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David Frank

I am the National Director of One Voice Now.. Here's the plan for taking back & fixing America...

United States

Dr Martin Luther King jr award recipient.

Selina Maitreya

I've been a spiritual teacher sharing the wisdom and practices of Practical Spirituality for 17 years.I teach people how to respond to any difficulty or chaos in their daily life from the higher frequencies of love.

In today's world where people experience difficulty all around and have never been taught how to respond to chaos from anything other then creating more of the same.  The principles and practices I'd love to share with your audience, are truly life changing.

I'm on a mission to share these truths and practices with others and I do hope you’ll provide me an opportunity on your show to do so.

Please reference the press section on my website for more information, I’d be happy to jump on Skype, zoom or  phone to  discussed the possibility of an interview.


Selina Maitreya is an internationally celebrated lecturer, author and teacher of Practical Spirituality.

Practical Spirituality is a transformational

teaching that utilizes one's daly life as the practice pad for increased consciousness and connection to higher wisdom.

Students of Practical Spirituality learn how to identify and access their highest wisdom  24/7 living lives that are based in true abundance and peace.

Selina’s latest offering is a free 60minute Master Class:

Become The Abundance You Seek

Ken Ludwig

The brand is Vibrant Aging. We are falling apart - literally. For the first time more people are dying from the effects of obesity than from starvation. We are being poisoned by a compromised food supply that is compromising our health. As a society we are living our entire lives in our emergency setting - fight or flight - and we are burning out from stress and the diseases that stress causes. What can we do? Vibrant Aging is about taking control of our lives and embracing the process of growing older, rather than getting old. There are solutions and there are choices we can make to look, feel and perform younger and live healthier longer.

United States

Ken Ludwig is a child of the 60's whose embrace of the sex, drugs and rock'n'roll lifestyle gave him an up close and personal look at the bottom of the barrel. He has transformed 25 years of alcoholism and drug addiction into over 30 years of sobriety, personal development and Coaching success. He and his wife Lisa have created Vibrant Aging to help people bust the myth that aging is bad for your health. It's all about growing older, not getting old.

Barbara Rozencruis

My name is Barbara and I am aware of my purpose and special gifts. I am able to connect to the light of my being that opens me up to another light, the light of Thoth. Connecting to the Light of Thoth has healed me. It helped me re-connect with my divine plan. In this process I met the man of my life and I can now heal humanity and Earth. We are teaching people to connect to Earth and the cosmos and heal themselves. Healing can be achieved through purification, transformation and growth. 

When people fantasize or have ideas about enlightenment, they avoid looking at themselves. Connecting to their true-self, purifying themselves, accepting their imbalances and open up to the cosmic light to receive healing are duties that people will not be reached. Sometimes being intoxicated by those great ideas of freedom, truth and enlightenment, people may experience illusionary pleasures but they do not lead to growth; they are still in a space of distortion.

Human beings on Earth talk about mysteries, hidden truths and secret formulas but they have to understand that the only way to growth is by connecting to their true-self. This natural process of growth becomes a mystery for human beings because their intention is not to connect to their true-self. Diversions take many forms; they may appear as consumerism, having an artificial lifestyle; being attached to certain institutions; having social and financial expectations or even seeking fantastic truths and wisdom.

If you want to connect to truth, connect to your own being, starting from your physical body. Allow the nourishment of the cosmic light to go through you; experience healing and rebirth. Experience your physical body in unity with your whole being, helping you connect to your astral body and the astral plane. The cosmic light can unite you to all that you are and help you on your path of growth. Our work is supported by two books: "Fountain Source of High Wisdom-Sacred Book of Thoth" and "Wisdom of Thoth", teachings, retreats, on-line retreats and much more.

United Kingdom

My name is Barbara and I have the ability to connect to the Light of Thoth. You will probably want to know how and why I am carrying this precious gift. How am I using it and what is my purpose in this lifetime? Perhaps I should start from the very beginning. I am aware of my existence before my reincarnation. My astral existence was known to me. I was a light being connected to other light beings in the astral plane. I saw zillions of illuminated beings, surrounded by multi-layered glowing auras, rotating on their axis like micro-stars. These beings were responsible to produce light and energy which nourished and maintained the cosmos. If you ask me to define this state I will use two words: unity and no-limitation.

I was approached by a Spiritual Guide whose non-verbal communication revealed to me that a number of high-dimensional beings will have to leave the spiritual plane and reincarnate on Earth, in order to assist with the planet’s transition to a higher dimension. This shift is going to be catastrophic for many humans; we should expect natural disasters, world-wars and epidemics. Some of these challenges are manipulated in order to lock humanity into the material agony which keeps them enslaved and unable to comprehend that the whole being of the true-self is a Divine unity living a multidimensional consciousness. I was also told that the high-dimensional beings who are going to descend on Earth will help with the rebirth of the planet. This was communicated to me by my spirit guide who supported me to reincarnate on the planet to help with Earth’s ascension. I was shown the time line, the divine plan, of my reincarnation and all the major events which were going to take place. The divine plan was clearly set and I agreed to it.

My next memory takes me to my mother’s womb. The physical transformation was taking place in this nourishing and safe space. I was able to connect to my parents energetically. My bonding with them was very important; it was designed to assist me to make the transition from a bodiless existence in a higher frequency to a physical, third dimensional reality. It was also important for the foetus’ grounding and its familiarity with the Earth’s vibration. Connecting energetically to my parents, I experienced the richness of their emotions. This is a unique characteristic of the human race and reveals their great creativity and exceptional potential for spiritual development. While I was in my mother’s womb, I experienced a wondrous transformation: being a light-being, I gradually lowered my vibration to assist with the formation of the physical body. A new consciousness was created to support the physical and spiritual growth. My sensations in the womb were of a glorious bliss; I was expecting the miracle of reincarnation.

When the time came for the physical being to exit in the womb and enter the third dimensional plane, the vibrational transition proved to be a traumatic experience. After a long labour, I finally came out from my mother’s body still not being able to enter the third dimensional reality and as a result the new-born was pronounced dead. It was then that I, the new-born was brought back to life rooted into the Earth’s energy. For all who witnessed my birth, they saw it as a miracle and the doctor and nurses nicknamed me “Lazarus the Resurrected”. Guides and angels are constantly with us. Their role is very important and complex: they offer protection, healing and guidance; they teach us to achieve our purpose; remind us of our unity with the cosmos and ground us to the Earth’s energies. In my early years, I was fascinated with the human body and I used to observe the different textures and facial expression. The light-being exists in the physical body and it is the light, truth and purpose of the human being.

As a child, I had several flashbacks of previous reincarnations. I could see myself in a different physical body, wearing certain garments or holding certain objects such as a wooden stick. I was always able to communicate to my guides; it was a natural process. I was aware of energies and that they can exist in unity with physicality. Sharing these experiences with family and friends it was not always an easy task. I realised that the majority of people do not comprehend their multidimensionality and therefore any reference to those topics is treated with suspicion. People spend a life time adopting the ideas and beliefs of others and fear has been used to control and manipulate the way we think and act. In fact, fear has been used to control and manipulate the way we think and act. In fact fear has been institutionalised; how many people are suffering from fear of God in religion; fear of survival; fear of failure; fear of being unworthy of love and happiness. The spiritual approach to enlightenment and wisdom is through the path of love where there is no judgement; only acceptance. When we are aware of the truth within, we are able to see ourselves as beautiful, all-loving, perfect beings. The spontaneous realisation of enlightenment is available to all human beings at any given moment and it is not generated by fear and negativity but by unconditional love, infinite wisdom and oneness with everything. If we are aware and fully present, we will know enlightenment when we experience it because it is our very essence.

People have unique talents and often they struggle to recognise them because of the fear patterns. I found a wonderful way to express myself and this is through music; performing, composing, receiving and transmitting. For me, music was a space of peace, purity and creativity where I can connect to my tools, my light and truth and I can invite others to join me, communicating, sharing and co-creating. My involvement of music was a wonderful way to explore my life on Earth. One of my earliest memories was my mother singing to put me to sleep and me loving the vibration of her loving voice. I was brought up in a musical family; my parents had a great love for life and were more than happy to connect and share in many ways including their musicalities. This was nourishing to me and I wanted to explore it. I loved music but I also loved writing. Those two gifts led me to pursuit an academic career specialising in Renaissance music in Italy. This part of my life was very beautiful, making great connections and becoming aware of previous reincarnations that took place at that time. The research I was involved in it was a gift and having to adjust to the rules and restrictions led me to a space of restriction. The academia is another pyramid structure organisation that loves restriction and power control. I have always been a person that relied on my light, truth and my authenticity, to guide me, creating a space of truth and growth. For some people this was my weakness, not being able to follow the road to illusion leading to a great career or being false in order to be successful and accepted. I was optimistic though that my hard work and dedication is the only way.

Up to this time my life was my work. Spending countless hours at the British Library and Italian Libraries and archives researching, writing for conference papers, academic journals and books. I also worked in colleges as a music tutor.

At this time, I had a dream that changed my life. In my dream, there was a man wearing a white robe reading from a book which was placed on his lap. There was a man in a white robe, reading from a book which was placed on his lap. I could not see his face clearly; the focus was on the book that he carried. He connected to me energetically, he instructed me to write this information down. I woke up and I rushed to the next room to get pen and paper and as I sat down words came pouring uncontrollably. I was aware of my hand moving swiftly on the piece of paper in a rhythm that was not my own. It was clear that the writing did not come from my conscious mind and whatever force was in control of my hand was very anxious to speak the truth. I felt a great feeling of unconditional love sent by this high light, nourishing my core and support my connection with all my bodies. When I finally read it I was even more perplexed.

"Theomorphism is an ability to become a messenger or a god by thinking thoughts, dreaming certain dreams and talking to people in order to change their perception about life, filtering out all negativity and produce “oxygen” in order to assist this planet’s mental state. Theomorphism will help you to communicate with gods by using telepathy pass messages and change people’s perceptions. You have to a acknowledge that you as a filter you are limited and powerful at the same time. The method to achieve Theomorphic is simple and has been used in ancient times. Now we need more people like you to help us reprogram the people of this planet and work for the good of humanity and the universe. Time is up. Time will come that we all will be friends and share the gifts of the Divine Source who is very generous. There are platters full of wonderful delicacies for everyone to try and you all have the right to experience this. Your journey is long but a map will be given to you. Take care of this map. It is not physical but is imprinted in you. Life will bring you everything you desire because you are tuned into the divine. Hunger war, despair will stop. The Earth will come back victorious and the people will be reborn. It will be like they are waking up to a new environment which is now clean, beautiful and full of fruit. This will be now people’s opportunity to live with open minds and create their own future in present. The children of humans will bring new light to the planet and will be able to connect to the Source.

A new alignment will take place, a new cosmic order. Earth and its people will be part of a wonderful miracle which will affect the whole universe. This has been planned for a long time and with the ascension of Earth and its people the divine geometry will be complete. Earth is avery small planet (like a mole on somebody’s face) and the problem of her ascension has been a difficult one. This is why we are sending our messengers and teachers to pass to you special gifts and abilities in order to do miracles and guide your people to the right way. You will have more communications; everything will be given to you. Imagine yourself seating comfortably at the back seat of a vehicle ready to be driven to your destination. Everything will be done for you. But you have to tune to our frequency with an open heart. Love people like you do and attend to those hurt and to those who lost their faith, without judgement but with love which repairs faith and strengthens the physical body. My happiness is great because in you, we found the right candidate to ease the pain of people, bring love to their hearts and restore the light in them. You have strong wings from birth and I never doubted your abilities. You were born to complete this task and you are going to execute it with great success. I send my love to you.

Open up your mind. Soon you will receive more communications. As we travel the skies we will beam down to you a ray of light, connect you with the divine, show you the way to ascension. You are the most beautiful of flowers and now it is the one to blossom and share your fragrance with the world. Let go of negativity. My star is always with you standing above your head and tunes you into the great miracles. Never despair; soon the time will come and the whole planet will be blossoming because it is the divine plan. The world will change dramatically and humans have to get ready for this. A guide will help them: as we are helping you and offering you to try the delicacies of the Divine Source you will be our messenger to humanity and bring great joy and abundance to all. Earth is a planet of evolution; life as you know it will not continue to exist, new patterns will emerge. The Earth will be restored to its former glory. Open up yourself. Receive our gifts and celebrate the new beginnings as we celebrate here. We are very excited about the future and soon you will be too."

I read the message a number of times and the first word to look up was theomorphism which is derived from the Greek words theos (God) and morphe (shape or form) and refers to the bestowal of divine attributes on humanity. Theomorphism is the belief shared by many ancient civilisations that human beings are created in the image of God and share divine attributes. All humans were created to occupy a higher dimension and as a result were able to communicate with beings of higher realms. According to historian Hesiod, life in the Golden Age was a time that men and gods lived together in harmony.

It seems that this knowing is going to wake up human beings and support Earth’s evolution.

This message and the way it was created had a great impact on me. I knew that a preparation for an important duty was about to begin.

I knew that I needed to “open up” somehow to receive the light to help me fulfil my purpose. I focused in my being, I connected to my truth, creating peace. I started meditating, which is simply connecting to everything that I am.

In my meditations I connected to a light and I received guidance opening me up to my own light and the high light of the cosmos. The messages directed me to my truth, my abilities and my path:

"Ask for help to the the divine source and it will be given to you. Use your gifts to touch people’s hearts; use your gifts to create miracles. Stretch your love and have no fear. Your wish will ascend to reach the divine order. Do not fight, everything is already yours. You will become a strong pure light and you will give love and light to the world. Be courageous to voice your truth.”

"Listen to your heart and walk the divine path. Allow the light to enter your being. We are waiting for you to enter a space of masters in this reincarnation. Listen to our guidance, make your own grid of light around you for protection and then as you receive you give out.”

I was told that walking your path is challenging and this is because people are not fully awake. They are often confused as to what is their purpose; other times they feel isolated where the rest of the world continues its deep sleep. If you wish to help yourself to move out from this passive state, you have to observe thoughts, actions becoming patterns of distortion.

I started meditating daily, having the most enlightening visions and messages that became my daily communication with the cosmos. I started keeping a record that covers hundreds of pages on my personal notebook and computer. The wealth and depth of messages created an openness within me: My life focus changed: I traveled to sacred sites where I had more visions and extraordinary experiences; I was given information about the future and the opportunities that are coming my way; my life became a wonder of synchronicity, openness, unity with all that exists and being ready to receive.

“I want you to remember your life purpose. You will become a bigger person and a wonderful source of light for all. Being a woman you will show that strength and love can go together; this is the way to win the battle. Open your heart and love yourself and others; the light of love never dims. Open your hands and give to others; this will strengthen your light that is eternal. Your heart will give hope to all. Your light is the light of the sun with its guides and messengers. You have a hard role adjusting between realities but this will be proved to be beneficial. Your heart is an ocean of love and everybody wants to enter. Do not despair if life brings some disappointments. It is a process of understanding your strength and act on it. People are brought on the planet weak and this life time is their chance to discover their real strength.

We are moving towards a new era of transformation and knowledge. Earth has to contribute to this transformation. We are here to give you ropes and show the ways of how the cosmos works. We are going to bring to you the knowledge of the cosmos. Look around you, the plants and animals of your beautiful planet are all one with the divine. The light that you have is not your own is given to you by our Creator; it is a collective light which expands across universes.”

Messages and visions were pouring into my being, showing me my purpose and path. It was a time of great purification and healing where my whole existence became known to me. I can describe the process as a form of astral travelling where I experienced my current reincarnation in connection to other reincarnations on Earth and also my existence in other planes including the astral plane and how all these experiences are woven in a tapestry of cosmic growth that is in constant movement. In my visions I was able to travel to different parts of Earth and help or rescue people having a body that can transform from physical to holographic or non-physical. I once had a vision that I was a non physical being and I found myself in a battlefield where many young soldiers lost their lives. They were very confused and totally unprepared for their transition. I was there to create an energy that will help them end their cycle on Earth and be in peace. The soldiers were describing this energy as an ocean of love that was able to transform their being.

I had experiences of self healing. Once I had a high temperature for a couple of days and I was feeling vey weak. I was lying in bed and I said to myself: when am I going to get better? Then I heard a voice saying: you have to enter that state where you can heal yourself. I immediately fell asleep and it was like going on a deep trance. I remember that I moved to a space of high light and focused on adjusting my frequency to the light's frequency. When I woke up I was fully healed.

At that moment in my life, I started to experience a great opening; my divine plan was unfolding and this started my transformation.

I did not force changes into my life. I knew that the seeds of truth in me were growing.

I opened up to Earth. I was guided to connect to her energies. I started travelling to sacred places; I was always guided. During my trips to Egypt, Peru, Costa Rica and other places I was guided to experience multidimensionality. There are no boundaries between the physical and the astral body and Earth wants to teach us that. I experienced that when you fully connect to cosmic experience there is no time. In this state we grow and exist in unity with all life. Only then we can free ourselves from restrictions and experience our life on Earth as a continuation of our cosmic growth.

I started looking at different healing modalities such as energy healing, herbalism and aromatherapy. I wanted to contribute to the healing of the planet but still I did not know the way. What abilities and skills do I have to heal the planet and how it is all linked with my purpose?

I always wanted to connect to truth and this supported my inner processes of transformation. The time came that I was guided to drop everything I was doing with my career in the academia. I was ready to enter a new phase of growth.

I trusted the guidance I received and this helped me to develop my gifts.

At that time I met Robbert-jan. Our connection was instant. I loved his purity, his light; it was wonderful to exchange unconditional love; have no restrictions, expectations or fears of being misunderstood. I experienced a great opening in all levels of my being having a connection with Robbert-jan. Once we had a Skype chat, I received a communication and I was told that it was from Christian Rozenkruis. Robbert-jan was very moved; he knew that Christian Rozenkruis was his guide. I was told that I had to pass this message to Robbert. I received many messages from Christian Rosenkreutz; we received great guidance to help us understand our unique purpose. The first teaching in the book explains this: "My children, it is the love of the Creator which has awoken the love in you and now the gods want you to be their children. You are the children of the gods whose work is to create and maintain the Creator’s logos. You are the chosen moon and he is the chosen sun and all new logos will be spoken through you.” The communications helped us strengthen our bond. Christan Rosenkreutz prepared us for our communication with Astaroth and Thoth. 

"Fountain Source of High Wisdom-Sacred Book of Thoth" and "Wisdom of Thoth"
Silver Wolf

Due to my work I have to deal with a wide variety of topics on a daily basis including exorcisms, soul walking, psychopomping, evil entities, the dead, the Gods, Vodou and Quimbanda Spirits etc etc.

I love my work. I love the variety, I love the craziness, I love the beings I have to deal with, and I love that I am perfect for it.

I am very knowledgable on hauntings, the correct and incorrect things to do and how to solve situations. I have worked on a vast amount of cases where other Mediums have attended and had no joy. I am who they come to when they are stuck. The big guns.

My passion is getting people to look a little deeper with deities, religions and how we are conditioned to think. I work in a world governed by fear and I think it's time to shed a little light.

Down to earth, hilarious and an expert.

United Kingdom

Silver has seen the dead since she was young but after her Mother died when she was eight, they left. All that remained were dark beings that Silver would see from time to time seemingly keeping an eye on her, never quite allowed to feel safe. 

At twenty seven the dead returned with a vengeance and brought with them the Gods and access to the other realms. After a career working with high risk violent and sexual offenders it made sense for Silver to simply switch her work to the other side of the veil.

Now an expert on the darkness she spends her time educating people, performing exorcisms on people and locations, and normalising the paranormal.

After all, we all die right!?

Dr Ross Stewart PhD

We specialize in a safe, effective and unique approach to Parkinson’s Disease like symptoms and Parkinson’s related conditions, including Young-Onset and Restless Legs Syndrome.

Ross Stewart, PhD, A.C.N

Seeing the suffering that Parkinson’s (PD) like symptoms bring, Dr.Stewart dedicated his life and has built his career around helping people overcome the symptoms of these condition.

With his nutritional approach using Amino Acids supplements Dr. Stewart is known for his skills of managing Parkinson’s like symptoms and there progression that can be acquired only by many years of practical, experience, dedication to excellence and constantly keeping up with the cutting edge of nutritional science.

His interests span the entire spectrum of optimal management of Parkinson’s like symptoms and their progression and Parkinson’s related conditions. His unique approach to wellness recognizes that good health is influenced and dependent on both the physical and mental-emotional levels.

Dr. Stewart earned a doctorate in psychology from Indiana State University and has worked with many schools, universities and clinics. He is licensed in the state of Texas and was in private practice in Dallas for 30 years. He developed the dynamic Biodata System that allows for rapid diagnosis of personality problems and pinpoints personal issues that contribute to physical and mental disorders which is use internationally by companies and health professionals.

Presently Dr. Stewart uses his knowledge of nutrition to effectively address the issues victims of Parkinson’s like symptoms are struggling with. Dr. Stewart is an active member of The Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine and Institute for Functional Medicine which educates health professionals in an integrative, functional approach to healthcare. Dr. Stewart has written dozens of articles and been interviewed extensively in the media over the past 15 years.

Dr. Stewart is a strong advocate for natural, non-drug alternatives to prescription medications. His expertise in brain chemistry, physiology and clinical nutrition, allows him to effectively address symptoms and underlying causes of health conditions such as Parkinson’s like symptoms,  Anxiety, Depression/Mood disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders and many others.

Talia Carner

Talia Carner is the New York-based award-winning author of five novels and numerous articles. Her historical and psychological suspense novels bring to the forefront indignities and atrocities long ignored. Inspired by Sholem Aleichem's short story, THE THIRD DAUGHTER (HarperCollins, September 2019,) is her most daring novel, and it is expected to spur readers to activism against today’s scourge of human trafficking.

THE THIRD DAUGHTER breaks the silence on a most shameful chapter—the legal Jewish sex-trafficking union, Zwi Migdal, that operated with impunity for 70 years, from the late 1880s until WWII.  Luring an estimated 200,000 young girls from the shtetls of Eastern Europe to South America with false promises of jobs and marriages, it then forced them into prostitution.

THE THIRD DAUGHTER is tribute to the victims, whose voices the author could not silence—and the launch of her campaign against today’s sex-trafficking.


Zwi Migdal, the legal trafficking organization headquartered in Buenos Aires that operated with impunity from 1870 to 1939, victimizing between 150,000 to 220,000 Jewish girls and women. The interests of the Argentine government in making prostitution flourish in the late-1800 and early-1900. The cultural growth of Buenos Aires—often referred to as “the Paris of South-America”—as a direct result of prostitution. The little known story of Baron Maurice de Hirsch and his resettlement vision for Eastern-European Jews, victims of endless pogroms—the largest philanthropic enterprise at the time. Media and international bodies’ reportage and actions in the early 1900s’ to the fast-growing international sex trafficking. The almost-only published English-language fiction about Zwi Migdal, a 1909 short story by Sholem Aleichem, (the Yiddish storyteller whose Tevye’s character was later adapted to Fiddler on the Roof,) was the inspiration to THE THIRD DAUGHTER. The research about a trafficking ring and life in Buenos Aires 120 years ago. Understanding of sex trafficking not only across borders, as it includes any coercion into performing sexual acts with and paid for by a third party, and applied to domestic sexual exploitation of children. Sex trafficking today—both the same and different from the time of the novel. Actions that can be taken now by governments, companies, and individuals to abolish it.
United States

Talia Carner worked for Redbook magazine and was the publisher of Savvy Woman magazine. A marketing consultant to Fortune 500 companies, she taught at Long Island University and was a volunteer counselor for the Small Business Administration. A committed supporter of global human rights, she has spearheaded projects centered on the subjects of female plight. In 1993 she sent twice to Russia, and participated in the 1995 women's conference in Beijing. 

Hailed as “an author who enters arenas no one has entered before” for her five novels that expose society’s ills, Ms. Carner has keynoted or co-paneled over 300 civic and cultural events with 100 to 500 attendees.

Ms. Carner is a board member of HBI, a research center for Jewish women's life and culture at Brandeis University. She is also an honorary board member of several anti-domestic violence and child abuse intervention organizations and supports organizations that work toward Israeli causes. 

Talia Carner's addictions include chocolate, ballet, hats—and social justice.

Novel by author Talia Carner
Joe LaValley

Would it matter if we could prove NOW, that admiral Byrd’s Operation High Jump got their asses handed to them by ufo’s in the Antarctic? Well, yes since the Military and gov.t would be acknowledging that flying saucers and some sort of intelligent life are behind them. It's the same with The Great Gathering. Yes it happened 7 years ago but, it totally matters NOW since it DOES prove intelligent non-human life at work upon the Sun. 'THEY' arrived so to speak, 7 years ago and we missed it and so, to find out about it now, YES that would be a very big deal because ... with this, we can force disclosure. Find out how.

BTW, I'm not selling anything here. I’m sharing a landmark discovery.
It's now part of humanity's heritage.

Yesterday it was “Life on Mars!”, Today, it’s “Life on Stars!”

Have you heard about the “Great Gathering of 2012”?

If not then let me tell you. My name is Joe LaValley and I discovered a set of events and phenomena on and around the sun, mostly in mid March of 2012 that is nothing short of historic in nature. Events that have been previously either unseen or unrecognized for what they truly are.

Signs of intelligent life in action upon our Star.

Many people who aren’t science fiction writers just can’t wrap their head around the proposition that alien races could have technologies and knowledge for that matter that is beyond our superficial comprehension. Technologies that enable them to build large planet sized space ships, or siphon energy directly off a star, or use geometry to build inter-dimensional objects out of plasma within or upon the sun.

These events and more phenomena of which I speak, the public knowledge of them should be used to force Disclosure. When it’s common knowledge among the people that aliens are here and communicating openly with us, then the government has to acquiesce and admit and take a new stance that respects our interests not necessarily it’s own after all, it’s our government, here in America, not the other way around.

Now I know this knowledge will blow, many a scientific brain away but I’m ok with that. They need to be blown open so that new more true information can come in. After all, much has been kept from us and it’s time we reclaim that knowledge.

Please take the time to consider the research I’ve spent the better part of a year putting together. My evidence is all derived from space agency and organizations publicly available data. A novel thing about my evidence is that much of it will be undeniable to both astronomers as well as the UFO and alien believers. Very possibly, this information could finally bring the two disparate groups together as one.

I’ve done the best I could in this first go round of developing and bringing forth this information. I DO plan on making a much 2.0 version with professional film makers at some point. In the meanwhile I am preparing to transpose the video’s information into print and presentation formats. I personally used my reasoning mind, imagination, broad knowledge base and my intuition in the creation of this historic video document.

Don't believe me. You can look up this same information. Study it and try to tell yourself that it is all just coincidence and natural phenomena. Believe your own senses, intuiton and rational mind if your able to use it to critically think. The information I present is 'real' news.

United States

62 year old 'nobody' becoming 'somebody'.

I’m the oldest of four children. An avid learner and so a researcher too, for a long time.

Did not stay in college long. Found that because of my own avid learning, I was ahead of the teachers, in enough regards to see my being there as being a waste of my time. I wasn’t out for a degree or ‘credentials’. I’m pretty much self taught.

Most of my life I have been crippled financially by my not having much interest in chasing money, having credit, or owning ‘things’. Finally, I am coming around to learning to license by inventions that have been in Limbo for so long.

Recently I started my own unaccredited ‘College’ for folks who want to hone in ‘Enlightenment’. I call it the University of You. No, I’m no Guru but I have learned some key things after all these years. Things that when used definitely move people forward towards that englightenment and so...I offer my support.

Well, I guess I should mention that I spent decades in the Self Improvement movement of the 80’s and 90’s. Werner Erhards work EST was first back in 1979. I did the Classes and volunteered a lot over the years. In 1980 I also took a Relationship Workshop from George Moscona from San Francisco. It was here that I learned some things about the power of relationship, communication and love. I went into training to lead that relationships course. That lasted 3 years but I moved on from that rather than become a facilitator.

I’ve studied several ‘channeled spirits’. ‘The book of Samuel’ in Denver Colorado was the first I encountered in a local bookstore. I later progressed to Michael and then Lazarus, and a few others until I found the one that resonated with me the most Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts from 1964 to 1984. I have made many Seth videos. Some of those are on Brighteon.

In Elementary School years I was reading all about anomalous events, parapsychology, mysteries and science fiction books galore. These fired my imagination so that ‘in life’ I’d be prepared to think in terms of ‘possibility’.

Around 2008 I put on 5 different ‘New thought’ Events in the Sacramento area..
First Event was about ‘Flying by the seat of our Consciousness’

2nd was about Bringing back our Relationship with the Fae.

3rd was called the Heart of the Matter and it was about
Interspecies communications (psychic).

4th was called the UnShaman Event. Brought the local Shaman types in to explain and show the public their works.

I don’t recall the 5th one at this moment.

I used to run what was in my biased opinion the best Crytozoology websites on the internet for a few years. I called it CredibleCrypto. I have high interest in this subject.

I ran my own online newspaper called rEvolution for nearly 2 years.
It was about ‘alternative news and information’. Visually stunning! It was a whole multi-leveled landscape!

I ran the definitive Geo-engineering (Chemtrail) website in Sacramento Ca. For nearly two years. Daily photographs and stats on how much spraying was going on. This was around 2007 and 8.

For awhile I had a mate who was psychic. Her and I went to zoo’s and wrote up psychic reports on the zoo itself and the animals in them. Sent the reports to the Zoo’s. They ignored them. We did reports on about five Zoo’s.

I also had what was in my biased opeinon the best website on the internet on Superh human powers. I called it I believe it was. I had a hell of a lot of research there for people. Another topic I have a very high interest in. Part of the reason for that is that I’ve got training from decades ago in being able to serve people in realizing their Purpose In Life. You know? What specific gifts they came here to give as well as their actual ‘magnificence’. To this day I help people with that. It takes a few hours to achieve. At any rate yes, I’m interested in people greatness however it’s served.

I have endeavored to organize the Angel Workers and and Shamanic types in my area (Sacramento). Turns out they prefer to be in the background and...less known.

I’ve run a ‘Flying by the seat of our Consciousness’ class in Sacramento for about 6 months. I created 2 or 3 new levitation exercises for the event and class. There aren’t many to be found online.

Classes coming up are on Heroic Relationships, The Mystery of Water and From Victimhood to Creatorhood.

I am an inventor and ‘late bloomer’ when it comes to getting those ideas ‘Licensed’. My first invention was a line of fashion accessories for women called Body Chimes. Today I have about 40 inventions in various states of manifestation. I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on there.

Vocationally, I have done many different jobs in my life, early on at least. From farm and field worker to plastics manufacturing, Sign manufacturing, Handyman work, Landscaper, and working for lighting and floral delivery companies.
More recently I have spent the last 25 years as a House Painter.

I am a father of two beautiful young women who are out living on their own and doing their own thing. Harmony is 29 and Liberty is 27.

The fundamental choice we all have to make

Hi, I am a Esoteric / Spiritual Hip Hop artist by the name of TruthSeekah. I write about encounters with the Paranormal, Aliens, UFOs and Spirituality all within my music. I also create music videos to accompany the music. I would love to come on your show for an interview if you have any openings available. You can check out all of my work on my websites listed below. 

I also have a story where me and my cousin was attacked by an elemental spirit.




Opening Doors To The Unseen

Flight of the Navigator

The Knowing


United States

“TruthSeekah is a Hip Hop artist whose knowledge about esoteric and spiritual subjects are infused throughout the medium of music and lyricism. In his music, TruthSeekah pioneers a new sound with rhythmic, mystic Hip Hop beats. His music is the embodiment of his own spiritual encounters and supernatural experiences.