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Colleen Marchi
Your Pitch

Thank you so much for your interest in my product.  I created my Brave Knight Kit specifically to help young children with anxiety related issues and sleep challenges.

My product is a fun and creative way for children to overcome their fears, bond with a New Forever Friend (as we call Sir William) and become empowered and confident. Many children begin to experience nightmares around three years of age. This is common due to their inability to differentiate between reality and fantasy. These nightmares can lead to separation anxiety which can grow into a much bigger issue. If a child is going through a transitional time in their life like a loss, a move, a divorce or an illness than these anxieties may worsen. Our product which I created and designed (and by the way I have a master’s degree in psychology) helps children address their fears and conquer them. These skills lead to a more self-confident and independent child! Imagine all the grateful parents you can help when they learn there is a solution to their children's problem.  It has also proven to be very helpful with special needs children and children on the Autism spectrum (our oldest son now 25 is on the spectrum).

Our Brave Knight Kit consists of three products: A hardcover professionally illustrated storybook titled The Magical Order of Brave Knights, it tells the tales of the Brave Knights and explains how they can help children with their fears. Sir William the Brave Knight is the main character, he is a plush bear dressed as a medieval knight (12 inches tall). Each night children tell their fears to Sir William. The simple act of voicing the fears takes a huge burden off children. Lastly, and the most magical part of the kit is an eight-image projecting flashlight.  Children use it to chase away anything that may scare them like monsters hiding under their beds. The flashlight is a truly empowering tool as it puts them in control of their fears! The Magical Order of Brave Knights improves the quality of life for the entire family.

This is not just another toy. Toys do not disrupt the cycle of anxiety. They do not help children build their self confidence and self-esteem. My product helps children take control of their fears. Additionally, sleep deprivation is a very real health issue that affects parent’s personal relationships and professional performance. It also affects children’s intellectual learning and social development capabilities.  Unfortunately, anxiety peaks during the night for children and this disrupts everyone’s sleep. The Magical Order of Brave Knights helps restore sleep and peace for the entire family.

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I am available Pacific Time 9:00 to 6:00 pm except Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday’s from 3:00 to 9:00 pm.  Please email me so we can set up a convenient time to speak.

Thank you very much!



The Author and CEO, Colleen Marchi

They say necessity is the mother of invention.  In the case of the Magical Order of Brave Knights and Colleen Marchi, nothing could be truer.  Especially if you consider after years of surviving on two to four hours of sleep while raising two young boys, and the worst was about to begin. 

Her youngest son at about age three began to fear not just the dark, but monsters under his bed.  Night after night her son Cooper would awake and run from his room to hers.  Then one night out desperation Colleen dressed one of her son’s favorite stuffed bears in the armor of a medieval knight.  She explained how this bear had magical powers and would protect him as he slept from anything he feared!  It worked!  It worked so well, her other son who was not afraid of the dark but had other fears wanted his own Brave Knight. 

Years later Colleen sat down and wrote the children’s storybook the Magical Order of Brave Knights.  This led to the creation of Sir William (the plush bear), and the mag flashlight that projects eight different images of Sir William.  Though, this is her first book, she already has plans for a series and an accompanying plush character for each.

As a parent Colleen understood what it was like to function on too little sleep for years.   And holding a bachelor’s and master’s degree in psychology, she understands the negative implications sleep loss can have on childrens social development, as well as on adult personal relationships and professional performance. 

Colleen explains, “We believe our approach and our solution will empower young children to conquer their fears, build their self-confidence and help them develop the skills, knowledge and capabilities necessary to helping them one day transform our world into a much better place.”

United States
Brave Knight Kit Includes: Sir William (12 inch Plush Bear), Hardcover & Professionally Illustrated Magical Order of Brave Knights Storybook and 8 Image Projecting Flashlight