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Walter Zajac

It’s an origin story that is horrific in its intensity, a youngster at the dawning of his superpowers!

And when you read They Came - Beyond Déjà Vu you must remember that this “novel” is actually the true story of renowned psychic Walter Zajac! Positioned as fiction and couched in fictitious names, it doesn’t really lessen the impact and tragedy of what he endured as an abandoned, orphaned, beaten and sexually-abused child in post-war Germany…and later in America. 

It is a miracle he survived at all, but what is really astonishing about this story is how Zajac awakened to his incredible gifts as a psychic! With deeply realistic “dreams” about two young women, also suffering from their own traumas –- the 6-year-old Walter felt their pain. Only when he met them years later as a 44-year old adult, did he discover that these were actual scenes in their lives – but he experienced them YEARS BEFORE they were born! It took a psychotherapist who was the daughter of an accomplished Toltec shaman to explain to Walter that he wasn’t crazy! He was just psychic!

They Came - Beyond Déjà Vu is a wrenching read—a supernatural thriller—and probably worthy of a good film or mini-series. The young Walter, called Wolfgang in the book, is excited to be embarking on his first train ride on his own—not realizing that his dying mother (sans Wolfgang’s absent/indolent/embittered/abusive father) has had no choice but to assign him over to an orphanage. But no one explains it to the child. He finds himself shocked, alone, incredibly lonely and at the mercy of a bully in a strange place housing many children left behind by fate in war-savaged Germany. A few friendly faces help him endure, but also his memory of his mother sustains him. 

But these pervasive dreams of the two girls and of a faceless man in black calling and coming for him, keep him in fear, agitation or a strange heightened state. And the story doesn’t end there, as he is adopted by an American military family that is as cruel, heartless and bullying as any villains in a superhero story. 

How Wolfgang/Walter finds his way as an adult as the revelations unveil themselves is powerful and inspiring. Despite what he endured, he was able to find a path forward to help other people out of their worries and suffering with his incredible gifts. 

For nearly 20 years, Walter Zajac has been hailed as one of the best psychics on the West Coast. As an acclaimed psychic medium, certified Tarot reader, NLP coach, Reiki Master and Love Coach, he has empowered and guided thousands through enlightening psychic readings, and inspiring coaching and healing sessions globally. His experience working in 12 different countries has given him keen insight into people’s distinctions, commonalities and cultures. He continues to receive dreams and psychic visions that come true. And having suffered so much as a child, he is especially intuitive about the pain and suffering that is hidden within others.

United States

Walter Zajac was born in 1950 in war-torn Kassel, Germany.  Half of his city, and every German city, was still bombed-out shells of buildings and rubble from World War II American and British bombers.

His brick-layer father was a mean wife-beating alcoholic.  His mother was a homemaker, not married to his father.  His parents did not tell him that his mother had terminal cancer. Shortly before his 6th birthday, Walter was told he was going on an exciting train ride, which ended up at a place called orphanage, a word he'd never heard, and where he was told he would never go home again.  He was shocked and devastated beyond all comprehension.  His mother died 6 days after that.

A year later, he was adopted by an angry abusive American military couple, who forbid him to talk about his German family, and within weeks were regularly spanking him so severely it drew blood.

Walter also endured sexual abuse by two women as a child, which resulted in decades of guilt about sex.  He later found sexual health through therapy and studying tantric sex.

Walter took comfort in music, played various instruments professionally from age 15, and settled on drums in the U.S. Air Force Band.  At 30 he moved back to Germany for 10 years, played all over Europe backing recording artists in concerts, and had a #18 Billboard charts hit in Europe ("Blind Date.")

Walter had psychic experiences since his earliest memories, which included two imaginary friends.  As constant childhood companions, he regularly experienced detailed visions of events in their lives, and became emotionally intimate with them.

At 44, both these imaginary friends actually became real women in his life, whom he was able to tell multiple things they'd never told anyone!  A few weeks of blissful kindred spirit recognition then led to emotional devastation when both women's discomfort caused them to reject Walter severely and even question his sanity.

Seeking healing, he found a psychologist who is the widely-experienced daughter of a Toltec shaman, who said emphatically, "you're not crazy, you're psychic!"  With her help, Walter found his power, inner peace, and self love,  Six years later he began his career as a psychic and NLP practitioner, and has now brought empowerment to thousands worldwide.  He has lived and worked in 12 different countries, which he feels gives him a deeper understanding of people and life.

Walter believes we are here on earth to overcome challenges, to experience contrast in order to understand our true spiritual essence, to love, to be happy, and to have fun!

"They Came, Beyond Deja Vu" by Walter Zajac
Shifra Malka

In the beginning of the pandemic, more than 30 million Americans were told to stay home from work, that they didn't matter. How are you supposed to get out of bed in the morning if you don't matter?

In this unguarded, deeply affective, and witty memoir, I share the relatable story of being raised in an image-driven world into which I did not easily fit. Specifically being told that I resembled my personality-disordered aunt -whose life didn't matter- I deeply feared that mine wouldn't either.

In this memoir (also categorized as self-leadership), I write to the core of this struggle to recover my beaten spirit and rebuild the large life that matters to me. I explore the question of what mattering means, through the prism of how the question personally played out for me in my relationships with my family, my Orthodox Jewish religion, and the American culture focused on appearance, food and money. Through the storyline and an expanded section in the back of the book that includes 200 objective lessons about mattering, I demonstrate that we cannot buy or borrow our mattering, but we can create it. 

Dare to Matter gives readers the will and courage to rebuild their collapsed inner space into the large life that makes getting out of bed every morning, and staying out of it, irresistible. It is a call to satisfACTION and a challenge to beat back the messages we get from family and society that shut us down. When we are renewed to opt into our lives, we dare to matter in meaningful and often miraculous ways.

United States
Shifra is fascinated with the inner spaces humans inhabit.  Radio

As the producer and host of a weekly radio program on social and educational issues that aired live in the Mid-Atlantic region, Shifra was known for eliciting hard, honest responses from her interviewees when posing the questions that others were too hesitant to ask.

Underlying these conversations was one pressing question Shifra always wanted to answer: what makes our lives matter? Daring to step right into the heart of life’s complexities, her search for answers to this question is refreshingly approachable and impactful. Her style: "Press the issue without stressing the person."

Writing and Communications Consultant, Director of Leadership That Matters

Shifra currently serves as the vice-president of project development for a web-based writing and communications company that assists corporate and non-profit enterprises with shaping their verbal and written communications. Among diverse professional credits, she has crafted messages for an online greeting card company and has written and recorded radio commercials, corporate phone scripts, and organizational videos.

Shifra founded Leadership That Matters, based on the teachings in her memoir, DARE TO MATTER. She offers mentoring and consulting support to people who are intent on expanding their visions of what is possible for themselves and their teams, while nurturing their capacity to achieve it. 

A diverse clientele calls upon her to serve as their catalyst for change, while also facilitating the transformation. Ranging from the aspiring author to the frustrated mid-lifer to the organization whose potential is waiting to happen, Shifra leads with her foundational FIVE PRINCIPLES OF  MATTERING™ .

FIVE PRINCIPLES OF MATTERING™  form the basis of a singular work designed to evoke the best and brightest in each person she serves. She helps people to “connect their dots” so they emerge as the leaders their world needs. 

She has been invited to present on topics of spiritual, personal, and creative growth and development in a variety of academic and corporate settings, ranging from university students to women entrepreneurs.

WomanSpeak™ International Circle Leader

Shifra is certified to teach the Speak Your Truth, Change the World curriculum.

She believes that “your voice is who you are at your core,” and if you don’t speak your truth, who will?

In her Circles, she supports women in learning the heart and soul of effective speaking. In a spirit of celebration, collaboration, and connection, women have the space to blossom into their most authentic selves. And as they do, they powerfully affect and influence the people who are waiting for their leadership.

Community Activism

Her lengthy list of community activism includes past service for the Association for Women in Communications, Washington D.C. and current service on the board of a non-profit organization dedicated to helping singles meet and marry.

Shifra resides in Maryland, where she occasionally puts her pen down so that she can roam around in pursuit of her next writing desk. And if you ever wish to give her a gift, opt for distinctive stationery and not a cookbook.

DARE TO MATTER: Lessons in Living a Large Life ( A Memoir/ Self-Leadership)
Nina Boski

Marilyn Monroe 60th Anniversary of the star's death - Dreaming, transforming, mental health, addiction, and talking life, movies and what really happened to Marilyn!

No doubt you’ve heard of Marilyn Monroe. She was a Hollywood glamour girl and mega movie star; She will be forever tied to President, John F. Kennedy, and known all over the world for her infamous, Happy Birthday Mr. President” tribute. She is also responsible for all us girls believing that “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” … But do you know she was so much more than that? Marilyn was a strong and resilient human being! She overcame the odds and kept seeking treatment through her own personal growth, even though the outcome ended the star’s short life at 36 years old. 

For your program, let transformational leader and media executive, and founder of LifeBites Global, Nina Boski, whose mission is to get people inspired by their life, be a dynamic guest for your show who can talk about “All Things Marilyn,” and shed light on this important subject around mental health and addiction. By sharing Marilyn’s story, Nina’s hope is to inspire people to build up their own resilience for their future and be determined to create a vision for themselves that can propel their life forward, especially during this pandemic and beyond. 

 Nina is producing two projects for Marilyn’s 60th anniversary, Marilyn: Behind the Icon, a dramatic podcast about the entire life of Marilyn ( and a TV docuseries that deals with the mental health and addiction and the correlation between the two (season 2 launches Feb 22, 2022), along with the actual investigation of the star’s death, breaking down for the first time, fact from probable theory to outlandish rumor. Most of the biographies on Marilyn up until this point, blend all of these elements together and claim it as fact. This 22-expert production make this complex story more easily digestible for the average listener or audience member and allows us to set the record straight on the decades of rumors and lies. In addition to Marilyn’s story, the TV docuseries highlights the celebrity of today who deals with some of the same things Marilyn did back in 1962, not only with the price of fame with addiction and mental health issues, but by being “Propped Up for Profit” by the celebrities’ handlers and even loved ones. Look at the more recent story behind Brittany Spears, who was compared to Marilyn Monroe many times.

This unique story gives people a window to look at mental health up close and personal! Nina has spent over 6 years researching Marilyn. She has realized that the icon’s life is filled with inspiration if we search for the teachable moments that can help people heal their lives. Nina’s goal is to make a positive impact in the media with stories that make a difference. The Marilyn Monroe story unfortunately is not unique, but the lessons we can garner from it are invaluable. This story angle allows the true Marilyn, the core of who she was, about transformation and helping fellow mankind be at the heart of her true legacy to be remembered. Marilyn Monroe is very much a cultural phenomenon that attracts millions of fans across the globe each day. Marilyn was not just a beautiful, glamourous movie star but was a soul on this earth who, just like all of us, wanted to love and be loved.

This fascinating podcast and TV docuseries are one of the most comprehensive of its time. With 22 renowned and credible experts on the investigation and many valuable life lessons to be learned from Marilyn’s life. .

An interview with Nina Boski will also reveal: 

1. What makes this series different from what has already been portrayed about the star?

2. Marilyn appears to be a visionary, given her fragmented upbringing and she still created such success. 3. She really had to visualize a better future. How do you think she was able to do that?

4. Why do you think people are still so fascinated by her after all these years?

5. You spend a lot of time educating people about mental illness and addiction. Why is this important to the series, and what kind of alcohol and/or drugs were Marilyn addicted to in her life?

6. How can we take Marilyn’s life and learn from it – teachable moments?

7. Why do you think mental illness and addiction are at an all-time high, even though there are many more tools and resources than back in 1962?

8. What type of mental illness did Marilyn suffer from in her life? What is the difference between Bipolar disorder and borderline personality and how did that affect Marilyn?

19. When you say Marilyn is the ultimate dreamer, what do you mean?

10. Marilyn is famous for many things. How do you feel her legacy should be remembered?

If you would like to share with your audience an intriguing story that embraces all of Marilyn’s life truthfully and with compassion, your audience then, will experience not only a transformational message… but they will hear Nina break down the facts that are real, and sometimes raw, about one of the most iconic legends of our time, Marilyn Monroe. 


Nina Boski - BIO

Nina Boski is many things. She is a mix of entrepreneurship, media executive, transformational “energy”, life and business coach, author, host, and producer – resulting in a woman who is definitely on the move! She is the Founder of LifeBites Global and is the producer of three Marilyn Monroe projects, a dramatic podcast, about the entire life of Marilyn Monroe, the TV docuseries that is around the investigation of her death, and the feature film that is a thriller noir based on fact and fiction around the last three days of Marilyn Monroe’s life. Podcast: Marilyn: Behind the Icon TV docuseries: Same name Feature Film: "Goodnight Marilyn."

As a media maven and energy coach, Nina Boski has global success, speaking to millions of people around the world, inspiring and transforming audiences to live a life that dares you, inspires you to dream big, get out there and do it and create balance to just be! Nina is a natural in front of a small group of people or in large group settings. Her goal is to transform as well as entertain audiences all while getting people to WAKE UP to their life! Nina commands an audience with her powerful presence and fun, uplifting, and sometimes humorous messages of life, business, and media. 

Susie Carder

Guest for Your Show

Power Your Profit: Bestselling Author & Podcast Host Susie Carder 

Susie Carder, The Profit Coach, Built and Sold TWO $10 MILLION Businesses--Now She Shows People How to Go from $10,000 to $10 Million in Their Businesses

The Siren of Scaling-Up Brings Her Knowledge, Experience and Wit to Her Podcast

Imagine you are a single mom with two small girls, fresh from cosmetology school, a hairdresser just getting by on $25,000 a year.

Now imagine you have built and sold two powerhouse businesses for $10 Million each, coached 100,000 entrepreneurs to increase their revenues by 3000%, and become an international bestselling author and host of a fast-rising podcast "Power Your Profit." 

So let me introduce you to Susie Carder-the woman who transformed from the first into the second in just a few short years and is now sharing her genius and her "rebel spirit" with others to help them make the kind of huge business and lifestyle leap that is her signature.

Susie has an infectious, fun personality that makes her a firecracker on stage in person and on her podcast! She has worked with and been the trusted colleague of John Assaraf, Lisa Nichols, Steve Harvey, Doug Carter and Paul Mitchell. She has been featured on John Lee Dumas' #1 rated internationally acclaimed podcast Entrepreneurs on Fire.

Her journey from low-paid hairdresser to visionary business leader creating multiple multi-million ventures was fueled by her unique gift of simplifying complicated issues by creating simple proven systems that are guaranteed to create dramatic growth for any company.

Susie's go-for-it passion was seeded in her childhood, where she was raised in a lower-income family with lots of siblings. With money scarce, she learned quickly that if she wanted something more, a she had to find a way to pay for it-and she did, working multiple jobs! Cosmetology ultimately provided the skill, but "seeing things differently" gave her an edge. Her first step was to find a way to buy the shop in which she worked, turning it into a hugely successful commission-based salon and spa, then creating a business teaching her successful business practices to other salon owners. Those were her initial multi-million-dollar ventures. And not the last!

Leveraging her expertise for the benefit of other entrepreneurs is what fires her up today, through her coaching programs, courses, books, her podcast and 160,000 followers on social media.

Among the guidance Susie offers is:

How to reshape your relationship to money How to convert your workers into business partners How to uncover hidden profit goldmines sitting right under your nose How to create strategic partnerships so you never need to sell How to earn more profit with 80% less staff  And how to create the business plan that changes everything!

On her podcast, Susie offers priceless wisdom for business owners, entrepreneurs-in-training, and those yearning to be their own boss. She is at the top of her field, and has the hindsight of what NOT to do and knowledge of what TO DO. 

 You can see more at or take Susie's Free 10-Point Business Planning Assessment at

If you would like to interview Susie Carder - the woman who holds that wealth is your birthright -- on scaling your business from $10,000 to $10 million, and get a copy of her new book Power Your Profit, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.


Susie Carder is a globally recognized profitability coach and inventor of the Predictable Success Method™. Her radical business strategies have helped thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners achieve exponential growth and triple their profits.

You’d never guess behind Susie Carder’s multi-million dollar success, best-selling author title, and fire engine red lipstick,that she grew up with a very different set of numbers: 9 siblings, 3-bedroom home, poverty-level neighborhood.

When failure is not an option, creative solutions manifest themselves. If you just know to look for them, opportunities eclipse everything else. This is what Susie believes after a life filled with obstacles, setbacks, and some shock-worthy wins.

Susie soon became passionate about helping other business owners achieve what came naturally to her –growth and sustainability.As she led business after business to success, the true test of her talents came unexpectedly. A serious car accident threatened Susie’slife and instantly took her away from her business. As she took time off for surgery and healing, something incredible happened behind the scenes. Not only did her business stay afloat, it expanded tenfold.

The systems she created enabled her staff to carry on without her. So many business owners live in fear of not being able to work, however as Susie healed, her business thrived. Susie’s calling became crystal clear: Bring this level of freedom to others.

Betsy Cerulo

Shake It Off Leadership-

Achieving Success Through the Eyes of Our Labels

By Betsy Cerulo

Who Defines You? You or Others? Can You Choose Your Labels and Use Them to Empower Yourself and Your Business? YES! Betsy Cerulo Shows You How!

Are you ready to stop allowing others’ perceptions and labels of you limit what you can accomplish? Have you had enough of the outright or subtle undermining of your career or self-esteem by the ways people “categorize” you or the way you categorize yourself? 

Betsy Cerulo had her fill, and so she stepped up to claim her labels and make them her fuel for greater success! 

And in her new book Shake It Off Leadership—Achieving Success Through the Eyes of Our Labels, she will gift you with the guidance on how she did it…and how it can transform your life and your business!

Betsy felt the sting of disempowering external perceptions early. Her mother made no effort to hide she favored the boys in the family over the girls, and that they could have nearly unlimited freedom, but the females had to live according to a specific standard. And then, in college, when she came out, after falling for one of her classmates, she began to experience the sting of unkind and discriminating labels. In business, as she tried to rise as a young executive search professional, she found her way blocked and her salary less simply because she was ”a woman.” 

 But with skill and determination, she built a hugely successful boutique professional staffing and executive search firm. AdNet/AccountNet, Advocates for Workplace Excellence and Equity. But along the way, she decided to throw off the limitations of those labels, embrace those she was proud of, and choose the labels that she wanted to define her!

Betsy won’t put up with “the nonsense” she hears come out of the mouth of those who attempt to diminish women, the LGBTQ+ community and racially diverse people. She challenges them. 

 Instead of suffering the insulting brand of dyke or lesbian with a sneer, she decided to make her sexuality a proud hallmark of her success, attaining the first government 8A certification based on Gender and LGBT discrimination. This allows a company to bid for government contracts with less competition. Then, she went on to co-found the Maryland LGBT Chamber of Commerce and the Maryland LGBT Foundation, built it into a robust organization that attracted many mainstream sponsors. As a woman-owned business, she fought the discrimination of banks that refused loans, and found those that would treat her with respect. 

Betsy learned how to shake-off the slights, disappointments and roadblocks in building a successful business—not just the issues related to discrimination, but with all of the gumption, wisdom and courage it takes to create a thriving enterprise, with quality, happy, engaged staff and curation of clients that are an asset to the business. She’s discerned a style of SKAKE IT OFF LEADERSHIP, that will empower any leader with the skills, wisdom and strength to successfully create or grow a business, while insuring balance and personal fulfillment.

Each chapter in Shake It Off Leadership provides lessens, new perspectives and an enriching Shake It Off tip at the end. Betsy’s personal story is woven throughout as an inspiration for those who have struggled with the labels that have disempowered them.

Your listeners will find astute insights on every page. Every business can benefit from leader who stands in her, his or their strength -- and who can spot and act on strengthening the weaknesses within themselves and their company—just as Betsy Cerulo has done.

If you would like to interview Betsy Cerulo, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details. 


In 1990, Betsy Cerulo founded AdNet/AccountNet, Inc., a Baltimore-based company with a powerful mission of being “Advocates for Workplace Excellence & Equality”. AdNet is a Professional Staffing & Executive Search firm focused on providing exemplary Human Capital Management services to government and corporate clients throughout the United States. AdNet places subject matter experts with Accounting/Finance, Human Resources and Legal expertise. Since 2011, AdNet excels at identifying and managing teams of individuals who provide Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Services, as well as Reasonable Accommodation assistants who handle administrative tasks for government and corporate employees who are blind or deaf. The company is 8a, LGBTE and WBE certified.

Betsy is the Co-Founder and Past President of the Maryland LGBT Chamber of Commerce, which successfully launched in 2017 and was awarded Rising Star Chamber in 2018 by the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce. In 2021, Betsy and eight community leaders founded the Maryland LGBT Foundation, which is a 501c3/non-profit entity, working in partnership with the Maryland LGBT Chamber. Betsy serves as the Board President. The Foundation generates resources and works to activate, educate and mobilize the LGBTQ+ community to access opportunity and wealth generation.

She also serves on the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce certification committee, which verifies that eligible businesses are majority-owned by LGBT individuals. This certified LGBT Business Enterprise designation allows businesses to better compete for corporate contracts. Betsy is a member of the Women’s President’s Organization, which is a global peer advisory group for female CEO’s.

Betsy is a passionate activist pushing for equity and equal rights for women and all diverse groups.

Betsy is the author of Shake It Off Leadership-Achieving Success Through the Eyes of our Labels and a children’s book, Miss Crabapple and Her Magical Violin, which tells a story of how the quietest child in a group can light up dreams when we ask questions. She is also a contributing author of two compilations Women Living Consciously and Keys to Conscious Business Growth.

Shake It Off Leadership
Tom Paladino

Can People Be Rid of Their Virus’, Bacteria, Fungi and Protozoans Via a Remote Process Can People Be Rid of Their Virus’, Bacteria, Fungi and Protozoans Via a Remote Process Using a Photograph?

Tom Paladino Picks Up Where Nikola Tesla and Galen Hieronymus Left Off Their Scalar Energy Research, Creating an Instrument that Can Disassemble 40,000+ Harmful Pathogens in the Body

Can people truly be rid of their virus’, bacteria, fungi and protozoans via a remote process using a photograph?

Ask the thousands who have been reporting remarkable recoveries for everything from Lyme Disease, HIV symptoms, hepatitis, herpes, MRSA, Epstein-Barr, psoriasis, chronic sinusitis, parasites, and much more, thanks to Tom Paladino’s Scalar Energy Quantum Healing programs!

And a variety of his medically-diagnosed clients have the proof—Viral Load Tests showing the elimination of the pathogen after exposure to the Scalar Energy Healing Sessions.

Paladino’s life’s work has been the pursuit of a device to concentrate and direct Scalar Energy, work that was initiated by scientists Nikola Tesla and Galen Hieronymous. Scalar Energy is often called prana, chi, zero point energy, qi or orgone—an unseen and unmeasurable quantum energy in the body and throughout the physical world. It was when Hieronymous’ widow Sara revealed to Paladino private notes from the world-renowned scientist and allowed him to see the inner workings of their initial instruments that the foundation was laid for the Paladino’s acclaimed system that was first brought online in 2012. 

Paladino’s Scalar Energy Pathogen Cleansing, which took nearly 20 years to perfect, requires only a photo of an individual—a focal point--to work it’s extraordinary treatment process, whereby Paladino administers the scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonic of a pathogen, causing that agent of infection to disassemble or fall apart. There are no side effects when these bacterial, fungal, viral and protozoan cells disassemble as they simply transmute into elemental carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, iron, phosphorous, calcium, etc. Once the causative agent has been eradicated, the symptoms disappear...and that’s precisely what his clients have been raving about.

Individuals register on in a simple process that can be for one or recurring months, and email their photo. They are then notified each day by email when the protocol has been completed. 

People who may be suffering from some type of bacterial, fungal, viral and protozoan infection or condition are encouraged to participate in his Body of Proof Study. He encourages them to secure a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test–a viral load test–before and after they register for treatment, and provide those findings, so they can be counted among the scientifically-proven Scalar Energy success stories. 

Paladino’s mission is no less than to heal the world—to eliminate pathogens in everyone’s bodies globally. And he believes it can be done! He has passionately pursued his quest to harness Scalar Energy since he was a child first reading about Tesla and today, through his diligent study, development, research trial and error, he has the revolutionary breakthrough that does, in fact, control and direct the remarkable quantum energetic force of Scalar Energy.

You can take advantage of a 15-day FREE scalar light regimen that Tom is offering on the home page to experience it yourself!

If you would like to interview Tom Paladino (or like to have him make a return visit to your show) to catch up on the latest in his Scalar Light Research and Healing, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details. 

Scalar energy is the fundamental life force found everywhere in the world, space and universe. It originates from the sun and stars. Chi, prana, OM, mana, life force, torsion energy or zero-point energy are synonymous terms for scalar energy.

Tom Paladino began research with scalar energy during his undergraduate years. Inspired by various scientists, especially Nikola Tesla (the genius who invented alternating current), he was curious to learn more about the existence of an energy that was not of the electromagnetic spectrum. He pursued a course of independent study in order to better understand and subsequently harness scalar energy, as this emerging science is not taught at the university level.

One of his scientific predecessors was T. Galen Hieronymus, a resident of Georgia and one of the few scalar energy researchers in the United States in the last century. After Galen’s death, Tom was given access to the researcher’s notes and his instruments.

Some of Galen’s inventions, according to a 1977 magazine article, were “quasielectronic instruments that could (a) analyze the component elements of an ore sample without spectroscopic, chemical or other orthodox methods, and, most surprising of all, (b) influence (even kill) living organisms, even from vast distances, with no scientifically understandable mechanism at the other end.”

Tom theorized that all energy in the universe initiates as scalar energy; and that the sun of our solar system and the stars of the universe are the points of origin, “the storehouses,” for scalar energy. He further theorized that scalar energy is instructive energy, as the entire universe is instructed by this Divine Essence. Subsequently, all spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical action in the universe is initiated and maintained by scalar energy instructions. Scalar energy provides order in the universe.

Based on these theories and the work of scientists who came before him, Tom was able to develop scalar energy instruments capable of harnessing and transmitting instructive energy to heal human subjects remotely. You can think of this as similar to a radio broadcast with his instruments as the broadcaster, and your body as the receiver. The difference is that the energy transmitted is not electromagnetic, and is therefore immeasurable by traditional science.

Tom’s instruments provide a remote, fast, harmless and painless treatment process that has successfully healed patients with HIV/AIDS, Ebola, herpes, hepatitis, Lyme disease, and over 400,000 pathogens that cause disease. They administer the scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonic of a pathogen, thereby causing that agent of infection to disassemble or fall apart. Bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoan, can all be disassembled, representing a cure for thousands of diseases. Once the causative agent of a pathogen disease has been eliminated, the symptoms associated with that infection decrease or disappear altogether.

Tom makes available a 15-day FREE scalar light regimen to the general public on the home page.

Lillian So

So Empowered

Discover the Five Layers of the Body to 

Take Control of Your Life

By Lillian So

 In the Quest for Success, Peak Performers Often 

Lose Sight of Their True Brilliance and Settle for a Life that is Unsatisfying, Unhealthy and Un-Fully Realized

Amazon #1 Bestseller!

If you are on the edge of burnout—or already there; if you are proud of being a workaholic; if you brag about how little sleep you can get by with; if you believe you must fuel your body with energy drinks and coffee to stay energized; if you are so focused on building an empire that you forget to enjoy the journey….then Lillian So’s message is for you!  

 Her book, So Empowered, Discover the Five Layers of the Body to Take Control of Your Life, will be a revelation to you! 

You will see yourself in its pages…and you will experience another way to live, one that will give you a life that is far more fulfilling, lived with your cup full instead of nearly always running on empty, with relationships that renew you, money that flows without hamster-wheel effort, a body that lovingly supports you at your optimum and an awareness that you are not alone, that you have a life-long support system and safety net. 

Lillian So can guide you because she has been there! A Korean-American daughter of immigrants, she was wounded by family members complaining about her weight as a child, and so she unconsciously strived to prove them wrong by building an early career as a fitness trainer with a degree in Kinesiology from the University of Illinois. Moving to the West Coast, she created a thriving business that often had her training 40 clients a week. She was making lots of money and living the life she had imagined!

Until she wasn’t… Until burnout struck and she experienced a terrifying panic attack. A trip home to the embrace of family enabled her to take stock, that something required change. She came home and ultimately signed on for yoga teacher training. It was exactly what she needed to slow down, get in touch with her body and open her spiritual channels. It was there that she learned about the 5 Layers of the Body. 

Lillian created a regimen to regain an optimal relationship with each of them: The Physical Body, The Energetic Body, The Mental-Emotional Body, The Wisdom-Spiritual Body and The Bliss Body. In her book, she offers specific exercises and a series of questions that enable you to come into right alignment with each of these. True Peak Performance is not possible without each of these functioning in wholeness, and interacting optimally with their corresponding layers.  

Today, Lillian calls herself a “facilitator of transformation.” Not only is she a fitness professional, yoga therapist, and life coach, but she is certified in a dozen fitness and mind/body modalities, been trained in Jungian psychology at the International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich and schooled in non-violent communication. She combines that into a coaching program where she offers psychological safety, group facilitation and compassionate communication. A passionate community builder and entrepreneur, she is the founder of SOfit SF, Inc and the Somethod, where she guides high performing individuals to living an easier, unlimited and fully rewarding life. 

Lillian can illuminate for your audience:

·        How to eliminate the never-ending “to-do” list

·        How to get out of your head and drop into your body and why that is so important

·        How to make space for the reflection that can change everything

·        How to “treat your body like the fanciest dream house you’ve ever owned!”

·        How to do a powerful exercise that gives you a way to reframe your day from its highest and lowest points. 

If you would like to introduce Lillian So, this delightful compact powerhouse of a woman, to your audience so she can get them So Empowered, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details. 

United States

Lillian So is a Korean-American daughter of immigrants. As the founder of SOfit SF Inc. and the SOmethod, she is a passionate community builder and entrepreneur. An integrator and facilitator of transformation, Lillian helps people heal, grow, transform, and find what they didn’t know was missing in their lives. She has more than 20 years of industry experience creating psychological safety, group facilitation, and compassionate


Starting in early childhood, she felt anxious at family holidays because many family members expressed their “concern” about her weight and size. That led her down a dark path of low self-esteem, body image issues, and eating disorders at a young age. She started dieting and working out when she was barely 11 years old.

By the time she reached high school, she was able to channel that energy into competitive sports and fell in love with fitness, which gave her a great deal of confidence.

That continued through college where Lillian decided to study Exercise Physiology and Kinesiology, and began working in fitness clubs. It was then she knew that she wanted to turn her passion for physical training into a career. In 2007, she moved to San Francisco, where she started working at multiple gyms and stacking her schedule to train 40 clients a week. She quickly achieved her goal of becoming financially secure.

But that’s when things began to slide. Lillian was burning herself out. Her relationships weren’t fulfilling, she didn’t feel seen, loved or appreciated -- no matter how hard she worked. She realized her health was declining. And that’s when she had her first panic attack.

That experience sent her into deep self-reflection. She yearned to know why she felt the way she did, seeking to understand her thoughts and behaviors. She asked: “Why am I repeating patterns of miscommunication and frustration in my romantic relationships? Has my childhood and upbringing negatively impacted my relationships, career, and future?” Lillian realized there was more to it and was ready to dig deeper.

That’s when she began to attend to her own self-care. Lillian hired her first acupuncturist and therapist. As she became more grounded and clear-headed, she decided to enroll in yoga teacher training. Within her first week, everything started to click and make sense… this was the missing piece she was looking for.

Lillian’s initial yoga teacher training brought everything together and validated her belief that one’s body is connected to their thoughts, emotions, energy, and how someone perceives themselves. She learned that this influences behaviors, reality, connection to an individual soul’s purpose, or lack thereof.

She was hooked, and after several more trainings and certifications, she became a yoga therapist, which is the highest level you can attain in the field.

She also trained as a mentor in nonviolent communication (NVC). Learning NVC enabled her to hear her own deeper needs and those of others through in depth listening and compassion. She took everything she discovered there and through yoga -- and applied it to self-expression, finding her voice, setting boundaries, and communicating her needs. Through NVC, she learned how to be in healthy relationships with everyone in her life.

From there, Lillian was able to incorporate all that into her personal training practice and take it to the next level. It was then that she started to see herself as a facilitator of transformation. Under her direction, clients connected with their physical bodies, thoughts, and feelings, applying all the practices Lillian had learned along her own personal and professional journey, into a seamless integration of health and fitness, mind-body connection, heart-centered communication, and so much more.

After more than a decade of helping hundreds of people transform their lives, Lillian knew that what she offered could benefit many, many more people. So, she committed it all to her new book: So Empowered! Discover the Five Layers of the Body to Take Control of Your Life.

Says Lillian: “I want to teach as many people as possible how everything is connected so they can be healthy and happy in every way. I am committed to helping people get to the bottom of what’s holding them back .I truly believe that by understanding the five layers of the body you can transform every aspect of your life and start seeing and feeling transformation in a short amount of time.”

So Empowered! Discover the Five Layers of the Body to Take Control of Your Life.
Ann Papayoti

Guest for Your Show

The Gift of Shift

Discover the Key Within to Unlock Your Best Life

By Ann Papayoti (with Tracey MacDonald)

The Gifts Just Keep on Coming…

You Can Welcome Them Or Resist!

Recognizing and Embracing the Elegantly Wrapped Gift of Change and Adaptability Hidden in the Hardship and Challenge

Ann Papayoti has endured some of life’s most brutal blows—her college best friend deliberately stealing her high school sweetheart; the loss of an infant child just shortly after he was thought to be out of danger, a belligerent and abusive husband, a child born with epilepsy and other neurological disorders, a family suicide, being bitten by a poisonous snake that resulted in months of chronic illness before being diagnosed, relinquishing a cherished foster teen whose actions threatened Ann’s family, and much more…  

And despite them all, Ann found the gift hidden within each of these experiences. The gift of choice in how to respond to the challenge. 

In her new book, The Gift of Shift: Discover the Key Within to Unlock Your Best Life, written with fellow life coach Tracey MacDonald, Ann uses many of these experiences to show how one can open that gift lovingly. Instead of freezing up, becoming resistant or giving in to depression, resignation or other unhealthy emotions, one can choose a better, more life- affirming, adaptable approach that can lead to new possibilities and a better pathway forward.

Using “Gift” as the central theme of the book and each individual chapter, Ann relays incidences in her life that tested her at the deepest level, and how she rewrote her story to find the nugget of truth that provided hope, healing, resolve and wisdom.

Cleverly written, with charm and heart, the chapters include The Gift of a Band-Aid, The Gift of Charlie Brown,The Gift of Grits, The Gift of Buoyancy, and more. As she states, the gift of the book itself, is to give readers “a clearer picture on how to make shift happen for yourself. It starts with becoming aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions, and in time, the key to help you unlock a lighter, happier, and freer version of yourself.”

Each chapter includes questions the reader can ask her or himself to explore a parallel experience or lesson learned, and then a place to write their own story for reexamination, under the new light of the Gift of Shift. The book is written as a guide to make it easy to CHOOSE CHANGE!

Ann is an international life, leadership and relationship coach. She is an International Coach Federation Accredited Professional Certified Coach, and a member of the Association of Integrative Psychology. Dedicated to waking people up to living their best life by helping them untangle from their past, Ann further helps them align with their values and connect to their higher purpose. Ann inspires people by sharing her personal experiences of loss, transition and triumph. Ann is especially known for the personal and compassionate way she guides people to their own insights and growth.  

The Gift of Shift is Ann’s gift to those who are struggling with life’s unforeseen consequences, and fear what is ahead. She shows how easy change can be once you embrace the gift within the challenge, and set your course for a lighter heart, an alternative emotion, and a surrender within the moment.

If you’d like to interview Ann Papayoti on The Gift of Shift, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Missi Hatfield

(772) 332 0528

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473

Ann Papayoti has always been the go-to girl for friends experiencing problems. She could have started her own ‘Dear Annie’ column decades ago! In fact, her high school yearbook quotes a classmate describing her as a “good listener.” Little did she know then that listening with empathy was an invaluable, innate skill that would become foundational to her life’s work. Ann is the founder of SkyView Coaching. She is an international life, leadership, and relationship coach, speaker, writer, educator, and co-author of The Gift of Shift, an intimate self-help book. She is an Expert Contributor for YourTango Media and has been featured in MSN, Google, Yahoo, Apple News, and more. Ann has spoken at conferences, summits, and commemorations, both live and online, throughout North America. She captivates, educates, and inspires audiences by sharing her personal experiences of loss, transition, and triumph. Ann helps people rise above life’s painful and challenging moments, so they can revive their life and thrive once more. She is known for the personal and compassionate way she guides people to their own insights and growth, having helped thousands of people with their personal and professional goals. Her credentials include a B.A. in Journalism and Communications and multiple professional certifications, including Certified Professional Coach (CPC), Master Energy Leadership Index Practitioner (ELI-MP), and NeuroLinguistics Programming Practitioner (NLP). Ann currently resides in a charming little town near Dallas, Texas, with her family. This almost empty-nester rises and shines each morning by teaching group fitness classes before beginning her workday. With a love of dance since childhood, Zumba is her passion, along with loaded lattes and page-turner books. To learn how she can help you or to book her for an event, connect with Ann on her website (,) Facebook, or Instagram.

Deborah Grayson Riegel
Do any of these sound familiar when you think about asking someone for help?
“I don’t want to bother people.”
“If I ask for help, I will look weak.”
“Nobody will do it the way I would do it.”
“Everyone’s dealing with their own stuff, too.”
“I’m afraid there will be strings attached to the help…”
If so, then we want to talk to you (and we would love to you talk to us!)
Who is “us” — and why should we talk? 
Well, my daughter Sophie, a junior at Duke University, and I just wrote a book that became an Amazon #1 bestseller! 
We are both mental health advocates — and we both live with mental illness -- and we are thrilled that Go To Help: 31 Strategies to Offer, Ask for, and Accept Help is an official:
#1 Amazon Overall Bestseller in Organizational Change
#1 New Release in Business Decision Making
#1 New Release in Workplace Behavior
#1 New Release in Business Mentoring and Coaching
(And this is our SECOND book collaboration about mental health. Our first was Overcoming Overthinking: 36 Ways to Tame Anxiety for Work, School, and Life).
We think this is great news for professionals, parents, and partners who feel like asking for help from friends, family, and colleagues can be embarrassing and/or challenging. 
Sophie and I are no exception. 
I personally struggled with obsessive-compulsive disorder for decades, avoiding going to see a psychiatrist for years because I didn’t want to take medication. So I told myself, “I can live with this, it’s no big deal.” And yes, I could live with it and did live with it for years. But it wasn’t until my OCD became more difficult to live with than any imagined (or real) side effects of medication that I finally sought the help I needed (and I am thankful every single day that I asked for help.)
But I didn’t ask for help because I was scared of the solution. (This is what’s known as “solution aversion”)
Sophie and I both realized that we had to get better at asking for and accepting help. And if we could learn to do it, others could as well.
In our book, we discuss multiple reasons why people don’t ask for help at work, at school, or from friends and family, including the ones we listed up top.=
And the costs of NOT asking for help are high — we are overworked, our mental health and physical health suffers, we can lose credibility and reputation when our work suffers as a result, and there are relationship costs. If I knew you needed help and that you didn’t ask me, I would feel confused and hurt!
In our book, we teach professionals, parents, and partners:
That asking for help is a mindset and a skillset that can be learned What kind of help isn’t helpful (despite your best intentions) How to become “help fluent” so that you have a wide range helpful options to choose from (see the attached postcard for the strategies) How to help other people become better at asking for help How to help someone who doesn’t want your help
I hope this is as interesting and timely to you as it is to us.

Deborah Grayson Riegel is a keynote speaker, executive coach, and consultant who has taught leadership communication for Wharton Business School, Duke Corporate Education, Columbia Business School’s Women in Leadership Program, and the Beijing International MBA Program at Peking University. She writes for Harvard Business Review, Inc., Psychology Today, Forbes, and Fast Company, and has been featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times. She is the author of “Go to Help: 31 Ways to Offer, Ask for, and Accept Help” and "Overcoming Overthinking: 36 Ways to Tame Anxiety for Work, School, and Life" and consults and speaks for clients including Amazon, BlackRock, Google, KraftHeinz, PepsiCo, and The United States Army.  You can find her online at

Go To Help Book Cover