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Miss Jane Anne Sturgeon
Your Pitch

I would love to talk about my work as a life therapist and writer. I channel direct from my spirit guides and by linking in with a client's energy I can see in my mind's eye where they are in life, pivotal moments in their past and what is happening around them now, including the characters and motivations of other people involved.  I do not have to see or hear someone to establish the link, all it needs is their request for help.

I write about life and all it's absurdities and keep my balance and humour by making things; anything from furniture to knitting.  I have lived in various countries on several contintents and have a wealth of experience and 'tools' that I draw on.


I was born in the U.K. and spent my teenage years in Africa. I have also spent some time in the States in my mid-twenties. I am now in my late fifties and live by The River Mersey, looking across the water to Liverpool.

I have heard and seen spirit since I was a little child and this has evolved into working as I do now. I link into my spirit guides and someone's energy here on earth and I am shown their current situation, pivitol moments in their lives and the actions and characters of important people around them.  I have not been formally trained and this has developed naturally. I have explored various spiritual/psychic arts such as palm reading, the tarot, pendulums, crystals, Reiki and mediumship. I come back to how I work naturally every time.

I was formally trained as a systems analyst/programmer and after working for many years in this industry, I chose to become a full time therapist ten years ago.

I run two blogs and am currently working on my first book.
