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Kimesha Coleman

I am love. I am the sweet aroma of confidence that fills the room. I am the voice of courage in your ear.

 But I didn't always exist in this persona.

Sexually violated by my favorite uncle left me feeling unworthy, dirty, and unloved. The torture and beating from my teenage boyfriend keep my self-esteem below zero leaving only room for self-hatred to fill in the gap. I searched for love in the corners of toxic relationships.

That was me six years ago and now I look in the mirror and see a women who is whole, secure, and free. So many women out there in your viewership that are suffering in silence like I once was. 

I would love to come on your show to share my story but to also share some of the ways women can boost their self-esteem and assertiveness to get more of what they want in relationships. 

It's important that they know that there are simple steps that can be taken to move from suffering to contentment followed by principles to loving yourself more to change your self-view, self-worth, self-esteem, and develop self-love. The steps I now share with women are the exact steps I took to experience transformation. 

Kimesha Coleman is an award winning community leader and cohost of the Lifestyle segment for the Cynthia Austin show. Kimesha is a recognized expert and speaker on the topics of mastering self-esteem, domestic violence and healing after abuse.

Kimesha grew up in Dallas, Texas, she survived the escalating trauma from domestic violence, teen dating violence and the molestation from her “favorite” uncle.  Kimesha shares her inspirational story in the bestselling book, He Loves Me Not: Buried Tears of Betrayed Love (2015) which has been featured in BBU Magazine and the Cynthia Austin Show.

Today, Kimesha frequently shares her insight and background with other families and survivors seeking healing from abuse as part of her coaching business CoachingbyKimesha.

Toni Quest

Toni Quest refers to herself as an entrepreneurial artist.  She seeks to integrate her many gifts, talents and unique experiences she has been blessed with. In her recently published memoir, Actualized, a Life in Progress, she candidly tells the stories within the story of her life. She shares how the process of self-reflection revealed to her the  magic of Actualization. In Actualized, she writes, "God's purpose for me is to inspire people through my art, writing, and teaching, and to show how I overcame parental loss as a child, multiple sclerosis and two marriages, and somehow managed to enjoy a happy and fulfilled life." 

United States

Toni Quest refers to herself as an entrepreneurial artist.  She seeks to   integrate her many gifts, talents and unique experiences she has been blessed with.

In her recently published memoir, Actualized, a Life in Progress, she candidly tells the stories within the story of her life. Actualized is based on the instructional plan she wrote in graduate school. The plan, Self-actualizing Portraiture ©  earned her an MAED in adult learning theory.

Toni Quest became an artist in 1994 after surviving a traumatic auto collision. Her multiple injuries left her head spinning, her boyfriend bolting and her heart and soul screaming. While recovering at home in much physical and emotional pain, she began painting faces giving birth to her Screaming Woman ® Series.

Toni Quest was named one of Westchester County’s 'Leading New Artists' in 2006. Her art was featured in the Westchester Arts Council’s Young Emerging Artists (YEA) exhibition.  Ms. Quest is one of the artists selected to participate in the 'James Brown, Visual Soul' exhibition in Augusta, GA. Her vibrant portraits of the legendary James Brown were exhibited in the May 2006 exhibition and celebration.

Her award-winning piece, 'U.S. in Us' is featured on the cover of the anthology, View from the Middle of the Road, Volume II, U.S. in Us ' (PRA Publishing). A selection of her poetry is featured in the anthology as well.

Although most of her work has been portraiture, Toni Quest is also a jewelry designer. She recently launched the Energy Stoners TM Jewelry Design Salon. Attendees gather, in the spirit of comradery, and enjoy food, wine tasting and music, while engaging in jewelry design instruction which features genuine quartz and other quality energy stones.

On occasion Toni will bring her easel and paint at public and private events.  She believes interacting with people generates energy and synergy. She taps into this force and blends it into her work.

In Actualized, and  through her paintings, TQ bears her soul as well as her affinity to the collective consciousness of humankind.  Her intent is to provoke emotion and thought, thus inspiring constructive communication about ones relationship to others and the world around us.

Ms. Quest teaches 'Self-Actualizing Portraiture ©, which is founded on how she taught herself self-portraiture after a debilitating accident in 1994. She later formally wrote the instructional design for this course while in graduate school in 2008. The instructional design focuses on the needs of combat veterans who suffer from the symptoms of PTSD.  

As a college professor, Toni Quest has taught psychology, sociology, geriatrics, academic writing and American history. She genuinely enjoys facilitating the active exchange of ideas between learners within the classroom setting.

Toni Quest can be seen interviewing interesting people on her cable tv talk  show, Talk with TQ, which also appears on Youtube.

Judy Lair

As an expert in leadership development, I help clients become insightful, confident leaders who inspire others to join them in radically changing the world. My background as a Clinical Counselor gives me indepth understanding into the barriers keeping people from achieving success. As a Leadership Development Facilitator, I bring clarity into the process of growth. With my Love.Lead.Inspire! format, clients create a standard for loving others well, using insight to become a healthy, effective leader, and learn how to inspire to make a difference by following their lead.

I love to share stories, insights, and answer questions relating to: 1) Getting Your Team On-Board; 2) Using Conflict to Engineer Success; 3) Why Traditional Leadership Development Training Doesn’t Work; 4) How to Develop and Utilize Insight; 5) Humpty Dumpty Leadership; 6) Developing Strong Relationship; and 7) Managing Stress and Fear Productively.

United States

I have a M.A. in Clinical Counseling and certification as a Business Coach and Certified Coach Practitioner. I’ve had a highly successful private practice for 15 years, self-published 4 books, developed continuing education workshops for counselors, and speak at conferences and seminars, and enjoy guest spots on podcasts and radio programs. I love to travel the world with my son Ben.

Carmen Bartolo

Attn: Producer/Host - FAKE NEWS? Humans Could be Extinct in 1,000 years

FAKE NEWS? Humans could be extinct in 1,000 years

Hi Producer/Host, 

If my information is still correct, I have a parallel-universe interview of science vs. science fiction that could be a great fit for your show.

According to Steven Hawking, humans could be extinct on Earth within the next 1,000 years. The scientist suggests that the only way for humanity to avoid a mass extinction is to find another planet to inhabit. (1) Battlefield Earth, a New York Times best seller, corroborates Hawking’s eerie predictions.

In the year 3000, there are no countries, no borders, no cities... Earth is a wasteland. And man is an endangered species. As the leader of the evil Psychlos, Terl and his race have taken over the world's natural resources and disregarded everyone and everything else. It's up to Jonnie "Goodboy" Tyler, a brave human, to battle the Psychlos and restore normalcy to the world.

Compare that to the present-time statement of Steven Hawking, "If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans.” Hawking expanded: "I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach." (2)

In Battlefield Earth, Mr. Hubbard talks about an alien race, the Psyclos, discovering one of the Voyager probes, its gold record, directions to Earth, coming here, wiping out the population in a matter of minutes and mining it for its resources.

What are the similarities and differences between these two viewpoints on the year 3000? How do these two viewpoints connect?

Journalist and Author, Jim Marrs, can give a culturally entertaining comparison to the how these two views – science to science fiction – correlate. Mr. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, the Discovery, Learning and History Channels. He's the NYT bestselling author of an in-depth investigation of UFOs, Alien Agenda, published by HarperCollins Publishers. (3)

Battlefield Earth was this summer's #1 bestseller in the categories of Sci-Fi, Trade Paperback and Audiobook.

In a gripping science vs. science fiction interview, Marrs can speak to the following:

How is it that Hawking predictions were detailed in Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard? Did Hawking and Hubbard know each other? When Battlefield Earth was first published, Mr. Hubbard hadn't done any fiction writing in some years. Why did he get back into it? Why is Battlefield Earth being re-released? When it originally written, what was Mr. Hubbard's purpose of writing it? How the audiobook version was created (featuring Grammy and Hugo award-winning narrator, Stefan Rudnicki, and a cast of 67 voice actors portraying 198 characters, over 150,000 sound effects and full cinematic music score)

About Battlefield Earth Author, L. Ron Hubbard:

In addition to his work as the Founder of Dianetics and Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard stands as among the world’s most enduring and widely read authors of popular fiction, with international sales of some fifty million and a body of work spanning fifty years. 

Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000, described by science fiction legend A. E. van Vogt as an unqualified masterpiece, the 428,750-word epic was not only a sensational international bestseller, but the recipient of numerous international literary awards. It has since been published in scores of nations, translated into dozens of languages and serves as a model work in several colleges and universities.

*To interview Marrs in an enthralling science vs. science fiction correlation, contact me, Mr. Carmen Bartolo, via Media Relations, Galaxy Press at 323.574.5916 or via email at



United States

Jim Marrs

Battlefield Earth
Zhe Scott

Consumers spend Billions of dollars on all kinds of  products annually. The Seo Queen, Zhelinrentice Scott would like to share with you effective strategies to empower all business owners to improve their visiblity on line and their revenue streams by capturing existing digital traffic looking for products like theirs.

United States
Zhelinrentice L. Scott, The SEO Queen, is a creative, yet technical marketing & search engine optimization coach who achieves authentic success through building credible, visible, and profitable brands.
With an MIT degree in the science of information technology management, Zhe is a sought after digital marketing partner who procures tangible results for client companies. Wins on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are transparently tracked, monitored, and evaluated. Return on Investment is always considered when any digital marketing strategy is crafted.
Zhe not only has her finger on the pulse of today’s ever shifting tech scene, but also offers a credible track record. She has 20+ years experience in business development and entrepreneurial experience.
An acclaimed violinist, Zhe brings an artistic and strategic perspective to all marketing campaigns. She gives visibility to her client’s brand(s) through the application of her wisdom and technical expertise from 10+ years experience building websites, and employing the marketing fundamentals critical to her success in building over 200 digital marketing campaigns in over 200 niches, sectors, and industries worldwide all within in the past 5 years. Zhe serves her client’s needs with an extensive knowledge-base including Web Development, Web Master, Web Application Development, SEO, SEM, Link Building, Amazon SEO, Technical SEO, WordPress SEO, Shopify SEO, PPC, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation and beyond.
Unique value is not one size fits all.  Zhelinrentice guides individuals and businesses to find clarity, confidence and certainty in what authentic success means to them within the constraints of their budget and deadlines. Zhe’s efforts have generated millions of dollars in revenue cumulatively for clients. Utilizing her business development skill set she has also built a recurring book of business  worth over 500K for a Michigan based Digital Marketing Agency in two years.  Zhelinrentice L. Scott, is THE SEO QUEEN, and she looks forward to bringing added value to all facets of your marketing and SEO needs.
Kaye Bewley

Donald Newsom gave me these details to pitch you by so, here goes!

BewleyBooks is a publishing service based in the UK that provides a platform for authors who 'Aspire to Inspire' the world to change for the better.

Two of the authors are American, Steve Kemp a fire fighter from Indianapolis, who has written a paranormal novel called 'Harry Dennison', and Bill Geringswald from Florida, who has just completed an intelligent non-fiction manual 'Infinite Possibilities - A Spiritual Awakening' which is designed to galvanise Americans into action - in a spiritual way. 

I'm also in the process of publishing the work of an author from Australia, Larry Campbell who is an ex-con/turned presenter/speaker.  His haunting memoir is based on his experiences as a young tortured soul incarcerated within the Australian prison system.

I have already secured several media engagements and book signing events for each of these gentlemen I know these authors would love to appear on your show too.

Each author would be delighted discuss their experiences in an entertaining way.  Bill's work may even provide a little controversial topic of conversation – as he highlights the state the country is currently in.  While Steve's work touches on subject of death and a friendship so deep it forces his character ‘Harry Dennison’ to acknowledge that, perhaps, there just might be something beyond the end-of-life experience.

Let me know where I can send their full Media Kits – together with a list of possible questions you could ask them - and I'll get right on it.

Kaye Bewley

United Kingdom

STEVE KEMP: A fire fighter, Steve Kemp has experienced the loss of close colleagues and family members while in the line of duty.  Instead of dwelling on the circumstances he faces, he has turned to helping others with their grief and failure by writing a paranormal thriller that offers comfort and redemption.

    “All firefighters have experienced some portion of this work.  As for dealing with someone close in the line of duty, I’ve known several guys who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice.   Harry Dennison is a tribute  not just to them, but to those who loved them and who had to carry on after their loss.”

      Kemp has been writing fiction since he was a kid, but only seriously got his act together a few years ago, when he finally sat at the keyboard to produce several novels.  He has written six to-date, and is currently working on a children’s novel aimed at helping them cope with the loss of a father in the line of duty. 

     Steve lives in Indianapolis with his wife and two daughters.

BILL GERINGSWALD: Bill Geringswald, is a veteran and retired business consultant who has travelled the world analysing and restructuring failed business models.  He now prefers philosophy to fighting on the fields or in the boardroom and Infinite Possibilities – A Spiritual Awakening is his gift, through God, to the world.

     'Infinite Possibilities - A Spiritual Awakening' is a wholly unrestricted work by Bill Geringswald whose chief role in life has been to identify million dollar problems in businesses - and put them right.  

     It is widely understood that this world of ours needs fixing but there's a distinct lack of blueprints to follow.  Infinite Possibilities is his trillion dollar 'business plan' that may do the same for the world.

LARRY CAMPBELL: Larry Campbell is an ex-convict turned presenter/speaker.  He has ideas for an original alternative method to contain convicts without walls or weaponry.

     At 12 years of age Larry ran wild with the Aboriginal Children of the western Plains of Queensland and learned how to steal chook's from the Cunnamulla Pub.  He has always wanted to be a spy and has read every British book and novel relating to the art of deception. 

     His first writing in prison was confiscated in 1984, at age 32.  A State Justice Department studied it and, as a result, started inquiries that led to the arrest and conviction of the Prisons Minister. 

     Since leaving prison, Larry has spoke at James Cook University, highlighting widespread corruption in the police force, prisons, and Government.  His other speaking engagements led to presenting to social work classes, to Behavioural Science Groups and to teaching Fourth Year students - as well as being booked to speak at the World Council of Churches meeting in Townsville in 1988.

Mark Susnow

Guest of your Show: Mark Susnow, author of the Soul of Uncertainty—a Fable for our Times

The Soul of Uncertainty: A Fable for our Times
In the midst of a storm, I looked up into the sky and knew that I would see the sun somewhere hidden in the clouds and the darkness, trying to peek through. It was then that I looked for the rainbow I knew would be there.

From the Soul of Uncertainty

More than ever we live in a time of uncertainty.  The edge of uncertainty that each of us feels on a daily basis, pervades everything we do, and keeps many of us up late at night.  How we come to terms with this uncertainty is our biggest challenge and determines our experience of life.

Rather than another “how to” book, Mark Susnow, life coach and strategist and thought leader has woven a story inspired by many true events that have occurred in his life and the lives of many others who have graced his life. During the past decade many amazing people have invited him into their lives and shared with him their hopes, their concerns, and their dreams. If there has been a theme underlying their journey and his own, it is the challenge all of us face— to find peace in the midst of uncertainty.


About the Author Mark Susnow

Transitions—some bigger than others—have defined his life. The new millennium was the inspiration for perhaps his biggest transition, taking a giant leap of faith and saying goodbye to his successful career as a trial lawyer. Even though his career at times was covered by Rolling Stone Magazine, the New York Times and other major media outlets, he had reached the point when the yearning of his soul called out for more.

In some ways, the seeds for the next phase of his life had been planted many years before. In the early days as a trial lawyer, fighting for justice, he discovered that meditation and yoga helped him get through those dark stressful moments and gave him a competitive edge. When he was six years old, he discovered that playing music also gave him a sense of peace and comfort. For most of his life, playing music and taking time for daily meditation fed his soul.

Inspired by the vision of the new millennium, he answered the call of the yearning of his soul and began his quest.  His family, which included three young children, totally supported his decision.

Since then, he has been a life coach and strategist, author, and   sought after motivational speaker, sharing his inspirational messages with many others.  In 2010, to much acclaim, his first book, Dancing on the River: Navigating Life’s Changes, was published.

Whether as a trial lawyer, band leader or solo artist, for most of his life, he has found himself in front of people sharing his message of personal and social change.   

Some of the elements of his story have been integrated into The Soul of Uncertainty. But it is neither autobiography nor memoir. Instead, it is a powerful fable that has been inspired by many true events that have occurred in his life. Many of these events have been transformed into teachable moments and meaningful lessons.

About the Soul of Uncertainty

A young man just setting out in life encounters a mysterious modern day mystic, Mervin, and an ‘unexpected road trip of the soul’ begins. Mervin promises to help him tap into magical powers inside himself, to attain a sense of inner freedom, joy, and knowledge of his soul’s purpose. The Soul of Uncertainty, considered by many a fable for our times, explores the human experience of life in all of its ups and downs, forgettings and rememberings, on a journey of spiritual adventure.


Advance Praise for the Soul of Uncertainty

"An unlikely hero meets a modern-day mystic, who entices him to step into the greater mystery of life. In reading this story you'll feel called to do the very same thing."   

—JOHN GRAY, New York Times Best-selling Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

 …”a tale of inner awakenings…Thanks to the authors easy, inviting prose, readers should find themselves rewarded.


“Captivating! Let the Soul of Uncertainty, be your guiding light as you travel through a world of wonder and mystery.” 

—MARCI SHIMOFF, #1 NY Times bestselling author, Happy for No Reason; Chicken Soup for the Women’s Soul.

"A revelation! A wake-up call! Most all of us are looking for deeper meaning. The Soul of Uncertainty lifts up the human spirit and becomes your guide on an empowering journey of self-discovery."

—TEMPLE HAYES, Difference-Maker, International Speaker, Author, When Did You Die? 8 Steps to Stop Dying Every Day and Start Waking Up

"Let yourself gently fall into this tale of a peaceful journey where you’ll gain trust in your inner voice and confidence in your authentic self. Discover how the most difficult experiences can be your best teachers." 

—RALPH MARSTON, Author & Publisher, The Daily Motivator 

"If spiritual intelligence appeared to you in human form, would you listen? The Soul of Uncertainty lets you peek into that possibility to illuminate your own soul's journey."  

—RAZ INGRASCI, Chairman, Hoffman Institute International

"Much wisdom is revealed in this ambitious lifelong journey of uncertainty, discovery, and enlightenment." 

—JOHN MACON KING, Publisher, Mill Valley Literary Review 

"This charming fable that probes the depth of a young man's journey is written with the insight and wisdom that can only come with experience and self-reflection." 

—NORMAN E. ROSENTHAL, M.D., New York Times best-selling Author, Transcendence

"Provocative and Inspiring! No matter where you are on your path, you will find lessons and messages that will help you lead a more productive, fulfilling and peaceful life." 

—KAREN LEE COHEN, Eight-time Emmy Award-winning Producer; President—Crystal Pyramid Productions 

To book Mark Susnow on your show, so he can share with your listeners, his wisdom for transforming the edge of uncertainty into a journey of spiritual adventure, please send an email, with the name of the show, your contact information, and a proposed date and time.

Mark Susnow

Inspire Possibility Media

Journey On,
Mark Susnow, J.D., Executive-Life Coach, and Motivational Speaker; Author- Dancing on the River: Navigating Life's Changes and soon to be released the Soul of Uncertainty. Host: Inspire Possibility radio show
Dr Jeanine Staples

Guest for Your Show: Dr. Jeanine Staples

Author of The Revelations of Asher: Toward Supreme Love in Self
Founder of the Supreme Love Project

Harvard Educated Professor and Coach Unleashes a Powerful Exploration of Black Women’s t/Terror In Love And Revolutions In Life

Dear Host,

Terror and love don’t typically go together in the same sentence but for more and more women the pairing has become a harsh reality. This is especially true in a post 9/11 world colliding with the Trump Era. In our day and age acts of emotional, psychological, and physical violence play out publicly (in the mainstream media), and privately (in intimate partnerships). In light of this, Jeanine Staples asks: How does terror in love impact the way women show up in relationships and how women operate in the world? Can we feel safe, healed, and whole in an age where relational and social terrors against Black women’s bodies and souls are common culture?

In Jeanine Staples’ debut book, The Revelations of Asher: Toward Supreme Love in Self, these questions are explored. Her extensive research reveals women’s fragmented selves and the five ways women live as lovers: Main Chick, Side Chick, Bonnie, Bitch, and Victim. Her two-part, online quiz can easily help women uncover which lover identity they take on in relationships. Her subsequent work ( shows women a more conscious way of loving and living in the world.

This isn’t a lovey-dovey take on relationships or “self-help”. It is a raw look at how women heal from deep traumas using the tools of emotional literacy and emotional justice. Jeanine is on a mission to teach women how to turn toward supreme love in self, a concept that goes beyond the limits of self-love.

As an alternative-response to the five toxic lover identities, Jeanine presents a new way of loving and living. She introduces the Supreme Lover Identity and illuminates its integral connection to social and emotional justice for and through Black women’s wisdom.

Although Jeanine champions women of color, her work is far-reaching. She currently has thousands of women, from 11 different countries, in her online community. Each member is embracing supreme love in self…learning to love supremely so she can live supremely. The Supreme Love Project was born out of this international response from women all over the world craving the tools to take ownership of their lover identities, and consciously seeking greater emotional justice for their lives and communities. Jeanine’s book presents rich examples of this real-life process. The Revelations of Asher is narrated by one of the fragmented selves: Asher. Asher is the questioning protagonist. She inquires and asks the tough questions women feel plagued with – Who am I? How did I get here? Why is this happening? What’s going to happen? What’s wrong with me? Other fragmented selves in the book include: Rajah (the voice of divine wisdom and peace), Maven (the voice of maternal critique), Nason (the voice of approval-addiction), Kagan (the voice of sex, sexuality, and materiality), Laish (the voice of self-doubt and timidity), and Sash (the voice of rage).


Jeanine Staples is Associate Professor of Literacy and Language, African American Studies, and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the Pennsylvania State University. She focuses on dismantling supremacist patriarchies through research, teaching, and coaching. As a sociocultural literacist, Dr. Staples works to understand personal and public voices and stories to solve personal and public problems. She does this by researching the evolutionary nature and function of literacies and texts through the discourses of narrative research. Her work exposes the roots and effects of racism, sexism, and ableism. Dr. Staples earned her bachelor’s degree in English literature and Urban Education from Howard University, a Master’s degree in Teaching and Curriculum from Harvard University, and her Doctorate in Literacy and Language, with distinction, from the University of Pennsylvania. Her research has been peer-reviewed and published internationally. In addition, her teaching has been nationally acclaimed. She is a sought-after scholar, educator, and coach and has received numerous awards and honors for her talents and professional contributions to the field of literacy studies. She is a survivor of multiple terrors in love.

jonathan Carty

I would like to bring attention to various television shows that are being shown to the public in increasing numbers with an incredible amount of metaphysical, technological and futuristic disclosures that depict the very reality that we are being told about through many whistle-blowers right now.

Some of these shows and movies include Jupiter Ascending, Scandal, Childhood's End, Star Crossed, Futurama, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Dark Matter, The Expanse, Star Trek, Doctor Who and Extraterrestrial to name a few. We know that the military industrial complex is working closely with Hollywood thanks to the Sony e-mail hacks of 2015.

I would also like to discuss current events, Ascension, PizzaGate if that's allowed, The Event, lucid dreaming, metaphysics, E.T. contact and synchronicity if all of this is possible.


I am 26 years old and have lived in Arizona my entire life. A few years ago I found Cobra's blog (2012portal) and had an almost immediate awakening or activation. Since then I have been spending the majority of my free time reseaching everything having to do with our reality The Matrix and everything else that has been hidden from us. I like to emphasize the importance of unconditional Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness as this is large part of this whole process towards moving into the Golden Age.

I started a Meetup group that currently has 125 members, I created a blog, a YouTube channel, a Facebook and a Twitter account in order to spread information that I was finding and piecing together through my research and personal experience. I am also working on a book which would include information that I have written about on my blog about the way the Universe works and so on.

I am a human and animal rights activist and participated in the March for Monsanto protest which is held every May here in Arizona. 

My current focus is on current events and watching lots and lots of television and movies in order to align the information being disclosed to the public regarding extraterrestrials, advanced technology, exo-politics and disclosure with information we are getting from whistle-blowers both past and present. I have written several articles about the disclosures being released to the public in movies such as Jupiter Ascending, Childhood's End, Star Crossed, Futurama, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Dark Matter, The Expanse and Star Trek among many more.

I hope you see you all on the other side of the Ascension and liberation of this planet!