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Susie Carder
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Power Your Profit: Bestselling Author & Podcast Host Susie Carder 

Susie Carder, The Profit Coach, Built and Sold TWO $10 MILLION Businesses--Now She Shows People How to Go from $10,000 to $10 Million in Their Businesses

The Siren of Scaling-Up Brings Her Knowledge, Experience and Wit to Her Podcast

Imagine you are a single mom with two small girls, fresh from cosmetology school, a hairdresser just getting by on $25,000 a year.

Now imagine you have built and sold two powerhouse businesses for $10 Million each, coached 100,000 entrepreneurs to increase their revenues by 3000%, and become an international bestselling author and host of a fast-rising podcast "Power Your Profit." 

So let me introduce you to Susie Carder-the woman who transformed from the first into the second in just a few short years and is now sharing her genius and her "rebel spirit" with others to help them make the kind of huge business and lifestyle leap that is her signature.

Susie has an infectious, fun personality that makes her a firecracker on stage in person and on her podcast! She has worked with and been the trusted colleague of John Assaraf, Lisa Nichols, Steve Harvey, Doug Carter and Paul Mitchell. She has been featured on John Lee Dumas' #1 rated internationally acclaimed podcast Entrepreneurs on Fire.

Her journey from low-paid hairdresser to visionary business leader creating multiple multi-million ventures was fueled by her unique gift of simplifying complicated issues by creating simple proven systems that are guaranteed to create dramatic growth for any company.

Susie's go-for-it passion was seeded in her childhood, where she was raised in a lower-income family with lots of siblings. With money scarce, she learned quickly that if she wanted something more, a she had to find a way to pay for it-and she did, working multiple jobs! Cosmetology ultimately provided the skill, but "seeing things differently" gave her an edge. Her first step was to find a way to buy the shop in which she worked, turning it into a hugely successful commission-based salon and spa, then creating a business teaching her successful business practices to other salon owners. Those were her initial multi-million-dollar ventures. And not the last!

Leveraging her expertise for the benefit of other entrepreneurs is what fires her up today, through her coaching programs, courses, books, her podcast and 160,000 followers on social media.

Among the guidance Susie offers is:

  • How to reshape your relationship to money
  • How to convert your workers into business partners
  • How to uncover hidden profit goldmines sitting right under your nose
  • How to create strategic partnerships so you never need to sell
  • How to earn more profit with 80% less staff 
  • And how to create the business plan that changes everything!

On her podcast, Susie offers priceless wisdom for business owners, entrepreneurs-in-training, and those yearning to be their own boss. She is at the top of her field, and has the hindsight of what NOT to do and knowledge of what TO DO. 

 You can see more at or take Susie's Free 10-Point Business Planning Assessment at

If you would like to interview Susie Carder - the woman who holds that wealth is your birthright -- on scaling your business from $10,000 to $10 million, and get a copy of her new book Power Your Profit, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.


Susie Carder is a globally recognized profitability coach and inventor of the Predictable Success Method™. Her radical business strategies have helped thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners achieve exponential growth and triple their profits.

You’d never guess behind Susie Carder’s multi-million dollar success, best-selling author title, and fire engine red lipstick,that she grew up with a very different set of numbers: 9 siblings, 3-bedroom home, poverty-level neighborhood.

When failure is not an option, creative solutions manifest themselves. If you just know to look for them, opportunities eclipse everything else. This is what Susie believes after a life filled with obstacles, setbacks, and some shock-worthy wins.

Susie soon became passionate about helping other business owners achieve what came naturally to her –growth and sustainability.As she led business after business to success, the true test of her talents came unexpectedly. A serious car accident threatened Susie’slife and instantly took her away from her business. As she took time off for surgery and healing, something incredible happened behind the scenes. Not only did her business stay afloat, it expanded tenfold.

The systems she created enabled her staff to carry on without her. So many business owners live in fear of not being able to work, however as Susie healed, her business thrived. Susie’s calling became crystal clear: Bring this level of freedom to others.