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Cowboy Ted Hallisey

Cowboy Ted Hallisey is happy to join you on-air to talk about wellness for kids - rodeo health - tobacco education, fitness and outdoor recreation. He has hosted radio shows for rodeo - country music - sposrts and outdoor recreation and he has visited with over 250,000 kids to encourage them to make healthy choices. Ted hosts wellness videos for classrooms and also hosts LIVE school wellness assemblies and uses 8 steps to good health that are symbolic of the 8-second ride in rodeo. He has covered the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas and Pro Bull Riders Finals. he has also worked as an instructor at the elementary level and also taught college fitnees classes and college communications. He has a Master of Education degree in Health Physical Education and Recreation and uses his Cowboy brand to deliver mainstream health concepts to kids

He has hosted radio features for 15 years for 12 radio stations and hosted health presentations at the Mayo Clinic and several national health conferences. He was a spokesperson for the Tobacco Free Rodeo Coalition and in 2010 watched the Pro Rodeo Cowboys Association drop tobacco sponsors. CT hosts videos on the Cowboy Ted Show on You Tube and has written 12 kids books with health topics and is happy to visit with you about being an advocate for healthy kids and families.


Cowboy Ted Hallisey

Barry Clemson PhD

Strategic nonviolence. Worked with SNCC in Mississippi 1964 - 65 voter registration. Wrote critically acclaimed novel "Denmark Rising" on Denmark using strategic nonviolence to resist Hitler's demands for support for the war effort. Also have expertise in systems theory, management, and implications of climate change for society and civilization.


BA in science, MA in political science, PhD in management, past president of American Society for Cybernetics. Have had careers in community development, software development, academic teaching and research (management and systems theory), and owned/operated a construction company. Now retired and write on social justice, climate change, nonviolence, and the prospects for humanity to either destroy itself or learn to live more gently on our planet.

Catherine Ewing

It's more important now than ever to show up as the highest vibrational version as ourselves so that we can create the kind of world we want to live in, for ourselves, families and communities. Clearing the energetic imprints from early life trauma, and all lifetimes, is critical to being able to step into our full authentic selves. Clearing these imprints helps clear and balance the masculine and feminine energy in individuals and in the collective so that we can embody the divine expressions of these energies rather than the egoic expressions. Energy psychology and brain science, along with spiritual and metaphysical principles, are the most effective and efficient way to embody this change and anchor the balanced energies onto the planet.

Rev. Catherine’s work is focused primarily on healing the feminine wound so that the divine feminine energy can be restored on the planet.  She is an expert in trauma and in working with motherless daughters, whether through loss of a mother to early death or due to abandonment, chronic mental or physical illness, addiction, family dysfunction or narcissism.

Catherine supports clients to collapse the emotional energy around their stories and experiences of abuse, abandonment, betrayal, loss, shame, humiliation, invisibility and powerlessness.  Ultimately she supports clients and students to heal, awaken and transform their lives into their personal version of Heaven on Earth, embodying the highest level of Christ consciousness available to them at this time.

During the interview Catherine will demonstrate techniques that listeners can use themselves to help clear their emotional residue and raise their vibration.


Catherine Ewing, LCSW, MDiv, founder of Sacred Heart Alchemy, is a spiritually focused psychotherapist, EFT Practitioner, Transformational Life Coach, Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, Certified Dream Coach, Passion Test Facilitator, and energy healing practitioner.  She has been a student of the mind/body/spirit connection for over 25 years, is co-author of the book Incredible Life, a workshop leader and inspirational speaker. 

In addition to her work with individuals and groups, Catherine trains mental health professionals in the use of alternative modalities in psychotherapy.  She teaches in the STEP Program at the University of Connecticut SSW and has presented at the CT. NASW Conference.  She offers classes, workshops and retreats on a variety of topics related to the mind/body/spirit connection, spiritual awakening and women’s transformation at midlife. She is an expert at helping those she works with to release old beliefs, behaviors and emotions that keep them physically, mentally and emotionally unhealthy and unfulfilled.  She supports clients in reconnecting to, and remembering, their true spiritual nature, allowing them to step out of their story and into lives of authenticity, passion and purpose. 

Prior to her work as a coach, psychotherapist and healer, Catherine was a Social Worker in the areas of sexual assault, domestic violence, child protective services, women’s reproductive rights and school social work. She also served as the Ct. Coordinator of the Governor’s Task Force on Justice for Abused Children. She was a volunteer with the Trauma Relief Program in Newtown, CT following the school shootings in Sandy Hook.  A life-long learner and spiritual seeker, Catherine brings a broad understanding of spiritual and metaphysical principles and a wide variety of practical tools and resources into her work and trainings.

Pat Villaceran

I'm a social entrepreneur passionate in introducing integrated digital marketing approach to businesses. We started as a journalism-focused company in the Philippines and we have grown to an international publication that has its own in-house marketing agency, PLEXUSS. I'm a social entrepreneur and I believe in creating a long-term path for my staff.


I am a 24-year-old CEO from the Philippines and I have a big vision: to change the world, one story at a time.

Dr Greg Tefft

Your Personal Life: Measuring What Your Body Needs to Live Lean, Long, Strong & Better

By Dr. Greg Tefft, the World’s Leading Expert in Personalized Nutrition

Your Hair is the Key to Your Health Puzzle—Finding Exactly What Nutrients Will Restore Your Health

Are you a “Guessing” Diet Gambler or a do you want to be a “Knowing” Nutrition Detective?

Dear  BBS Host      

Feeling far from your peak? Suffering illness fat buildup or fatigue? Taking prescription meds to cure or treat some condition?

Those are all tell-tale signs that your body is missing key nutrients or can’t absorb them from the foods you eat or the supplements you take. That’s because YOUR body is unlike anyone ELSES! Dr. Greg Tefft, the World’s Leading Expert in Personalized Nutrition says You are NOT What You Eat. Instead, You Are What You Retain From What You Eat! 

Dr. Teftt, author of the internationally bestselling book Your Personal Life, Measuring What Your Body Needs to Live Lean, Long, Strong & Better, is a renowned board-certified naturopathic and chiropractic physician, three-time Natural Mr. America, former Olympic and U.S. Swim Team sports-med staff doctor, and well known drugless clinician to the stars at Malibu Health & Rehabilitation Center. He says that EVERY illness can be traced to what we put in our mouths. And the opposite holds true, every illness can be eliminated by putting the RIGHT foods in our mouths.

Now that doesn’t mean eating the accepted standard “healthy diet,” or living on wheatgrass and kale. There is no one-size-fits-all solution.  Because EVERY body is different -- which means that your health is a matter of what is nutritionally correct for your body only.  You must give it the very nutrients that are lacking, while reducing the ones that are excessive. And the only way to accomplish this is to test using a lock of your hair instead of 1,000 blood tests as the basis for an exacting analysis. This ends the guesswork by you or your doctors. 

Why is using ONE lock of hair so vital as a biopsy specimen? Because it’s the same as taking twelve blood tests a day for three months. This approach eliminates daily errors in blood fluctuations and identifies long term mineral and related nutrient patterns that are more reliable for therapeutic intervention and permanent change. Urine and saliva do not measure up as saliva provides no reflection of nutrient status, while urine shows what is excreted, not assimilated by cells.

Meanwhile, in his book, Dr.Tefft lays out why the health system is failing people today with standardized nutrition advice—and just how our genes and metabolic state predetermine what works for us and what doesn’t.  According to Dr. Tefft, “Experiencing the fastest healing process and the healthiest, fittest, longest life possible is totally based on a tug-of-war between what’s inside of you and what nutrition choices you make as well as what you are exposed to from the outside environment. Food is always the dominant variable.”

He asks: Do you want to be a Diet Gambler or a Nutrition Detective...What’s at Stake?

Dr. Tefft can offer insight on:                                                          

How we got to this place of explosive diet related disease... The controlling elements that contribute to our unique nutrition blueprint

Symptoms can’t be used as a guide for selecting foods or supplements to improve your health.

How nutrition therapy is putting people’s health in their own hands and taking it out of the doctors’

Dramatic case histories that show the power of personalized nutrition over degenerative diseases

The latest medically proven technology being used to obliterate 81% of all that we suffer from

How he became his own first case history

To book Dr. Greg Tefft for a potentially life-saving, enormously entertaining interview on the power of personalized nutrition, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473

Dr. Greg Tefft likes to say he was his own first case history in personalized nutrition. Even as a seven-year-old champion swimmer, he became convinced that by using nutrition and exercise, he could custom design a one-of-a-kind body built to help him achieve his goals of being a World Class Swimmer and Track and Field Athlete.  He just missed a spot on the Olympic Swim Team in 1972, and then the 1976 Track and Field team. His drive to excel followed into adult life as a powerlifter-turned-bodybuilder, when he became a three-time Natural Mr. America (meaning without steroids)—never done before in history!

But despite his success and commitment to healthy living and proper nutrition, Dr. Tefft suddenly found himself hospitalized, unable to breathe at the pinnacle of his bodybuilding career. It turned out to be asthma -- standardized medicine provided no real cure and no permanent relief. After hearing Dr. Carlton Fredericks, an early leader in alternative health on a radio show, Dr. Tefft pursued a course of testing that was beyond the scope of traditional medicine. These test results showed his body was suffering from high chlorine and mercury levels, plus he proved deficient in a many vitamins, minerals and critical substances that his body wasn’t absorbing. After correcting these issues using chelation therapy, supplementation and a prescription diet, his asthma was gone.

This experience led him on a quest to go beyond conventional medicine to find the root cause-and-effect issues to help people find the specific keys to their personalized health. Dr. Tefft has been treating patients since 1984 as a board-certified naturopathic physician, chiropractic doctor and drugless physician, He is a former Sports Medicine Staff Member for the 1984 U.S. Olympic Team, the U.S. National Swim Team, the Race Across America, and other elite sports organizations, along with being head clinical nutritionist for the famous Malibu Health & Rehabilitation Center.

Today, he is best known as the World’s Leading Expert in Personalized Nutrition, a field he pioneered. Dr. Tefft is a renowned clinical bio-nutritionist, teacher, wellness practitioner, speaker and author. His book Your Personal Life, Measuring What Your Body Needs to Live Lean, Long, Strong & Better is an international bestseller. Lauded as the “Mind-Body Connector” by Weider Publications, his clientele includes celebrities, Olympic athletes, and average people who want to be their best.

Ending the guesswork in treating illness and bringing people into maximum health is why he launched Arbor Vitae Nutrition, which brings his unique system of geno-metabolic nutritional testing--based on more than 60 years of orthomolecular medical research—to people in an affordable and convenient way. Instead of costly, multiple tests and lots of speculation and/or guesswork, individuals can quickly know what their exact prescription for optimum health -- weight reduction, greater longevity, higher performance, more energy and the end of feeling powerless.

Dr Jeffrey Fidel

I: One M.D.’s Inward Journey to Liberate Himself from Mental Suffering---And The Help It Offers for Those Diagnosed Bipolar, Mentally Ill or Depressed

By Dr. Jeffrey Fidel,  MD

Turning Off the Voices in One’s Head and Listening to the One Voice That Counts

Dear BBS Host:

The diagnosis of Bipolar 1 Disorder– by medical decree and societal perception— is a lifelong sentence: unless you take and stay on prescription medicine you cannot function as a “normal, sane member of society.”

But Jeffrey R Fidel, an MD himself, is proof that is not true. 

And he got there by turning off the voices in his head and listening to the one voice that counts—the one in his heart.

In his beautiful, masterful and minimalist book: I: One M.D.’s Inward Journey to Liberate Himself from Mental Suffering---And The Help It Offers for Those Diagnosed Bipolar, Mentally Ill or Depressed, Jeffrey Fidel provides insight into his story and how he used the ancient teachings of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, to connect to a voice originating from his heart, the "voice within" that teaches our true identity is "beyond thought" and that we and the universe are I(One)...

Jeffrey relates how he spent most of his life identifying with the I that was the I in his mind—the one that said he must achieve to exist...the one that drove him to become a doctor in order to meet other people’s expectations despite a part of him that resisted; the one that said he would be happy if he lived the “American dream” of exalted professional, family man and financial success. This was the “I” of his ego.

Yet, he was miserable and the critical voices in his head kept getting louder, driving him to seek a psychiatrist. And when they reached a crescendo, Jeffrey was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 Disorder and placed on antipsychotic drugs.  

Feeling numbed by his “chemical lobotomy” he continued to “fit into” society as an individual and practicing physician. Yet, nothing in his life was right—his marriage was falling apart, he still had an inner struggle that he didn’t want to practice medicine, and even his beloved dog died.

Through many ups and downs and searching, he came to the Tao Te Ching. It spoke to him and awakened his awareness that there was another voice, a quiet one that spoke truth to him, a voice that connected him to all that is. Then, he knew that he was not his mind, he was his energetic essence, something unknowable and unlimited. When, through a year of deep solitude, he became convinced following this voice was the real path to a life of mental and emotional freedom, he tapered off his meds, quit his medical practice and focused on living the life directed by that inner voice.

Today, Jeffrey lives a contented, complete, humble and drug-free life in Florida—living in the present moment—and spreading the word for others who have been diagnosed as depressed, mentally ill or Bipolar that he has found another way to end mental suffering. As he tells his story, he is an inspiration to others that listening to the “one voice that counts” may provide a different path to peace and a new way to live.

If you would like to interview Jeffrey R Fidel, MD on “I” and his journey to free himself from mental suffering, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473

Jeffrey R. Fidel, MD refuses to live his life medicated for Bipolar I disorder. In near complete solitude, he endured nearly a full year of intense mental anguish. Utilizing mainly the ancient teachings of Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, he learned how to connect to a voice originating from his heart.

The “voice within” teaches him that our true identity is “beyond thought” and that we and the universe are I(One)…

Dr. Fidel is now sharing these ancient teachings to help others discover their answer inside. He says, “By quieting the constant chattering of our minds, we begin to hear the inner voice that originates from our hearts. By surrendering the ‘thought of who we are,’ we can begin to accept this inner voice as our teacher. This inner voice teaches us that we are one.”

Jeffrey R. Fidel graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree from Brandeis University in Waltham, MA. He earned his Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from Tulane University in New Orleans, LA. Dr. Fidel is a board certified-MRI fellowship trained diagnostic radiologist who completed both his residency and fellowship training at the University of Miami in Miami, Florida.

His hobbies include classical piano, snow skiing, math, and science. He currently resides in Florida with his son, Andrew.

Dr Joe Esposito

Dr. Joe has been called one of the most dynamic and authoritative international nutritional eperts of our time. He is also a nationally recognized radio and television consultant and a pioneer in the field of nutrition, health and longevity. His leading edge research in the field of food and how it affects all aspects of health and disease has helped thousands of people.

United States

Dr. Joe Esposito has been called one of the most dynamic and authoritative inernational nutritional experts of our time. He is also a nationally recognized radio and television consultant and a pioneer in the field of nutrition, health and longevity. His leading edge research in the field of food and how it affects all aspects of health and disease has helped thousands of people. He is also is the president of Health Plus Wellness Center, a multidisciplinary care center specializing in prevention health care and life extension located in Marietta, GA.

Maria Anna van Driel

Good day Madam/Sir, My name is Maria Anna van Driel (Dutch from origin) I am the author of 3 books, 6 English written articles in Paranormal Underground Magazine, 1 Germany written article in Q-PHAZE magazine, 2 correspondent broadcasts at Paranormal Underground Radio and one interview concerning my books and personal paranormal experiences which was conducted by bestselling author Michelle Pillow. I have reviewed some shows which are available in your archive and I believe that I would be a great guest for your audience. As a guest on your show, I would propose discussing the following key points: - What a paranormal investigator is really doing during his/her investigations. - The dangers of a non-prepared investigation. - Shadow people as a possible primal energy. - Did some ecclesial leaders denied the population the exit to a knowledge which can lead to an understanding of the different dimensions of this globe? - How the outside world is looking/reacting to the unknown and unseen. Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you. Warm regards, Maria Anna van Driel Author & writer Theoretical physicist 034363 500555 (Germany) 


Besides being a published author and writer, Maria Anna is a paranormal investigative journalist & Theoretical physicist creating new theories around known events in paranormal phenomenons due applying crazy technological experiments from the past and the present. As a born medium with e.g. psychometric capabilities and remote viewing, she wrote several novels after connecting with what she calls ‘the galactic library’. 'The NWO their thoughts...your life’ (It's time to wake up, we are the illusion) 'Our mind in a controlled quantum Euclidean space?' (Natural and unnatural energies as a global weapon for mind and behavior control) 'The Source of Immortality'(The global Elite and their fountain of youth) Not only ‘the galactic library’ was/is a source for her writings, she spoke to many people in the last 20 years having different backgrounds and functions telling their version(s) about e.g. UFO abductions, witnessing strange events and objects at Area 51, crazy looking medical forms and reports, eerie creatures walking the areas of the Grand Canyon and many more sources she respectfully leave anonymous in her books. Except for her books Maria Anna also let you know and understand the horrors of our daily illusion on her You Tube channel by speaking out her thoughts concerning crazy technologies and paranormal phenomenons in which she gives viewers the opportunity to create their own opinion in the unknown and unseen.

Tonya McLaughlin

Aloha nui loa! "Be the Light you see in others eyes!"

I am a Seer and a vessel of Intuitive Healing.

I am available for interview on the Language of Love and Re-Integration and Frequency upgrades.

It is Ke Akua, Creations' Light and the Universal Energy that works through me.  I am merely the hands and vehicle for the Love to Shine through. It was shown to me in dream-time that the original language is Love and Vibration and Colour are her breath.

Like the Infinity Symbol (Divine Masculine & Sacred Feminine)  unfolding and folding back in upon itself-Expansion and Contraction repeating endlessly.

My gift is to remind the Human tribe that we are our own teachers and healers; We are our own "Way-Showers". The Universe is within us for are the Universe.

I assist people through healing work or through sharing information and spreading the message of love, gathering and unity. I listening to the body, seeing the authentic soul self. The true person starts to emerge from under all the layers of programming and false notions. Transformation occurs at a cellular level and outwards. Through the Divine, a pebble of Love is dropped, sending ripples of transmutation and Light into all the areas that were before plugged. 


Tonya McLaughlin is a Seer and a vessel of Intuitive Healing. "It is Ke Akua, It is Creator and the Universal Energy. I am merely the hands and vehicle for the Love to Shine through"

She is listening to your body and seeing your authentic soul self. The true you starts to emerge from under all the layers of programming and false notions. Transformation occurs at a cellular level and outwards. Through the Divine, she drops a pebble of Love sending ripples of transmutation and Light into all the areas that were before plugged.