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Michael J. Valentine

Michael Valentine is a songwriter and musician /multi-instrumentalist playing acoustic and electric guitar, mandolin bass, drums, and piano. His distinctive style defies categorizing as it distills elements of a melting pot of influences from a life steeped in everything from rock to gospel.  Valentine’s focus is on timeless music that both uplifts the soul, and makes you think. He has taken his deep musical background steeped in church and spiritual music combined with his love for rock and modern music to create positive songs with a message of faith, hope, and love.
"Sounds From Gítabel" EP Cover Art

Gítabel is a young four piece band, currently based in Argentina. The four of us came to this project after a good number of previous experiences, which spanned virtually any form of rock, and some more.
Glen Foster Group
Not Far Away album cover
Glen Foster Group of Nanaimo, BC Canada has released a new Praise Song called Fruit Of The Spirit, from their album Not Far Away on Rescue Records.
We are hoping your praise and worship leaders will have a listen and consider using it in their worship services. The scripture reference is of course Galatians 5:22-23, and 1 Cor. 13:13.  
The Full Piano Score, Lead Sheet, and a Lyric page with Chords are included here in the original key of C. The key of A for easier singing is also available to you at no charge, upon request.
Lori Jean Finnila

Lori is a singer and songwriter recording original tracks. She heals through music from an autoimmune disease and head injuries.
Eddy Chapman

Eddy Chapman is an independent, young  and upcoming alternative rock artist from sunny South Africa. His sound is a unique blend of genre's including rock, folk rock to a modern spin on pop rock.


This is Aaron from the band Starveya. Our new single "Moontide" is set to release at the end of this month and I hope that someone at BBS might be interested in featuring it. I have included the official press release below. Thank you for your time.

Aaron Martinez-Starveya

STARVEYA is set to release “Moontide” on May 29th, 2020, their first new single since 2018’s “Olde Crow”. Available here:
Bertrands Wish

Influenced by the style and attitude of Sixies and Seventies Rock and Folk music, and placing an emphasis on strong melodies and relatable lyrics, Bertrands Wish is a musical project led by Michael Boynton, based in Hull, Yorkshire.

'Keep Dreaming' is his debut single, a folk song about staying positive in difficult times.
Phil Matthews a.k.a. the Village
Introducing England’s best kept secret............
The Village
The Village is the brainchild of eccentric music-maker Phil Matthews.
And, if you’ve never heard of him then it’s probably the fault of the UK’s
music press - although some far-sighted journalists (and thousands of
music fans) have been shouting his name for years.

Biografia SospesoA

Andrea nasce a Roma il 22 maggio 1979.

Si avvicina alla musica grazie alla madre, pianista di musica classica.

A soli 6 anni studia violino e pianoforte;ha fatto parte del Coro dell'Aureliano di Roma diretto da Bruna Liguori Valenti grazie al quale si è esibito nei più importanti teatri stabili d’Italia e d’Europa.