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Siobhan Nicolaou CHLC CHT
Your Pitch

Siobhan Nicolaou CHT, CHLC, is a Published Author, Spiritual Mentor, Medium for Spirit,  Master Soul Reader and  Metaphysician that has been cultured for 33 years through extensive personal experience and transformation to become a Powerful  Medium and a  Leading Expert in the field of  Emotional Energy Transformation in humans and in homes.

Siobhan will speak about how Emotional Energy comes to be the source of all division within your mind and heart creating all the conflicts within you and  the outer world. She emphasizes the importance of taking back your power to become your own source of everything to break the chains of  co- dependency  of an   “outside in consciousness”.

She further explains how to begin the process of getting the mind, body, soul and spirit working together as a team of one, not one or other.By utilizing guidance and tools from the higher consciousness, she helps clients and students transform the divided perspective within their minds and hearts which keep them from living the truth of who they are. Our mission is to empower others with a sustainable path of wholeness and peace.


Siobhan Nicoalou CHLC, CHT is a published authormedium for spiritmetaphysician, and master alchemist. She has been teaching Energy Management, Energy Transformation, and Sovereign Development for 33 years.

She offers individual and group support through readings, activation meditations, lectures, webinars, and mentorships for  her client's harmonious spiritual and creative unfolding. Her tools are for everybody in any profession or walk of life.

Siobhan is a natural clairsentientclairvoyant, and clairaudient, who has been consciously evolving and sharing her gifts through readings and classes since 1988. Her personal experience and transformation bear the abundant fruit of Spirit that she whole heartedly shares with you. 

Her courses encompass beginning to master tools for greater spiritual development and awakening.

Siobhan has traveled throughout the United States and Europe giving talks, workshops, transforming houses, imparting truth, and changing lives wherever her light is called. 

The Absence of Evil  Loves Reclamation of the Soul  By Siobhan  Nicolaou