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Guest Occupation: Psychic, Author, Teacher
Guest Biography:

Dr. Susan Shumsky has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She is the author of 8 books, published by Simon & Schuster, Random House, and New Page. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent more than 45 years teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her books have been published in several languages worldwide, and several were #1 best sellers. They include: Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, How to Hear the Voice of God, Ascension, Exploring Meditation, Exploring Auras, Exploring Chakras, and her latest, Instant Healing.

Dr. Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher, award-winning author, and founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance. For 22 years, her mentor was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, guru of the Beatles and Deepak Chopra. She served on Maharishi's personal staff for 7 years.

A sought-after media guest and highly acclaimed professional speaker, Dr. Shumsky has done over 600 speaking engagements and over 600 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, nationally syndicated TV and radio on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX news, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is featured in the movie 3.

Guest Category: Education, Courses & Training, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive, Variety
Guest Occupation: Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:

I graduated from Norwich University in Vermont in 1980 and spent 12 years in military service in the Army, leaving at the rank of Major. During this time, I served as a company commander during Desert Shield and Desert Storm, earning the Bronze Star, Kuwait Liberation Medal and Combat Air Medal. In 2010 I earned my MBA from the University of New Haven.

I have always wanted to write a book. Over the years I have started and stopped on several projects, but it wasn’t until New Years Eve, 1999-2000 when my father told me of a true story – his- that I became motivated enough to start (and finish) my first book, Code Name Sonny.

The second novel in the series, Mountains of Fire is available now, and a project has been started for a third book in the series,The 13th Cohort to be released in 2013.

Guest Category: Education, History, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Variety
Guest Occupation: Psychic, Author, Teacher
Guest Biography:

On October 9, 2010, at the age of 86, Gloria Crystal "Teddy" Key passed away at her Florida home, her family by her side.  Nineteen days later, her beautiful Australian-accented voice began to communicate with her eldest daughter, Frances, about the scope and wonder of her new perspective from the afterlife state. This remarkable collection of insights, written in less than a year and divided into three books, has astounded friends, family and a growing circle of readers with its unique analogies, wit, depth of wisdom, and unusual outlook on the human experience.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Near Death Experiences, Ghosts, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Mystic & Seer, Divination
Guest Occupation: Life Coach
Guest Biography:


I am a steadfast ally of people who want to live their lives with a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

Henry David Thoreau said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.”

I help them bring their song forth – so that they lead their lives with purpose,  passion and possibilities.

I bring all of who I am to my coaching clients: my personal qualities and strengths, my values and, of course, my skill sets. My core skill sets are life coaching and experiential education. My professional life coach training was with the Coaches Training Institute; my experiential education training was with the NY Community Training Instituted (affiliated with National Training Labs).  I’ve honed these skills sets through many years of working with a wide range of people in diverse settings.

I’ve been a community organizer, civil rights activist (in Mississippi and New York) experiential educator/trainer, human resources executive, executive recruiter, organization development consultant, award-winning healthcare innovator, author, song writer/composer, chairman of the board of a non-profit arts organization, NIH-funded researcher, presenter, keynote speaker and, of course,  a life coach.  (For the record, I’ve left out great jobs from my teenage years  like hot dog vendor at Yankee Stadium – and more!)

While the gender of my clients has been pretty equal between men and women, I’ve been keenly involved in issues related to men. Over the past twenty three years, I’ve organized and been a leader and mentor of an annual gathering and spiritual retreat for Jewish men.  I’ve also written about issues of particular importance to men.

It’s been said that life is not what happens to you. Rather, it’s what we do with what happens. I’ve lived a life full of twists and turns, very high highs and very low lows.  From these I’ve learned the importance of gratitude, of relationships, of the ever present possibilities of humor, laughter and play, and the value of perseverance and resilience.

I’ve been fortunate to have been able to utilize what I’ve learned in my life, especially the ups and downs, to help other people on their life journeys. One particularly wonderful example of this was my being able to utilize my learnings from the emotionally difficult breakup of my first marriage to create a workshop that helped other people going through similar experiences. Entitled “Separation Soap” (as in soap opera!), it utilized humor as a healing tool to help them move forward with their lives. This approach was considered so innovative that it was featured in major news media around the world and I had the opportunity of presenting it at international and national psychology conferences. It was at one of these presentations, a psychodrama conference in New York City, that I met my future wife (and dance partner), Tsurah, with whom I recently celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary!

I  carry a wonderful legacy from my parents. From my mother I learned about being bold, stepping up for what you want and being a steadfast ally. From my father, I learned about connecting with people, trustworthiness, perseverance and resilience.

I love what I do and feel privileged to be in a position to bring all of who I am to each moment of coaching.  I’m very musical and love to move and dance. When it is appropriate for a particular client, I draw of these and other modalities (meditation, visualization, music, movement, the visual arts, humor, playfulness) to help my clients to bring their “song” forth in their lives:  to see possibilities, move through stuck places and be more fully alive in all that they do.

In my personal life, I’m blessed with a life partner/wife who is the love of my life, two grown children (and their wonderful mates), two delicious grand children, and a robust group of friends.  I consider myself to be a good friend and pay attention to keeping these important connections alive and well. My wife and I love to dance (we’ve been dancing since our first date 34 years ago!). We love being in the natural world, where we hike, swim and go kayaking.  We also share an active spiritual life.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Businessman, humanitarian, energy leader
Guest Biography:

Mark A. Stansberry is an international business man, energy leader and humanitarian from Edmond, Oklahoma. He is founder and Chairman of The GTD Group, author of “The Braking Point: America’s Energy Dreams and Global Economic Realities,” host of “The Weekly Roundtable” radio show on KFAQ 1170 AM in Tulsa, and Chairman of People to People International.

Stansberry founded The GTD Group (Global Trade & Development) in 1988 as a vehicle for helping American businesses expand into international markets and operate skillfully in diverse cultural, political and competitive landscapes. He has led business development and federal government relations initiatives in countries including: Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech
Republic, China, Japan, Mexico and Russia.

In 1997, Stansberry arranged a key meeting between former Prime Minister Vaclav Klaus – now President of the Czech Republic – and U.S. Senator Lott regarding NATO expansion.

He has served in an advisory role on advance teams for Presidents Reagan and Ford, and was a staff member for U.S. Senator Dewey F. Bartlett. Stansberry has been a National Republican Convention Delegate three times (1996, 2000 and 2004) and White House event chairman for the Oklahoma Centennial Salute in 2007.

Stansberry was inducted into the Western Oklahoma Hall of Fame in 2009.

With more than 30 years of direct experience in the Oklahoma energy industry, Stansberry has become a respected industry expert and media commentator on energy issues. He has been invited to testify before the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, served a nine year term as chairman of the State Chamber of Oklahoma Energy Council and founded the International Energy Policy Conference, now in its nineteenth year. He served on Governor - elect Mary Fallin’s Transition Energy Working Group, 2010 - 2011.

Stansberry is currently on the Board of Directors for PostRock Energy Corp. (PSTR, NASDAQ - Global) and is an ex - officio Board member for The Energy Advocates, a Washington D.C./Tulsa based nonprofit public education organization with former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating serving as Honorary Chairman.

Guest Category: Business, News, Careers, Technology, Free Energy, Variety
Guest Occupation: Professor emeritus of ecology anf evolutionary biology
Guest Biography:

Marc Bekoff is a former Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and is a Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society and a past Guggenheim Fellow. In 2000 he was awarded the Exemplar Award from the Animal Behavior Society for major long-term contributions to the field of animal behavior. Marc is also an ambassador for Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots program, in which he works with students of all ages, senior citizens, and prisoners, and also is a member of the Ethics Committee of the Jane Goodall Institute. He and Jane co-founded the organization Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: Citizens for Responsible Animal Behavior Studies in 2000. Marc is on the Board of Directors of The Fauna Sanctuary and The Cougar Fund and on the advisory board for Animal Defenders, the Laboratory Primate Advocacy Group, and Project Coyote. He has been part of the international program, Science and the Spiritual Quest II and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) program on Science, Ethics, and Religion. Marc is also an honorary member of Animalisti Italiani and Fundacion Altarriba. In 2006 Marc was named an honorary board member of Rational Animal and a patron of the Captive Animals' Protection Society. In 2009 he was named a member of the Scientific Expert Advisory Panel of Voiceless, The Animal Protection Institute and a faculty member of the Humane Society University, and in 2010 he was named to the advisory board of Living with Wolves and Greenvegans and the advisory council of the National Museum of Animals & Society. In 2005 Marc was presented with The Bank One Faculty Community Service Award for the work he has done with children, senior citizens, and prisoners. In 2009 he was presented with the St. Francis of Assisi Award by the Auckland (New Zealand) SPCA. Marc is also on the Board of Directors for Minding Animals International.

Guest Category: Education, Courses & Training, History, Sex
Guest Occupation: Author, Researcher, Teacher
Guest Biography:

Nick Clements has gained employment through working in areas of high social need and by specializing in working with boys and men. Uniquely he combined teaching creativity with community creation, and worked with tens of thousands of people all over the world for 25 years. In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the field of community and participatory arts he was made visiting professor at Staffordshire University in 2009. Over the same period of time he lived and studied with indigenous peoples all around the world, participating in ritual and ceremonies, and developing an understanding and expertise around rites of passage.

He now combines his work with boys and men and indigenous teachings to create community cohesion and rites of passage with community groups in the UK and all over Europe. He is an advisor and consultant to governments, local authorities, companies and charities on the problems associated with absent fathers, and the loss of self-esteem through unemployment.

He runs workshops, courses and gives inspirational talks on masculinity and rites of passage. He is presently undertaking a series of workshops in Bulgaria helping to re-invigorate the ‘Chitalishta’ network of community centres throughout the country.

He has written 6 books, three on creativity and the arts, one on how to work with fathers, and the last two on men and boys. He writes extensively on these subjects for magazines, and is employed by a range of universities to give talks and run workshops. He lives in the UK.

Guest Category: Education, Courses & Training, History, Kids & Family, Psychology, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author, Mother, Actress
Guest Biography:

Gloria Parker has spent a lifetime creating and performing music to the delight of people of all ages. A consummate entertainer and musician, Gloria fronted several bands including the all-girl band, "Gloria Parker and the Coquettes". Alphonse D'Artega wrote many of the bands musical arrangements and they played D'Artega's hit song "In The Blue Of Evening". She has wowed thousands with her musicianship on the marimba, violin, vocally, and the musical glasses.

Gloria has authored hit songs, appeared in film, conducted for Judy Garland, played with the Hartford Symphony, and appeared with Lionel Hampton, who recorded many of her songs. She has also made several television appearances as a featured guest with Joe Franklin, Alan Combs, The Late Night Show with David Letterman, The Ed Sullivan Show, and Philbin.

Gloria has just finished her new book "Corruption Reigns In Our Courtrooms", Please go to the New Book & CD Tab for more information and see quotes from our many new readers.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Psychology, Sexuality, Variety