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Guest Name
Jennifer Taylor
Jennifer Taylor
Guest Occupation
Author, Life Coach
Guest Biography

Have you been told that if you follow your Heart, the money will come?  And did you find out that this wasn’t quite true for you? 

Like many of you, Jennifer quit her “real job” to embark on a career in healing work.  And she was dismayed and surprised to discover that the money did not come! 

What did come was debt and stress about money!  Here she was - following her heart, helping others, and yet wondering where was the love for her! 

Jennifer asked herself..... "Why was I struggling financially?"  

"How did I manage to accumulate $135,000 in debt?!!"

"Where was this magical support I was supposed to receive from the Universe?"

She was definitely angry at the Universe and angry at God for not providing for her when she was working so hard to help others.

And then she had a wake-up call.  Jennifer had an “Ah Ha” moment at one of the lowest points in her life.  She realized a key mistake that she was making with her relationship to her mission and my money.   Once she had this realization, she started to turn things around…

Especially now that the holidays are coming, people are feeling the financial pressure...

Many people out there are struggling financially and I would love for you to lend Jennifer's call to develop for the group of people that are spiritually in tune, are passionate about their life purpose and yet Love Incorporated is a guide to connecting with your innate wisdom and creating a truly magical and fulfilling life.  You don’t need to sacrifice your passion, joy, values, or integrity to have an abundant life.  Doing what you love is actually instrumental in creating true success.

Love Incorporated will inspire you to follow your heart and live the life of your dreams!