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Andi Katsina

Hello to all at BBS Radio,

My name is Andi Katsina. I'm an interesting and entertaining guest and hope to fit your bill.

An Indie Author of almost twenty books, mostly epic fantasy, I grew up as an orphan, have travelled across forty percent of the globe, ridden motorcycles, solo, across the south of India, all over the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal, and around much of Thailand and am also a qualified computer engineer. 

As a single woman I have always had a mountain of obstacles in front of me, but have never stopped trying to climb over them.

I am hoping to be chosen as a guest for your radio show.

Capable of talking, expertly, on a variety of topics, including publishing and self-publishing, ideally I aim to promote one of my latest books;

Having written a book, Phat Girl & The Sankara Parasite, which Promotes the emotional and psychological health of young people, taking a firm stand against teen suicide, I would be honoured to be on your show and also grateful for the opportunity to work with you and answer questions from your listeners. We can also offer free give-away ecopies of my book.

My book, which is a gritty dark fantasy about a girl bullied to the edge of suicide, levels the school playing field;  turning the traditional approach to bullying on its head it empowers victims of bullying and enables them to claw back a decent standard of life. This book appeals to a wider demographic due to the fact that victims of teen bullying feel the effects of it for a great many years into adulthood.

I think my inspirational message would be well suited for your show. Truthfully, as an author, I am trying to connect with as many people as I can. I’m sure we would have a fun and informative interview.

Kind Regards

Best wishes

Andi Katsina 


Hello my friends. My name is Andi Katsina. I'm English, of rich Irish, African descent. Born in London, as an orphan I grew up in Manchester, England. 

I‘m a vegetarian and an environmentalist.

Throughout my school years I was a champion athlete and swimmer, going on to become an athletics coach, swimming teacher and youth leader. After which time I was trained as a Chartered Accountant. Interrupting my training, I branched out, working freelance as a trouble shooter in the field of accountancy. Six years of adding and subtracting, was followed by two years of trading as an international commodities broker. This led me to the sedentary position of ‘trader in antique, oriental carpets’.

It was at this juncture that I became completely inspired to become a writer. 

As a ‘school kid’ I very much enjoyed writing plays in English, Latin and French. Fortunately, for me, writing came naturally. I so enjoy writing stories that give people, especially young people and people young at heart, the chance to exercise their own imagination. 

I love taking my readers on fantastic journeys. The enjoyment and taste of adventure my stories give to my readers, warms me greatly.

Best wishes from Andi Katsina x

Danna Lewis

I educate people in the pragmatic energy and inspired action that improves bottom lines from the bedroom to the boardroom. Luscious Leadership is a courageously conscious and empowering kindness of always being willing to ask, what will this choice create and what will it take to create something greater?"  What if it is so much easier than you think and you can begin with a few simple tools of practical magic?


DANNA LEWIS, Conscious Leadership Expert, two-time best-selling author and hands on healer has 20+ years of business experience (including  VP for the world's largest financial institution and the Director of Marketing for a boutique exercise franchise tripling in size during her tenure). Her trainings in consciousness and empowerment coaching include certifications in the Access Consciousness® and the Joy of Business® modalities. Danna is a contributing author in “The Energy of Receiving” and “The Energy of Creativity” with a third book about conscious relationships due out soon.  Her business career and company were preceded by a childhood wrought with domestic violence. Her tenacity and awareness of much greater possibilities have fueled her pioneering of learning about consciousness, exploring her hands-on healing capacities and creating a different reality for herself 

Danna and her certified master chef spouse live in San Francisco, CA during the week and their Monterey, CA home weekends with his six year-old son.

Firefighter Alex Zielinski

Alex Zielinski is a firefighter running his first marathon for the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. In his lifetime 3,632 firefighters have been killed in the line of duty and Alex has a goal raising $3,632 for the NFFF. Each hear brave men and women lose their lives protecting our communities. The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation supports survivors of fallen firefighters and works to prevent firefighter deaths.


Having worked and volunteered as a firefighter in Kentucky and southern Indiana Alex, former Toyota Fire Department Training Captain, now works as a professional firefighter in Hammond, Indiana. Always searching for new outdoor experiences and new music Alex is a former drummer and a current coach, with wife Kristina, of daughter Eleanor's softball team in Hammond.

Linda S Brewer

My name is Linda Brewer; Destiny Architect, Building relationships in truth that Empower People, Align Principles, and Enhance Processes for Prosperity and Profits.

Your listeners will have the opportunity to  choose to live their lives in truth through awareness of the lies they believed when their fear is activated through a current experience. To heal any problem, a person has to heal the source. The source is the memories they have stored in their sacred heart—their subconscious, their cellular memories. Unhealthy beliefs rooted in lies! Such as:  "Do I Belong?  Am I Worthy?  Am I Competent?  or What's wrong with me?" which creates unhealthy relationships with oneself and others. Stress within and between, battles of self worth and value, anxieties and past failures all have the potential to lead us into a skewed view of what is a healthy relationship.

Each person's destiny is created by the words we speak and the choices we make. Our belief system creates a thought, from the thought a word is spoken or an action is taken, a habit is created, the habit becomes our character, our character our destiny. Thus we are the architect of our lives! Your listeners will discover beliefs that are stopping them from creating the destiny they are born to live. "You Speak, Your are Heard, You Choose , Your Destiny."


I am a Destiny Architect. Building relationships in truth that Empower People, Align Principles, and Enhance Processes for sustainability and profitability.

A defining moment in my life: “I remember when I was five years old, looking up at a very tall adult, placing my hands on my hips and saying, ‘that is not what you meant.’” In spite of the adverse reaction of that adult, I can hear and observe when someone’s words are out of alignment with their behaviors and outcomes. I discerned that the issue of their heart is self-condemnation that creates fear, relational, financial and success issues.

My passion and my gift are to create a safe place for a person to connect with their sacred heart and discover the root lie they believe about themselves that is affecting their life. The core of the truth they need to receive is that each of us is love. I help my clients realize they can choose to live their lives in truth through awareness of the lies they believed when their fear is activated through a current experience. I believe, to heal any problem, a person has to heal the source. The source is the memories they have stored in their sacred heart—their subconscious, their cellular memories.

My focused commitment to all my clients is to create a safe space and to ask thoughtful questions, so they feel encouraged and worthy of love. The choice is theirs to move through theirs fears and addictions into love and truth that creates loving thoughts, words, and actions.

My entrepreneurial career has included Business Management, Accounting, Sales and Marketing, and Facilitation for Organizational and Personal Growth, a former Vistage International chair.  She created two successful companies, including her company, LSG Advertising, Inc., and Crowns Now. Her organization also serves other high profile companies, including Milliken, Volvo, BMW, DS2, and AgFirst.

BOOK ME! Available for radio interviews and speaking engagements.
Let's connect and schedule a date for me to be a guest on your show! I am EST; please let me know your preferred DAY & TIME to connect :)

Control YOUR Destiny,
Linda Brewer
Office: 864.576.8654
Cell:  864.205.2518   

mia johnson

Mia is a true Metaphysician-educated in traditional healing practices such as Psychotherapy, Master Coaching, Pagan/Wicca Coach, Mediation, Parenting & Anger Management. In her Pagan Metaphysical studies she is a Master Usai Reiki, Past Life Regressionist, Master Chakra & Energy Healing. Born an Empath, Mia used all of her many years of education to understand Human domestication, the importance of Communication.

Out of the Tangled Web is the name of Mia's company from which she serves as a Neuro-linguistic Guide, presents The Magick of Wyrd which is a combination of many of her expertises-Wyrd being Pagan for all that once was, that which is becoming now, & that which has yet to become. Pretty much covers every aspect of Human Life.

Another program offered by Mia is W.I.T.C.H.(Woman In Total Control of Herself) which teaches the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, Iyana Vanzant, Self-Esteem and balancing Mind, Body and Spirit through empowerment.

United States

Mia Johnson, M.A., M.NLP

People ask me what I do-the title Metaphysician is SO misunderstood.

As a true Metaphysician, I learned traditional healing as well as ancient ways combining source energy & alternative modalities, and a wee bit a gift of the Sidhe Fae Magick allows me to see the world through your eyes, to capture the essence of what your spirit has gifted for you! 

A Storyteller by birth &  nature, I have traveled many a path & have so many stories to share. Born & raised with a gift of Empathy, my gift and my training allow me to connect with you on the deepest emotional level possible. I use Sidhe Irish & Sicilian Gypsy to read your way.

Through my journeys, I've evolved to my calling- bringing to light my master communication skills, & uncanny abilities to tune into your source. Neuro-linguistics-the art & science of communication opened a world of perceptions, how they're made-how they can be changed.

Have I all my answers? No, but then I have yet to live all my life.

If you will allow me, I will help you to understand not only how YOU see the World,

but also, how the world sees YOU.

What an absolutely amazing day when you realize who you really are

& be right with the world within you & the world around you.

A day with no hesitation, when you can say "ah, this was how it was always meant to be."?

There is no "right"? or "wrong,"?

There can be no mistakes, no failures...only lessons.

Some Paths may lead to finding keys to continue your journey.

The door is behind the lesson. 

The keys will open new worlds to you, as they did me. 

Some Paths lead to what appears to be a dead end.

Learn the lesson anyway. 

Like a Scavenger Hunt

The game is the way through your Journey

Fate why? an inevitable end

Destiny, the ability to determine how the story goes

The Universe deals us cards unseen

It's up to you which cards to play-

Sage advice: NEVER play above your skill level, NEVER stop improving your skill



Jeremy Feig

Dear Producer,

An entertaining guest on All Paws Pet Talk Radio would be Jeremy Feig, author of humorous men's self-help guide How My Cat Made Me a Better Man (July 1, 2016, MSI Press).

After graduating college, Feig was underemployed, lonely and living a meager existence. His female cat, Shelly, on the other hand, appeared to thrive despite life’s challenges. Shelly clearly possessed wisdom that eluded her human companion. This epiphany prompted Feig to closely study Shelly and to emulate her feline ways. In doing so, he not only learned how to live a good life, but how to be a better man.​

Jeremy Feig is a humor writer and self-help ailurophile who can:

*explain why cats are better mentors to humans than dogs

*share personal stories that illustrate Shelly’s “cat lessons” on practicing persistence, conquering fears and reducing stress

*discuss ways in which to overcome roadblocks to person growth by answering the question What Would Cats Do? (WWCD)

*offer dating and romance advice using Shelly’s “love affair” with Turtle (her stuffed animal soulmate) as a relationship model

*explore how living the playful and self-serving lifestyle of cats can create happier humans

If interested in scheduling an interview with Jeremy Feig, then please contact me at your earliest convenience to coordinate.

Thank you for your consideration.

​Liz Donatelli
Liz D Publicity & Promotions
United States

Author Bio:

Jeremy Feig is originally from a small town in slightly upstate New York. After graduating from New Paltz College, he moved to Los Angeles for TV and film production work before stumbling into a career in digital marketing. Jeremy spends much of his time working on creative projects, usually involving comedy. He's written numerous screenplays and TV scripts, created original cartoons, and directed quirky short films. Jeremy lives in Santa Monica with his wife, young daughter, and large cat.

Mike Carey

I have been given a unique gift to be able to tap into cellular memory to find the cause of health problems as well as the natural remedy.  I have done this successfully for the past 21 years and I do the testing  over the phone via a toll-free number or via Skype. It works because everything in the universe works by electricity and frequencies, including your body and the telephone.  I currently have clients in 15 countries.  The two most serious issues that we are facing today are: 1.Radiation poisoning from Fukushima, which is effecting at least 50 million Americans   I am one of a small handful of people that even test for this. 2. Herbicide, Pesticide & Glyphosate poisoning, which is effecting close to 100 million Americans.  Both of these cause cancer and destroy lives.  I have natural remedies for these and many other issues, including Lyme disease, Chronic Fatigue and Hepatitis C.  I would be very interested in doing a radio interview, via the telephone, with any station that is open to this kind of thing.  Yes, it is weird, but it works and is extremely accurate.  I can be contacted by email, or by phone at 1-208-968-5707 (

Mike Carey


Alternative health practitioner for 37 years.  Originally from Idaho, however, I have lived in Colombia for the past 9 years, where I am also a Christian missionary, and am married to a beautiful Colombian woman.  I am 74 years old and am in excellent health.  I play tennis 3 days per week and also work out in the gym 3 days per week.


I write to make a proposal for an interview:


HOW TO BECOME A MIRACLE-MAKER WITH YOUR LIFE. Simple steps to use the almighty ancient technique of Ho’oponopono


This interview can be primarily focused on the use of the powerful ancient technique of Ho’oponopono. This tool is based on the principles of repentance, forgive, love and gratitude. This almighty technique has very wide application; it can be used to resolve all types of difficulties in different areas such as relationships, health conditions, financial challenges and career problems...

At your request I can also provide you with the questions for this interview.


I am Dr. Bruno Roque Cignacco (PhD) studied Metaphysics for more than 15 Years. I am also the author of the book “How to Manifest Money Effortlessly. Techniques to be More Prosperous (published by 0- Books. John Hunt Publishing, 2013)   The rights for this book have been sold to India,  Italy and Korea. I am also the author of the book “How to Become a Miracle-Maker with your Life. Steps to apply the almighty technique of Ho’oponopono” (0-Books,John Hunt Publishing, 2015)

I wrote a business book “Fundamentals of International Marketing. SMES” 2010 (Atlantic Publishers) also published in Spanish and Portuguese and “Techniques of International Negotiation (2014, Macchi Publishers) I am also a University Professor both at undergraduate and postgraduate level in business subjects in the UK and an international speaker and advisor on International Business topics.

One of my latest talks was delivered last year at the School of Intuition and Healing (London) with very positive feedback. Another of my latest talks was delivered in an institution called Gathering of Minds, and it was attended by more than 100 people. I was also interviewed about this topic at several radio programs.

If you are interested in this interview we can arrange in a time and day suitable for both.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Dr. Bruno Roque Cignacco

United Kingdom

I am Dr. Bruno Roque Cignacco (PhD) studied Metaphysics for more than 15 Years. I am also the author of the book “How to Manifest Money Effortlessly. Techniques to be More Prosperous (published by 0- Books. John Hunt Publishing, 2013)   The rights for this book have been sold to India,  Italy and Korea. I am also the author of the book “How to Become a Miracle-Maker with your Life. Steps to apply the almighty technique of Ho’oponopono” (0-Books,John Hunt Publishing, 2015)

I wrote a business book “Fundamentals of International Marketing. SMES” 2010 (Atlantic Publishers) also published in Spanish and Portuguese and “Techniques of International Negotiation (2014, Macchi Publishers) I am also a University Professor both at undergraduate and postgraduate level in business subjects in the UK and an international speaker and advisor on International Business topics.

One of my latest talks was delivered last year at the School of Intuition and Healing (London) with very positive feedback. Another of my latest talks was delivered in an institution called Gathering of Minds, and it was attended by more than 100 people. I was also interviewed about this topic at several radio programs.

Sara Troy

As a radio blog host my self I have had the privileged of interviewing some amazing people who have embraced their redirect in life. Strength courage and a new found belief in them selves their spirit, they now share that knowledge so we can all thrive in our own life's meaningful purpose. As a D.I.V.A Discover (Dreamer. Inspirer. Visionary. Aspirer) I awaken Souls and Spirits and guide them into their knowingness. I believe in all things metaphysical and after life and also believe any thing is possible with an open mind heart spirit and soul for we are only just beginning as a race to discover our selves. I speak spiritual and live in universal harmony. Regards Sara TROY


I am Sara Troy “Self Discovery Radio” Owner-Operator-Host

I am Sara Troy and I believe in knowingness, that feeling you get when you let the divine intellect speak to your gut and enter its divine knowledge, it then resonates with your heart in truth and passion, on to the spirit to get into action, and draws from the mind what it needs to know at the time it needs to know it. That is my knowingness and the state of being I choose to live in.

I am also a D.I.V.A a dreamer, inspirer, visionary, and aspirer. I believe we are all born D.I.V.A’s and lose it along the way, but life taps on your shoulders or gives us a hatchet in the head if we don’t listen and redirects us back into our divine D.I.V.A .

Being Inspired by our Dreams seeing the Vision and Aspiring to make it happen is what life is about. What use is a life without a dream, or not listening to those who will inspire us, we can’t see the vision if our souls are closed and what would we aspire to for we see, hear and if we feel nothing?

I found my purpose and calling with my radio/blog station Self Discovery Radio. When I started radio/blog interviewing I would seek out those D.I.V.A’s who had embraced their redirect and were now sharing their story and knowledge with others to enhance their own life’s journey.

Each week my hosts and I interview exceptional people living extraordinary lives, sharing their expertise and their own self-discovery. We discover knowledge on our health, our inner wealth and our possibilities that we are inspired to follow. The story of others in overcoming life’s challenges in placing value on self, and in igniting their D.I.V.A once more, is truly liberating. It has been a wonderful journey of illumination for me and our listeners.

We also look to support our global “Community for Change” initiative by raising funds that we will invest in back into people that need help in re embracing life, by hiring the services of those we interview who will enable them to find their dignity, liberty, and meaningful purpose in life.

With so much knowledge in over 1400 archived library of shows, there is answer to your questions, and the discovery of self is but one show away.

Sara Troy

Self Discovery Radio