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Paul Calabrese
Your Pitch

Happy Valentine's Day: Rubbing Salt in the Wounds of Lonely People

As you buy your required heart-shaped bonbons, as you share a kiss with your lover and whisper sweet-nothings. Guess what?

For many people, St. Valentine's Day is the most miserable day on their calendar. Broken hearts, broken promises, no Hollywood endings here. Just lonely men, women, non-binary or trans people.

Would it not be nice if a loving couple-partners gave up their romantic evening this Valentine's Day and spend an evening with some odds and ends friends so they don't feel isolated and forgotten.

You know, some of us odds and ends just don't fit in relationships. We try to date and it seems to end in disappointment that gets piled on hurt, and eventually the childhood hope of connected love is gone and replaced with despair.

I hope that this news won't surprise you but the primary source of emotional despair IS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD. And that emotional despair is a re-run that keeps replaying in the theater that is your life, if not shut down. You were once a sweet little duckling following your parent(s) and whatever negative event occurred in your emotional environment has been imprinted in your childhood mind to cause your "present-now". Such horrific events could be child abuse, a parental divorce, a death, parents on recreational drugs or alcohol or something else.

I challenge you. Start running and run as fast as you can but you cannot leave your physical body. You are stuck with yourself.

I bet that most of your emotional despair (regarding the lack of a loving relationship) is derived more from your past than your lack of someone special. In fact, your present-relationships are impacted by your past-self.

If you are continually experiencing emotional pain, please obtain the help of a licensed psychologist or counselor. I promise I won't tell your friends or family about you seeing a shrink. Please try this link to find someone to help you in your area.

That brings me to the purpose of being on Facebook. I wrote a book about my past life which I have come to inherit as my "present-now". It is a book that started out as a diary-journal about my dating foils 30 years ago and it provides an approach, not a formula, to find an emotionally healthy partner. It is called "The Intuitive Man: Skills to Attract Emotionally Healthy Partners".  

If I could only get those who are suffering from emotional pain to read just the first 63 pages of my book (Section 1), I believe it can start you on a path of emotional wellness and change your life! Yes the book's theme is about stupid men like me as they begin to date, but women, all genders who desire a loving relationship can be helped. What is in the 63 pages? Read the book. Check out the trailer on


Author of the book "The Intuitive Man: Skills to Attract Emotionally Healthy Partners" published Nov. 12, 2019 by Austin Macauley, London, England.

The Intuitive Man: Skills to Attract Emotionally Healthy Partners