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Guest Occupation: Registered Therapeutic Counselor in private practice (Shining Heart Personal Growth), Jenny works as an angel intuitive, medium, and spiritual counselor
Guest Biography:

Jenny Hogg Ashwell is a gifted spiritual guide, and natural bridge to the spiritual realm. As a Registered Therapeutic Counselor in private practice (Shining Heart Personal Growth), Jenny works as an angel intuitive, medium, and spiritual counselor to help clients worldwide open to Divine Love and guidance, and live their unique soul purpose in the world.  She’s been trained in transpersonal counseling psychology, and brings twenty years of spiritual and personal growth to the balance of intellect and spiritual mystic. Jenny studied business administration at UC Berkeley, and then law at Northwestern University. She was working as a lawyer in Phoenix when her soul received a wakeup call which began her journey, traveling a path from lawyer to student of spirituality and mother of three, to spiritual counselor and intuitive. Jenny is the author of Love’s Curriculum: Messages of Enlightenment, a powerful guidebook that awakens readers to the Divine Love that connects all. Fueled by her own transcendent experiences and strong inner knowing, Jenny is passionate in reminding us that Love is all there is, that we are Love, we belong, and that spiritual guidance is always available.

Guest Category: Business, Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Human Rights Activist/Nobel Peace Laureate
Guest Biography:

Mairead Maguire was awarded the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for her extraordinary actions to help end the deep ethnic/political conflict in her native Northern Ireland. She shares the award with Betty Williams.

Mairead was the aunt of the three Maguire children who died as a result of being hit by an Irish Republican Army getaway car after its driver was shot by a British soldier. Mairead responded to the violence facing her family and community by organizing, together with Betty Williams and Ciaran McKeown, massive peace demonstrations appealing for an end to the bloodshed and a nonviolent solution to the conflict.

Together, the three co-founded the Peace People, a movement committed to building a just and peaceful society in Northern Ireland. They organized each week, for six months, peace rallies throughout Ireland and the UK. These were attended by many thousands of people - mostly women, and during this time there was a 70% decrease in the rate of violence. Mairead currently serves as Honorary President. 

Since receiving the award, Mairead has dedicated her life to promoting peace, both in Northern Ireland and around the world. Working with community groups throughout Northern Ireland, political and church leaders, she has sought to promote dialogue, nonviolence and equality between deeply divided communities.

A graduate from Irish School of Ecumenics, Maguire works with inter-church and interfaith organizations and is a councilor with the International Peace Council. She is a Patron of the Methodist Theological College, and Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education. She is also the author of  The Vision of Peace: Faith and Hope in Northern Ireland, the second edition of which was recently published by Orbis Books.

Mairead is set to sail on the Women's Boat to Gaza in September...

The Women’s Boat to Gaza will carry prominent women, including Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire, award-winning U.S. playwright Naomi Wallace, New Zealand parliamentarian Marama Davidson and Norwegian author and former sports star Gerd von der Lippe. The vessel will visit ports in the Western Mediterranean before reaching the shores of Gaza around October 1.

The Women’s Boat to Gaza is a Freedom Flotilla Coalition initiative. By launching a women’s flotilla, women from all over the world aim to highlight the undeniable contributions and indomitable spirit of Palestinian women who have been central within the Palestinian struggle in Gaza, the West Bank, inside the Green Line and in the diaspora.
Gaza has been under Israeli blockade for the past decade, during which Israel has also launched countless attacks against the besieged population, turning their life into a nightmare and a continuous struggle. Through Freedom Flotillas and other maritime missions, we have brought international attention to their suffering and their resistance.
The Women’s Boat to Gaza seeks not only to challenge the Israeli blockade, but to also show solidarity and bring a message of hope to the Palestinian people. With the support of women, men, non-governmental organizations, civil society groups and women’s collectives and events around the world, we will make this happen.
The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is composed of civil society organizations and initiatives from many countries. We have been challenging the illegal and inhumane Israeli blockade of Gaza for years and are committed to continue the struggle until the blockade is unconditionally lifted and the Palestinian people everywhere regain their full rights.
Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Intuitive Mystic and Empathic Holistic Healer
Guest Biography:

As an Intuitive Mystic and Empathic Holistic Healer, Roni has consciously dedicated the last two decades of her life to imbuing all those so seeking with the gift of Love Consciousness. This dedication, a result of Roni welcoming the recognition of her "Personal Legend" {purpose in life}, by opening herself to, and accepting love from withIN self.

It was thus, she was blissed the awareness of her unique gifted tools, translated into the plethora of services she offers to and for the benefit of all.  Roni provides Holistic Enlightenment Guidance, Wisdom and Wellness Life Coaching, and Metaphysical Psychotherapy, as well as a Physical Fitness and Nutritional Consultation. 

She is the Founder of the Wisdom & Wellness Community Spa, Sanctuaire Soul's Sanctuary, and BEing LOVE T.V. where she co-hosts the online show, “Soul's Talking Brain”, and hosts “Radiating Love with Roni Lipstein”. In tandem support of her “Personal Legend”, Roni has taken the word of Love Consciousness to ‘paper and screen’.  An Ontological Literary Artist and Communications Specialist, Roni’s self directed literary artistry is expressed through two blogs;  Fulfilled Destiny S3 and Souls Talking Brain.  In addition to two Self Discovery Activity Guidebooks, published and available internationally in e-book format, through the Kobo Bookstore, Roni’s first book, “The Gardens of Life; Your Journey to Radiate Soul Light” which the above guidebooks were birthed from, is now available in a beayoutyfully presented print format, published by Motivational Press Publishing House. Roni imbues her professional expertise with a degree in Psychology from McGill University, certification in Professional Personal Fitness Training and Nutritional Consultation, as well as, certification in Communications from McGill University.

Roni is committed to providing the utmost to her clients whom she calls “Angel Partners”. She expanded her whole-istic/holistic expertise with ongoing education in the Metaphysical Sciences, Ontological Philosophy, Theology, as well as various Native, Natural and Alternative modes of healing

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Philosophy, Personal Development, Motivational, Spiritual, Mystic & Seer
Guest Occupation: The Psychic Therapist
Guest Biography:

Laurie LeahAna (Roth), often called “The Psychic Therapist” is a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist, Sound/Energy-Light Vibrational Healer, Hypnotherapist, Workshop Facilitator, Musician/Composer, Author, Comedic Performer & Radio Show Host and Hand-reader.

Laurie holds 2 Masters Degrees, in Recreation Therapy and Counseling Psychology, and a Music Teaching Credential.   She has worked in public schools, diverse community social services agencies and has and over 30 years’ experience in private practice.

In the 1990’s Laurie went through a period of spontaneous inner initiations which opened up new avenues of perceptions and healing abilities. These abilities became an integral part of her work. Clients began to report spontaneous physical healing as a side effect of her unique blend of traditional therapeutic practices and spiritual gifts.  If listeners want more info about live upcoming group programs or private sessions  Call 707 536-9544. 

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Kids & Family, Love & Relationships, Relationship Counseling, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Graphic Artist, Designer, Medium and Movie Actor
Guest Biography:


Robert Murray (AKA Bob or Father Murray)

For more than 30 years, Robert had been communicating with "people" who crossed over. Before he channeled, he mentally set up psychic protection for himself. He then sat down with pen and paper and later at his computer in his home where he received the messages. When he received messages from Michael or anyone else, he tuned in and wrote or typed their messages on the computer. He could be called a receiver. He had to find the correct station and there had to be some fine tuning. He heard voices and saw pictures. An interaction took place. He was conscious and quite aware of his surroundings while he wrote. During his conversations with the "people," he saw them in their surroundings and sensed their feelings and emotions while they spoke. All this came through him and was recorded by him. He had developed the ability to slow down the messages and wrote them accurately. This was not automatic writing, but rather transcribing what he actually heard. He had also written books containing a diary of messages from his son-in-law, Michael.

James Murray

Bob's son, James Murray is now channeling messages and creating drawings of his visits and experiences with the Other Side.

The artist James Murray's page has information about the afterlife, his dream drawings, psychic images, the book "The Stars Still Shine", life after death and the after life.

James Murray has been drawing most of his life. As a young child even before he could talk, he was creating "little" pictures to communicate. He is a professionally trained artist and has several years experience as an animator in graphic arts.

Guest Category: Arts, Design, Performing Arts, Literature, Visual Arts, Paranormal, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Oral Health Care Advocate
Guest Biography:

Meet Chef Sharynne Frazer

Chef Sharynne Frazer is a nutritionist, natural and oral healthcare advocate, fundraiser, and celebrity radio

host in Las Vegas. Also a speaker and Barnes & Noble #1 best-selling author, Chef Sharynne is a Brand

Ambassador for the American Heart Association, and is the first non-physician board member to be named

to their Multi-Social Task Force in 2015.

Mixing restorative medicine practices with her 40+ years of experience empowering audiences, Chef

Sharynne teaches others how to overcome their ailments with strategic lifestyle decisions and constructive

prosperity. As a culinary specialist, she has offered countless individuals the skills to incorporate small

changes in their diets that lead to enormous benefits for health and general wellbeing.

Chef Sharynne is the host of Vita-Myr’s Healthy Living Radio Show in Las Vegas, a Beasley Broadcast Group

station. On her show, listeners learn helpful tips that educate and promote sound oral health and wellness


Instrumental in the teaching and promotion of the raw food movement, over a decade ago, Chef Sharynne

has since taken on the task of propagating an area of wellness that has been long neglected by many — Oral

Health. The Surgeon General has declared oral health our nation’s #1 healthcare crisis; this neglect

particularly affects children and seniors. Statistically, over 85% of the American population has some level

of oral health problems that has gone unnoticed. Poor oral health is a contributing factor that leads to

heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, eczema, HIV and other ailments. Poor oral health is a

silent killer!

Chef Sharynne herself has been a long-time sufferer of periodontal disease for over 45 years. She has spent

over a quarter of million dollars in dental care over a lifetime. After many years of pain, she has found the

answer to this deadly disease and wishes to share it with you!    

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Paranormal & Conspiracy
Guest Biography:

Clyde Lewis

Clyde is a powerful voice in parapolitical and paranormal news and commentary. With a diverse background in news, acting, writing and radio, he entertains and captivates audiences across multiple platforms. Lewis’ career in radio began in Utah in 1982 and he created Ground Zero in 1995 in Salt Lake City. Lewis has produced Ground Zero programs online, on radio and on television. The program (which takes its name from the scientific definition of the term) joined FM News 101 KXL in 2011 and consistently ranks #1 in the market.

Lewis has appeared in a SHOWTIME special with magicians Penn & Teller, as well as the television programs Sightings, Strange Universe and the Discovery Channel special Return to the Bermuda Triangle. He has been published in both UFO Magazine and Unknown Magazine, and has been featured in Rolling Stone. Lewis is the model for characters in such books as Safe House by Andrew Vachss, Supernatural Law by Batton Lash, and Alien Invasion by Michael Tresca.

A fan of B-horror and science-fiction movies, comic books and mythology, Lewis has also published his own fanzines and co-written scripts for television and radio. He appeared in the movies Nightfall, which he co-wrote with director Kevin Delullo; Cage in Box Elder; and Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger Part IV, in which he provided the voice of the title character.

Currently, Lewis is working with lawyer and P.I. Galen Cook on the investigation of the latest suspect in the D.B. Cooper case, Wolfgang Gossett, a one-time associate of Lewis’ and a new suspect in the mysterious case.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, News, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Science, Spiritual, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Voice Visionary - Singer-Songwriter - Mentor to Voices Changing Our World
Guest Biography:

Kar a Johnstad is a voice visionary, singer-songwriter. spiritual guide, author and mentor to voices that are changing our world. She is the founder of Voice Your Essence and Yoga Voice Berlin and empowers audiences around the world via concerts, talks, podcasts and online and in-person training designed to awaken the voice and raise your consciousness. Her most requested songs are Message of Hope, Love Never Fails, Open Up and Receive and Thank you. 

Kara's insight into voice and its profound ability to re-align our body-mind-spirit system with the source has already helped thousands of people throughout the world find more joy and greater meaning in their lives. At the core of the teachings lies the transformation of consciousness through sound and the raising our vibrational signature as a path to integrate our heart's intelligence with a mindfulness practice and awaken our natural enlightened state of being. Activating the voice center to heal and meditate, creates a life that is immeasurably richer on all levels, spiritual and material. 

In essence, Kara knows the gift of VOICE is our next step in human evolution and she is committed to the growth and empowerment of spiritual leaders, luminaries, creative healers, creative conscious entrepreneurs and anyone who feels drawn to awaken to their full potential.
Experience and Distinctions
Voice Visionary and Spiritual Guide

Recording Artist

Acclaimed Singer/songwriter

International Voice Expert

Founder of Voice Your Essence - 360 Degree Voice Empowerment Programs

Voice Your Essence Podcast

Co-Founder of Yoga Voice Berlin - Forrest Yoga and 360 Degree Voice Empowerment programs.

In this interview, we will talk about :

Kara as a voice visionary and how her work creates impact in the World  

the power of the human voice 

your voice as a healing tool

awakening your voice

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Music, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual