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Joe LaValley
Your Pitch

Would it matter if we could prove NOW, that admiral Byrd’s Operation High Jump got their asses handed to them by ufo’s in the Antarctic? Well, yes since the Military and gov.t would be acknowledging that flying saucers and some sort of intelligent life are behind them. It's the same with The Great Gathering. Yes it happened 7 years ago but, it totally matters NOW since it DOES prove intelligent non-human life at work upon the Sun. 'THEY' arrived so to speak, 7 years ago and we missed it and so, to find out about it now, YES that would be a very big deal because ... with this, we can force disclosure. Find out how.

BTW, I'm not selling anything here. I’m sharing a landmark discovery.
It's now part of humanity's heritage.

Yesterday it was “Life on Mars!”, Today, it’s “Life on Stars!”

Have you heard about the “Great Gathering of 2012”?

If not then let me tell you. My name is Joe LaValley and I discovered a set of events and phenomena on and around the sun, mostly in mid March of 2012 that is nothing short of historic in nature. Events that have been previously either unseen or unrecognized for what they truly are.

Signs of intelligent life in action upon our Star.

Many people who aren’t science fiction writers just can’t wrap their head around the proposition that alien races could have technologies and knowledge for that matter that is beyond our superficial comprehension. Technologies that enable them to build large planet sized space ships, or siphon energy directly off a star, or use geometry to build inter-dimensional objects out of plasma within or upon the sun.

These events and more phenomena of which I speak, the public knowledge of them should be used to force Disclosure. When it’s common knowledge among the people that aliens are here and communicating openly with us, then the government has to acquiesce and admit and take a new stance that respects our interests not necessarily it’s own after all, it’s our government, here in America, not the other way around.

Now I know this knowledge will blow, many a scientific brain away but I’m ok with that. They need to be blown open so that new more true information can come in. After all, much has been kept from us and it’s time we reclaim that knowledge.

Please take the time to consider the research I’ve spent the better part of a year putting together. My evidence is all derived from space agency and organizations publicly available data. A novel thing about my evidence is that much of it will be undeniable to both astronomers as well as the UFO and alien believers. Very possibly, this information could finally bring the two disparate groups together as one.

I’ve done the best I could in this first go round of developing and bringing forth this information. I DO plan on making a much 2.0 version with professional film makers at some point. In the meanwhile I am preparing to transpose the video’s information into print and presentation formats. I personally used my reasoning mind, imagination, broad knowledge base and my intuition in the creation of this historic video document.

Don't believe me. You can look up this same information. Study it and try to tell yourself that it is all just coincidence and natural phenomena. Believe your own senses, intuiton and rational mind if your able to use it to critically think. The information I present is 'real' news.


62 year old 'nobody' becoming 'somebody'.

I’m the oldest of four children. An avid learner and so a researcher too, for a long time.

Did not stay in college long. Found that because of my own avid learning, I was ahead of the teachers, in enough regards to see my being there as being a waste of my time. I wasn’t out for a degree or ‘credentials’. I’m pretty much self taught.

Most of my life I have been crippled financially by my not having much interest in chasing money, having credit, or owning ‘things’. Finally, I am coming around to learning to license by inventions that have been in Limbo for so long.

Recently I started my own unaccredited ‘College’ for folks who want to hone in ‘Enlightenment’. I call it the University of You. No, I’m no Guru but I have learned some key things after all these years. Things that when used definitely move people forward towards that englightenment and so...I offer my support.

Well, I guess I should mention that I spent decades in the Self Improvement movement of the 80’s and 90’s. Werner Erhards work EST was first back in 1979. I did the Classes and volunteered a lot over the years. In 1980 I also took a Relationship Workshop from George Moscona from San Francisco. It was here that I learned some things about the power of relationship, communication and love. I went into training to lead that relationships course. That lasted 3 years but I moved on from that rather than become a facilitator.

I’ve studied several ‘channeled spirits’. ‘The book of Samuel’ in Denver Colorado was the first I encountered in a local bookstore. I later progressed to Michael and then Lazarus, and a few others until I found the one that resonated with me the most Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts from 1964 to 1984. I have made many Seth videos. Some of those are on Brighteon.

In Elementary School years I was reading all about anomalous events, parapsychology, mysteries and science fiction books galore. These fired my imagination so that ‘in life’ I’d be prepared to think in terms of ‘possibility’.

Around 2008 I put on 5 different ‘New thought’ Events in the Sacramento area..
First Event was about ‘Flying by the seat of our Consciousness’

2nd was about Bringing back our Relationship with the Fae.

3rd was called the Heart of the Matter and it was about
Interspecies communications (psychic).

4th was called the UnShaman Event. Brought the local Shaman types in to explain and show the public their works.

I don’t recall the 5th one at this moment.

I used to run what was in my biased opinion the best Crytozoology websites on the internet for a few years. I called it CredibleCrypto. I have high interest in this subject.

I ran my own online newspaper called rEvolution for nearly 2 years.
It was about ‘alternative news and information’. Visually stunning! It was a whole multi-leveled landscape!

I ran the definitive Geo-engineering (Chemtrail) website in Sacramento Ca. For nearly two years. Daily photographs and stats on how much spraying was going on. This was around 2007 and 8.

For awhile I had a mate who was psychic. Her and I went to zoo’s and wrote up psychic reports on the zoo itself and the animals in them. Sent the reports to the Zoo’s. They ignored them. We did reports on about five Zoo’s.

I also had what was in my biased opeinon the best website on the internet on Superh human powers. I called it I believe it was. I had a hell of a lot of research there for people. Another topic I have a very high interest in. Part of the reason for that is that I’ve got training from decades ago in being able to serve people in realizing their Purpose In Life. You know? What specific gifts they came here to give as well as their actual ‘magnificence’. To this day I help people with that. It takes a few hours to achieve. At any rate yes, I’m interested in people greatness however it’s served.

I have endeavored to organize the Angel Workers and and Shamanic types in my area (Sacramento). Turns out they prefer to be in the background and...less known.

I’ve run a ‘Flying by the seat of our Consciousness’ class in Sacramento for about 6 months. I created 2 or 3 new levitation exercises for the event and class. There aren’t many to be found online.

Classes coming up are on Heroic Relationships, The Mystery of Water and From Victimhood to Creatorhood.

I am an inventor and ‘late bloomer’ when it comes to getting those ideas ‘Licensed’. My first invention was a line of fashion accessories for women called Body Chimes. Today I have about 40 inventions in various states of manifestation. I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on there.

Vocationally, I have done many different jobs in my life, early on at least. From farm and field worker to plastics manufacturing, Sign manufacturing, Handyman work, Landscaper, and working for lighting and floral delivery companies.
More recently I have spent the last 25 years as a House Painter.

I am a father of two beautiful young women who are out living on their own and doing their own thing. Harmony is 29 and Liberty is 27.

United States
The fundamental choice we all have to make