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siobhan nicolaou
Your Pitch

As a leading expert in the field of Emotional Energy Transformation both in humans and in homes, with 33 years of personal experience and transformation both in and out of the field, I would like to be interviewed so I can explain exactly what Emotional Energy is and how it comes to be part of the human experience.

I would like to explain the science and metaphysics of Emotional Energy and how we have the power to transform it back into the essence of itself, what the essence of itself is and how it restores wholeness and peace within the mental, emotional and physical bodies.

I would enjoy speaking to you about how a home becomes haunted just like the mind and body of a human while demystifying the notion of ghosts, demons and paranormal activity by covering how it relates to Emotional Energy.

I would talk about  the simplicity of the transformational processes and give a leading edge example of how the audience can reclaim their personal power in any experience and  begin to dissolve the division within their perspective that creates chaos their inner and outer world.


Siobhan Nicolaou CHT, CHLC, is a Published Author, Spiritual Teacher Coach, Medium for Spirit, Soul Reader and Metaphysician that has been cultured for 33 years through extensive personal experience and transformation to become a Powerful Medium and a Leading Expert in the field of Emotional Energy Transformation in humans and in homes.

By utilizing guidance and tools from  higher consciousness, she helps clients and students overcome the divided perspective within their minds and hearts which keep them from living the truth of who they are. Our mission is to empower others with a sustainable path of wholeness and peace.

The Absence of Evil, Love's Reclamation of the Soul  By Siobhan  Nicolaou