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mia johnson
Your Pitch

Mia is a true Metaphysician-educated in traditional healing practices such as Psychotherapy, Master Coaching, Pagan/Wicca Coach, Mediation, Parenting & Anger Management. In her Pagan Metaphysical studies she is a Master Usai Reiki, Past Life Regressionist, Master Chakra & Energy Healing. Born an Empath, Mia used all of her many years of education to understand Human domestication, the importance of Communication.

Out of the Tangled Web is the name of Mia's company from which she serves as a Neuro-linguistic Guide, presents The Magick of Wyrd which is a combination of many of her expertises-Wyrd being Pagan for all that once was, that which is becoming now, & that which has yet to become. Pretty much covers every aspect of Human Life.

Another program offered by Mia is W.I.T.C.H.(Woman In Total Control of Herself) which teaches the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, Iyana Vanzant, Self-Esteem and balancing Mind, Body and Spirit through empowerment.


Mia Johnson, M.A., M.NLP

People ask me what I do-the title Metaphysician is SO misunderstood.

As a true Metaphysician, I learned traditional healing as well as ancient ways combining source energy & alternative modalities, and a wee bit a gift of the Sidhe Fae Magick allows me to see the world through your eyes, to capture the essence of what your spirit has gifted for you! 

A Storyteller by birth &  nature, I have traveled many a path & have so many stories to share. Born & raised with a gift of Empathy, my gift and my training allow me to connect with you on the deepest emotional level possible. I use Sidhe Irish & Sicilian Gypsy to read your way.

Through my journeys, I've evolved to my calling- bringing to light my master communication skills, & uncanny abilities to tune into your source. Neuro-linguistics-the art & science of communication opened a world of perceptions, how they're made-how they can be changed.

Have I all my answers? No, but then I have yet to live all my life.

If you will allow me, I will help you to understand not only how YOU see the World,

but also, how the world sees YOU.

What an absolutely amazing day when you realize who you really are

& be right with the world within you & the world around you.

A day with no hesitation, when you can say "ah, this was how it was always meant to be."?

There is no "right"? or "wrong,"?

There can be no mistakes, no failures...only lessons.

Some Paths may lead to finding keys to continue your journey.

The door is behind the lesson. 

The keys will open new worlds to you, as they did me. 

Some Paths lead to what appears to be a dead end.

Learn the lesson anyway. 

Like a Scavenger Hunt

The game is the way through your Journey

Fate why? an inevitable end

Destiny, the ability to determine how the story goes

The Universe deals us cards unseen

It's up to you which cards to play-

Sage advice: NEVER play above your skill level, NEVER stop improving your skill



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