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Guest Occupation: Yoga Teacher/Author
Guest Biography:

RAJASHREE CHOUDHURY was born in Kolkata, India, and started her yoga training at the urging of her parents at age four. She was a five-time winner of the National Indian Yoga Championship from 1979 to 1983.

With over 15 years in the East and 25 years in the West, Rajashree’s special focus has been on the emotional side of yoga and how yoga balances the energy of the human body and impacts not only disease, but also affects the body/mind/soul connection which constitutes vibrant health.

She also helped her husband create the highly successful Teacher Training program after more than ten years of teaching yoga in the United States. She conducts seminars on yoga and personal development worldwide. She also teaches her highly-acclaimed and has a DVD Pregnancy Yoga Classes.

Rajashree has appeared on many national television programs in the United States and abroad doing seminars worldwide promoting the countless benefits of yoga. In conjunction with the International Yoga Asana Championships, now in its tenth year, she has founded the USA Yoga Federation, a non-profit organization formed to facilitate her goal of yoga ultimately being accepted as Sport. Most recently her mission is to help women in crisis of all ages and nationalities. She has been active in many charitable organizations over the years including Karma for Kids, dedicated to helping children with cancer, Uprising yoga, helping child victims of sex trafficking, and Parikrama, educating slum children in India.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Certified Life and Mind Coach, Holistic Astrologer
Guest Biography:

Oksana's Bio:

Reflecting her versatile and curious nature, Oksana’s formal education consists of degrees in Fine Arts and in Business Economics. Furthermore, she has been studying various aspects of Metaphysics for over a decade. Those areas of study and expertise include: conscious and sub-conscious mind, Universal Laws, creation and manifestation of reality, mind’s effect on health and reasons for dis-eases, dream interpretation, working with energy, concentration, meditation, techniques of visualization, thought projection, and many more. In addition, she is an avid technologist and analyst, having had a successful career in the Information Technology sector prior to becoming a certified Life Coach and Spiritual Guide (CLC) and a Mind Coach.

She has always been driven to help others with attaining their full potential, actualizing dreams, and becoming balanced and happy. Her Dharma is that of Serendipity, which, in a nutshell, means that Oksana often finds herself in such circumstances where she can successfully assist people with attaining personal awakening and leads them toward realizing their potential. Hand in hand with her Dharma exists her ability to recognize talents and gifts in others, which she uses purposefully as part of her service to people.

She draws personal inspiration from working with people and watching them progress and succeed while getting in touch with their inner selves and achieving happiness. She has a joyful, optimistic and constructive mindset. Oksana has a unique and consciously developed ability of clarity of mind as well as keen intuition which allow her to see and perceive connections between people, events and more intangible phenomena on multiple levels and understand how they fit together on a more global scale.

Oksana is the founder, CEO and the President of Joyfulness at Solful Gifts, Inc. Her biggest desire and life’s purpose is to help thousands of people to become whole-functioning, self-realized and happy.

Lucy's Bio:

Lucy’s formal education consists of a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy. Much like Oksana, she is an experienced technologist with a successful career in the corporate world. She is a lover of ideas and concepts spanning a wide range of areas, applying her broad theoretic knowledge in the physical world.

Lucy’s Dharma is that of Beauty and Symmetry. She is able to recognize and reconcile the dual in the Whole, thus resolving conflicts and struggles – be they rooted in ideology or reality, bringing peace and balance into her environment. She sees beauty in all people, objects, and events, and it is recognition of this order that inspires her to create and to communicate it to others, helping them acknowledge and appreciate beauty within themselves and the world around. Lucy’s love for symbolism implicit in everything around has led her to pursue exploration of such fields as Astrology.

Sharing the goal of helping others unleash their full potential and having just the right balance of common and complimentary traits with Oksana, Lucy happily joined in the founding of Solful Gifts, Inc.

Guest Category: Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Motivational, Numerology, Astrology, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer
Guest Biography:

Geoff about himself:

Ive been employed in two Enforcement Jobs, both with the Government in Canada. I have also had UFO encounters, two Near Death Experiences and some ET Contact, I have done numerous Interviews which can be found on Youtube under Geoffrey Faulkner. I live in Northern California and am now writing two books on my life experiences with the Spiritual and ET side of Life. How the Gorvenment is covering up our Truth. not only about our history but for many, their own Identity. I have had my Personnel Records erased by the Government yet, I still have safely put away my training certificates to validate my employment. I will be Speaking this year at various locations so please watch for my posts, I am also on Facebook under Geoff Faulkner. I am availalbe for Speaking Engagements and can be contacted either on fb or email.

Guest Category: Cosmology, History, UFOs, Near Death Experiences, Access Consciousness, Medium & Channeling, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Social Engineer, Evolutionary Philosopher and strategist, Founder of Critical Path Global
Guest Biography:

Daniel is a social engineer and evolutionary philosopher and strategist. He is the founder of Critical Path Global, a research and design institute aimed at developing an integrated set of technologies and processes capable of organizing and supporting a distributed and continually updating comprehensive critical path management system for humanity's total evolution.

He is working to repurpose and synthesize relevant state-of-the-art systems for information management, complexity processing, mathematical forecasting, and other data science tools into an integrated set of functions capable of global resource allocation planning and strategy. His aim is the shortest path to a fundamentally redesigned world-system that makes possible and supports the highest quality of life for all life, now and ongoingly.

Specifically, his focus is on the development of new systems of economics and governance that intrinsically incentivize life-enhancing behaviors at all levels of agency, supporting distributed and spontaneous problem solving and conscious participation in our global evolution.

Guest Category: Business, Earth & Space, Education, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Science
Guest Occupation: President, Producer
Guest Biography:

Denise David Williams

After earning a B.A. in Theatre Arts from Hofstra University, Ms.Williams began her career as an actor's agent in New York City. Shortly after, she moved to Los Angeles and attended the Graduate Peter Stark Producing Program at USC.

Ms. Williams then began her production experience in the film industry at LucasFilm as an assistant in pre-production on E.T. and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Denise advanced to story analyst for Barry Krost at The Movie Company where she was responsible for developing television material for management clients and held production responsibilities on American Dreamer.

Ms. Williams then worked as Director of Creative Affairs for Arkoff International Pictures where she acquired and developed feature material for both Samuel Z. Arkoff and Louis Arkoff and had extensive production responsibilities on the feature film Up the Creek.

Denise was then hired by Daniel Melnick's IndieProd Co. at 20th Century Fox as story editor where she worked with writers and directors including Robert Zemeckis, Buck Henry and Lawrence Kasdan and on feature films Making Love and Unfaithfully Yours. Among some of the other films produced by The IndieProd Co. were: All That Jazz, That's Entertainment, Altered States, Roxanne, and First Family.

Ms. Williams served as Vice President of Production for Arnold Kopelson Entertainment, where she acquired and developed feature film projects for both foreign and domestic markets. Among the many projects under her auspices were Warlock, Triumph of the Spirit and Platoon, which grossed over $100 million dollars and garnered Best Director and Best Picture Academy Awards for director Oliver Stone and producer Arnold Kopelson, respectively.

Ms. Williams formed her own production company, MakeMagic Productions, whose mission is to produce highly entertaining films with global appeal. In 2002, MakeMagic produced the industry hit, My Dinner With Ovitz which Variety called "charming!" and Universal chief Ron Meyer and David Geffen called "brilliant".

MakeMagic is currently in development on the feature film JOHN MACK; staging the play adaptation of A GOOD AMERICAN and packaging the American adaptation of the French ensemble comedy, OSCAR DIVO, among other endeavors.

Ms. Williams is a member of the WGA west and a frequent script consultant. She is married to musician/composer/arranger Larry Williams and has a dog named Buddy

Guest Category: History, Paranormal, UFOs, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Genius
Guest Biography:

“I know a lot of people. A lot. And I ask a lot of prying questions. But I’ve never run into a more intriguing biography than Howard Bloom’s in all my born days.” Paul Solman, Business and Economics Correspondent, PBS NewsHour

Howard Bloom has been called “next in a lineage of seminal thinkers that includes Newton, Darwin, Einstein,[and] Freud,” by Britain’s Channel4 TV , “the next Stephen Hawking” by Gear Magazine, and “The Buckminster Fuller and Arthur C. Clarke of the new millennium” by Buckminster Fuller’s archivist. Bloom is the author of The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History (“mesmerizing”—The Washington Post), Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century (“reassuring and sobering”—The New Yorker), The Genius of the Beast: A Radical Re-Vision of Capitalism (“Impressive, stimulating, and tremendously enjoyable.” James Fallows, National Correspondent, The Atlantic), and The God Problem: How A Godless Cosmos Creates (“Bloom’s argument will rock your world.” Barbara Ehrenreich).

Bloom has been published in, the leading pre-print site in advanced theoretical physics and math. He was invited to tell an international conference of quantum physicists in Moscow in 2005 why everything they know about quantum physics is wrong. And his book Global Brain was the subject of an Office of the Secretary of Defense symposium in 2010, with participants from the State Department, the Energy Department, DARPA, IBM, and MIT.

Bloom has founded three international scientific groups: the Group Selection Squad (1995), which fought to gain acceptance for the concept of group selection in evolutionary biology; The International Paleopsychology Project (1997), which worked to create a new multi-disciplinary synthesis between cosmology, paleontology, evolutionary biology, and history; and The Space Development Steering Committee (2007), an organization that includes astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Edgar Mitchell and members from NASA, the National Science Foundation, and the Department of Defense.

Bloom explains that his focus is “mass behavior, from the mass behavior of quarks to the mass behavior of human beings.” In 1968 Bloom turned down four fellowships in psychology and neurobiology and set off on a science project in a field he knew nothing about: popular culture. He was determined to tunnel into the forces of history by entering “the belly of the beast where new myths, new mass passions, and new mass movements are made.” Bloom used simple correlational techniques plus what he calls “tuned empathy” and “saturated intuition” to help build or sustain the careers of figures like Prince, Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, Bette Midler, Billy Joel, Paul Simon, Billy Idol, Peter Gabriel, David Byrne, John Mellencamp, Queen, Kiss, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five, Run DMC, and roughly 100 others. In the process, he generated $28 billion in revenues (more than the gross domestic product of Oman or Luxembourg) for companies like Sony, Disney, Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola, and Warner Brothers.

Bloom also helped launch Farm Aid and Amnesty International’s American presence. He worked with the United Negro College Fund,the National Black United Fund, and the NAACP, and he put together the first public service radio campaign for solar power (1981).

Bloom’s focus on group behavior extends to geopolitics. He has debated one-one-one with senior officials from Egypt’s Moslem Brotherhood and Gaza’s Hamas on Iran’s Arab-language international Alalam TV News Network. He has dissected headline issues on Saudi Arabia’s KSA1-TV and on Iran’s global English language Press-TV. And he has appeared fifty two times for up to five hours on 500 radio stations in North America.

Bloom is a former visiting scholar in the Graduate School of Psychology at NYU and a former core faculty member at the Graduate Institute in Meriden, Connecticut. In addition to, his scientific articles have appeared in PhysicaPlus, New Ideas in Psychology, and Across Species Comparisons and Psychopathology. Bloom has also written for The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Wired, Knight-Ridder Financial News Service, the Village Voice, and Cosmopolitan.  Bloom’s 90-minute per episode YouTube series, Howard the Humongous, pulls in a minimum of 45,000 hits and a maximum of 161,000 per installment.

Topping it all off, Bloom’s computer houses a not-so-secret and not-at-all humble project, his 7,100-chapter-long Grand Unified Theory of Everything in the Universe Including the Human Soul. Pavel Kurakin of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences says that

“Bloom has created a new Scientific Paradigm. He explains in vast and compelling terms why we should forget all we know in complicated modern math and should start from the very beginning. …Bloom’s Grand Unified Theory… opens a window into entire systems we don’t yet know and/or see, new…collectivities that live, love, battle, win and lose each day of our gray lives. I never imagined that a new system of thought could produce so much light.”

Concludes Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of Evolution’s End and The Crack in the Cosmic Egg, “I have finished Howard Bloom’s books, The Lucifer Principle and Global Brain, in that order, and am seriously awed, near overwhelmed by the magnitude of what he has done. I never expected to see, in any form, from any sector, such an accomplishment. I doubt there is a stronger intellect than Bloom’s on the planet.”

Nobel-Prize winner Dudley Herschbach calls Bloom’s insights “truly awesome.” There’s a reason. Bloom’s perspective comes from a once–in-the-history-of-science approach to the study of mass moods and cultural convolutions. Bloom started out normally enough, diving into microbiology, theoretical physics, and cosmology at the age of ten, building his first Boolean algebra machine at the age of twelve, becoming a dedicated microscopist that same year, codesigning a computer that won prizes at local science fairs before he left grade school, and being granted a private brainstorming session with the head of the Graduate Physics Department at the University of Buffalo when he was still twelve. By sixteen he was a lab assistant at the world’s largest cancer research center, the Roswell Park Memorial Research Cancer Institute, where he helped plumb the mysteries of the immune system. And before his freshman year of college he designed and executed research in Skinnerian programmed learning at Rutgers University’s Graduate School of Education.

Then came an act of academic heresy. After graduating magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from New York University, Bloom turned down four graduate school fellowships and embarked on a 20-year-long urban anthropology expedition to penetrate what he calls “society’s myth-making machinery”–the inner sanctums of politics and the media. During his foray into “the dark underbelly of mass emotion” he edited a magazine that won two National Academy of Poets prizes, founded the leading avant-garde art studio on the East Coast, was featured on the cover of Art Direction Magazine,

Then Bloom gave up listening to Beethoven, Bartok, and Mozart and entered a field he knew nothing about– he become editor of the rock monthly Circus. Using correlational studies, empirical surveys, ethnographic expeditions into suburban teen subcultures, and other scientific techniques, Bloom more than doubled Circus’s sales, and was credited by Rolling Stones’ Chet Flippo with founding a new genre–the heavy metal magazine. Seeking still further ways to infiltrate modernity’s mass mind, Bloom founded the biggest public relations firm in the music industry, The Howard Bloom Organization, Ltd. The payoff in knowledge proved invaluable.

Bloom worked with Michael Jackson, Prince, John Cougar Mellencamp, Kiss, Queen, Bette Midler, Billy Joel, Joan Jett, Peter Gabriel, Diana Ross, Simon & Garfunkel, The Talking Heads, AC/DC, Billy Idol, Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, Run D.M.C., Simply Red, and the heads of many a media conglomerate. He was adept at spotting new subcultures, entering them, and helping their members crusade for the right to express their identity…a skill that gave him an inside role in the rise of country crossover, disco, midwestern rock, fusion jazz, New Age music, punk rock, rap, and the form of crossover black music embodied in Prince and Michael Jackson.

The pinnacles of fame provided surprising raw material for scientific analysis. “When you’re at the center of the sort of attention-storm that hits when you’re working with a superstar,” Bloom says, “it’s as if the laws of physics change. Hormones charge you up in ways you never imagined. Time perception alters. You resolve crises in minutes, seeing solutions instantly, solutions that previously would have taken you weeks.

“More important is the impact of a communal ritual like a rock concert. The star onstage is taken over by a self he doesn’t know, one that seems to surge through him as if he were a length of empty pipe. The force of this strange passion welds the audience in an almost transcendent bond.” Bloom’s task was to first experience the exaltation, then to dissect it. “The model for this work,” he says, “cames from William James, who attempted to feel the ecstatic experiences of mystics, then to probe these experieces scientifically, a process that led to his 1902 book The Varieties of the Religious Experience.”

Bloom’s forays into power and its manipulations were also intense. “In the music and film industry everyone knew that money and career advancement were on the line. But few realized how deeply what they did affected the lives of millions, and even fewer felt the responsibility that demands. It was an amazing privilege to work as an equal with the entertainment industry’s elite, many of whom I either had to woo or thwart to help my clients reach their audience with a message of genuine value. Some executives were master strategists but used their intelligence to increase their own stature, often at a brutal cost to others. Others were far more ethical. Yet even the best-intentioned employed boardroom and backroom tactics handed down from the politics of chimpanzees. Without knowing it, they used tricks of leadership we share with social animals from lizards and lobsters to baboons and mountain apes.”

The subculture of Washington politics was, to Bloom, the most disturbing of them all. Bloom co-founded Music in Action, a national anti-censorship organization. This brought him into head-on combat with Tipper Gore, wife of Vice President and eventual presidential candidate Al Gore. Says Bloom, “Tipper and the right wing religionists who used her for their ends were masters of perceptual manipulation. They perpetrated hoaxes of outrageous transparency, yet still managed to convince the press and public that their falsifications were true.”

Twenty pages in The Billboard Guide to Music Publicity are devoted to Bloom and to the antidote he invented, “perceptual engineering,” which he defines as “a way of finding a valid truth that the herd refuses to see, then turning the herd around and making that truth self-evident. It’s what we do in much of science–seeing the ordinary from a new perspective, then revealing what makes it tick, and in the process altering society’s views.”

In 1981, Bloom organized the material he’d unearthed and began the formal research for a new theoretical structure that would first reveal itself in 1995′s The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History. And he continued pursuing scientific truths in unconventional ways. In 1995 Bloom headed an insurgent academic circle called “The Group Selection Squad” whose efforts precipitated radical re-evaluations of neo-Darwinist dogma within the scientific community. In 1997, he founded a new discipline, paleopsychology, whose participants included physicists, psychologists, microbiologists, paleontologists, entomologists, neuroscientists, paleoneurologists, invertebrate zoologists, and systems theorists. Paleopsychology’s mandate was to “map out the evolution of complexity, sociality, perception, and mentation from the first 10(-32) second of the Big Bang to the present.”

Evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson has written that with his beyond-the-box insights Bloom has “raced ahead of the timid scientific herd” often “vaulting over their heads” with a “grand vision” that “we do strive as individuals, but we are also part of something larger than ourselves, with a complex physiology and mental life that we carry out but only dimly understand.” In The Lucifer Principle, Global Brain, The Genius of the Beast, and his new book The God Problem: How A Godless Cosmos Creates, Howard Bloom brings those understandings from dimness into the light.

Guest Category: Education, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Clinical Professor of Medicine, Director of Cardiac Wellness
Guest Biography:

Joel Kahn, M.D.  is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine and Director of Cardiac Wellness, Michigan Healthcare Professionals PC. He is a graduate Summa Cum Laude of the University of Michigan School of Medicine. He lectures widely on the cardiac benefits of vegan nutrition and mind body practices. He also writes for Readers Digest Magazine as the Holistic Heart Doc and his first book, The Holistic Heart Book

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Private Practice in Psychotherapy
Guest Biography:

William Collinge, PhD, MPH, LCSW , my third guest, is a consultant, author, speaker and researcher in the field of integrative health care. He conducts a private practice of health-related psychotherapy and mind/body medicine in Eugene, Oregon, for individuals, couples and families facing challenges to health and well being. He has extensive experience supporting people with cancer, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, HIV/AIDS, and other conditions, as well as veterans and their loved ones. He has led workshops and retreats across North America, in Hawaii, New Zealand and the UK. William is an Affiliate Faculty member of the Oregon Health & Science University. In addition he directs research projects sponsored by the National Institutes of Health through Collinge and Associates  His latest book is Partners in Healing: Simple Ways to Offer Support, Comfort and Care to a Loved One Facing Illness (Shambhala, 2008). More information on multiple grants, books and book chapters, articles, consulting and other activities

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology