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Elise Hicks

Elise Hicks is not a woo-woo or guru astrologer…she is a Quantum Astrologer.

Quantum Astrology is what Elise calls the point where Science, Psychology, and Astronomy merge…and this point is our Soul.  This is why she calls what she does “S.P.A. for the SOUL™,” which is exclusively offered by Elise.  We can go to a spa for our bodies, so she wanted to offer a service that feeds our Souls.

Our Soul is the trinity of the quantum field, our mind, and the universe.  The quantum field is what science is now proving—that everything is energy, comes from and returns to energy, and is influenced by our consciousness; but we also have our mind—the result of our natural and social environment; and we are all interconnected in this universe—created and affected by specific mathematics and physical laws.

“S.P.A. for the SOUL™” addresses why we are here, who we are, why we are the way we are, and what we can do to create our dreams, become who we want to be, and use math and physics to serve our Soul’s purpose.  We do this by tapping into the quantum field (the realm of possibility, miracles, and magic) while understanding our mind and body—the ways we process and experience life.

Elise will therefore discuss Quantum Astrology, S.P.A. for the SOUL™, as well as the astronomical aspects taking place and how they will affect us, but also remind the listener that we can rise above them by consciously and directly accessing the Quantum Field via 8 daily steps, which she will be offering as a FREE pdf through her website to all visitors, but which she can touch on during the interview.

Lastly, Elise works in conjunction with her husband, William R. Hicks, who is a gifted and therefore exclusive “SOUL Portrait Artist,” who is commissioned to paint what speaks to a person’s individual Soul.  He is also a graphic artist creating “Astricons” of Elise's clients’ charts—an Astricon includes their Sun sign, Moon sign, and Rising sign in a round icon.

United States

Elise Hicks has been a practicing astrologer and metaphysician since her father’s gift of an astrology reading for her eighteenth birthday.  What was truly special about this gift is the fact that he had been given only six months to live when she was just twelve years old.  Happily, he lived nine years longer!

His healing journey became the white rabbit event that triggered much discovery for both of them.  She often refers to her Dad as her first guru.   Now, some 40 years later, her studies have evolved into a field that incorporates metaphysics, quantum physics, and psychology into her astrology practice.   Her goal is to empower her clients into self-discovery and limitless possibility.

Elise Hicks, Quantum Astrology, S.P.A. for the SOUL™

Angelica Rose,  An Angel Walk-in, Angel Messenger, Angel Love Coach assisting with living your purpose since 1991, a Certified Hypnotist, Writer, International Radio Host, Minister of LOVE, and Author of Books, EBooks, Relaxation CDs, MP3s, MP4s, Talk on Spiritual Oneness and Inspirational Stickers. Angelica also created an online series called, Spiritual Journey From Human Consciousness to Spiritual Oneness on MP3 and MP4.  

​Angelica's mission is to is committed to ANGELIC LOVE FREQUENCY. Angel assists those who have a loving heart and are choosing to Live a life of Joy, Peace, Prosperity, Love, and Vitality. 

​As an Angel Walk-In, She provides Angel Messages without human filters. For those committed to Love, she offers Energy Transcending Sessions, Angel Love Coaching, Monthly Channeled Events, Meditation Classes, Hypnosis Sessions, Public Classes and Speaking Engagements that provide deeper awareness, greater clarity, and heightened levels of love, joy, peace, vitality, and prosperity. She does this with the help of channeling  Pure Love Beings including the Angelic Realm where she becomes a conduit for their pure loving energies as well as channels messages.

Media Expertise:

Angelica also has media expertise in a variety of areas such as, broadcasting an educational radio show on KEZX, producing, "The Entrepreneurial Television Show," publishing educational articles in a variety of national publications, being a guest on KIRO television, "Merissa at 9," and numerous talk radio shows, and being interviewed on a variety of national magazines. She broadcasts I love Angels on Blogtalk Radio.

United States

Interested in sharing the message of tranformation to support those ready to move more into a oneness connection to higher vibrations of love. I channel the Angelic Realm and Pure Love Beings.

Dayna Steele

DAYNA STEELE is a wife, mom, and businesswoman running to be the (first) Democratic Congresswoman for Texas District 36. Her platform is Healthcare + Educationn = Jobs. #rockthe36 #wethepeople #peopleoverparty

Dayna worked with the world’s greatest rock stars as a Hall of Fame rock radio personality in Houston on KLOL. She created the first NASA online retail operation, becoming an executive with a NASA aerospace contractor. Since that time, Dayna has become a popular business success speaker and the author of eight books as well as the host of The Rock Businessvideo series highlighting rock star entrepreneurs. She has a long, well-earned reputation as a proven leader with integrity and as someone who truly cares for the people of Southeast Texas. Long time David Bowie guitarist Earl Slick says, "I've known Dayna for 30+ years. She has always been cowboy boots, blue jeans, and no bullshit."

Dayna is a great guest for current events in this highly charged political environment - not only as a Democratic candidate for Congress in very red Texas but also as a fomre rock radio personality. She has a vast network and great stories. As a media veteran, she knows how to hold an audience.

United States

Dayna lives in Seabrook, Texas, with her former NASA pilot husband and has three sons and a daughter-in-law. She is a fifth generation Texan and third generation Houstonian. She spent 20+ years on rock radio in Houston most notably at KLOL.

Jennie Lee

In the chaos of the world today, people are calling for love to overcome hate, but how do we do this? 

My name is Jennie Lee and I am the author of Breathing Love: Meditation in Action (Llewellyn Worldwide January 2018). The book is a spiritual guide to living love as an embodied meditation practice, with the intention of building bridges of peace  by changing how we look at love; from something to be acquired and preserved, to something to be realized and breathed. It is time to stop the unfulfilling quest to 'get the love you want' and realize that love is who you are. Whether in relationship or not, in the prime of life or nearing the end, listeners of all ages will benefit from this conversation on moving beyond the pain, pride, and fear that keep us from love.

Further talking points are below.

I hope to have the opportunity to work together. 

Warmest regards, 

Jennie Lee

Author of Breathing Love: Meditation in Action

and TRUE YOGA: Practicing with the Yoga Sutras for Happiness and Spiritual Fulfillment


Possible talk topics:

How to live in the consciousness of love  How to shift thought from fear and negativity, to faith and trust How to overcome the obstacles that keep us from full capacity loving How to know and live from one's most loving Self How to practice conscious loving in daily life How to overcome the ego and access the soul for greater peace How to love beyond one's current limitations How to develop receptivity to divine love through meditation How to have a deep relationship with the Source of all love How to spiritualize relationships through more unconditioned love How to experience non-personal love for all beings How to find ultimate purpose in living a love directed life

Jennie Lee is a certified yoga therapist who has spent two decades coaching people in the healing tradition of classical yoga meditation. Using the practices she writes about in Breathing Love, Jennie helps people overcome grief, depression, anxiety, and stress as well as create lives filled with greater joy. Author of the award winning book True Yoga, Jennie's writing has also been featured on dozens of wellness blogs and in magazines including the Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, Yoga Digest, and Yogi Times. She counsels via phone or Skype internationally and from her home studio on the island of O’ahu.

Breathing Love: Meditation in Action
Tamara Mariposa Oscura Ortiz

Hello, my name is Mariposa Oscura. I am an artist, occultist and the founder and lead investigator of Mariposa Oscura Paranormal Investigations. M.O.P.I. is a nonprofit organization and consists of my husband Brian Myers (Investigator and technician) and Brianna Ortiz (Investigator and Witch). As an artist/occultist, I specialize in the creation of spiritual relics and ritual tools. I have always had a passion for the spiritual and paranormal realms, although these realms blur frequently for my team and I, we understand the importance of the undeniable respect that should be given when exploring the realms of spirituality and the paranormal. We very much enjoy sharing and expanding our knowledge with others. 

United Sates

Since childhood, I have always believed in the paranormal and had experiences I cannot explain. Knowing what I know now, these experiences where not small incidents but since the paranormal was never a taboo subject amongst my family and friends, I really didn’t think of it as a big deal. Although my most memorable experience as a child occurred around the age of eight and scared me something serious.

I didn’t find my true spiritual path until I was in my early twenties. It hit me like a ton of bricks! I found myself extremely sick and lost. Around this time, I had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and sjogrens disease.  I found myself home alone one day and was having a lot of trouble walking. The pain I was experiencing was some of the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. I was headed for my bathroom which is off my room, maybe ten feet away. After only a few steps I collapsed to the floor. My legs refused to hold me up. I became hysterical, started crying and screaming that I didn’t want to do this anymore, that I have had enough. I screamed out, “I am done, I don’t want to be here!” I would have been completely fine with being dead in that moment. As I sat there thinking how to end it all, a warmth of strength completely engulfed me. It was so overpowering and comforting I stopped crying immediately. Then I heard a women’s voice say over and over, “Get up, all you have to do is get up!” In the moment, I thought it was my grandmother (my mom’s mother) but I would found out later it was my spirit guide. I unknowingly called out to her and she answered. This moment in my life, this small moment changed everything!

This incident plus several others is what catapulted me into the paranormal world because of this I formed my own paranormal team officially in 2011, Mariposa Oscura Paranormal Investigations. My team is very special to me for it consists of my husband Brain Myers who is an investigator and technician and my cousin Brianna Ortiz an investigator and fellow witch. I pride myself on the fact that this is a family ran nonprofit operation. When you seek are help or guidance, we treat you as family and will do are best with respect and integrity to find the answers you seek. I know society and the paranormal realm don’t always agree. Depending on your beliefs it can be a constant struggle to not feel like an outsider when you can’t explain the explainable situation you have found yourself in. That is why my team feels so fortunate to be able to help, educate and give and receive support for those seeking help with their spiritual and paranormal endeavors. 

Radhaa Nilia

Hello! I have a book I am very excited about sharing called Quan Yin Goddess Code Activations. I'd love to talk about how the Goddess is important at this time, and anything related to Healing, Ascencion, Shamanism, ext. 

Look forward to hearing from you!

Warm Regards, Radhaa


Radhaais the founder and creatress of the Goddess Code Academy, a mystical school for the modern Goddess. Her vision for this work is to serve women through transformative education and empowerment. The Academy offers training and certification programs for all who are drawn to it. As an intuitive teacher, coach, and holistic healer, Radhaa is a fifth-generation Shaman who empowers women to heal their heart and soul wounds. You can order Radhaa's healing workbook: Quan Yin Goddess Code Activations on Amazon.

Ginny Nadler

Distortion and congestion. You can blame it all on a largely misunderstood part of your body—the perineum, a small spot in the floor of your pelvic area.

That’s what so revealing about Ginny Nadler’s remarkable new book Spiritual Anatomy: Realigning Body and Soul.

If you are suffering neck, back or leg pain, there’s a high probability that your body is distorted to one side or the other—even if you are not aware of it. You’ve been tweaked to one side ever since you emerged from childhood. Your body compensates, and when it does, it puts strain on areas not meant to be out of alignment. But the root of all this distortion is to be found in the pelvic floor in both men and women, asserts Ginny, a sought-after wellness educator and leading body alignment specialist.

This is in the region where the spine ends, a central circuit control where your chi, life force or spiritual energy flows upward and downward. What would seem to happen if this area gets energetically congested because of the pain and misalignment? The answer, she says, is that your powerful spiritual connection also gets weakened and impaired.

So the answer to both problems is Ginny’s movement protocol, Structural ReAlignment Integration® (SRI), which she offers in Spiritual Anatomy—a series of stretches and exercises that correct these imbalances which generally resist healing through most traditional medical practices. And when the body begins to realign pain-free, than the mind-body-spirit connection reasserts itself in the most profound fashion, allowing for new personal breakthroughs in all aspects of life.

Says Ginny: “I have called this book Spiritual Anatomy because I see this physical body as the vessel for the Divine energy of consciousness and because, from my perspective, the realignment of the body is what helps to release our spiritual essence to more fully express our soul’s destiny in this world.”

In Spiritual Anatomy, she presents a powerful approach for unraveling your deeply entangled distortions and bringing your body back into alignment. The book is filled with illuminating illustrations that detail the impact and control that the perineum has on a person’s health. Ginny has discovered a key that has eluded physical therapists, doctors, and other medical professionals. “A chronically tight, contracted pelvic floor will congest, spiral, and twist muscle fibers, ultimately pulling the bones out of alignment and leading to pain and dysfunction,” she says.

She includes many case histories of her patients and the complete healings that her Structural ReAlignment Integration® has achieved—even in people who are wheelchair bound, in excruciating pain, using walkers or have lost hope for living a normal life.

Ginny recounts her own story of physical and emotional pain, and how her search for an answer lead her to study yoga and numerous other healing and spiritual methodologies. A life-long fascination with body structure, starting as a young child, propelled her to seek solutions. And through her diligent self-study, she found them. She is now the founder and CEO of Core Body Wisdom®, which delivers the highest quality wellness initiatives and care to individuals, businesses, healthcare providers and organizations. She frequently travels for lectures and workshops.

If you would like to interview Ginny Nadler on her stunning discovery and valuable re-alignment guidance offered in Spiritual Anatomy, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

United States

Ginny Nadler is the founder and CEO of Core Body Wisdom®, which delivers the highest quality wellness initiatives and care to individuals, businesses, healthcare providers and organizations. The core of Ginny’s approach is Structural ReAlignment Integration® (SRI) which draws on her years as a wellness educator and body alignment specialist to support individuals with stressed and in pain structures to be pain free and rediscover freedom in movement. Ginny studied yoga in the B.K.S. Iyengar Tradition for years before deciding to seek more creative ways to discover where imbalance and distortion arise in human structure and psyche with a focus on releasing trauma in the pelvic floor. She cofounded the first comprehensive wellness center on the East Coast and also created The Urban Global Healing Center where she participated in and helped develop a wellness program for young women incarcerated and offered a wide range of wellness education services. Ginny works with the worldwide Pocket Project Training with 150 others from 39 countries, exploring cultural agreements and global collective trauma (that live within us all). She also consults with individuals to help awaken them to the trauma that exists in their cell structures and collaborates with practitioners of other modalities seeking a deeper framework for their own approach to movement, trauma, and pain management.

Diana Nightingale

We existed before we arrived on Earth; when our time here is over, we go somewhere.  Try and think of the time spent between your birth and your passing, as your, Holiday On Earth, making your journey meaningful and with purpose by the choices you make.


Nightingale, a name, like that of a torch burning brightly in the night, has for more than 60-years, shown brightly on the path that leads to the successes of life!

While, Diana Nightingale is widely recognized as the widow of personal development and radio legend, Earl Nightingale, Diana, has been presenting her own messages to audiences for more than 30-years.  She is an author of 3 books, a speaker, a retreat and seminar leader, speaking to audiences across the US and overseas. 

Diana, brings new life to the time-tested Nightingale messages and shows how to make them "work" in today's ever-changing world. Even during the bleakest of times, she is quick to enforce the age-old truth that "we become what we think about".

Learning To Fly As A Nightingale by Diana Nightingale
Miss Jane Anne Sturgeon

I would love to talk about my work as a life therapist and writer. I channel direct from my spirit guides and by linking in with a client's energy I can see in my mind's eye where they are in life, pivotal moments in their past and what is happening around them now, including the characters and motivations of other people involved.  I do not have to see or hear someone to establish the link, all it needs is their request for help.

I write about life and all it's absurdities and keep my balance and humour by making things; anything from furniture to knitting.  I have lived in various countries on several contintents and have a wealth of experience and 'tools' that I draw on.


I was born in the U.K. and spent my teenage years in Africa. I have also spent some time in the States in my mid-twenties. I am now in my late fifties and live by The River Mersey, looking across the water to Liverpool.

I have heard and seen spirit since I was a little child and this has evolved into working as I do now. I link into my spirit guides and someone's energy here on earth and I am shown their current situation, pivitol moments in their lives and the actions and characters of important people around them.  I have not been formally trained and this has developed naturally. I have explored various spiritual/psychic arts such as palm reading, the tarot, pendulums, crystals, Reiki and mediumship. I come back to how I work naturally every time.

I was formally trained as a systems analyst/programmer and after working for many years in this industry, I chose to become a full time therapist ten years ago.

I run two blogs and am currently working on my first book.