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Guest Occupation: Paul is the developer of programs such as PhotoReading, Natural Brilliance, Genius Code, Abundance for Life, the Paraliminals, and many other courses to stimulate personal and professional success.
Guest Biography:

Dr. Paul R. Scheele, PhD, co-founder of Learning Strategies, guides people to achieve extraordinary results in relationships, work, money, and health. His unique combination of expertise includes degrees in Biology, Learning and Human Development, and Leadership and Change plus a rich background in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), accelerated learning, preconscious processing, and universal energy. Paul has developed over 80 programs to tap the vast innate potential of the mind to attain more success and happiness in all areas of life. Sharing how to activate these rich resources within the mind and connecting this natural power with spiritual wisdom is Paul’s passion. As a gift, listeners can get immediate, free access to Paul’s 7-day Super Powers Super You Fest in a digital library:

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Fitness & Conditioning trainer, Sports Mom & Elite Pro 8 distributer with LifeVantage
Guest Biography:

Loving Wife and mother of 3 teenage boys.

Enthusiastic entrepreneur helping people activate their ENERGY through health, wellness and fitness!

Have been activating the fitness industry for 30 years as an elite fitness and conditioning trainer for beginners to elite athletes including US Olympians.

Most noted business background includes:

-Cherise Matthews Personal Training 

-Eleven years in sales and marketing for LifeVantage, a breakthrough biotech company that’s revolutionizing human health through cellular activation.

Strongly believes we must leave a legacy of love and service to others. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: A&E's Ghost Hunters, Director, Writer
Guest Biography:

Brandon Alvis is the paranormal technician of the “Ghost Hunters” team. His twin passions for history and the paranormal led him to establish the American Paranormal Research Association (APRA). Brandon has investigated over 200 public and private locations with APRA, many of which bear historical significance.

Investigations have included mental hospitals, prisons, well-known murder sites, cemeteries, and private homes, as well as more famous sites like Alcatraz Island, Preston Castle, and the South Pittsburgh Hospital.

As a natural skeptic, Brandon researches every location meticulously before he begins collecting evidence in an effort to make the study of the paranormal as credible as possible.

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, Near Death Experiences, Ghosts
Guest Occupation: Political Candidate, Author, Attorney, Evangelical, an associate scholar, Journalist, Editor
Guest Biography:

Author. Attorney. Evangelical. Focused on justice, truth, hope & freedom. Every life is full of inherent worth. Best use of spare time? Cooking. Opinion Columns and Educational/Legal Research by Kristi Burton Brown: Live Action News: Charlotte Lozier Institute: Townhall:

Kristi Burton Brown, an associate scholar with the Charlotte Lozier Institute, is an attorney focusing on First Amendment and sanctity of life issues. She has worked on pro-bono projects for Life Legal Defense Foundation, Live Action, Child Evangelism Fellowship’s parent organization, and Alliance Defending Freedom. She is also journalist and editor for Live Action News and a contributor to The Christian Post.

Longtime Anti-Abortion Activist Kristi Burton Brown Could Be the Next CO GOP Leader

As Chair of the Colorado GOP, I will build an effective state-wide collaboration network that works with our grassroots and advocacy organizations, our elected officials, and our candidates to win back our state.

I am a unifier and a collaborator. I know the only way we move forward is when we strategize together and do not divide ourselves.

I will transform the State Party into a service-oriented organization for our county parties and our candidates instead of a top-down, control group.

I will reform and revitalize our communications strategy, broaden the reach of our Party, and go directly to the voters.

We must expose the Democrats (and WE WILL!), but we must go a step further and paint a future-focused, forward-facing, positive vision for Colorado. It’s about Jobs, Kids, and the American Dream.

Grassroots and Party benefactors believe in my plan and are already committed to coming alongside me to build a vibrant State Party. We will implement business models and grow our small dollar donor program for longterm success.

I will work to recruit effective candidates across the state who represent their diverse districts. We must ensure that candidates have the resources and training necessary to win.

Guest Category: News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Former congressman of Ohio and president of Sunday Creek Horizons
Guest Biography:

Congressman Zack Space was born and raised in the small eastern Ohio town of Dover. After graduating from Kenyon College and The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, he returned to Tuscarawas County to practice law. Over the course of 20 years, Zack managed a private practice, worked as a Public Defender, and served as Law Director for the City of Dover. In 2006, he was elected to serve as the Congressman from Ohio’s 18th District, comprising 16 counties in rural southeastern Ohio.

During his tenure in Congress, Zack was a champion of working-class Ohioans, and was instrumental in bringing broadband technology, employment opportunities, and infrastructure improvements to his district. He served on the prestigious Energy and Commerce Committee, as well as the House Committees on Transportation and Infrastructure, Agriculture, and Veterans' Affairs, and was an active member of the Blue Dog Caucus, a centrist, fiscally principled coalition of moderate democrats from largely rural districts. Among his numerous accomplishments in Congress:

  • Securing more than $100,000,000 for broadband infrastructure buildout in eastern and southern Ohio. Much of the existing broadband backbone currently in place in Appalachia-Ohio can be attributed directly to these funds;
  • Pioneering the successful utilization of New Market Tax Credits for projects throughout southeast Ohio valued in the tens of millions of dollars, taking the region from last to first among Congressional districts in Ohio, in the use of this creative economic development incentive tool;
  • Overseeing the formation of RenewOhio, an ambitious, and successful effort to convene leadership across sectors throughout the region, and to develop comprehensive planning around future economic development;
  • Receiving of the Development Districts Association of Appalachia 2008 Congressional Award, in recognition of his support for the Appalachian Regional Commission, and community development efforts undertaken by local development districts across the 13 states within the Appalachian region.

Upon leaving Congress in 2011, Zack joined Vorys Advisors, the government affairs arm of the prestigious Columbus law firm Vorys, Sater, Seymour, and Pease, where he worked with local governments, charitable organizations, and the private sector to promote economic development across Ohio, particularly southeastern Ohio. One initiative Zack oversaw during this time saw him bring together regional stakeholders to plan a prosperous future for southeastern Ohio, driven by the Utica Shale Play, in partnership with oil and gas companies Zack brought to the table.

In 2018, he was elected as the Democratic nominee for the office of Ohio Auditor of State, earning the endorsements of nearly every major Ohio newspaper, and outperformed all other statewide Democratic candidates in Appalachian Ohio.

Zack currently serves as President of Sunday Creek Horizons. He is a proven ambassador for Appalachia, trusted by the region’s residents, politicians, and investors alike. ​Zack has two children, Gina and Nick, who live in Tuscarawas County and are currently studying to become lawyers.


Guest Category: Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Actor Film Producer
Guest Biography:

Brian Anthony Wilson is an American film and television actor. He first appeared in the 1997 film The Postman as Woody. Wilson was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has been married to Greer M. Richardson since 2005. He stands over six feet tall.

Guest Category: Comedy, Entertainment, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Alyssa Palazzo is a new-found poet who began writing her first novel at the young age of 18. Her novel dear body is a beautiful piece of work that addresses her battles with mental illness, trauma, and an eating disorder.Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Los Angeles based singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and a sound-healing practitioner
Guest Biography:


Ksenia is a Los Angeles based singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and a sound-healing practitioner.

The love song between Ksenia and music has been a lifelong journey. She began singing when she was six years old, and was writing songs on her guitar and performing at local festivals by the time she was thirteen. After a while, Ksenia took a break from music and moved to the United States. There she committed herself to a path of spiritual growth and healing. She trained and became a yoga teacher, a Reiki Master, and a bodyworker.

Five years ago, Ksenia was inspired to approach music again from the perspective of her new path. Music became another instrument through which to channel healing and inspiration for all the people Ksenia teaches and works with. The influence of her commitment to a yogic lifestyle and her deep connection with healing work transformed her relationship with sound by integrating her spiritual path with the music.

Today her songs weave together all the aspects of her life and heritage, by blending mantras, icaros, prayers and Russian folk music for a truly unique and inspiring sound. In 2018 she released her first single, “Atman”, which was followed in 2019 by her first album. Ksenia’s music channels inspiration, hope, peace, and strength to guide and support people on their life journeys. She has redefined the use of sound and mixed vibrations in her intention to spread the healing power of musical prayer.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Music