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Kindly accept this pitch for a guest star on your show and allow your audience to be captivated by the genius that is LIL DRANKO. 

With the release of LIL DRANKO's new album "Wedding Vows To Money" we are looking to make as many public appearances as possible to promote the album. Thus we see this interview as an opportunity to do so, while also adding value to your platform through our extremely entertaining, fun, and successful artist. We will also be running social media adverts to drive traffic to the interview. 

Take care.

Kind Regards


South Africa

Matlotlo Sennacherib Archiebolt Maimane famously known as "LIL DRANKO" which stands for Love Illustrated Live Drawn Rotating Around Nations Knowing Omnipotence is a Singer/songwriter, Executive producer, Model, Actor, Influencer, Designer, all-round entertainer, and Entrepreneur.

Born in South Africa LIL DRANKO started his musical journey at the age of five where he famously sang "Ke Lapile" his first song in a hotel at Durban. He continued making music and wrote another song at the age of nine under the stage name "MAS" a combination of the first letters of his names. At the age of sixteen, LIL DRANKO landed his first record deal with NME Records and went to work on a mixtape for his core fans. LIL DRANKO left the label to venture on his own starting his own major "Trillionaire Bliss" and has been dropping hits ever since.

Musically LIL DRANKO specializes in Hip hop, rap, trap, rock, punk, and alternative music. "DRANKO!!!" is recognized for his elite vocal style, impressive songwriting ability, and executive producing skills with unique content.

His unique purple & pink hair, extraordinary fashion sense have earned the title "first of its kind image".

ON THE SCENE LIL DRANKO has collaborated and received recognition from multiple established brands including Justin Gray, Aaron Carter, PUMA, The spear SA, Kerry Washington, Black Chyna, Lil Twist, Tabuis (Love & Hip hop Atlanta), David Tlale (Award-winning international designer) and many more.

His music (All released songs) has earned him multiple chart entries and gained radio playlisting in multiple countries including spending over a record nine months on the 2strongmagazine chart in the Top 10. While also being featured in other magazines and making multiple television appearances and radio interviews. In 2021 LIL DRANKO became one of the first artists to get nominated for the 2022 Show4me Music Awards, an ISC, and also got recognition from the Djooky Music Awards.

He has expanded his network to date by working with other major figures in the music industry and entertainment industry at large.


The album art for LIL DRANKO's debut allegorical album Wedding Vows To Money
Siobhan Nicolaou CHLC CHT

Siobhan Nicolaou CHT, CHLC, is a Published Author, Spiritual Mentor, Medium for Spirit,  Master Soul Reader and  Metaphysician that has been cultured for 33 years through extensive personal experience and transformation to become a Powerful  Medium and a  Leading Expert in the field of  Emotional Energy Transformation in humans and in homes.

Siobhan will speak about how Emotional Energy comes to be the source of all division within your mind and heart creating all the conflicts within you and  the outer world. She emphasizes the importance of taking back your power to become your own source of everything to break the chains of  co- dependency  of an   “outside in consciousness”.

She further explains how to begin the process of getting the mind, body, soul and spirit working together as a team of one, not one or other.By utilizing guidance and tools from the higher consciousness, she helps clients and students transform the divided perspective within their minds and hearts which keep them from living the truth of who they are. Our mission is to empower others with a sustainable path of wholeness and peace.


Siobhan Nicoalou CHLC, CHT is a published author, medium for spirit, metaphysician, and master alchemist. She has been teaching Energy Management, Energy Transformation, and Sovereign Development for 33 years.

She offers individual and group support through readings, activation meditations, lectures, webinars, and mentorships for  her client's harmonious spiritual and creative unfolding. Her tools are for everybody in any profession or walk of life.

Siobhan is a natural clairsentient, clairvoyant, and clairaudient, who has been consciously evolving and sharing her gifts through readings and classes since 1988. Her personal experience and transformation bear the abundant fruit of Spirit that she whole heartedly shares with you. 

Her courses encompass beginning to master tools for greater spiritual development and awakening.

Siobhan has traveled throughout the United States and Europe giving talks, workshops, transforming houses, imparting truth, and changing lives wherever her light is called. 

The Absence of Evil  Loves Reclamation of the Soul  By Siobhan  Nicolaou
Elle Hari

Let's set the record straight! Twin Flames are not Soulmates. So says Elle Hari, one of the world's leading experts on Twin Flames. Twin Flames are actually the same soul! The soul inhabits two physical bodies when it is incarnated here in the 3D physical world, with separate polarities, like a magnetic negative/positive charge. In order for a soul to return to this plane, it has to accommodate the duality of our Earthly manifested existence. So it inhabits two bodies at the same time and your Twin Flame is your identical soul with the opposite charge. Soulmates are just one speck of our shared divine essence, but they are not the direct match that a Twin Flame is.  

This is just one of the fascinating facts that illuminate Elle's Twin Flames Exposed:  Why Most of What You Think You Know About Twin Flames Isn't True and How Understanding The Truth is the Key to Being with Your Twin Flame In This Lifetime- a short primer on this oft-debated subject - can you meet and find love with your Twin Flame? 

And yes, there is hope! But there is also a chance that your opposite polarization can repel your Twin Flame away from you. Some couples make it and others may only be short-lived. And, of course, there is a chance you may never actually encounter your Twin Flame. But reading Elle's book, getting private coaching, or enrolling in her e-course The Process, will give you a better chance of success than going it alone.  

One of the risks of going it solo is a certain mania that often accompanies someone engulfed in the Twin Flame Journey. Elle has developed a proprietary method that "helps people overcome the pain and obsessive thoughts associated with a Twin Flame journey and to eventually have a loving physical relationship with their Twin Flames."

Elle knows from experience! It was her own painful Twin Flame journey that sent her on a search out of the misery she experienced at the loss of her Twin Flame relationship - short-lived as it was! It was the single most painful experience of her life-unable to even get out of bed or leave the house. After several false starts, she found her teacher, a woman who was the world's leading expert on Twin Flames. She agreed to take Elle on and impart all that she knew to her apprentice before leaving her mortal existence. Today, Elle has assumed her mantel and is guiding those challenged Twin-Flame couples to a peaceful and loving co-existence that realizes the utmost soul-matching joy and sexuality achievable in this terrestrial life. 

And by the way, Elle was able to magnetize her Twin Flame love back into her life using her new-found skills! 

So if you want to explore the myths and realities of Twin Flames and The Twin Flame Journey with Elle Hari on your show, then please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the call-in details


Elle Hari is a #1 international bestselling author and Twin Flame & Ascension Expert who helps people overcome fear, pain, and self-sabotaging limitations in order to guide them toward their true nature of bliss and perpetual happiness. 

After experiencing her own Twin Flame Journey, Elle left her career as a lawyer to help others navigate their own paths toward ascension.  Now as the founder and CEO of Elle Hari Universal LLC and creator of the Be With Your Twin Flame® and Mastery of Ascension Alchemy™ brands, Elle helps her students learn to unconditionally love themselves and manifest their greatest dreams. Her mission is driven by a passion to expand people’s awareness of the truth of the Twin Flame Journey and assist humanity’s spiritual ascension on a global scale.  

Elle has written four bestselling books, including: Twin Flames Exposed, Love Exposed, Yes, I Can! and Savvy Spirituality – The Sophisticated, Fun & Fabulous Person’s Ultimate Guide to Everlasting Happiness. 

She has recently been named to the prestigious Brainz Global 500 List for 2020 alongside Vice-President Kamala Harris and Elon Musk and the Top 10 Powerful Women in 2021 on Yahoo! Finance alongside Oprah Winfrey. For her expertise, Elle has been featured in Nicki Swift, MEAWW, Elephant Journal, and more.

Hillis Pugh

My name is Hillis Pugh and I am a holistic practitioner,  1 of 15 Certified Lemurian Lightworkers on the planet. My path began like most, seeking to heal, to be fixed.  On the path of self-discovery, I learned that I am whole and still learning to be more complete with myself as I am.

I'm contacting you because I feel I'm a great fit for your podcast. Here are a few ideas for a show that I came up with for your audience:

Topic Ideas Manifesting with gratitude What is a Lemurian Lightworker What is the Law of Vibration How did my spiritual journey begin Power of Plant Medicine  I am also open to discussing other aspects of my holistic practice and other ideas.

Here is a link to read more about this modality,

Here is the link to my site and additional information about me.

I would be happy to have a preliminary call to get to know each other more. I look forward to connecting with you and being a guest on your show.




United States

Hillis Pugh is an author, teacher, speaker, and holistic practitioner utilizing the gifts and tools to empower others on their journey. The reason why he chooses to do this work is to guide others on their path to let them know they are not alone.

Hillis mentors each soul on their path to lift them up so they can see what he sees, beyond the physical realm. Hillis Pugh is an energy facilitator working with modalities such as Psychic Mediumship, Reiki, and Lemurian Light Energy to co-create a deeper connection to the Soul.

We work together in universal sync of exploration of your inner-space to be expressed outwardly.

Gwilda Wiyaka

I would like to suggest Gwilda Wiyaka as a dynamic and articulate guest. She is very experienced in radio and TV presentations and is both engaging and knowledgeable in her field. She can speak on a wide variety of topics relating to shamanism, medical intuition, spiritual healing, spiritual evolution, frequency mastery, intuition, divination, personal growth, empowerment, the science of magic, intuition, altered states, and so on.

Gwilda has studied shamanism for over forty years, been a practitioner for thirty years, and a teacher of the shamanic arts since 1996. She is the founder and director of Path Home Shamanic Arts School, which was a Colorado State certified occupational school of the shamanic arts, for which she authored all the curriculum and texts. Gwilda has created leading edge online Galactic Shamanism Classes to promote personal empowerment during our rapidly shifting times. Gwilda is a preceptor for the University of Colorado School of Medicine, where she provides instruction to medical doctors on the modern interface between shamanism and allopathic medicine.

Wiyaka now dedicates her life to sharing the latest scientific and spiritual information through multimedia to bring unity and enlightenment to an evolving world. An experienced spiritual teacher, inspirational speaker, and singer/songwriter, she conducts workshops and seminars internationally.

Gwilda is a team player, is very willing to cross-promote and has a multi-outlet social media following of well over 7,700 and rising.

Find out more about Gwilda at

Below is a link to one of Gwilda’s recent presentations.

To book Gwilda on your show contact: Attn: Cody Alexander, Outreach Coordinator


Gwilda Wiyaka has studied shamanism for over forty years, been a practitioner for thirty years, and a teacher of the shamanic arts since 1996. Widely traveled, her shamanic teachers include practitioners and elders from numerous countries and traditions, including Celtic, Tibetan, Lakota, Navajo, Choctaw, Arapaho, and Siberian.

She is the founder and director of Path Home Shamanic Arts School, which was a Colorado State certified occupational school of the shamanic arts, for which she authored all the curriculum and texts. Gwilda has created leading edge online Galactic Shamanism Classes to promote personal empowerment during our rapidly shifting times.

Gwilda is a preceptor for the University of Colorado School of Medicine, where she provides instruction to medical doctors on the modern interface between shamanism and allopathic medicine.

She has produced three musical CD/MP3s and written five books, including “So, We're Still Here. Now What? Spiritual Evolution and Personal Empowerment in a New Era,” which won First Runner Up in the COVR Visionary Awards: Alternative Science Division.

Wiyaka now dedicates her life to sharing the latest scientific and spiritual information through multimedia to bring unity and enlightenment to an evolving world. An experienced spiritual teacher, inspirational speaker, and singer/songwriter, she conducts workshops and seminars internationally.

So, We're Still Here. Now What? Spiritual Evolution and Personal Empowerment in a New Era, by Gwilda Wiyaka
Walter Zajac

It’s an origin story that is horrific in its intensity, a youngster at the dawning of his superpowers!

And when you read They Came - Beyond Déjà Vu you must remember that this “novel” is actually the true story of renowned psychic Walter Zajac! Positioned as fiction and couched in fictitious names, it doesn’t really lessen the impact and tragedy of what he endured as an abandoned, orphaned, beaten and sexually-abused child in post-war Germany…and later in America. 

It is a miracle he survived at all, but what is really astonishing about this story is how Zajac awakened to his incredible gifts as a psychic! With deeply realistic “dreams” about two young women, also suffering from their own traumas –- the 6-year-old Walter felt their pain. Only when he met them years later as a 44-year old adult, did he discover that these were actual scenes in their lives – but he experienced them YEARS BEFORE they were born! It took a psychotherapist who was the daughter of an accomplished Toltec shaman to explain to Walter that he wasn’t crazy! He was just psychic!

They Came - Beyond Déjà Vu is a wrenching read—a supernatural thriller—and probably worthy of a good film or mini-series. The young Walter, called Wolfgang in the book, is excited to be embarking on his first train ride on his own—not realizing that his dying mother (sans Wolfgang’s absent/indolent/embittered/abusive father) has had no choice but to assign him over to an orphanage. But no one explains it to the child. He finds himself shocked, alone, incredibly lonely and at the mercy of a bully in a strange place housing many children left behind by fate in war-savaged Germany. A few friendly faces help him endure, but also his memory of his mother sustains him. 

But these pervasive dreams of the two girls and of a faceless man in black calling and coming for him, keep him in fear, agitation or a strange heightened state. And the story doesn’t end there, as he is adopted by an American military family that is as cruel, heartless and bullying as any villains in a superhero story. 

How Wolfgang/Walter finds his way as an adult as the revelations unveil themselves is powerful and inspiring. Despite what he endured, he was able to find a path forward to help other people out of their worries and suffering with his incredible gifts. 

For nearly 20 years, Walter Zajac has been hailed as one of the best psychics on the West Coast. As an acclaimed psychic medium, certified Tarot reader, NLP coach, Reiki Master and Love Coach, he has empowered and guided thousands through enlightening psychic readings, and inspiring coaching and healing sessions globally. His experience working in 12 different countries has given him keen insight into people’s distinctions, commonalities and cultures. He continues to receive dreams and psychic visions that come true. And having suffered so much as a child, he is especially intuitive about the pain and suffering that is hidden within others.

United States

Walter Zajac was born in 1950 in war-torn Kassel, Germany.  Half of his city, and every German city, was still bombed-out shells of buildings and rubble from World War II American and British bombers.

His brick-layer father was a mean wife-beating alcoholic.  His mother was a homemaker, not married to his father.  His parents did not tell him that his mother had terminal cancer. Shortly before his 6th birthday, Walter was told he was going on an exciting train ride, which ended up at a place called orphanage, a word he'd never heard, and where he was told he would never go home again.  He was shocked and devastated beyond all comprehension.  His mother died 6 days after that.

A year later, he was adopted by an angry abusive American military couple, who forbid him to talk about his German family, and within weeks were regularly spanking him so severely it drew blood.

Walter also endured sexual abuse by two women as a child, which resulted in decades of guilt about sex.  He later found sexual health through therapy and studying tantric sex.

Walter took comfort in music, played various instruments professionally from age 15, and settled on drums in the U.S. Air Force Band.  At 30 he moved back to Germany for 10 years, played all over Europe backing recording artists in concerts, and had a #18 Billboard charts hit in Europe ("Blind Date.")

Walter had psychic experiences since his earliest memories, which included two imaginary friends.  As constant childhood companions, he regularly experienced detailed visions of events in their lives, and became emotionally intimate with them.

At 44, both these imaginary friends actually became real women in his life, whom he was able to tell multiple things they'd never told anyone!  A few weeks of blissful kindred spirit recognition then led to emotional devastation when both women's discomfort caused them to reject Walter severely and even question his sanity.

Seeking healing, he found a psychologist who is the widely-experienced daughter of a Toltec shaman, who said emphatically, "you're not crazy, you're psychic!"  With her help, Walter found his power, inner peace, and self love,  Six years later he began his career as a psychic and NLP practitioner, and has now brought empowerment to thousands worldwide.  He has lived and worked in 12 different countries, which he feels gives him a deeper understanding of people and life.

Walter believes we are here on earth to overcome challenges, to experience contrast in order to understand our true spiritual essence, to love, to be happy, and to have fun!

"They Came, Beyond Deja Vu" by Walter Zajac
siobhan nicolaou

As a leading expert in the field of Emotional Energy Transformation both in humans and in homes, with 33 years of personal experience and transformation both in and out of the field, I would like to be interviewed so I can explain exactly what Emotional Energy is and how it comes to be part of the human experience.

I would like to explain the science and metaphysics of Emotional Energy and how we have the power to transform it back into the essence of itself, what the essence of itself is and how it restores wholeness and peace within the mental, emotional and physical bodies.

I would enjoy speaking to you about how a home becomes haunted just like the mind and body of a human while demystifying the notion of ghosts, demons and paranormal activity by covering how it relates to Emotional Energy.

I would talk about  the simplicity of the transformational processes and give a leading edge example of how the audience can reclaim their personal power in any experience and  begin to dissolve the division within their perspective that creates chaos their inner and outer world.


Siobhan Nicolaou CHT, CHLC, is a Published Author, Spiritual Teacher Coach, Medium for Spirit, Soul Reader and Metaphysician that has been cultured for 33 years through extensive personal experience and transformation to become a Powerful Medium and a Leading Expert in the field of Emotional Energy Transformation in humans and in homes.

By utilizing guidance and tools from  higher consciousness, she helps clients and students overcome the divided perspective within their minds and hearts which keep them from living the truth of who they are. Our mission is to empower others with a sustainable path of wholeness and peace.

The Absence of Evil, Love's Reclamation of the Soul  By Siobhan  Nicolaou
Shifra Malka

In the beginning of the pandemic, more than 30 million Americans were told to stay home from work, that they didn't matter. How are you supposed to get out of bed in the morning if you don't matter?

In this unguarded, deeply affective, and witty memoir, I share the relatable story of being raised in an image-driven world into which I did not easily fit. Specifically being told that I resembled my personality-disordered aunt -whose life didn't matter- I deeply feared that mine wouldn't either.

In this memoir (also categorized as self-leadership), I write to the core of this struggle to recover my beaten spirit and rebuild the large life that matters to me. I explore the question of what mattering means, through the prism of how the question personally played out for me in my relationships with my family, my Orthodox Jewish religion, and the American culture focused on appearance, food and money. Through the storyline and an expanded section in the back of the book that includes 200 objective lessons about mattering, I demonstrate that we cannot buy or borrow our mattering, but we can create it. 

Dare to Matter gives readers the will and courage to rebuild their collapsed inner space into the large life that makes getting out of bed every morning, and staying out of it, irresistible. It is a call to satisfACTION and a challenge to beat back the messages we get from family and society that shut us down. When we are renewed to opt into our lives, we dare to matter in meaningful and often miraculous ways.

United States
Shifra is fascinated with the inner spaces humans inhabit.  Radio

As the producer and host of a weekly radio program on social and educational issues that aired live in the Mid-Atlantic region, Shifra was known for eliciting hard, honest responses from her interviewees when posing the questions that others were too hesitant to ask.

Underlying these conversations was one pressing question Shifra always wanted to answer: what makes our lives matter? Daring to step right into the heart of life’s complexities, her search for answers to this question is refreshingly approachable and impactful. Her style: "Press the issue without stressing the person."

Writing and Communications Consultant, Director of Leadership That Matters

Shifra currently serves as the vice-president of project development for a web-based writing and communications company that assists corporate and non-profit enterprises with shaping their verbal and written communications. Among diverse professional credits, she has crafted messages for an online greeting card company and has written and recorded radio commercials, corporate phone scripts, and organizational videos.

Shifra founded Leadership That Matters, based on the teachings in her memoir, DARE TO MATTER. She offers mentoring and consulting support to people who are intent on expanding their visions of what is possible for themselves and their teams, while nurturing their capacity to achieve it. 

A diverse clientele calls upon her to serve as their catalyst for change, while also facilitating the transformation. Ranging from the aspiring author to the frustrated mid-lifer to the organization whose potential is waiting to happen, Shifra leads with her foundational FIVE PRINCIPLES OF  MATTERING™ .

FIVE PRINCIPLES OF MATTERING™  form the basis of a singular work designed to evoke the best and brightest in each person she serves. She helps people to “connect their dots” so they emerge as the leaders their world needs. 

She has been invited to present on topics of spiritual, personal, and creative growth and development in a variety of academic and corporate settings, ranging from university students to women entrepreneurs.

WomanSpeak™ International Circle Leader

Shifra is certified to teach the Speak Your Truth, Change the World curriculum.

She believes that “your voice is who you are at your core,” and if you don’t speak your truth, who will?

In her Circles, she supports women in learning the heart and soul of effective speaking. In a spirit of celebration, collaboration, and connection, women have the space to blossom into their most authentic selves. And as they do, they powerfully affect and influence the people who are waiting for their leadership.

Community Activism

Her lengthy list of community activism includes past service for the Association for Women in Communications, Washington D.C. and current service on the board of a non-profit organization dedicated to helping singles meet and marry.

Shifra resides in Maryland, where she occasionally puts her pen down so that she can roam around in pursuit of her next writing desk. And if you ever wish to give her a gift, opt for distinctive stationery and not a cookbook.

DARE TO MATTER: Lessons in Living a Large Life ( A Memoir/ Self-Leadership)
Nina Boski

Marilyn Monroe 60th Anniversary of the star's death - Dreaming, transforming, mental health, addiction, and talking life, movies and what really happened to Marilyn!

No doubt you’ve heard of Marilyn Monroe. She was a Hollywood glamour girl and mega movie star; She will be forever tied to President, John F. Kennedy, and known all over the world for her infamous, Happy Birthday Mr. President” tribute. She is also responsible for all us girls believing that “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” … But do you know she was so much more than that? Marilyn was a strong and resilient human being! She overcame the odds and kept seeking treatment through her own personal growth, even though the outcome ended the star’s short life at 36 years old. 

For your program, let transformational leader and media executive, and founder of LifeBites Global, Nina Boski, whose mission is to get people inspired by their life, be a dynamic guest for your show who can talk about “All Things Marilyn,” and shed light on this important subject around mental health and addiction. By sharing Marilyn’s story, Nina’s hope is to inspire people to build up their own resilience for their future and be determined to create a vision for themselves that can propel their life forward, especially during this pandemic and beyond. 

 Nina is producing two projects for Marilyn’s 60th anniversary, Marilyn: Behind the Icon, a dramatic podcast about the entire life of Marilyn ( and a TV docuseries that deals with the mental health and addiction and the correlation between the two (season 2 launches Feb 22, 2022), along with the actual investigation of the star’s death, breaking down for the first time, fact from probable theory to outlandish rumor. Most of the biographies on Marilyn up until this point, blend all of these elements together and claim it as fact. This 22-expert production make this complex story more easily digestible for the average listener or audience member and allows us to set the record straight on the decades of rumors and lies. In addition to Marilyn’s story, the TV docuseries highlights the celebrity of today who deals with some of the same things Marilyn did back in 1962, not only with the price of fame with addiction and mental health issues, but by being “Propped Up for Profit” by the celebrities’ handlers and even loved ones. Look at the more recent story behind Brittany Spears, who was compared to Marilyn Monroe many times.

This unique story gives people a window to look at mental health up close and personal! Nina has spent over 6 years researching Marilyn. She has realized that the icon’s life is filled with inspiration if we search for the teachable moments that can help people heal their lives. Nina’s goal is to make a positive impact in the media with stories that make a difference. The Marilyn Monroe story unfortunately is not unique, but the lessons we can garner from it are invaluable. This story angle allows the true Marilyn, the core of who she was, about transformation and helping fellow mankind be at the heart of her true legacy to be remembered. Marilyn Monroe is very much a cultural phenomenon that attracts millions of fans across the globe each day. Marilyn was not just a beautiful, glamourous movie star but was a soul on this earth who, just like all of us, wanted to love and be loved.

This fascinating podcast and TV docuseries are one of the most comprehensive of its time. With 22 renowned and credible experts on the investigation and many valuable life lessons to be learned from Marilyn’s life. .

An interview with Nina Boski will also reveal: 

1. What makes this series different from what has already been portrayed about the star?

2. Marilyn appears to be a visionary, given her fragmented upbringing and she still created such success. 3. She really had to visualize a better future. How do you think she was able to do that?

4. Why do you think people are still so fascinated by her after all these years?

5. You spend a lot of time educating people about mental illness and addiction. Why is this important to the series, and what kind of alcohol and/or drugs were Marilyn addicted to in her life?

6. How can we take Marilyn’s life and learn from it – teachable moments?

7. Why do you think mental illness and addiction are at an all-time high, even though there are many more tools and resources than back in 1962?

8. What type of mental illness did Marilyn suffer from in her life? What is the difference between Bipolar disorder and borderline personality and how did that affect Marilyn?

19. When you say Marilyn is the ultimate dreamer, what do you mean?

10. Marilyn is famous for many things. How do you feel her legacy should be remembered?

If you would like to share with your audience an intriguing story that embraces all of Marilyn’s life truthfully and with compassion, your audience then, will experience not only a transformational message… but they will hear Nina break down the facts that are real, and sometimes raw, about one of the most iconic legends of our time, Marilyn Monroe. 


Nina Boski - BIO

Nina Boski is many things. She is a mix of entrepreneurship, media executive, transformational “energy”, life and business coach, author, host, and producer – resulting in a woman who is definitely on the move! She is the Founder of LifeBites Global and is the producer of three Marilyn Monroe projects, a dramatic podcast, about the entire life of Marilyn Monroe, the TV docuseries that is around the investigation of her death, and the feature film that is a thriller noir based on fact and fiction around the last three days of Marilyn Monroe’s life. Podcast: Marilyn: Behind the Icon TV docuseries: Same name Feature Film: "Goodnight Marilyn."

As a media maven and energy coach, Nina Boski has global success, speaking to millions of people around the world, inspiring and transforming audiences to live a life that dares you, inspires you to dream big, get out there and do it and create balance to just be! Nina is a natural in front of a small group of people or in large group settings. Her goal is to transform as well as entertain audiences all while getting people to WAKE UP to their life! Nina commands an audience with her powerful presence and fun, uplifting, and sometimes humorous messages of life, business, and media.