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Jennie Lee
Your Pitch

In the chaos of the world today, people are calling for love to overcome hate, but how do we do this? 

My name is Jennie Lee and I am the author of Breathing Love: Meditation in Action (Llewellyn Worldwide January 2018)The book is a spiritual guide to living love as an embodied meditation practice, with the intention of building bridges of peace  by changing how we look at love; from something to be acquired and preserved, to something to be realized and breathed. It is time to stop the unfulfilling quest to 'get the love you want' and realize that love is who you are. Whether in relationship or not, in the prime of life or nearing the end, listeners of all ages will benefit from this conversation on moving beyond the pain, pride, and fear that keep us from love.

Further talking points are below.

I hope to have the opportunity to work together. 

Warmest regards, 

Jennie Lee

Author of Breathing Love: Meditation in Action

and TRUE YOGA: Practicing with the Yoga Sutras for Happiness and Spiritual Fulfillment


Possible talk topics:

  • How to live in the consciousness of love
  •  How to shift thought from fear and negativity, to faith and trust
  • How to overcome the obstacles that keep us from full capacity loving
  • How to know and live from one's most loving Self
  • How to practice conscious loving in daily life
  • How to overcome the ego and access the soul for greater peace
  • How to love beyond one's current limitations
  • How to develop receptivity to divine love through meditation
  • How to have a deep relationship with the Source of all love
  • How to spiritualize relationships through more unconditioned love
  • How to experience non-personal love for all beings
  • How to find ultimate purpose in living a love directed life

Jennie Lee is a certified yoga therapist who has spent two decades coaching people in the healing tradition of classical yoga meditation. Using the practices she writes about in Breathing Love, Jennie helps people overcome grief, depression, anxiety, and stress as well as create lives filled with greater joy. Author of the award winning book True Yoga, Jennie's writing has also been featured on dozens of wellness blogs and in magazines including the Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, Yoga Digest, and Yogi Times. She counsels via phone or Skype internationally and from her home studio on the island of O’ahu.

Breathing Love: Meditation in Action