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Guest Occupation: Author and International Best Seller
Guest Biography:

Thomas Hewlett's supernatural mysteries.  The first book in his “Twelve Stakes” book series called: "One Death at a Time" is an international best seller. Thomas writes supernatural noir about magic-addicted Fae, drug smuggling Werewolves, and Vampires hiding out in A.A. Thomas M. Hewlett grew up in Los Angeles enjoying science fiction, fantasy, and all things mythic or paranormal. He knew he wanted to be a writer at the age of twelve, however after college he strayed and got into drugs and alcohol addiction.  Hewlett had his first drink when he was seventeen and blacked out shortly after finishing it.  He woke up thirteen years later, with little to show for his life besides a notebook full of unwritten books.  Finally, in 2011 he hit rock bottom and ended in up in a rehab facility. It was there, at his lowest point that he rediscovered the power of writing and found the idea for his first novel, One Death at a Time, when a good friend suggested he write a story about “vampires in AA”. With the encouragement and support of his loving wife, he decided to combine his experiences of addiction/recovery with his love of modern fantasy and noir mystery.  Writing the “Twelve Stakes” series saved Thomas’s life and became his way of telling a new story about himself. It’s his hope that other lost souls will find through his work a community of readers and the inspiration to re-imagine their lives:  Facebook: Thomas M Hewlett.  Instagram: "twelvestakes"

Guest Category: Arts, Literature
Guest Occupation: Dating/Relationship/Lifestyle Talk Show Host, Published Author, Interviewer, Certified Life Coach, Blogger & Advice Columnist.
Guest Biography:

Susan McCord (aka Dear Sybersue) is a Dating/Relationship/Lifestyle Talk Show Host, Published Author, Interviewer, Certified Life Coach, Blogger & Advice Columnist. She is an mature woman with young sassy attitude! She’s been there done that and has so many T-shirts she can open a store! She’s like the fun aunt you always wanted in the family! 

Susan has devoted her career to helping others find happiness. Over the past decade she has established a stellar reputation as a sought-after dating & relationship expert. Susan has 18,700 Followers on her Blog but is best known for hosting a Relationship talk show for an International audience on YouTube. Her talk show, “Dear Sybersue,” has garnered 1.5 million views which consists of dating/relationship/lifestyle advice, interviews & colorful comical skits. She has a great sense of humor which she contributes to her weekly shows.

Susan is an Expert Writer for SWEXPERTS, Niume, Dear Sybersue Advice Column, regularly contributes to various online magazines and appears as a guest speaker at dating venues in the Vancouver area. She has appeared on CBC news, The Vinney White Show TorontoNewsTalk1010, Trying to Be Good Roundhouse Radio Show, North of 49TV, Sexat11 RogersTV Toronto, The Love Channel, The Lynda Steele Show CKNW, The Vancouver Sun, The Metro, 24 Hours Newspaper and is a guest blogger on many websites. Susan left her long term job as a International flight attendant to pursue her Talk Show & Blogging career full time.

Guest Category: Personal Development, Inspirational, Motivational, Sex
Guest Occupation: Owner, Director, Pioneer, Sound Healing Expert
Guest Biography:

Knowing your own voice takes on new meaning if you begin to consider the possibility that the sounds of your voice may be a holographic representation of all that you are, all that you can be. Imagine a future in which our individual vocal frequencies represent our identification; where the use of frequency based biomarkers contained within our voice can be used to keep us healthy and emotionally balanced.

Occupation: Owner of Sound Health and Director of Click to edit company name Institute of BioAcoustic Biology

Biography: Sharry Edwards™ is the pioneer in the study of Human BioAcoustic Biology. Her 30 years of research is being used at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology in Albany, OH.​

​Currently, Edwards and her team at Sound Health are using human voice and the associated frequencies to help clients resolve health issues such as: macular degeneration, multiple sclerosis, headaches, muscle stress, brain trauma, weight issues and nutritional concerns. The technology she brings to the stage is cutting edge! This technology can identify health and well-being possibilities that you have never encountered.

​Sharry Edwards' work is now included in The Duke University Encyclopedia of New Medicine, by Leonard A. Wisnecki and The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine, by Lucy Anderson. The effects of BioAcoustic Biology, now accepted by these prestigious medical encyclopedias, have unlimited health and wellness potential.

​According to Edwards, "BioAcoustics Voice Spectral Analysis can detect hidden or underlying stresses in the body that are expressed as disease." The vocal print can identify toxins, pathogens and nutritional supplements that are too low or too high. In addition, vocal print can be used to match the most compatible treatment remedy to each client. The introduction of the proper low frequency sound to the body, indicated through voice analysis, has been shown to control: pain, body temperature, heart rhythm, and blood pressure. It has also been shown to regenerate body tissue, and alleviate the symptoms of many diseases (in some cases, even those considered to be incurable).

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Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Sound Healing, Philosophy, Mental Health, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Dr Nurse researcher Educater host foundation
Guest Biography:

Carl O Helvie, R.N., Dr.P.H. is a registered nurse with a doctorate in Public Health (Johns Hopkins) and over sixty years’ experience as a nurse practitioner, educator, author and researcher. He has published 8 books and chapters in 4 additional ones, and published 40 articles, presented over 55 research papers internationally and 60 papers for lay groups. Some of his books resulted from his development and over 35 years refinement of the Helvie Energy Theory of Nursing and Health that has been used internationally in practice, education and research by 9 countries.  During his academic career Helvie received grants up to $800.000 each for his work with homeless and low income populations and other projects. He has been recognized in most major national and international references such as Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in Nursing, and Outstanding Educators in America and has two listings in Wikipedia. He received the Distinguished Career Award from the American Public Association in 1999. He was listed in 50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading in 2014 and has recently (2015) been nominated for Nurse of the Year Award by Medical News.

In 1974, Dr Helvie was diagnosed with lung cancer and given 6 months to live by traditional medicine. He refused chemo and surgery and choose instead to use a holistic approach of treatment including physical, mental and spiritual components based using concepts he learned in public health, from his research of and using in practice the Edgar Cayce readings and other sources. He has been called a pioneer in the field of Holistic Health and has taught and used this approach since 1970. For the past 9 years he has been host of the Holistic Health Show (radio) where he interviews leaders in alternative, integrative medicine and health who use all or parts of a holistic approach for chronic illnesses and wellness on BBSRadio and HolisticHealthShow  In 2012 he published a book on lung cancer that included the holistic treatment plan used when he had lung cancer (Amazon #1 Best Seller). He was subsequently interviewed on over 100 radio and television shows. Because of his belief in the value of a holistic approach for staying well and/or regaining wellness and his desire to help others he founded the Carl O Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation in 2014.  In 2017 he completed a booklet on Reducing Your Risk of Cancer: A Holistic Approach.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition, Medicine, News, Science
Guest Occupation: Author, Life Coach
Guest Biography:

Have you been told that if you follow your Heart, the money will come?  And did you find out that this wasn’t quite true for you? 

Like many of you, Jennifer quit her “real job” to embark on a career in healing work.  And she was dismayed and surprised to discover that the money did not come! 

What did come was debt and stress about money!  Here she was - following her heart, helping others, and yet wondering where was the love for her! 

Jennifer asked herself..... "Why was I struggling financially?"  

"How did I manage to accumulate $135,000 in debt?!!"

"Where was this magical support I was supposed to receive from the Universe?"

She was definitely angry at the Universe and angry at God for not providing for her when she was working so hard to help others.

And then she had a wake-up call.  Jennifer had an “Ah Ha” moment at one of the lowest points in her life.  She realized a key mistake that she was making with her relationship to her mission and my money.   Once she had this realization, she started to turn things around…

Especially now that the holidays are coming, people are feeling the financial pressure...

Many people out there are struggling financially and I would love for you to lend Jennifer's call to develop for the group of people that are spiritually in tune, are passionate about their life purpose and yet Love Incorporated is a guide to connecting with your innate wisdom and creating a truly magical and fulfilling life.  You don’t need to sacrifice your passion, joy, values, or integrity to have an abundant life.  Doing what you love is actually instrumental in creating true success.

Love Incorporated will inspire you to follow your heart and live the life of your dreams!

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Love & Relationships, Philosophy, Personal Development, Inspirational, Motivational, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Author and American political activist and co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK
Guest Biography:

Medea Benjamin is an American political activist and the co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK and the co-founder of the human rights group Global Exchange. She has been an advocate for social justice for more than 40 years. Described as "one of America's most committed -- and most effective -- fighters for human rights" by New York Newsday, and "one of the high profile leaders of the peace movement" by the Los Angeles Times, she was one of 1,000 exemplary women from 140 countries nominated to receive the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the millions of women who do the essential work of peace worldwide. She received numerous prices, including: the Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace Prize from the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the Peace Prize by the US Peace Memorial, the Gandhi Peace Award, and the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Award. She is a former economist and nutritionist with the United Nations and World Health Organization.

In 2000, she was a Green Party candidate for the California Senate. During the 1990s, Medea focused her efforts on tackling the problem of unfair trade as promoted by the World Trade Organization. Widely credited as the woman who brought Nike to its knees and helped place the issue of sweatshops on the national agenda, Medea was a key player in the campaign that won a $20 million settlement from 27 US clothing retailers for the use of sweatshop labor in Saipan. She also pushed Starbucks and other companies to start carrying fair trade coffee.

Since the September 11, 2001 tragedy,  Medea has been working to promote a U.S. foreign policy that would respect human rights and gain us allies instead of contributing to violence and undermining our international reputation. She has organized many protests against the U.S. interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. Medea has also been on the forefront of the anti-drone movement. Her direct questioning of President Obama during his 2013 foreign policy address, as well as her trips to Pakistan and Yemen, helped shine a light on the innocent people killed by US drone strikes. She published Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control in 2013. She also organized the first-ever international drone summit and lead delegations to Pakistan and Yemen to meet with drone strike victims and family members of Guantanamo Bay prisoners. She wrote the forthcoming book Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection, and organized an international summit on Saudi Arabia in March 2016.

Her work for justice in Israel/Palestine includes taking numerous delegations to Gaza after the 2008 Israeli invasion, organizing the Gaza Freedom March in 2010, participating in the Freedom Flotillas and opposing the policies of the Israel lobby group AIPAC. In 2011 she was in Tahrir Square during the Egyptian uprising and In 2012 she was part of a human rights delegation to Bahrain in support of democracy activists; she was tear-gassed, arrested and deported by the Bahraini government.

Benjamin is the author of nine books and her most recent is ‘DRONE WARFARE’. Her articles appear regularly in outlets such as The Huffington Post, CommonDreams, Alternet, The Other Words, and TeleSUR. Medea can be reached at: or @medeabenjamin.

If you'd like to book Medea Benjamin for an event or have questions about an event listed below, please contact Brienne at

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Guitarist,Keyboardist,Arranger
Guest Biography:





Ghosts. On. Television. Fleeting images on the screen, there and gone. Until they return again, conjuring up the past. The present. And sometimes the future ...

Bride of Chaotica's new fourteen song CD serves as a tribute to over a half century of television, broadcasting an array of exotic instrumental tracks ranging from the eerie elegance of the Pink Floyd - meets - Happy The Man incandescence of "Traumerei", to the intense firestorm impact of "Pagan Jeopardy", to the futuristic rendition of the '60's Top 40 folk-rock classic "California Dreamin", Additionally, the band's "live-studio" recording philosophy is embellished here with additional brass, woodwinds, keyboards, and strings on many of the tracks, creating a whole new listening experience for the trio's long time fans and supporters.

With the band's new emphasis on their classic British psychedelic-rock leanings, and deployment of the concise background arrangements that were first displayed on last year's EP 'Winter Tales', Bride of Chaotica's material is now shaded with instrumental drama only hinted at on their 2012 debut 'Bamboo Transistor'.

The new tracks on 'Ghosts on Television' are 3-D micro-movie soundtracks unto themselves, and yet they still feature the trademark Bride of Chaotica analog live classic-rock sonics that are the stock in trade for guitarist-keyboardist-arranger Bill Bechtel, bassist/synth-bassist Robert "Red" Redmond, and drummer/percussionist Tim Tuthill, who have been performing at festivals, clubs, art galleries, city parks, and video facilities on Florida's west coast since 2009. Taking their name from a classic 'Star Trek: Voyager' episode, the group's debut CD received rave reviews in international publications like 'Progressive Magazine', '10 Pages', and 'Big

Takeover Magazine'; and tracks from both the band's debut and subsequent EP 'Winter Tales' were featured on college and independent radio stations across the country and on National Public Radio's syndicated show "Undercurrents". Bride of Chaotica's new CD 'Ghosts on Television'  released on January 14th, 2017

by Longview Records. The release coincides with the 50th anniversary of the first Human Be-in, a gathering of the new counterculture tribes in the San Francisco area at Golden Gate park that drew an audience of 20,000 people and featured speakers such as Timothy Leary and Allen Ginsberg and music by the Grateful Dead, the Jefferson Airplane, and other bands of the new psychedelic era.

Bride of Chaotica's latest CD 'Ghosts on Television' is available from CD Baby, I-Tunes (through CD Baby), Amazon, and GooglePlay.

Influences: Bride of Chaotica's arrangements are influenced by late '50's- early '60's cool-jazz era artists (Miles Davis/John Coltrane/Wes Montgomery), '70's fusion groups (Return to Forever/Mahavishnu Orchestra), and British psychedelia (Jimi Hendrix/Cream/Pink Floyd).

To purchase ‘Bride of Chaoticas’ exciting new CD entitled 'Ghosts on Television' visit CD Baby or

For further information and concert date information about Bride of Chaotica visit …  


Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: Entrepreneur, speaker, author and personal development coach
Guest Biography:

Meiyoko Taylor is an entrepreneur, speaker and personal development coach. He is passionate about helping others improve their lives by providing them with the tools and resources to fuel their Passion, Purpose, and Profits. He wrote the free eBook: “Habitude: A Step by Step Guide to Busting Bad Habits and Creating Good Ones.” Meiyoko's latest book is called “Find Your Amazing- 5 Steps to Transforming your life”, where he helps readers unlock their true potential and create their own version of success.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Technology, Variety