ph.D., Sociology, Purdue University

Elle Rochford's work focuses on social movements, social media, policy and inequality. Rochford's recent projects examine reproductive justice, the Women's March and Instagram. Major themes in her work include racialized body markets, political performance and social movement framing. Elle has also been instructor of record for Introduction to Sociology, Marriage & Family and Deviance & Social Control. A professor at Purdue University, Rochford co-authored a report with Dr. Rachel L. Einwohner which found that many activists “get their sea legs” at marches – then either engage in direct activism or use their social media accounts to persuade others to act.

One More Thing Guest, Wesley Hyatt October 03, 2021
Writer, Content Editor at IBM

Wesley Hyatt is a writer with an emphasis in pop culture history, particularly television.  His 10th and most recent book is "Betty White on TV: From Video Vanguard to Golden Girl," celebrating the incredible 80 years on television for one of the medium's hardest working and most beloved stars.  Other recent works include "The Carol Burnett Show Companion," the first history of one of the universally acclaimed greatest TV series of all times, which includes a complete episode guide and more than 60 exclusive interviews, and "Bob Hope on TV: Thanks for the Video Memories," a summary of more than 1000 hours of appearances by America's favorite comedian of the 20th century, including interviews with nearly 40 people who worked with him.  
Outside of published books, Hyatt works as a marketing writer for IBM.  He has written and/or copyedited more articles, videos, magazines, columns, letters and other written materials over more than 30 years than he can ever estimate.  He resides in Durham, North Carolina.  
SONS of LIBERTY Radio with Bradlee Dean
Sons of Liberty Radio, October 25, 2024 Attempting To Redefine The 2nd Amendment
The Power Hour with Guest Hosts of Distinction
The Power Hour, October 24, 2024 Guest Host, Douglas Gibbs
The Power Hour with Guest Hosts of Distinction
The Power Hour, October 25, 2024 Guest Host, Samm Simpson and guest Dr. William Schnoebelen
SONS of LIBERTY Radio with Bradlee Dean
Sons of Liberty Radio, October 24, 2024 The Media Would Have You Believe That The Right To Individually Bear Arms Is Delusional