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Dr Jane M Mullins

I am a dementia nurse consultant with over 25 years experience of working with people living with the condition and their families. At a time when approx.15.7 million adult family caregivers care for someone who has Alzheimer's disease or another type of dementia (Alzheimer's Association, 2015) there is an urgent need to offer support and advice to help people learn to care and cope well.  Many have little or no support and struggle to help their loved ones as their condition deteriorates which can impact hugely on their own health too. Dementia can cause changes in memory, communication, mood, the ability to reason and to make decisions. On top of all that, the person may eventually fail to recognise the very people who are closest to them, a devastating effect of the condition. After many years of listening to, caring for and observing people through their illness from diagnosis to the end of their lives I have uncovered ways in which people can learn to stay connected, communicate and live well despite the condition. This has culminated in my book, Finding the Light in Dementia, a Guide for Families, Friends and Caregivers. Here, I explain the common changes that can occur and offer valuable tips, approaches and share stories that can help when caring. Finding the Light offers hope and strength to all affected whether you're a partner, spouse, daughter, son, sibling, friend or parent. This includes using the senses to communicate and music and nature are particular favourites of mine. I would be very happy to share my knowledge, expertise and experience with your listeners. Please contact me at or 44 (0)7954690170

United Kingdom

Dr. Jane M. Mullins is a dementia nurse consultant who has devoted over 25 years to the study and practice of dementia care. Through listening to and supporting people and their families during and following their diagnosis in memory clinics, caring for people who have dementia in hospital and in care homes, she has helped people throughout all of the stages of their condition. When managing a Nursing Home, she has supported their transition from home to residential care using life stories as a guide to planning their life and care throughout their remaining years. This has included supporting their partners, families and friends. Her particular passions are finding ways to communicate with people who have dementia through music, art and nature as a way to helping them feel well and valued.

Jane has uncovered certain common features that may help caregivers and the people they care for find better ways of coping, you can find these in her new book: Finding the Light in Dementia, a Guide for Families, Friends and Caregivers. Her extensive practice experience is backed up by expert knowledge gained from keeping up with research, attending conferences, seminars, lecturing and studying for Her PhD; A suitcase full of memories: a sensory ethnography of dementia. She explores sensory, creative and intuitive ways of communicating with those living with dementia. Her passion of spreading the word about how to connect with and help those affected by dementia also shines through in her writing

McIntyre Y Evans PhD

Growing Your Human Potential For Your One Incredible Life, Because Your Knowledge Is Your Power!


Writer, Producer, Director For Broadcast Media, Film, Live Stage...  More than 50 be continued

James McInerney

I am a Poet and Author, my 4th book is out this year and I do a lot of things in the media and on the BBC. I also work with actors and it would be nice to talk about emotions in poetry and how poetry can help and heal.

About me:
James grew up in an area in Northampton aptly named ‘Poets Corner’, unbeknownst that poetry was to become a huge part of his life.
Having no prior interest in the subject matter in his younger years, James discovered the wonders of writing in his twenties.
Mixing his own thoughts and emotions with classical and instrumental film scores, he realised for the first time in his life that there was more to writing than met the eye.
With no real influences or coming from a writing background, James’ enthusiasm grew and grew and it was full steam ahead – with no turning back!
Not content with writing words for his own amusement, he continued to test the boundaries - to great effect.
Using his new found love for writing and his in depth knowledge of social networking sites, his resourcefulness resulted in success.
As his work is becoming more popular, his numbers are growing on his social networking sites; James has 34,000 followers on Instagram and 11,000 on Twitter.
Attracting a lot of attention over the years, James and his works have covered a wide range of different media platforms.
With his works, he has been featured in various UK and International magazines and newspapers and has been featured on various radio stations in the UK and the Netherlands including the BBC (where he is a part of the newspaper review team).
His words have been adapted and performed by many musicians and vocalists, with many of them gaining a lot of airplay on multiple radio stations. His first book was also used in a sci-fi American TV show.
With various US/UK Actors and Actresses voicing his poetry, James is taking his words to a whole new level.
His books ‘In between the Lines’, 'Bloom' and 'Red' are currently available to buy via Amazon Worldwide and are also available to read for free in various schools, colleges, universities and libraries in the UK, Ireland and America.
His fourth book is due out Winter 2018.
Jerilyn Champion

My Life's Events-versatile and driven to my natural curiosity in the areas of life, art, human relationships, mixed-race, marriage, natural health cures and modalities all covered by a great faith.  

My books and the contents-My work is reflected and explains the depth and purpose of the events and then tosses it back at the reader to look at the clues or promptings in their own life which to leads to discovering their true purpose.  My belief is that when you find it you can become very focused and passionate:  you feel like you are now matched up to your destiny and you've stepped onto your unique path!  It's a journey but it's fufilling because you have a sense of being aligned.  My books are both faith-based and in rhyme are diverse in subject matter as they flow thru me through an inspired source.  The fact that there are illustrations and short chapters make them an easy read.  They can be read all at one time or opened anywhere and able to be read like having a nourishing snack.  I do have a definite philosophy about life-as seen from a "70 year old on-the-planet-viewpoint."  The hurdles that I crossed through the Lord's grace has made my life "FREED" in many ways.  This leads me to believe they are recieving the exhilirating "MESSAGES FROM THE MASTER" (the title of book #5!)  Book #2 is "DIVINE RHYMES "Poetry with Passion" and knowledge.  Book # 3 is a little devotional" QUIPS FOR COMFORT" on page 25 A "Timely Plea for Our Country's Unity. " This poem was written from a prophetic download meant for then-candidate Trump.  Book # 4 is "A Consciously Conscious Christmas."  Some of these poems will make you cry, literally (pages 7-8).  'We Will Meet Again, But When" and page 9-10 "A Mother's Love".  Some of these poems will make you laugh out-loud (page 33) "Confessions of a Sugar Addict."  

All books are my artwork and words inspired by as I said By the Ultimate Source!

United States

I am an author, writer, and painter of presently 5 books.  I  am working on the 6th and 7th books.  

I was born in 1948 in Los Angeles, CA.  I always loved painting and writing--even as a child.  As I grew up, I studied art finishing up at UCLA in 1970.   I also took additional classes at Art Center and Trade Tech.  

I was married in 1974.  I had an inter-racial marriage and my son came along in 1975.  Even as a young teenager, I had a premonition that I may have a mixed-marriage.  My artwork at that time reflected multi-racial subjects.  Interestingly also my first baby doll was black.  Back in the 70's this was very controversial.  My first book published in 2016 is a memoir of my life-I started it in 1982 and thought I was done!  But I wasn't!  I worked in the cosmetics field while raising my son.  I am also a make-up artist.  In 1997, I had a life-changing event of nearly dying, by being hit by a car walking across the street.  

I recount this in my first book in Chapter 23, pages 91-92.  In this chapter there is a gut-wrenching account of the incident and an illustration describing leaving my body, watching the crash and talking to an angel on the other side!  

All of my books are faith-based.  I survived the accident by God's Grace.

He restored my leg and shoulder.  I can paint and write!  In 2010, I had to retire early from my usual work.  At that point, I began veraciously writing and publishing.

The words flow thru me onto the page.  I write in rhyme most of the time from a higher inspration.

My upcoming books are an allegorical fairytale originally I wrote in 1971.  

The 7th book is health and anti-aging secrets revealed!

I am investigating more diverse genres to suit and appreal to even more audiences.  

I presently have 40 plus notebooks full of material with new wisdom coming thru daily.  There is so much to share.  I have found that people who resonate with my work have a very emotional, strong reaction to it.  Some people cry and some have been known to quote passages from my books.  

I am in a season of great creativity and productivity.  I wiould just like to be able to share the great lessons from my life with others.  Perhaps in order for them to have an easier time with their life's journey.  Many blessing have come from a life of curious and diligent seeking.  

Love, Jerilyn 

insirational author, faith-based, mixed race, anti-aging
Dr Cesily DeAngelo

Detoxing to Manifesting Your Desires

The toxins we have allowed in our lives:  How to Manifest your desires?
People( relationships)  Foods (we all do not have to vegan to live in-tune with the planet) Entertainment (shows, media, and books) Environment( our support system, living space, and our workspace)  Spiritual( being in tune with self)
 I have a textbook I wrote with 48  chapters that you work on each day called "Manifestation workbook 1"
United States

I am a Metaphysician, a Workshop Facilitator, and Author. I am a raw vegan chef. I wanted to do more in the Holistic field so I have a degree in Parapsychology. I am a Master Reiki, Prana, Munay-Ki ( Instructor), Color Therapist, Vibration Therapist, Doula, and Counselor. I am an author of "Its Vegan and it tastes good", "Manifestation workbook 1" & Alchemist Culinary Alchemy 4 Healing. I create internet TV shows and Radio Shows "Food Alchemy Network". I am Gemstone Instructor. Providing Workshops & Conferences for Women Yoni Healing and Workshops & Conferences for Men Lingham Healing. Provide Workshops on Detoxing and other things to keep the body safe. I have for Sale Product line for the body for hair to oral care to Alchemy herbal desserts (dr.cesilydeangelo Products).

Manifestation Workbook 1
Sonja and Esin Tanrisever

For A Bright Future Of Your Child

Authors Of Free Art Learning With Kids Tells Your Audience

Sonja & Esin, both are Swedish and Turkish mother and daughter. Artists, art educators and authors. Sonja has 58 years of expertise on the subject and Esin has 20 years. At this stage of their journey, they published an e-book on Amazon and iBooks on art education of kids from 2 to 7 years of age ("Free Art Learning With Kids") They aim to reach parents, close relatives and teachers of kids for introducing a different, innovative way of art education.

Points We Take Serious Are;

90% of Children’s Personalities Have Already Become Developed By The Age of 6! Supporting Our Kids For a Bright future Who Will Be The Educators (You! Education Starts At Home) Kids Remind Us Little Scientist Similarities and Interrelations Between Play & Art The Child Within Ourselves Relations Between Left Brain and Right Brain Lobes What We Can Learn From Our Children

Below, please find a list of questions with the information how long it would take us to reply each of them (few take 30 sec. and most take either 60 or 90 sec. for us reply).

01-What about those persons saying “I have no talent at all, I can’t even draw a straight line?” (ESIN) (60 sec.)

02-Who Will Be The Educators? (You! Education starts at home!) (ESIN) (90 sec.)

03-You’ve Written That 90% of Children’s Personalities Have Already Become Developed By The Age of 6! What’s Your View On That? (SONJA) (90 sec.)

04- Do Kids Remind of Little Scientists? (ESIN) (60 sec.)

05- What’s Your Point Of View Upon “The Child Within Ourselves”? (ESIN) (30 sec.)

06- Are There Similarities and Interrelations Between Play & Art? (SONJA) (90 sec.)

07-How We Can Support Our Children For a Bright Future? (ESIN) (30 sec.)

08-Relations Between Left Brain and Right Brain Lobes, What’s Your View On That? (ESIN) (90 sec.)

09- 5 Ways to Be Closer With Your Children (SONJA) (60 sec.)

10-What Are Your Views Upon Free Education and Its Effect on Children’s Self Confidence? (ESIN) (90 sec.)

11-How Learning In Art With Young Children Should Be? (SONJA) (90 sec.)

12-What Can We Learn From Our Children? (SONJA) (90 sec.)

Thanks for your interest. 

Best Regards,

Esin Tanrisever



Sonja Böhlander Tanrisever is a Swedish Turkish freelance artist lately living in Istanbul and  it has been 58 years that she teaches children and adults in art, besides writing poems and articals mainly focused on educational matters.

As a young person in Sweden, she received education in art and pedagogy (sculpture, drawing, painting and textile design). Simultaneously she had started gathering children and youngsters in her studio for their obtaining experiences in art making. She found opportunity to set up an art school for adults within Swedish workers educational association (ABF) as well as participating in her first exhibitions.

During her later life with family in Turkey, above mentioned basic fields of activities have been further developed, like own art (6 one-man shows and 22 group exhibitons), teaching adults in art. She has also been lucky of setting up her therapeutic rehabilitation section for adults at a university hospital psychiatry clinic in Istanbul. Her main occupations in teaching though, have been establishing many kinds of creative environments for young persons from various sociocultural standards of living. These has become realized as a kind of “building bridges” within different leading cultural and educational institutions sometimes between nations. Ofthen such involvements have had character of connecting institutions with one another. In this context, particularly teachers’ training has been a vital interest.

Through contribution of a certain established blend of Swedish Turkish art pedagogical model, by time it’s influences have come at least to a certain degree get gradually ramified within the country. For the time being besides working in her own studio on pictorial / sculptural weavings, she is actively working as art consultant in a private kindergarten (AKD American Cultural Association), pa private primary school (Harvard International American College, Istanbul) and TYSA (Life Therapy Art Association in Istanbul). Among her publications can be found;

“Innovations in children’s art education” Yildiz Teknik University Muzecilik ve Egitim

“Integration and Playfulness For Children In Art Pedagogical Education InSEA (International Education Through Art), 2004

“Art Pedagogical Seminar Cultural Bridges Between Nations” Swedish Institute, 2003

“SKYGD Experiments In Supporting Social and Cultural Life” Programs For Art Studios , Importance of Creating For Child and Youngster and Their Relations With Material, 2009

In these days, together with her daughter Esin Tanrisever she is about to publish an E-Book “Introduction To Free Art Learning With Kids”

She is a regular artical writer in an online magazine “Children On Earth” of American Cultural Association

Artist is a board member of UPSD (International Society of Plastic Arts), member of InSEA (International Society For Education Through Art), SKYGD (Association for Development of Social and Cultural Life) and AREM (European Rehabilitation Center. Pieces of her art works do take place at collections in different parts of the World.

Upon Sonja’s Art works: “Artists’ works may be associated with travelling… Dreamlike states of journeys between different dimensions of time and space. Outlines vanish and borders between dream and reality, past-time/ present time gets overlapped into each other. Lines, colors, shapes and textures come to symbolize Artist’s thoughts and emotions.

In usual dreams one more or less drifts along in uncontrollable sequences of events. Also artists in ‘dream’ state, ‘witnesses’ in a kind of awake condition stuff that dreams are made of: fragmentary images of experienced perceptions from past or present life. These now gather together, get confronted, reborn and embodied into pieces of art.”


Having a great deal of experiences being active in innovative art pedagogical projects and being supported by leading cultural and educational institutions, she has cooperated as organizer and runner of art workshops for children in South America and Turkey. She also has experiences in assisting, founding and running art training courses for teachers and then supervise these teachers for teaching their own children.

Through extensive experiences in different professional artistic environments (like studies in painting, sculpting, batik), she has come to develop and exhibit a personal style of artistic expression, in which, influences from Nature plays a dominant role. She is a member of InSEA (International Society For Education Through Art). She also keeps writing short stories and articles.

She is a member of the NGO “AKUT” Search & Rescue Society and has participated in social responsibility projects with different duties like having been head of K9 Rescue Dog Training Department. She got a degree on tourism and hospitality services from Bilkent University Ankara, Turkey.

Esin Tanrisever holds multiple citizenships of Sweden and Turkey and resides for the time being in Istanbul, Turkey. Besides above mentioned experiences, she is partner and director of innovative companies in the field of Health & Medical Technologies both in Istanbul-Turkey and San Fransisco Bay Area-US, following up with the projects of her father, who has been a brilliant scientist.

From Esin upon materials she uses in her Art Works: “Bark or branch of a tree, a stone, bone of an animal, feather of a bird or a sea shell… All these natural objects, however modest they may seem at first glance, have very lyrical expressions of their own. And it’s like as if they can tell about stories they have lived through…

From the very moment of first facing them when placed on my canvas, a relationship between me and them gets started… According to their shapes, colours, structures, smells…

 And so I come  to be a shell and the shell becomes me. Discovering at this time that I’ve found a language of my own.”

Free Art Learning With Kids, Introduction Book
Denise Mange

Did you know that a dog's on-leash reactivity can indicate an imbalance in the first chakra for pets and humans, or that puppy nipping could be an invitation to revisit the third chakra and patterns around stepping into your power?

Welcome to Heeling With Chakras, Denise Mange's breakthrough approach to dog training and personal growth! Mange, a gifted animal intuitive, has long used meditation, reiki, chakra work, crystals, sacred geometry, pet numerology and a variety of energetic balancing methods to foster meaningful shifts for both pets and their humans.

Now she has codified much of what she has discovered about "pet prana" into her Heeling With Chakras program, and is eagerly imparting it to people seeking to not only solve their pet problems, but to consciously explore the energetic patterns and limiting beliefs those problems bring to the surface, in order to reaffirm or replace them more broadly in one's life!

The Heeling With Chakras course is for anyone who wants to deepen their bond with their pet through obedience training and learn more about themselves and their spiritual gifts through their animals - using the natural world as a catalyst. Since the energetic themes are universal, their impact can be imprinted on a person's relationships--be they dogs, cats or any other relationship that is an access point for powerful connections.

Clues from a pet's behaviors, the natural world, and the chakra system provide a systematic method to review patterns in one's life, process experiences, and create a foundation for lasting shifts to take place for both the pet owner and his or her animal companion.

For example, the first chakra has to do with energies around grounding, survival, safety, financial security, and victimhood. In animal companions, the owner's blockages may be reflected back as on-leash reactivity. If that's the case, in addition to traditional training techniques, Denise may encourage the pet owner to revisit limiting beliefs that might include: "I am always going to have to struggle to keep anything of value; I am always waiting for the other shoe to drop; I am not in control of what happens in my life; I am not supported in my beliefs and passions."  

According to Denise, examining the emotions and beliefs around security, sexuality and creativity, stepping into one's own power, creating loving boundaries, and standing fully in one's truth can have a profound effect on such animal behaviors as separation anxiety, barking, jumping, nipping, accidents, and on-leash or guest reactivity. Addressing the emotional component, coupled with learned practical training techniques and obedience commands, often puts those issues to rest and gives pet parents the opportunity to identify similar vibrations in other areas of their lives. 

Each week during the 7-week course, Heeling With Chakras leverages the energy of a different chakra and its resonance via a pet's behavior, numerology, sacred geometry, divine archetypes, animal totems, and crystals. In addition to traditional obedience training, Denise offers many exercises that are designed for the pet owner to go deeper, including journaling, meditations, breath work, and timeline therapy to connect more fully with experiences and emotions that are ready to be processed and healed -- in order to make way for new, more beneficial opportunities and energies for humans and their pets.

After a decade working at some of the most prestigious advertising agencies in New York City, Denise left the glitz and glamor of Madison Avenue to pursue a true sense of fulfillment and soul's purpose, which she found in working with dogs. Upon certification through traditional obedience training programs, she realized there had to be more that could be done to honor the connection between pups and their humans.

Looking for ways to foster those deeper connections, Denise studied with some of the top animal communicators and intuitives in the field, and eventually developed her own unique brand of intuitive dog training to help pet parents forge a loving partnership with their pups through the lens of mind, body, and energetic connection.

If you would like to explore this "new way forward in pet guardianship" with Denise Mange, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Certified Dog Trainer, Pet Intuitive, Pet Numerologist and Founder of Pet Prana After a decade working at some of the most prestigious advertising agencies in New York City, Denise left the glitz and glamour of Madison Avenue to pursue a true sense of fulfillment and soul's purpose, which she found working with dogs. Upon certification through traditional dog obedience training programs, she realized there had to be more that could be done to honor the connection between pups and their humans.

Looking for ways to foster those deeper connections, Denise studied with some of the top animal communicators and intuitives in the field, and eventually developed a unique brand of mindful dog training to help pet parents forge a loving partnership with their pups through the lens of mind, body, and energetic connection.

Denise’s proprietary process Translating Beyond Behavior(SM) provides a roadmap to how your pet’s behaviors can give you specific insight into the healing that is ready to take place, including limiting beliefs to process and which chakras they affect. Denise's integrative approach helps foster true partnerships and heart centered connections that deepen the compassion and understanding of the lessons your animal companions are here to share with you, using methods such as chakra work, animal communication, and pet numerology in conjunction with the fundamentals of traditional obedience training. Think of it as self help, for Pet's sake!

Denise received her BS from Boston University, her dog trainer certification from Animal Behavior College, is a certified Animal Communicator and Intuitive Energy Reader through top experts in the field and a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT).

Cheryl Powell

Imagine burying your father at 42 years of age, and then finding out at the funeral you were adopted. Or that the entire family knew of the 'secret' ...except you. 

I think your audience would be fascinated as to how I lost and then recreated my identity at the age of 42...overcoming a trilogy of tragedies all at once, only to end up in a better place.

I would love to share my story and my 'rebuilding' life tips with your audience!       

United States

Cheryl Powell, (writing under pen name Cheryl Denise Bannerman), is a multi-genre author of three successful works of fiction. At the age of 42, after burying her father, she learned a truth about her entire life that would shatter her identity, as she knew it. She was not her parent’s biological child.

Soon after, she buried her mother along with the family secret, proceeded to break free of an abusive marriage, and picked up the pieces of her life to start over in Florida. Through her faith in God, sense of humor, and intense therapy, she was able to ‘recreate her identity’ and come to terms with the truth.

One of the few female authors to introduce topics of social concern within ‘fictional’ stories, her books draw from her most intimate life experiences and include characters who have been victims of child molestation and domestic violence, and who suffer from depression and various addictions. In each novel, the characters are brought closer to Christ and ultimately overcome the trials placed in their path.

In hopes of removing some of the stigma surrounding seeking help and ‘therapy’, she openly shares how she survived and escaped her abusive marriage, and ‘recreated her identity’ at the age of 42. Now, she is helping victims of Domestic Abuse/Violence, Grief and ANON family groups, and Corporate Health and Wellness groups, to heal - creating their own ‘Happy Ending’…one day at a time. Ms. Powell now resides in Orlando, Florida, where she runs a virtual Training and Development company, GC Learning Services LLC dba Learn2Engage, which she founded in 1996.

Adam Rose

For over half my lifetime I have been a seeker of truth, and it has led me to create a simple solution for humanity, in the form of an easily implementable plan.  Due to extremely agonzing physical symptoms, my ability to promote this work has been limited, but I recognize the extremely urgent nature of the world now, and that my voice must be heard, regardless of how much I am suffering.  I am asking that you give me a chance to engage in a dialogue with you, and bring sorely needed attention to these ideas that have instilled themselves deeply within my being.  Please, check out my website, and have a look at, to hear my music.  Thank you.

United States

From an early age I always had questions, and would gaze up at the night sky with wonder.  My parents told me that shortly after I was born, I seemed to have the look of ‘where the hell am I?’ in my eyes.  I think that look might still be there.

My list of formal accolades is short, but hopefully there is no prerequisite in Heaven for the whole ‘saving-the-world’ thing-a-ma-jiggy.  The most important things you could ever know about me are that I am very curious, and love music. If I ever have enough time and energy to finish the book I started, you’ll get to know more, but suffice it to say that I’ve had a few oddball experiences but an overall pretty standard, run-of-the-mill experience on the ridiculous spiritual merry-go-round.  Just be aware that if we ever do get on board a real merry-go-round together, you better’d be quick, because I’ll race you to the most exotic and idiotic looking creature!

In the summer of 2015, I got an enormous purplish and painful rash on the back of my right leg, and was given a late diagnosis of lyme disease six weeks later.  Some medical buffoonery was involved, but I’ll spare you the details. For over 15 years prior to this diagnosis, I had experienced physical symptoms that were anywhere from annoying to excruciating, mostly in the form of headaches and electrocution sensations.  Whatever the degree and the form of the symptoms that were present, above all, they have been persistent and have thoroughly trashed my nervous system. At this point in May of 2018, I describe my condition as ‘lyme-disease-complex’, indicating that lyme may be involved, but there is in all likelihood a multitude of factors responsible for my general malaise, and this page is no place to get into that convoluted mess.

The extreme pain and the accompanying isolation of sickness have forced my natural curiosity to run the gamut of all possibilities, investigating deeply into my own condition and the general nature of the human condition in its entirety.  Like many people who have been afflicted with this most-unnatural spirochetal organism responsible for lyme disease, my nervous system has been deeply affected, including my ability to concentrate and retain information. Fortunately, my bullshit-detector has come out largely unscathed such that I am still able to glean the essence of people and ideas and can strip things down to the core, just like my nerves have been stripped of their thin myelin insulation.  It has left me feeling indescribably sensitive and vulnerable, and the memory of Home has made me feel acutely devastated in what too often feels like a hopeless condition. There ain’t nuthin’ cute about it.

Every day when I open my eyes in the morning, I feel my nervous system rebelling against the idea of living another day and it seems inconceivable that I could  accomplish anything at all in such an afflicted state. Even as I write in this moment I am all too aware of my overloaded neurons, and have a hard time imagining how I will be able to do everything required of me for the remainder of the day.   Somehow, I will make it through this day, and in all likelihood, I will accomplish something, be it petty or significant. Yet this is no way to live, as it is little more than mere survival. And just as I experience this horrific reality in my own life, I know there are millions of others who live in chronic pain and are bereft of hope, and this goes way beyond ‘not okay’- it’s fucking outrageous.

Although my experience living this way has been hellacious, it has not crushed my spirit, as my sense of humor still thrives and my goofy and playful nature remains intact. Neither has the pain obliterated my convictions that we can transform the world quickly and completely and with greater ease than we may be willing to entertain. Yet my confidence in this conviction can vacillate wildly, and takes a nosedive when I feel distant and separated from my Soul Siblings.  Just like everyone else, I require comfort and support, and am certainly not here to promote toughness or machismo. This world is difficult enough as it is, and I certainly feel no compulsion to make things even harder for myself. This difficulty is no surprise, as I am not unaware of the fact that there are dark forces that do not want me here because of who I am and what I know to be possible. Yet through all of the trials in this world of darkness, my focus is irresistibly attracted to the Light, the Truth, and towards getting the job of worldwide transformation fully initiated.  

The creation of Dissolving the Dream, along with my musical creations, have come to fruition not be tenacity or perseverance, for I do not believe that I am endowed with these virtues.  They exist because I am here and cannot tolerate being idle. Until I can leave the world knowing that my son will be okay without me here, there is no choice but to do what I have been called to do.  So let’s save the friggin’ world already!