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Tomas Brown

In the Foreword to this book, the former Sheriff of Aspen, CO of 24 years says: "... rarely have I seen (the government) take action with the degree of vicious and vindictive poisonous energy that was leveled at Tomas, even after he had passed a lie detector test with flying colors."

He continues: "... the men you are close to are in daily danger of being Gang Raped in your town.”


I would like to be interviewed about my experience that resulted ion my writing "Gang Raped in Aspen." The book clearly shows that the justice system is not onlky broken but being used by corrupt and power-tripping individuals with the assistance of the media, to commit egregious abuses on innocent citizens. At the time of my arrest and being charged for heinous sex crimes (not involving actual touching of skin!) I am an Australian, a world-renowned Aspen Astrologer, University lecturer, executive coach and more. I was a target. The Foreword to the book written by the former Sheriff od Aspen is a scathing indictment of the justice system, and a wholehearted endorsement of my innocence.

Robin Armstrong

Astrology, I Ching and meditation. Spent 13 months in solitude meditating and had visions of astrology and music. Have taught astrology for over 45 years, willing to give a RASA School of Astrology scholarship to home study astrology (3yr curriculum) to listeners. Anything on astrology-maybe twins! Doing something on twins would do justice to the owners and it would be interesting to talk about astrological similarities and differences. We could talk about how the age of the bitten word parallels the age of the written word 1400s and 1900s. We could even do individual phone call ins if you would like, where I give a brief forecast or statement about each person calling in. Or I could include an overview for each sign of the zodiac for the year ahead. We could leave it open and I could answer questions. Astrology is a language and there are many different levels and areas of astrological literacy. It is considered the mother of all sciences. Astrology applies to every individual regardless of race, nationality or sexuality. We are all going beyond where we are, and it is just as challenging for me to go beyond where I am as for you to go beyond where you are. One of the few things that we can be certain of in life is Change! Astrology is the study of change and relationships.


Professional Astrologer, international lecturer and musician. Hundreds of talk shows on astrology. Invented and buit the Celestial Harp, A 72 stringed instrument to play a horoscope. Built Forest Woodhenge, spent 13 months in solitude meditating in India. Have taught astrology for over 45 years. Author of The Sequence of Change:an Astrological Perspective on the I Ching. Recently teaching in China and on line. I also ran a Mystical library for 30 years.

Sequence of Change: Astrological Perspective on I Ching
Dr Tom Acklin

I have cancer cells in my body right now, and my well-tuned immune system is taking very good care of them; they will not linger long in the healthy creature that is ME.

As a neurologist, I spent much of my energy turning patients' bodies OFF, handling symptoms, managing the decline and the advance of the pathology.

As a healer -- yoga teacher, meditation worker, energy practitioner, nutritional advisor offering Food-as-Medicine therapeutics -- I focus on creating integrity and metabolic competence, so that my client has both full knowledge and fully-aware multi-sensory EXPERIENCE of having participated in his/her convalescence, with a palpable progression of healing.  Regenerative Nutrition allows the body to look, feel, and perform better today than it did yesterday, restoring our metabolic efficiency and cellular energetics to the workability we had in our PRIME years.

The first order of business -- both for personal and PUBLIC health initiative -- is to educate people on low-glycemic-index diets.  Removing sugars and bringing high-quality fatty-acids and proteins to the growing/bettering body ensures a thriving that can easily bring about a healthy 120 to 150-year-old happy VIBRANT body and soul.

Cancer, auto-immune issues, ADHD, anxiety and mood disorders, PTSD, and most of what passes for pathology in the western world this century ... is ALL reversible, healable. THis does not say that the disease process is arrested or slowed; it says that the disease -- the condition -- is DISAPPEARED.  With proper attention to regenerative nutrition protocols, the body has access to the inner wisdom which allows it to heal from most every condition and pathology, and Human Being THRIVES.

United States

Dr. Tom is a progressive physician, writer and speaker, committed to elevating people globally.

He is an evolutionary voice in addiction and recovery communities, working closely with alcoholics, addicts, and other traumatized people.

Trained as a neurologist, Dr. Tom left traditional medical practice and has not written a prescription in over a decade.  He is a certified practitioner with the Center for Mind-Body Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, a yoga and meditation teacher, and an entrepreneur.

He co-founded All is Well Yoga Centers for Mind and Body in Washington DC, and is the visionary behind “Conversations With Cancer”, a groundbreaking initiative optimizing body, mind, and spirit.

A specialist in the emerging field of Regenerative Nutrition and Metabolic Fitness, Dr. Tom sits on the Scientific Advisory Board of Univera Life Sciences.

His vision and promise to both client and colleague is that each person discover and nourish him/herself fully in community, becoming optimal versions of themselves, and fully THRIVING!

DA Weiss

My memoir, Child of Void is about my turbulent childhood and how I survived being abused by my mother who is mentally ill/drug user. I was placed in the care of m grandparents until a turn of events turned my world upside down. Because of these events, I was placedin foster care and more drama ensued. Through faith and cooking gotme through, and nowi want to share my story to the world.


I want to share my story because there are foster children who are in the crossroads of being a product of teir environment and wanting to be free. There is also a rise in mental illness and how family need to address these issues instead of disregarding.Especially in minority homes where mental illness is not address until it's too late. There are so many levels to my book but the message i one of survival and knowing that my worth in life is valuable!

StevieAnne Petitt

This new idea of “conscious” living is far more than just being mentally “here” – it is about being spiritually “present”. Mindful of how we show up and express ourselves in each fleeting moment. Cognizant of how speak to those around us, as well as, internally to self. Awareness around one’s ego is the quickest way to experience enlightenment, because, as the observer of the ego, we immediately realize that we are separate from the activity taking place in our heads. Call it soul, spirit, higher Self. This unexplainable, undeniable essence is our enlightened selves, observing the activity called “ego” taking place. Hence, my comparisons of egos to farts. A crass and comical way to observe the ego head-on from a place of neutrality and even lightheartedness. When we see egos as more of an “activity” taking place within these “God pods” we are scooting around in, we invite in observation and inquiry versus self-judgment and criticism. Egos, much like farts, are simply a part of the human experience. To make this practice of mindfulness easier to “digest”, here are a few brief theories that will help your audience identify the activity of ego within themselves and others 1) We all have them and it’s easier to tolerate our own than others. 2) We have our own unique brand - some "digest” information or experiences better than others. Some environments can be extremely offensive and upset those who are highly-sensitive to specific topics. 3) Clearing the air can be difficult after either is "aired", typically putting a significant distance between us and our loved ones/friends/fellow beings. 4) Both are known to cause a set of rosy cheeks - only with ego they are topside. Expressing either can cause embarrassment - for both parties. 5) They both share the Silent But Deadly expression! C'mon, we all know that stinkin’ thinkin’ internal dialogue we have that we are "better than another" or "not good enough". Both can be toxic and held back when not able to express them in a safe space. 6) Often, those who express either are quick to blame, not to claim. All too often we point out and laugh at others for their abrupt explosions of fury or flatulence, but rarely do we acknowledge openly and humbly in the times that we have done the same, "It was me". 7) Pfffttt.... Just hot air. You know, those moments when you think there's solid proof of someone's incompetence, but really our perceptions of them are proven completely inaccurate. Sometimes, whether it’s an ego or a fart, it expresses as nothing more than hot air. 8) Sharting is possible with both. Ever had one of those moments, when you swear you have self-control and you won't explode, but you just can’t take it any longer and you get diarrhea... of the mouth (always a mess to clean up). This happens often when we have held back our opinions, rather than sharing them over time, then wind up expressing it all in an explosive rant. 9) Letting both go creates inner peace. As human beings we are meant to express. It is human nature. Both activities of farting and ego chatter are necessary to fully experience this think we call “life”. The invitation here is to consider filtering before we fire. This act of observing the ego and allowing discernment before discharge is deemed “Conscious Cropdusting” and may just be the answer to world peace ;) Here’s to expressing ourselves through many unique forms in a loving and less-offensive way, creating an environment that is less-toxic and more tolerable for all humankind.

United States

As a Conscious Comedian, Author and Speaker, I use humor to engage and inspire audiences to laugh at our human foibles. My mission is to “Lighten Up Enlightenment” through workshops, presentations and published works.

I BElieve that each of us are Destined for Greatness, and oftentimes feel as though finding Joy is deemed a dark and heavy journey. In reality, we are one purposeful punchline away from peace ~ at any given time!

For me, the Greatest Expression of Self is through conscious comedy (that is, finding the humor in life that isn’t necessarily at the expense of others – yet still pokes fun at us as a Collective Whole)

I am fortunate enough to say that I am typically in a place of gratitude and joy. And when I am not, I try to spin my fleeting moments of discontent into something that humbly and hilariously affects my mood into one of joy and bliss!

We all have stories. And though I do not completely subscribe to the idea that they define us, I can say that LAUGHTER has been the BEST medicine. As a Foster and Group Home youth the latter five years of my adolescence, I always found humor to be my release. I had a stack of VHS tapes of SNL comedians like Dana Carvey, Chris Farley, and so many more. All of which truly resonated with my sense of humor. Poking fun, parodies and puns!

My dream is to continue to publish works that you find amusing and inspiring all the same! My first work, “Egos are Like Farts…” has been well-received and I am honored to share that I am now working on its “squeak”qual… “I Just SHIFT my CAN’Ts…” – both of which are comedic approaches to conscious living – that is, being aware of our ego’s self-talk and reframing our ways of thinking so that we live a life that if highly vibrational and fulfilling with little-to-no effort.

I am new to the scene and not sure where my material is best received. I suppose I just always trust that the Universe attracts like energy and so far, that has truly been a HUGE blessing that has exceeded my mere expectations!

I have been blessed to perform multiple stand up comedy shows, 2-hour interactive workshops, received endorsement by #1 NY Times Best Selling Author Pam Grout, ben featured on Vets on Media for a weekly segment, Tune into your Truth and Ask Aandra at Dave Pratt studios and so much more all around "Egos Are Like Farts..."

Kellie Fitzgerald

From making a 10-year-old a published author to showing people their own worth, Kellie Fitzgerald changes lives.  So much so some of her clients gave her a new title "Positive Transformation Catalyst." Kellie's life has not been an easy one, but she's learned to turn very negative situations into very positive ones and has improved her own life through helping others.  If your listeners are interested in positive thinking, law of attraction or simply how to keep a positive outlook through the most negative times...Kellie Fitzgerald will make a terrific guest.

United States

Kellie Fitzgerald has always known she was "different" from an ability to see energy and communicate with spirit as a small child to feeling the emotions of those around her without them saying a thing.  As a result she has taken the scenic route through life.  She famously says of herself in her numerous workshops "I did not have an idyllic childhood, this lead to my not having an idyllic first marriage which lead directly to my experiencing a number of illnesses and other negative events."  Today she's an award-winning author, entrepreneur, Reiki master, intuitive and Positive Transformation Catalyst who helps others find their purpose and joy in their own lives.

mark alyn

I help empower people to take charge of their healthcare. By introducing a wide range of health issues and topics we present opportunities for those over 50 to understand that traditional medicine is only one way of addressing health. I also question GMOs and want geneticly modified foods to be labeled!


As a host and producer I work in radio, television, the web and podcasting to share information about products and services for clients.

Diana Garber

Your living and working environments have a big impact on how your life unfolds. Business clients that embrace Feng Shui show quantifiable results such as major improvement in gross margins, higher morale and productivity, to millions more in profits.

People who incorporate Feng Shui into their living environments report similar results ... meaning quantifiable. Many clients report improved health, relationships, satisfaction, and even remission. Testimonies are all through the blog.


A reporter once remarked in his article that Feng Shui Master Diana Garber ‘isn’t your typical candle-sniffing cloud watcher.’ In fact, her results have transformed the minds of many skeptics.

She lived a disciplined corporate life while simultaneously pursuing Feng Shui. As VP at a fortune 100 company she oversaw 65,000 workstations and 2,500 servers. She’s worked command centers for the NY terrorist attack, Hurricanes Lili & Isidore, the Ft. Worth tornado, and more.

Diana thrived through 20 major surgeries, two near-death experiences, and the loss of children. She says, “manage your environment consciously or it unconsciously it manages you©.”

She has achieved much success in the Feng Shui world including serving as the Feng Shui practitioner for The Ohio State University. Diana is the only Feng Shui Master to be speak at a national medical convention and has been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX, and NPR.

Fastest growing personal development series in the world.
Tracey Milne

I am a proffesional psychic medium with over 20 years of experience helping people feel better with where they are right now, while helping find the path of least resistance to a happier tomorrow. In this regard, I have recently self published an ebook now available though iTunes and other major ebook retailers. It's called The Nice Guy's Field Guide To Energy Vampires and it offers and alternative way of thinking about and dealing with those people we all encountered at least once who seem to want to make us feel small in order for them to feel big. This book has been designed to take a lighthearted look at the people who like to suck the fun out of everything and some alternative ways of dealing with their behaviour that feels authentic to the average Nice Guy or Gal. This book examines those people who like to undermine our happiness and offers solutions that can help Nice Guys feel better faster. I would love the opportunity to spread the word and would be happy to send you a free copy if you're interested in hosting this topic. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely TraceyMilne


Canadian Psychic Medium, Writer, Multi Media Artist & Motivational Speaker, Accredited Angel Healing Practitioner. I live and work in beautiful St.Marys Ontario, Canada. I have been practing professionally for over 20 years & am a lifelong student of all things meta physical. I am a Lightworker who is here to help people feel better about where they are right now, while giving them guidance and suggestions on how to attract their brightest future. I have several channeled messages on YouTube including Several How To videos as well as 2 Ancient Native legends adapted, illustrated & presented for the Children of Earth.

Stop Psychic Vampires In Their Tracks