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Linda S Brewer
Your Pitch

My name is Linda Brewer; Destiny Architect, Building relationships in truth that Empower People, Align Principles, and Enhance Processes for Prosperity and Profits.

Your listeners will have the opportunity to  choose to live their lives in truth through awareness of the lies they believed when their fear is activated through a current experience. To heal any problem, a person has to heal the source. The source is the memories they have stored in their sacred heart—their subconscious, their cellular memories. Unhealthy beliefs rooted in lies! Such as:  "Do I Belong?  Am I Worthy?  Am I Competent?  or What's wrong with me?" which creates unhealthy relationships with oneself and others. Stress within and between, battles of self worth and value, anxieties and past failures all have the potential to lead us into a skewed view of what is a healthy relationship.

Each person's destiny is created by the words we speak and the choices we make. Our belief system creates a thought, from the thought a word is spoken or an action is taken, a habit is created, the habit becomes our character, our character our destiny. Thus we are the architect of our lives! Your listeners will discover beliefs that are stopping them from creating the destiny they are born to live. "You Speak, Your are Heard, You Choose , Your Destiny."


I am a Destiny Architect. Building relationships in truth that Empower People, Align Principles, and Enhance Processes for sustainability and profitability.

A defining moment in my life: “I remember when I was five years old, looking up at a very tall adult, placing my hands on my hips and saying, ‘that is not what you meant.’” In spite of the adverse reaction of that adult, I can hear and observe when someone’s words are out of alignment with their behaviors and outcomes. I discerned that the issue of their heart is self-condemnation that creates fear, relational, financial and success issues.

My passion and my gift are to create a safe place for a person to connect with their sacred heart and discover the root lie they believe about themselves that is affecting their life. The core of the truth they need to receive is that each of us is love. I help my clients realize they can choose to live their lives in truth through awareness of the lies they believed when their fear is activated through a current experience. I believe, to heal any problem, a person has to heal the source. The source is the memories they have stored in their sacred heart—their subconscious, their cellular memories.

My focused commitment to all my clients is to create a safe space and to ask thoughtful questions, so they feel encouraged and worthy of love. The choice is theirs to move through theirs fears and addictions into love and truth that creates loving thoughts, words, and actions.

My entrepreneurial career has included Business Management, Accounting, Sales and Marketing, and Facilitation for Organizational and Personal Growth, a former Vistage International chair.  She created two successful companies, including her company, LSG Advertising, Inc., and Crowns Now. Her organization also serves other high profile companies, including Milliken, Volvo, BMW, DS2, and AgFirst.

BOOK ME! Available for radio interviews and speaking engagements.
Let's connect and schedule a date for me to be a guest on your show! I am EST; please let me know your preferred DAY & TIME to connect :)

Control YOUR Destiny,
Linda Brewer
Office: 864.576.8654
Cell:  864.205.2518   