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Guest Occupation: Modern Day Medicine Woman and Soul MidWife
Guest Biography:

Elaine Lopez-Bogard is a Modern Day Medicine Woman that helps women get pregnant, heal their womb and finally bring their baby into this world.  Elaine considers herself a "Soul Midwife" and helps create a beautiful soul connection between the mother and spirit baby. Elaine's unique gifts and abilities allow her to help women heal through the physical, emotional and spiritual layers. 

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Journalist, author
Guest Biography:
Tony Ortega is a journalist who was formerly the editor of The Village Voice. He's written about Scientology since 1995, and in May 2015 released a book about Scientology's harassment of Paulette Cooper titled 'The Unbreakable Miss Lovely.' He continues to monitor breaking developments in the Scientology world from an undisclosed location in an underground bunker he shares with four cats and one of them wrinkly Shar Pei dogs. Despite his super-secret security protections, you can still reach him  by sending him a message at tonyo94 AT gmail
Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government, Religion, Self Help, Society and Culture, Theory & Conspiracy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: business development strategist, relationship expert, international keynote speaker, seminar presenter
Guest Biography:

Double Your Success

Meet Vickie Helm

Discover how you can double your success by meeting Vickie Helm! She is the acclaimed bestselling author of Ultimate Freedom: Unlock the Secrets to a Life of Passion, Purpose, and Prosperity.

She has a unique combination as a recognized business-development strategist and relationship expert. Vickie shows people in business and other partnerships how to double their success and maximize their potential by working together and creating mutually beneficial partnerships. The media has called on Vickie to answer questions regarding business development and how to grow a successful business. She is an international Keynote speaker and seminar presenter.

Discover what you need to know to succeed in today’s fast-paced business world. Vickie offers invaluable tips and tools to help business owners become successful, creating more money, more influence, and more success.

Vickie shares from her own business experience and how she accidently opened her first business at ten years old, not even realizing she had developed a business.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Personal Development, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Army veteran; now an Eligibility Specialist at Craig Hospital in Colorado
Guest Biography:

Frederick (Fred) Hinton served in the U.S. Army for 21 years, 9 months.  Due to his service and valor in war, he was awarded two Bronze Star Medals, the Combat Action Badge, and the Army Commendation Medal with Valor, among other awards.  He served three combat tours overseas, with two tours to Iraq and one tour to Afghanistan.  He spent a total of 39 months deployed to war zones.  During his first deployment, he sustained his first traumatic brain injury (TBI).  During the rest of his deployments, he took many direct hits by IED’s (improvised explosive devices).  It wasn’t until he returned home after his first deployment that his wife starting seeing some signs that he was having trouble doing certain tasks.  However, being the dedicated soldier that he was, he hid his problems as best as he could, even as he served a second and third tour overseas.  Upon his final return home to the United States, things had gotten so bad that he couldn’t remember how to get home at times, and his work in Army began to suffer because of his TBI and PTSD.  He retired from the Army and despite his conditions, he is now able to serve as an eligibility specialist with Operation TBI Freedom (OTF), which is a program of Craig Hospital in Colorado that provides support for veterans and active duty military personnel with traumatic brain injuries.

OTF is privately funded and assists veterans and service members who have served on or after September 11, 2001, reside in Colorado, have clinical evidence or history of TBI event(s), and whose TBI occurred after the start of his/her military service.  The TBI does not need to be combat related and OTF will take referrals for any type of military discharge status.  Each veteran or service member is assigned a case manager (Military Support Specialist) who is a veteran and a Certified Brain Injury Specialist.  The MSS begins with a comprehensive analysis of the veteran’s needs/concerns, creating an individually tailored life plan.  Services provided or coordinated by OTF include the following:  crisis management, mentoring, emergency financial assistance, employment training, psychosocial education, mental health/medical referrals, assistance navigating complicated benefit processes, and much more.

Referrals to OTF can be made by the individual veteran, a community partner, a clinician, etc.  If there is concern about cognitive dysfunction/impairment, yet no medical diagnosis of TBI, please refer the individual to OTF to be screened by our trained staff.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Military, News, Psychology, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: psychic medium, Best-selling Author, Inspirational Speaker
Guest Biography:

Andy Myers is a best-selling author, psychic medium, inspirational speaker, and life coach who has appeared on popular radio stations nationwide. As one of the most in-demand psychic mediums in the country, Andy is known for his sincerity, humor, and remarkable insights into the spirit world. Andy’s first book, Flying Paint Rollers from Heaven, was an instant best-seller in three categories and was a finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. In addition to making several television appearances, Andy has been published in numerous magazines and online articles. He travels often to conduct sold-out psychic events and inspirational lectures in cities nationwide. Andy resides in Omaha, Nebraska with his wife and daughter.

Guest Category: Near Death Experiences, Pets and Animals, Angel Communication, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Founder & Host of The Good Radio Network, Author, Artist, Intuitive Therapist & Coach
Guest Biography:

Founder & Host of The Good Radio Network, Author, Artist, Intuitive Therapist & Coach. Advocate for a Socially Conscious Planet.

Frankie Picasso HuffPost Contributor

Today's Wisdom- an Eye for an Eye, will just make the whole world end up blind- ghandi

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness!

Advocate for a Socially Conscious Planet

Guest Category: Arts, Earth & Space, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Starseed Contactee Group Facilitator
Guest Biography:
Starseed Contactee Group Facilitator Information

In 1990s I founded the STAR FAMILY CONTACTEE GROUPS here in Las Vegas. These groups are for people who are experiencer's: men, women, teens and children who have been contacted/abducted by aliens. I am a gifted Spiritual, Multidimensional Contactee Consultant. I started the first teen and children's groups in the United States in 1995 and was the facilitator for all of these groups. 

I was director of U.F.O.C.C.I. (UFO CONTACT CENTER INTERNATIONAL) and director of CELESTIAL CONTACTS OF NEVADA (U.F.O.C.C.I.), these organizations are designed to inform the public through speakers, workshops, Contactee panels, videos, field trips and sky watches. I was also a working group member of Steven Greer’s C.S.E.T.I. in Las Vegas, Nevada. California, where I lived for 9 years. I was a resident of Las Vegas for 17. Years. That is why I felt like it was time to return and start another Experiencer Support Group in Las Vegas and Starseed Awakening Group!

I moved to San Diego to start a Center with a group of people. While there I became involved with several groups. I was the Coordinator for of the Art Bell Chat Club San Diego Chapter, an organization designed to inform the public through speakers, workshops, videos, field trips and sky watches. As the Coordinator I am responsible for finding and scheduling the speakers, who include well known names from the UFO community, alternative healing, earth history and spiritual information, speakers who deal with hidden agendas and the world's secret societies. Other topics include reverse speech, remote viewing, crop circles #2, sacred geometry and many more. I also facilitated a support groups in the San Diego area, and did individual consulting. I have lectured in Nevada, Arizona, California, and appeared on TV and on radio talk shows, Art Bell, Dream Land was the last one I was on. I have attended several workshops/classes in remote viewing, reverse speech and many other spiritual workshops and classes. 

I moved back to Las Vegas a 5 years ago from San Diego, CA, where I lived for 9 years. I was a resident of Las Vegas for 17. Years. That is why I felt like it was time to return and start another Experiencer Support Group in Las Vegas and Starseed Awakening Group! It has been going again since 2010.

I am a third generation experiencer. I had my first experience at age three. I have had numerous contacts and abductions and have been involved with at least 5 different alien types: grays, insectoids, mammalians, reptilians, and human looking groups which include a black ops branch of our government. 

I have had three, missing time, experiences all with one or more persons. I've had on board contact as well as contact in underground bases. I've been involved in many experiments with ETs, most noteworthy, the hybrid program, Psi abilities, technology of the crafts

My experiences, whether they were of a positive or negative nature, taught me to be an understanding, non-judgmental and loving consultant/facilitator. I also feel that the aliens are not good or evil; they are just evolving at their own pace, and experience the polarities of negative and positive existences as we do. Experiencing their lives to the degree that they have evolved thus far to, which is not fair or good, it just is. Having a lifetime of experiences I understand how others feel, and can relate to their experiences. I feel that even though these abductions seemed frightening and very terrible, we have learned and grown through them. I feel that what the some abductees malevolent experiences, have caused "Post Traumatic Stress Disorders", which is the same thing many veterans of war experience. My goal is for people to work through their fear, to learn to live with their experiences, and take what they have learned from them, into their day to day life, so that they can live happy and normal lives. This is accomplished through monthly support groups, assisting them when needed to find qualified professionals in the therapeutic fields, such as hypnosis, breathe work, the breaking of contracts and removal of implants, reverse speech consulting, which I am certified in reverse speech, as well as other methods they choose. I feel that we must feel the pain and sadness and then release it. I feel this is the only way to make it stop and be free from them. I feel the only way is through releasing it, forgetting it, forgiving and clearing it out of your mind, body, heart and soul forever. 

How are we to know the polarities of life, unless we experience them? My experiences and what I have learned from them have prepared me for my mission. In my10 plus years of experience as a facilitator, I have discovered techniques which will help the individual find their answers and reach their own transformational path. It is all about free will and choices. Finally, they will realize they truly are "spiritual souls having a human experience".
Guest Category: Kids & Family, Paranormal, UFOs, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Transcendental Stress Management, Shaktipat, Meditation, Past Lives, Corporate Wellness
Guest Biography:

Ruffina Farrokh Anklesaria has been teaching Meditation since 1978, when she was made a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation program by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Since then, she has taught meditation to over a thousand people, including many in corporate settings.

In 2013, Ruffina revealed that she had experienced a major shift in her consciousness 20 years prior, resulting in the opening of her third eye. It enabled her to see the world as made of light, and to gain more knowledge from the object of perception. This included the ability to see the previous incarnations of those at whom she looked “with intention.” It opened new channels of knowledge, of love, and bliss, within her.

She realized she could transfer these abilities to others by looking at them merely with her intention to do so. She calls this transference of spiritual energy “Shaktipat.”

Ruffina holds “Full Moon Shaktipat Retreats” both in her hometown in Ferguson, Missouri or at other locations by invitation. 100% of her retreat participants (about 75 persons) report having changes in their perception when Ruffina gives them Shaktipat.

She can be contacted by email at: Her Facebook page is at: Ruffina’s Shaktipat. Her Voicemail is: 314.521.4390


Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Access Consciousness, Akashic Records, Meditation, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive