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Guest Occupation: Paranormal Investigator and Paranormal Radio Host
Guest Biography:

Kat Hobson is a seasoned paranormal researcher, investigator and host of Paranormal Experienced Radio. She and her guests share knowledge and experience and offer advice about the paranormal useful to both novice enthusiasts and seasoned veterans of the field alike. They discuss paranormal news, investigation advice, equipment tech tips, investigation experiences, paranormal trivia and much more.

Kat has many gifts including discernment of spirits & is able to know intent & to communicate with them. She has worked extensively with her teams and their clients to resolve many cases to date. While investigations in known haunted locations is good training & interesting, Kat feels that her gifts were given to aid individuals in distress in what should be their safe environments. Residential hauntings are where her heart lies. 

Kat joined Spirit Communications & REsearch (SCARE) of Alabama in 2013 as an experienced paranormal investigator and researcher. In addition to helping residential clients, she has also investigated many haunted locations including the Sorrel Weed House, Pensacola Lighthouse, St. Augustine Lighthouse, the Key West Lighthouse, Sloss Furnace, the Old South Pittsburgh Hospital & was on the only team to investigate abandoned hospitals in the Birmingham, Alabama metro area. Her experiences in the field have led her into more research & education seeking answers to be better able to help her clients.

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Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Hobbies, History, Paranormal, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author, CEO of Slater Success, where she advises C-Suite executives and upper level managers to create clear strategies that provide instant impact in their sales teams and on their bottom line.
Guest Biography:

Ivy Slater is a professionally certified business coach, speaker, author and podcast host.  After owning and operating a 7-figure printing business she started Slater Success Coaching, now in its 10th year. SSC focuses on developing great leaders and facilitating business growth and expansion. Ivy holds masterminds and retreats with her private client base and corporate training on communication and strategic planning. She speaks nationwide on the topics of leadership, money and sales.

Guest Category: Business, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, News, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Technology
Guest Occupation: Chiropractic Physician
Guest Biography:

Michael Pound is a practicing Integrative Doctor of Chiropractic with additional experience in integrated pain management and nutritional interventions. Additionally, he was appointed a Qualified Medical Examiner for the State of California. He has completed additional training in Nutritional Pain Management and earned his Diploma from the Academy of Integrated Pain Management and American Academy of Pain Management. 

In college, he served as President of the Student American Chiropractic Association and lobbied on Capitol Hill for military and veterans families benefits. He is now part of a Cohort at Duke University's Integrative Health Program.

In practice, he has extensive experience working with MD’s, DC’s, PT’s, Acupuncture and massage therapists and a strong background working with professional athletes and Corporate/Workplace Wellness. His vision is to bridge the gap between alternative health care and mainstream medicine utilizing everything good to help people feel great.

When not in practice, Dr. Pound is the host of the Heal Better Fast Podcast and a busy father of four active boys. He enjoys riding bikes, running, rock climbing and making food with his family

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Founder of Physics of Wellness Research Academy and PhD Nutrition
Guest Biography:


Our Team worked together for 35 years to finally make public our theory of Collecting Energy.  It all started with injury to a child by a vaccination in 1974.  The effort took many forms before the first big step forward in research when, in the early 2000's, the first graph was generated by our technology (see aside).   

Never before had anyone recorded the electromagnetic energy levels of the human being!  Physics is the study of energy.  Medicine has been obsessed with chemistry for its entire history.  Founder, Jeff Lacour, realized that chemistry is built on the foundational science of physics. In his search for the key to immunity, having pursued every lead in chemical medicine, he began a study of bio-physics.  The graph you see at the right margin is one of the first examples of tracking energy levels in a human.  Many, many tests later, the conclusion was overwhelming: no one was maintaining a stable level of energy, no one was looking at this foundational marker of health and immunity and, certainly, no one knew what total body energy levels are supposed to be.

Later came more sophisticated methods for seeing and analyzing energy levels using infrared technology.

15 years later, the Academy is rolling out its theory of Wellness/Immunity based on physics.  People will be able, with this information, to by-pass the entire medical  juggernaut and defend themselves from premature aging & body break-down. Moreover, by following the dictates of the Handbook, people can live in a constant state of immunity!

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Philip Shepherd is an internationally recognized embodiment expert and the author of New Self, New World, and Radical Wholeness.
Guest Biography:

Philip Shepherd is recognized as an international authority on embodiment.  His unique techniques have been developed to transform our experience of self and world, and are based on the vision articulated in his celebrated books, New Self New World, and Radical Wholeness. The approach he takes heals the frantic, restless pace of the intelligence in the head, which tends to run on overdrive, by uniting it with the deep, present and calm intelligence of the body. Philip’s approach helps us listen to the world through the body. His personal path to understanding has been shaped by his adventures as a teenager, when he cycled alone through Europe, the Middle East, India and Japan; by his deep commitment to and studies of bodywork; by his experiences as an actor, playing lead roles on stages in London, New York, Chicago and Toronto; and by the burning desire for freedom that has illuminated his entire life.  He currently spends his time divided between teaching international workshops, running Facilitators Trainings, and participating in a documentary about his work.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Sports & Recreation
Guest Occupation: Sangoma Traditional Healer, Priestess, and Medicine Woman
Guest Biography:


Gogo Thule Ngane is a Sangoma Traditional Healer, Priestess, and Medicine Woman. She is guided by the Amadlozi, Elevated Ancestors of her lineage. Her work includes divination, traditional healing, and leads workshops, ceremonies, and retreats on ancient African healing and spirituality. She is devoted to awakening ancestral wisdom on the earth.

We have all come through challenging or traumatic experiences, emotions, and relationships but no matter what face struggle takes, I have found that the only way to true liberation is by cultivating a deep relationship with yourself, honoring your natural rhythms, desires & passions, and aligning with tools and practices that invoke and awaken your power.

At a very low point of my life, my greatest transformation came through uncovering truth, healing, and power from addressing the needs of my spirit head on.

It all started with a profound feeling of being lost, depression, and need to throw everything I was taught out the window in order to start over. I needed to re-examine myself and the world to make sure that what I believe and live by comes from my heart, my own experience, and true connection to spirit — not just what I had been taught by others. I wanted to heal from the pain and struggles that come with not truly feeling and knowing who we are. I deeply felt like something was missing but didn’t have the words to name it. So, I questioned, I searched, and I wandered.

In 2011, I discovered that in my bloodline there were healers and that the torch was being handed to me…I was being called to learn the ancient ways of my ancestors.

My lineage is that of the Sangoma Traditional Healers of South Africa. A sangoma is able to heal and lead people under the guidance of elevated ancestral spirits. We are seers, medicine women/men, & spiritual warriors.

I found home and healing in practicing the ancient ways of my ancestors, in nature, in natural & holistic methods as well as in freeing my mind and life from destructive mindsets and patterns.

Many of the ancient ways, texts, & wisdom have been hidden, destroyed and re-purposed but it still lives in our blood and bones waiting to re-awaken.

I found medicine for the soul and my mission is to use this medicine to uplift, heal, & empower.

My work is to intuitively see into your life, challenge the blockages and limitations, and offer guidance to making meaningful changes through the art of divination, ancestral rituals, and sacred ceremonies.

I am here to share this medicine with you & guide you to unlocking your own inner medicine.
Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Kids & Family, Medicine, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Chilean singer songwriter
Guest Biography:


Jacqueline Fuentes is a chilean singer songwriter. Her musical creation has South American roots, containing colors and structures that come from classical music as well as a combination of folkloric and popular music. Her inspirations have been Mercedes Sosa, Victor Jara, Violeta Parra, Milton Nascimento, Silvio Rodriguez and Joni Mitchell.

When she was just 15 years old, she began her career as the lead singer of the group Chamal en Chiloe. Years later she enrolls at the Conservatorio Nacional at the University of Chile where she studied lyrical song with her teacher Carmen Luisa Letelier. Later on she joined the Ballet Folclorico nacional as a singer and an instrumentalist, touring in different parts of the world. In 1995 she makes her home in Los Angeles, CA where she realizes her musical goal as a well- known representative of Latin music.

Jacqueline Fuentes work appears on the soundtrack for the film “All Inclusive” (2008), a Chilean/Mexican production, directed by Rodrigo Ortuzar. One of her compositions is also a part of the record “Women of Latin America” of Putumayo Records. Also joining her on that record are other songwriters such as Lila Downs and Lasha de Sela.

She was invited to participate in the world commemoration of Human Rights in Washingtion D.C. She has performed in festivals such as “Of Peace”, World Festival of Sacred Music in Los Angeles, CA, as well as on innumerable stages in this city, the heart of world music. She also participated in “The Berkeley Arts Festival”.

Every summer Jacqueline tours along the Pacific Coast performing in different places and she has gone all the way to NYC where she shared her music at the famous CBCG Club.

She has edited two records in the U.S.A., ‘’Diez Sonetos de Amor” and “Amo la Vida”. She is currently working on a children’s album, which contain messages of love and the preservation of the environment. What’s more she is currently editing her third musical production, whose title will be “Invisible Threads”.

Jacqueline recently represented Chile in the project “Playing for Change”, an initiative backed by the United Nations in which musicians from all over the world shared a song containing messages of world unity. At the end of March of 2012, Jacqueline has been invited to the “Bali Spirit Festival” in Indonesia, one of the most important World Music Festival.

“Jacqueline Fuentes is an intense experience: A fusion of love, awareness and revolution.

Audiences are mesmerized by the power of her voice and the beauty of her lyrics.

Raised on the romantic sounds of her father’s popular radio broadcasts, Jacqueline made her debut at the age of fourteen with the National Folklore Ballet of Chile, performing solo before an audience of thousands at the prestigous Vina Del Mar festival.

The volatile political injustices of her native Chile, culminating with the 1973 coup d’etat, gave a voice to folk music and the plight of the people it represented. Jacqueline was heavily influenced by this movement and by such great artists as Mercedes Sosa and Violeta Parra, not only for the beauty of their music but how it had the power to move so many people. Crossing the boundaries of language, religion, and geography thier music formed a collective of inspiration and solidarity.”

One World, One Stage.

(BaliSpirit Festival)

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Award winning humanitarian and multidisciplinary artist
Guest Biography:


Bio:  Sean Hill is an award winning humanitarian & multidisciplinary artist with the mission statement of supporting “universal inner & outer peace in a realistic, fun, & passionate way.” He has helped build two gender equal schools in Malawi, Africa and Dhangadhi, Nepal with other poets, actors, and artists who deeply care about global education. A SAG actor in award winning films while hosting college open mics and sharing spoken word poetry workshops at schools & events, he reminds us of the power of our voice, stories, and perspectives to enhance and awaken ourselves to more empathy, honest dialogue, and solutions to every challenge in our world.

He’s shared stages with grammy winning artists like Dave Yaden and platinum selling singers like Andy Grammer, he’s worked with artists who have collaborated and performed with other artists like Stevie Wonder to Kendrick Lamar. He supports many positive conferences, fundraisers, & causes like, Doctors Without Borders, NARD, the Carnival Of Love: We Love You Skidrow, the UN Women Dept. LA Chapter and more. Currently he hosts one of the most upliftingly supportive open mics in Los Angeles, Monday Night Delight at the stylistic Au Lac restaurant every Monday night.

Lastly, his TED talk “We Can All Bend Reality” can be seen online provoking us with a how and why we need to write a poem for ourselves in the most healing, creative, and affirmative way possible. He will continue doing his best to make sure you are living not just the life you were given, or the life you believe you just have now, but the life you also create for yourself.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music