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Judy Lair
Your Pitch

As an expert in leadership development, I help clients become insightful, confident leaders who inspire others to join them in radically changing the world. My background as a Clinical Counselor gives me indepth understanding into the barriers keeping people from achieving success. As a Leadership Development Facilitator, I bring clarity into the process of growth. With my Love.Lead.Inspire! format, clients create a standard for loving others well, using insight to become a healthy, effective leader, and learn how to inspire to make a difference by following their lead.

I love to share stories, insights, and answer questions relating to: 1) Getting Your Team On-Board; 2) Using Conflict to Engineer Success; 3) Why Traditional Leadership Development Training Doesn’t Work; 4) How to Develop and Utilize Insight; 5) Humpty Dumpty Leadership; 6) Developing Strong Relationship; and 7) Managing Stress and Fear Productively.


I have a M.A. in Clinical Counseling and certification as a Business Coach and Certified Coach Practitioner. I’ve had a highly successful private practice for 15 years, self-published 4 books, developed continuing education workshops for counselors, and speak at conferences and seminars, and enjoy guest spots on podcasts and radio programs. I love to travel the world with my son Ben.

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