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Walter Zajac
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It’s an origin story that is horrific in its intensity, a youngster at the dawning of his superpowers!

And when you read They Came - Beyond Déjà Vu you must remember that this “novel” is actually the true story of renowned psychic Walter Zajac! Positioned as fiction and couched in fictitious names, it doesn’t really lessen the impact and tragedy of what he endured as an abandoned, orphaned, beaten and sexually-abused child in post-war Germany…and later in America. 

It is a miracle he survived at all, but what is really astonishing about this story is how Zajac awakened to his incredible gifts as a psychic! With deeply realistic “dreams” about two young women, also suffering from their own traumas –- the 6-year-old Walter felt their pain. Only when he met them years later as a 44-year old adult, did he discover that these were actual scenes in their lives – but he experienced them YEARS BEFORE they were born! It took a psychotherapist who was the daughter of an accomplished Toltec shaman to explain to Walter that he wasn’t crazy! He was just psychic!

They Came - Beyond Déjà Vu is a wrenching read—a supernatural thriller—and probably worthy of a good film or mini-series. The young Walter, called Wolfgang in the book, is excited to be embarking on his first train ride on his own—not realizing that his dying mother (sans Wolfgang’s absent/indolent/embittered/abusive father) has had no choice but to assign him over to an orphanage. But no one explains it to the child. He finds himself shocked, alone, incredibly lonely and at the mercy of a bully in a strange place housing many children left behind by fate in war-savaged Germany. A few friendly faces help him endure, but also his memory of his mother sustains him. 

But these pervasive dreams of the two girls and of a faceless man in black calling and coming for him, keep him in fear, agitation or a strange heightened state. And the story doesn’t end there, as he is adopted by an American military family that is as cruel, heartless and bullying as any villains in a superhero story. 

How Wolfgang/Walter finds his way as an adult as the revelations unveil themselves is powerful and inspiring. Despite what he endured, he was able to find a path forward to help other people out of their worries and suffering with his incredible gifts. 

For nearly 20 years, Walter Zajac has been hailed as one of the best psychics on the West Coast. As an acclaimed psychic medium, certified Tarot reader, NLP coachReiki Master and Love Coach, he has empowered and guided thousands through enlightening psychic readings, and inspiring coaching and healing sessions globally. His experience working in 12 different countries has given him keen insight into people’s distinctions, commonalities and cultures. He continues to receive dreams and psychic visions that come true. And having suffered so much as a child, he is especially intuitive about the pain and suffering that is hidden within others.


Walter Zajac was born in 1950 in war-torn Kassel, Germany.  Half of his city, and every German city, was still bombed-out shells of buildings and rubble from World War II American and British bombers.

His brick-layer father was a mean wife-beating alcoholic.  His mother was a homemaker, not married to his father.  His parents did not tell him that his mother had terminal cancer. Shortly before his 6th birthday, Walter was told he was going on an exciting train ride, which ended up at a place called orphanage, a word he'd never heard, and where he was told he would never go home again.  He was shocked and devastated beyond all comprehension.  His mother died 6 days after that.

A year later, he was adopted by an angry abusive American military couple, who forbid him to talk about his German family, and within weeks were regularly spanking him so severely it drew blood.

Walter also endured sexual abuse by two women as a child, which resulted in decades of guilt about sex.  He later found sexual health through therapy and studying tantric sex.

Walter took comfort in music, played various instruments professionally from age 15, and settled on drums in the U.S. Air Force Band.  At 30 he moved back to Germany for 10 years, played all over Europe backing recording artists in concerts, and had a #18 Billboard charts hit in Europe ("Blind Date.")

Walter had psychic experiences since his earliest memories, which included two imaginary friends.  As constant childhood companions, he regularly experienced detailed visions of events in their lives, and became emotionally intimate with them.

At 44, both these imaginary friends actually became real women in his life, whom he was able to tell multiple things they'd never told anyone!  A few weeks of blissful kindred spirit recognition then led to emotional devastation when both women's discomfort caused them to reject Walter severely and even question his sanity.

Seeking healing, he found a psychologist who is the widely-experienced daughter of a Toltec shaman, who said emphatically, "you're not crazy, you're psychic!"  With her help, Walter found his power, inner peace, and self love,  Six years later he began his career as a psychic and NLP practitioner, and has now brought empowerment to thousands worldwide.  He has lived and worked in 12 different countries, which he feels gives him a deeper understanding of people and life.

Walter believes we are here on earth to overcome challenges, to experience contrast in order to understand our true spiritual essence, to love, to be happy, and to have fun!

United States
"They Came, Beyond Deja Vu" by Walter Zajac