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Jester Society

Jester Society was born by an Alessandro's (Voice and Guitar) , Marco' s (Voice/Bass/Synth) and Davide' s (Drums) Idea in Brescia, Italy . They recorded first single "Josh Was Alive" in August 2015. After the video they played gigs in northern Italy in little pubs and parties. During Summer of 2016, with another member at lead guitar, Roberto, they recorded at IndieBox Music Hall the minialbum "Kingsmen" , Out in January 2017 anticipated by three singles:  "Bitter", "White Fragility" and "Kingsmen", out in December 2016.

At a young age, LyricalGenes (DJ) was always told that he could be anything in the world that he put his mind to. He truly believed that statement and used that saying as a reminder to be his own independent person. Growing up, he has experienced many obstacles when it comes to relationships, finding his purpose in life, and emotional hurdles. Music has always been something DJ could rely on. Whenever he felt a certain way, he would always fall back to music.
Carina T

Carina T is a London-based singer. She started singing at the age of 15 in a Rock band in Madeira Island, where she was born. While at University, she was part of a folk music band where she was the lead singer and played ukulele. After taking sometime off to finish her doctorate and working in science in Boston, United States, and also in London, Carina realised she could not live without music. In 2017 she started recording her own songs, and she recently released her first single “Too Real”.
&Y Myles

From the ashes of Stone Antica, the group's singer AnWy Myles started to wander in the landscape of alternative/ rock. Myles relocated to Stockholm to seek like-minded musicians for collaborations, including Erik Fernholm and Anton Sällberg from pop/ rockband Atlantic Driftwood. Former bassist of Stone Antica, Jon Liedberg, is also frequently appearing in Myles new loose-knit lineup.
Sam Least

Influenced by Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake growing up in Florida, Samuel Florexil, A.K.A. Sam Least is now ready to introduce his own sound to the world. Sam has signed with Musik and Film Records and his debut single, Post Master,  will be promoted worldwide with Musik Radio Promotions.