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Kimberlee Centera

Kimberlee Centera, CEO and founder of TerraPro Solutions is a leader in the development of renewable energy projects and a champion of women in renewable energy. Kimberlee began her career in renewable energy over 25 years ago at SeaWest Windpower. In 2013 Kimberlee founded TerraPro Solutions. Since then, she has grown the business from a single person operation to a company with many employees and associates throughout the United States. TerraPro has worked with leading renewable energy development organizations. Clients include SunEdison, Panasonic Eco Solutions U.S., AES Energy Storage, Ecoplexus, Infinity Wind, Tradewind and Silver Ridge Power, to name but a few

A passionionate supporter of women, Kimberlee's exceptional team of professionals is almost entirely female. She is a frequent speaker at renewable energy conferences and a guest on many local and national radio programs including NPR's Marketplace. 

Speaking topics include negotiation skills for women; loneliness and disconnection in the workplace; and the importance of emotional intelligence as an asset in business and in life. 

United States

 Kimberlee Centera, founder and CEO of TerraPro Solutions is a trailblazer in a male-dominated industry. She began her career in renewables over 25 years ago at SeaWest Wind Power. As a risk management expert for the development and financing of large-scale generator energy projects for public utilities and community development, she possesses the expertise to identify, manage and mitigate risk. Kimberlee works on complex high-value projects, such as a wind farm development that powers a JP Morgan Chase property. In addition to consulting, TerraPro Solutions offers real-world training and coaching.  A leading renewable energy expert, Kimberlee has provided commentary for National Public Radio’s Marketplace. She frequently serves as a speaker and educator at leading wind and solar conferences.

Joanna Salerno and Lainie Sevante Wulkan

Long time intuitives, Joanna Salerno and Lainie Sevante Wulkan have created The Food Healing Oracle Deck tm 

Which is currently running a preorder/kickstarter campaign now through 3/22.  Be part of a movement to bring to light the deeper, esoteric meanings of foods ad spirit has intended. WIth 60 cards that all have associated channeled msseages to practical gifts of the physcial attributes of each food, the deck and book bring you on a full journey of the senses emotionally, mentally, physcially and spiritually!  The Food Healing Oracle Deck is for everyone  - spiritually open to oracle divination to the beginner who can use these cards to learn what's in their highest and best to eat and nourish the body.  From alternative to mainstream, this delicious deck will touch a chord with everyone! 


When you are a reader, you are a natural giver. This is who we are. We have been blessed with gifts of intuitive and divine insight that allow us to offer ourselves and the wisdom that comes through to assist your path home and in discovering your true nature of who you are and are meant to be in this lifetime.

It is with immense gratitude and excitement that we present to you The Food Healing Oracle Deck by Joanna Salerno & Lainie Sevante Wulkan.  This Oracle deck is a full expression of our passion for the esoteric world of intuitive readings and our love and honor of food; a direct gift from Source/God/Spirit/Nature/Universe (you choose what resonates). When we begin to understand its divine nature, we can know the beauty of using it to nourish, heal and sustain ourselves in ways never thought possible.

Our 60 card Oracle deck will take you on a journey of the senses and allow you to explore to a greater depth that foods can be our medicine emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. “WE ARE WHAT WE EAT” has never been more true. We’ll show you this iconic truth though our cards and our detailed 132 page book of what the foods want to tell us as well as show how to move into a greater conscious awareness around our own health and wellness. How we treat our bodies and what we can do to honor our temple the best way will be shown to the absolute beginner and well established card reader in a fun and engaging way. 

Joanna Salerno is Spiritual Director, Craniosacral Therapist, Vibrational Healer and Intuitive reader, specializing in Akashic Records and Angel Tarot. Her studies with food began over 40 years ago when she read Adele Davis’ "Lets Eat Right" and Francis Moore Lappe’s " Diet for a Small Planet," which led her to a decade of vegetarianism and organic gardening. Working for an organic food distributer and food co-op, her love of healthy, healing organic food was firmly established. As a teacher of Vibrational sound healing for the past 15 years, her love of fresh organic foods has grown with the knowledge that all foods carry a frequency that when ingested, raises the vibration of the body that stimulates health and well being. As a healer, she believes that when one person raises their vibration, the planets frequency gets raised as well. Her sacred mission is to inspire others to commit to a higher vision of what they can be or do, all while healing the planet in the process. 

"Creating this deck has been an absolutely incredible... the resonance in the food and between Lainie and I have made this project more than just another Oracle deck,” says Joanna. “It speaks to the expanded consciousness on the planet that food truly is our medicine and way to health and when we are in communion with these gifts from the earth, I believe the earth will shower us with its goodness."

Lainie Sevante’ Wulkan is a fourth generation intuitive. She has been reading tarot and oracle cards for the last 30 years and is a Certified Reader of other decks. She teaches courses on Five Element living and the balancing of divine masculine and feminine energies. Lainie is also a Certified Theta Healer and brings this wisdom into her many healing sessions. She has a worldwide reading clientele and helps guide them by moving into their truer state of empowerment and dharmic destiny. Lainie also has a lifelong passion for food, having received her BS in Food Science and Dietetics. She is an Advanced Certified Food Healing Instructor with Jeff Primack’s Supreme Science Food Healing Program, where she became a top scorer for the 300 question exam in her class. She’s been a true “foodie” her whole life and is passionate about whole food eating and the nutritional bounty found in bio available blended smoothies. In college, she read “Diet for a New America” by John Robbins (heir to the Baskin Robbins fortune) and was forever inspired to search out cruelty free ways to eat and live in harmony with animals and the planet. Lainie is also the Host of Zeta Global Radio, an online spiritual and socially conscious radio program listened to all over the world. Guests have included Deepak Chopra, Greg Braden, Dr. Judith Orloff and Dr. Bruce Lipton, among others. She and her husband own a professional music recording studio in Southwest Florida and she is the Managing Director of In2uitive Wisdom, a record label for meditations and sound healing as well as a media company for music and film. Her purpose in throughout her endeavors is to move humanity forward in a positive way.

“The Food Healing Oracle Deck is an absolute dream coming true,” said Lainie. It’s been a long journey as a 30 year reader to bring forward my own deck. All the perfect energies needed to come together including the right moment, topic and collaborator (Joanna). It’s a moment to receive on levels not thought possible personally for so long and I’m thrilled to bring our deck and its future versions to everyone who is ready to see nourishing magic unfold in their life too.”

Thank you wholeheartedly for being part of this Kickstarter campaign.  We believe our perks are going to excite and bring great joy to you. You are deeply appreciated and we look forward to bringing The Food Healing Oracle Deck and its stars, the foods themselves, to a global stage.  Thank you all, spirit and Mother Earth for blessings of kindness in seeing THE FOOD HEALING ORACLE DECK come to “fruition.”

Paul Calabrese

Happy Valentine's Day: Rubbing Salt in the Wounds of Lonely People

As you buy your required heart-shaped bonbons, as you share a kiss with your lover and whisper sweet-nothings. Guess what?

For many people, St. Valentine's Day is the most miserable day on their calendar. Broken hearts, broken promises, no Hollywood endings here. Just lonely men, women, non-binary or trans people.

Would it not be nice if a loving couple-partners gave up their romantic evening this Valentine's Day and spend an evening with some odds and ends friends so they don't feel isolated and forgotten.

You know, some of us odds and ends just don't fit in relationships. We try to date and it seems to end in disappointment that gets piled on hurt, and eventually the childhood hope of connected love is gone and replaced with despair.

I hope that this news won't surprise you but the primary source of emotional despair IS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD. And that emotional despair is a re-run that keeps replaying in the theater that is your life, if not shut down. You were once a sweet little duckling following your parent(s) and whatever negative event occurred in your emotional environment has been imprinted in your childhood mind to cause your "present-now". Such horrific events could be child abuse, a parental divorce, a death, parents on recreational drugs or alcohol or something else.

I challenge you. Start running and run as fast as you can but you cannot leave your physical body. You are stuck with yourself.

I bet that most of your emotional despair (regarding the lack of a loving relationship) is derived more from your past than your lack of someone special. In fact, your present-relationships are impacted by your past-self.

If you are continually experiencing emotional pain, please obtain the help of a licensed psychologist or counselor. I promise I won't tell your friends or family about you seeing a shrink. Please try this link to find someone to help you in your area.

That brings me to the purpose of being on Facebook. I wrote a book about my past life which I have come to inherit as my "present-now". It is a book that started out as a diary-journal about my dating foils 30 years ago and it provides an approach, not a formula, to find an emotionally healthy partner. It is called "The Intuitive Man: Skills to Attract Emotionally Healthy Partners".  

If I could only get those who are suffering from emotional pain to read just the first 63 pages of my book (Section 1), I believe it can start you on a path of emotional wellness and change your life! Yes the book's theme is about stupid men like me as they begin to date, but women, all genders who desire a loving relationship can be helped. What is in the 63 pages? Read the book. Check out the trailer on


Author of the book "The Intuitive Man: Skills to Attract Emotionally Healthy Partners" published Nov. 12, 2019 by Austin Macauley, London, England.

The Intuitive Man: Skills to Attract Emotionally Healthy Partners
Colleen Marchi

Thank you so much for your interest in my product.  I created my Brave Knight Kit specifically to help young children with anxiety related issues and sleep challenges.

My product is a fun and creative way for children to overcome their fears, bond with a New Forever Friend (as we call Sir William) and become empowered and confident. Many children begin to experience nightmares around three years of age. This is common due to their inability to differentiate between reality and fantasy. These nightmares can lead to separation anxiety which can grow into a much bigger issue. If a child is going through a transitional time in their life like a loss, a move, a divorce or an illness than these anxieties may worsen. Our product which I created and designed (and by the way I have a master’s degree in psychology) helps children address their fears and conquer them. These skills lead to a more self-confident and independent child! Imagine all the grateful parents you can help when they learn there is a solution to their children's problem.  It has also proven to be very helpful with special needs children and children on the Autism spectrum (our oldest son now 25 is on the spectrum).

Our Brave Knight Kit consists of three products: A hardcover professionally illustrated storybook titled The Magical Order of Brave Knights, it tells the tales of the Brave Knights and explains how they can help children with their fears. Sir William the Brave Knight is the main character, he is a plush bear dressed as a medieval knight (12 inches tall). Each night children tell their fears to Sir William. The simple act of voicing the fears takes a huge burden off children. Lastly, and the most magical part of the kit is an eight-image projecting flashlight.  Children use it to chase away anything that may scare them like monsters hiding under their beds. The flashlight is a truly empowering tool as it puts them in control of their fears! The Magical Order of Brave Knights improves the quality of life for the entire family.

This is not just another toy. Toys do not disrupt the cycle of anxiety. They do not help children build their self confidence and self-esteem. My product helps children take control of their fears. Additionally, sleep deprivation is a very real health issue that affects parent’s personal relationships and professional performance. It also affects children’s intellectual learning and social development capabilities.  Unfortunately, anxiety peaks during the night for children and this disrupts everyone’s sleep. The Magical Order of Brave Knights helps restore sleep and peace for the entire family.

My email is

I am available Pacific Time 9:00 to 6:00 pm except Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday’s from 3:00 to 9:00 pm.  Please email me so we can set up a convenient time to speak.

Thank you very much!


United States

The Author and CEO, Colleen Marchi

They say necessity is the mother of invention.  In the case of the Magical Order of Brave Knights and Colleen Marchi, nothing could be truer.  Especially if you consider after years of surviving on two to four hours of sleep while raising two young boys, and the worst was about to begin. 

Her youngest son at about age three began to fear not just the dark, but monsters under his bed.  Night after night her son Cooper would awake and run from his room to hers.  Then one night out desperation Colleen dressed one of her son’s favorite stuffed bears in the armor of a medieval knight.  She explained how this bear had magical powers and would protect him as he slept from anything he feared!  It worked!  It worked so well, her other son who was not afraid of the dark but had other fears wanted his own Brave Knight. 

Years later Colleen sat down and wrote the children’s storybook the Magical Order of Brave Knights.  This led to the creation of Sir William (the plush bear), and the mag flashlight that projects eight different images of Sir William.  Though, this is her first book, she already has plans for a series and an accompanying plush character for each.

As a parent Colleen understood what it was like to function on too little sleep for years.   And holding a bachelor’s and master’s degree in psychology, she understands the negative implications sleep loss can have on childrens social development, as well as on adult personal relationships and professional performance. 

Colleen explains, “We believe our approach and our solution will empower young children to conquer their fears, build their self-confidence and help them develop the skills, knowledge and capabilities necessary to helping them one day transform our world into a much better place.”

Brave Knight Kit Includes: Sir William (12 inch Plush Bear), Hardcover & Professionally Illustrated Magical Order of Brave Knights Storybook and 8 Image Projecting Flashlight
Anthony DeNino

Hello.  I'm writing because of my interest in being a guest on a show(s) on BBS Radio.  My book, "The Power of Giving and Gratitude!" is due to be released by Ozark Mountain Publishing at the end of March 2020 and I would be honored to have the opportunity to speak about it on your show(s).

My book falls into the Self-Help, Spiritual, and Motivation/Inspiration genres.  It discusses the medical, physical, psychological, and emotional benefits that giving and gratitude has on people who integrate these practices into their life.

I sincerely appreciate your consideration and look forward to learning your thoughts.  If interested, I will have my publisher forward you a copy of the book upon its release.

I look forward to learning your thoughts.

With gratitude,

Anthony DeNino

United States

Consultant, Trainer, Keynote Motivational Speaker

Known as “The SMART Guy” – Success Means Acquiring Right Thoughts – Anthony DeNino is the Founder and President of CORe – Creating Our Reality, Inc.  Working with both For-Profit companies and Non-Profit organizations, his talks and training/workshops are targeted, interactive presentations, that are always customized to fit the specific needs of the client.  Among his areas of expertise include:

* Motivation/Inspiration

* Leadership

* Customer Service

* Workplace Environment 

* Sales

* Effective Communication

Highlights Include

Partial Client List -  Taco Bell, NC Department of Public Safety, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, UTC Aerospace, Heartland Payment Systems, National Partnership for Juvenile Services, Emory University, CBS Radio and Speedway Motor Sports; Co-Developer of  “The CORe Project™” - a 7–16-week self-esteem, social-skill building curriculum for teens utilized in Teen Courts, Schools, and Community-Based Programs in North Carolina, Virginia, and California; Published Author - “The Power of Giving and Gratitude!”
Bernadette C. Broughton

I specialize in showing single, married and divorced women who hold  resources, not only how to increase their savings, but protect their savings from the IRS while preparing for a prosperous retirement lifetstyle at any age.

United States

"Our mission is to empower women to make smarter financial decisions and to enrich the lives of those we serve."

Hello, I'm Bernadette and  I'm here to “Empower You to Plan, Enrich and Protect Your World!"
I educate children, safely keep widows in their world, protect families from the unforeseen events of life, and I show single, married and divorced women how to protect their life savings, their independence and their dignity. 

My Alma Mater is the University of Massachusetts and after having great success as a Mortgage Banker in California, I decided  to get happily involved in the Insurance Cash Value Industry because Showing people how to set up Self Pension plans in 15 states to benefit you alone; is also a great advantage to working with me.  "Empowering You to Enrich Your World is my Life's Goal!"

Whatever changes you’re hoping to make or goals you’re trying to achieve, I’ll provide you with sound advice and professional guidance every step of the way. Connect with me at my site and see all that we can do for you today.

Integrity. Expertise. Results.

Bernadette C. Broughton
Living Benefits & Legacy Consultant
Direct: 254-3501637

“Empowering You to Plan, Enrich and Protect Your World"

My Big Idea Book : Inspired by Global Best-Selling Authors by Tracy Elman and Viki Winterton
Michael Stuck

My company Gables Search Group finds talented people to work for businesses who are hiring. Our firm specializes in the areas of Accounting/Finance, Industrial, Manufacturing, Legal, Sales/Marketing, Information Technology / Engineering, Administrative, Executive, and a host of other personnel. Our company can place an individual on a Permanent or Temporary basis Nationwide.

Gables Search Group has been a leader in search and placement nationwide since 2002. Our company specializes in both direct and contract (temporary) staffing in all industries and disciplines.

Each member of our highly trained and experienced sales and recruiting team is committed to identifying a company’s needs and providing them with the most marketable candidate to fit their goals.

Gables Search Group is a member of the Top Echelon Network, the largest network of search firms in the United States with over 1,500 recruiters. Having this many recruiters at our finger tips, allows us to fill any role a hiring manager needs anywhere in the United States, thus making us a leader in finding qualified candidates for our hiring managers and great jobs for our job seekers.
United States

I began my recruiting career in 1993 after graduating from Law School. I worked for various Professional Sports organizations in Cleveland, Ohio recruiting mainly their Game Day/Event Staff. In 1996, I moved to San Jose where I became the manager of the San Jose Arena in charge of staffing/recruiting all event staff for the arena. In 1997, I moved back to Cleveland and began my Professional Placement recruiting career while working for Robert Half International and The Affiliates. I primarily placed legal professionals, i.e. attorneys, paralegals, etc. while working for The Affiliates. I joined S and P Solutions in 1999 where I concentrated mainly on recruiting Information Technology Professionals. In March of 2002, I started Gables Search Group as my own recruiting firm where we focus on the recruitment of most professions either on contract or direct hire basis.

I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Psychology from the University of Akron and a J.D. degree from Cleveland Marshall College of Law.

On a personal note, I am married and the father of two very athletic boys, one who plays football and is a member of ROTC for Capital University in Columbus, Ohio and the other a high school junior who plays football and baseball. He intends on playing a sport in college as well. My free time mainly consists of sports as you can see but I do find time to meet up with close friends whenever given the chance. Love movies and traveling too. 

Brooks Palmer

I help people let go of the clutter in their lives. Clutter is anything in your life that is no longer serving you. When you let go of the clutter, you take back your life. I'm the author of two best-selling books on decluttering - Clutter Busting: Letting Go of What's Holding You Back, and Clutter Busting Your Life: Clearing Physical and Emotional Clutter to Reconnect with Yourself and Others. Both published by New World Library.


Most of us are overwhelmed by the clutter in our homes, offices, and lives. I present a very simple and kind process that allows people to find and remove the clutter in their lives. 

Martha Lewis

My name is Martha Lewis and I'm the CEO and founder of the Complete Sleep Solution. I'm a sleep consultant for health-conscious high achievers who want to sleep but can’t. I think I would be a great addition to your coverage of health and self-development by focusing on how important sleep is to be healthy, creative, productive and successful in the long-term. 

What sets me apart from other sleep consultants is that I dive deeper to find the root cause of people's sleep issues by doing lab testing for underlying health issues as well as helping them manage their stress so they can get the sleep they need to make the difference they want to make in the world. 

I can help your audience understand the cause of their sleep issues by talking to them about 3 little-known health issues that are keeping them awake at night (gut health, thyroid, and pathogens) and 3 mistakes busy professionals make when they can't sleep. I'm happy to send my media sheet if you would like to learn more.

United States

Martha Lewis is a sleep consultant to health-conscious, High Achievers who despite their best efforts cannot figure out how to sleep.

As a pediatric sleep consultant she has impacted hundreds of families and is now doing the same for adults. As a Sleep Like A Boss team member, she is combining physical insight through lab testing with stress resilience techniques handling sleep in a holistic and efficient way.

She has been featured in numerous publications, such as Jackson Hole News and Guide, Teton Family Magazine and various podcasts in the US and is also a passionate speaker on the topic of sleep.

Martha has an M.S. in holistic nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health and a B.A. in English Literature from the College of Charleston. She is also a certified GAPS practitioner and an expert on gut health.