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Steve Martile

My purpose is this: to remind you that you are the co-creator. You are the wizard. You are the magician. You are the painter. You are the Picasso of your life. It’s all you

Who is Steve Martile?

I’m a marketing consultant, coach, and self-help teacher who lives in Sudbury, Canada with my wife and life partner, Trisha and our best buddy, Chloe.

A Little More About Me…

My journey started with training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and becoming a coach with Landmark Education.

It was the training I started back in 2006 with Landmark where I naturally started coaching others for free.  I fell in love with coaching and as I started to help people make improvements in their lives and get results, I decided I would start my own business and start charging for coaching.

Today, we run a Done for You Marketing Agency, where we help business coaches, speakers and consultants triple their net profits and double their time off by retaining higher paying clients without being manipulative, and without working so hard.

You can learn more about our Done for You Marketing service by clicking here:  Done for You Marketing

7 Day Manifestation Experiment: How You Can Create the Life of Your Dreams
Robyn Grable

Finding a job after their military service affects nearly 200,000 veterans every year, and only one in four veterans have a job lined up after leaving the armed forces, according to the Pew Research Center.  

Navy veteran Robyn J. Grable, knows this reality all too well which guided her to founding Veterans ASCEND, an AI-powered talent sourcing platform that ditches the traditional resume model and focuses on matching a candidate’s skillset with a job’s tactical requirements.  

After her military career and working at ADP and F.W. DODGE, Robyn could have taken her expertise anywhere, but she decided to launch Veterans ASCEND in May 2015. Her master’s degree in psychology and 25 years of human resources experience spanning workforce management, human capital planning, recruitment, process and procedure evaluation, government compliance, strategic alignment and relationship management, contribute to her team and tech’s ability to match veterans to careers at a 95% success rate. Among her accolades, she won the Scale-Up category at the 2022 JMI Small Business Leadership Conference Pitch Competition.  

I’d love to connect you with Robyn to discuss more about how she is changing the veteran job search experience and the talent sourcing landscape as a whole. Let me know when you’re available and I’ll set something up.  

Thank you for your consideration. 

United States

Robyn J. Grable is the creator, founder and CEO of Talents ASCEND and Veterans ASCEND, an AI-powered talent sourcing platform. She is a U.S. Navy veteran and human resources professional with a master’s degree in psychology. Her 25 years of human resources experience spans workforce management, human capital planning, recruitment, process and procedure evaluation, government compliance, strategic alignment and relationship management. 

Cate Montana

Every culture on Earth has a name for the invisible anti-life Force bedeviling humanity: The Archons, Beelzebub, AshShaytān, wetiko, antimimos,  e'epa, Satan ... to name a few. My latest book, Cracking the Matrix: 14 Keys to Individual and Global Freedom explores the nature and presence of evil on this planet, helping people finally see this anti-life Force, understand its agenda, recognize its blatant presence behind current global events, learn how to break free of its controlling influences and stand up in their true spiritual power, ready to create The New Earth that has always been prophesied.


A professional journalist specializing in alternative medicine and health, since her (surprise!) awakening in 2007, Cate Montana has written four extremely different books: a feminist memoir, Unearthing Venus: My Search for the Woman Within [Watkins 2013], an explanation of the ego and enlightenment, The E Word, Ego Enlightenment & Other Essentials [Atria 2017], and her first novel, Apollo & Me [Rampant Feline Media 2019]. Her latest book, Cracking the Matrix: 14 Keys to Individual & Global Freedom, takes a deep dive into the nature of evil, global agendas and how to develop an individual pathway to freedom. She is co-author of The Heart of the Matter with Dr. Darren Weissman [Hay House 2013] and writes for Lynne McTaggart's UK health magazine What Doctors Don’t Tell You. She has a master’s degree in psychology and speaks and teaches about consciousness and spirituality. She lives on the island of Maui in Hawaii.

Cracking the Matrix Cover
Richard Tamayo

To shack the foundation of the Church.To reveal secrets hidden in the Bible and in the Last Supper Painting of Leonardo Da Vinci, written in a book titled The Bible Detective Finds Jesus and the Queen. 


A retired NYPD Detective who after exposing corruption in the NYC Police Department was called by God to reveal hidden secrets in the Bible. The founder of God's Army church who for many years has stood against corruption stemming within the police departments of Arizona.
J.R. Smith

We work with Veterans and their families through equine therapy.  The affects of PTSD on our Veterans affect the entire family.  We are now also facing a 44 a day Veteran Suicide Rate.  We are asking people to go to and sign up today to pledge 44 dollars a month in memory of the ones we are loosing daily.

United States

J.R. has been around horses since he was young on family farms, and boy scout trips.  He is an Eagle Scout and very proud of that.  J.R. has been married to his amazing wife and President of The Veterans Ranch Pam Smith for almost 23 years.  Together they have an amazing daughter that they are very proud of.  Both Pam and J.R. come from military families.  J.R.'s dad, uncle, and grandfather all served in the military and he had friends go to the Gulf War right out of high school in 1991.  Pam's father was in the Army from 1955-1957 and can trace back military service all the way back to George Washington.  J.R., Pam and Mike are very proud patriots and proud to serve the ones that served us all.

Alex Hanno

Served is an ensemble dramedy TV series that chronicles the vibrant staff of a stylish LA eatery in their effort to function as a makeshift family. In part, the series is framed through the journey of a young Latino man, whose hopes of being a server are suddenly dashed when he’s relegated to the back of the house. This world is one that almost anyone can relate to, with over 15 million people actively working in the restaurant industry today and millions more having worked within it at some point in time. What's more, many of those people are from diverse and underrepresented populations. This is their untold story.

I created Served to tell the true story of the restaurant world because while we've seen comical takes on screen before, nothing has ever come close to authentic. I started working in restaurants at the age of 13 as a dishwasher at a grubby local diner. I've been a buser, a fry cook, a host, a food runner, a waiter... I know this world and the stories it has to tell are endless. They're also often stories of massively underrepresented groups. I'm not looking to shy away from the uncomfortable with Served; I want to lean into it and find the truth. I want to showcase stereotypes on screen so that we can peel back the layers of racism and sexism and ageism to reveal what's really underneath. I want to tell the stories of millions of service industry workers, so that they can see their worlds on screen for once in an authentic way.

Our pilot, starring P-Valley's Nicco Annan, was an award winner at the Independent TV Festival (now Catalyst Content Festival) and will be streaming everywhere on November 15th, 2022.


Alex Hanno is the writer behind the upcoming apocalyptic thriller A Social Contract starring Sean Astin, the romantic dramedy Elephants which is “Fresh” on Rotten Tomatoes, and the Independent Television Festival award winning TV show Served. His latest projects, the New England familial drama Seabrook and that Welsh dramedy A Sanctuary For Water Voles have placed in the likes of ISA’s Screenwriting Fellowship, Final Draft’s Big Break Screenwriting Contest, Scriptapalooza, and the Austin Film Festival Screenplay Competition. He’s also created numerous short films, including the Sunscreen Film Festival selection Lunacy, the Cardiff Film Festival selection The Chameleon, and the DTLA Film Festival selection Bonus Time, as well as a piece for NBC’s Diversity Showcase. In addition to co-owning his production company, The Chameleon Effect, with creative partner Luca Malacrino, Alex has also worked in development for the likes of Broad Green Pictures and VMI Worldwide, alongside co-managing Deadline Junkies, a professional screenwriting organization based in Los Angeles, California.

Dr Edi Bilimoria

I am the social media/PR director for Dr. Edi Bilimoria, my name is Anne Kelly, thank you for your consideration.  

Edi's four volume work "Unfolding Consciousness: Exploring the Living Universe and the Intelligent Powers in Nature and Humans" was published earlier this year. This four volume, 1,000 page book feels as a modern day "The Secret Teachings of All Ages", covering an astonishing range of literature. One reader writes: "This is the most important and informative book on consciousness I've ever come across and it's unrivalled in minutely exploring the still gaping gulf between science and occultism." ~ T.W. 

Edi is a dedicated student of the perennial philosophy for 50 years, he was born in India and educated at the universities of London, Sussex and Oxford, Edi is an extraordinary blend of experience in the fields of science, art and philosophy.

He has also  given courses and lectured extensively in the UK, and internationally in California, The Netherlands, India and Australia. He has organised and chaired several major conferences on the different but overlapping roles of Science, Religion and PRACTICAL philosophy. 

Edi holds nothing back in these books, the teachings of the mystery schools are no longer exclusively for "the few", it would be wonderful for more to know about these sacred, ancient teachings that are available to all for the benefit of all. 

I am attaching my contact information for scheduling on behalf of Dr Bilimoria.



Unfolding Consciousness, Exploring the Living Universe and Intelligent powers in Nature and Humans is our subject, and our writer and speaker is Edi Bilimoria born in India and educated at the universities of London, Sussex and Oxford, Edi is an extraordinary blend of experience in the fields of science, art and philosophy.

A dedicated student of the perennial philosophy for half a century, Edi has given courses and lectured extensively in the UK, and internationally in California, The Netherlands, India and Australia. He has organised and chaired several major conferences on the different but overlapping roles of Science, Religion and PRACTICAL philosophy. He also served as Education Manager for the Theosophical Society in Australia, developing courses and supervising the Research, National Media, and National Members Lending Libraries. His written work has been published extensively in the fields of science, engineering and esoteric philosophy.

Edi is an award winning Consultant Engineer for the petrochemical, oil and gas, aerospace, transport, and construction industries. He has also  worked in safety and environmental management for the Royal Navy and has been Project Manager and Head of Design for major innovative projects such as the Channel Tunnel, The London Underground systems and offshore installations.

Edi is also an experienced glider pilot, is a talented singer… and an extraordinary pianist and practices regularly on his mahogany steinway grand piano.

"Unfolding Consciousness: Exploring the Living Universe and Intelligent Powers in Nature and Humans"
David Parker


Wisdom from a Brilliant Member of a ‘Rare and Endangered

Species’ – a “San Francisco Conservative!”

Scholarly Writing from an Entrepreneurial Mind

Educator/Entrepreneur/Musician/Writer David Parker Provides

Insight and Historical Context to Today’s Heated Political Debate

During this turbulent time, the individual and governmental decisions that are being made are likely to have a “ripple effect”--  for decades to come. In the nick of time, a new book offers a much-needed reminder that the timeless principles of economics are essential to the preservation of American democracy. Entrepreneur, investor, lifelong educator, David Parker, at age 50, went back to school to gain a deeper understanding of these enduring ideas–and the missteps of nations that deviated from them—to write his playfully-titled new book, A San Francisco Conservative. Just as Parker’s first book, Income and Wealth, provided readers with a thought-provoking examination of the foundation on which the nation’s freedom rests, his latest book, “a letter to progressives,” also serves as a message of reassurance and challenge to the conventional political thinking of the day.

The issues David Parker addresses in this thought-provoking book are those he has focused on for more than half a century, throughout his 40-year career as a teacher in San Francisco’s public schools.  In “A San Francisco Conservative,” he reminds readers that “crises” have affected the American economy numerous times over the nation’s history – but they pass. Parker provides well-researched support for his belief that economic opportunities always exist. He cautions that government leaders – especially those who identify themselves as progressives – are jeopardizing the very democracy that has produced prosperity.

The themes covered in A San Francisco Conservative range from education to taxes, and the political process itself. Parker challenges the widespread belief that a “conservative” (whether a resident of San Francisco or elsewhere) lacks empathy or a personal commitment to help those who are less fortunate. The government programs supported by many in today’s progressive movement to counter this misunderstanding do little more than increase the nation’s deficit in a dangerous way, Parker says.

The wisdom of David Parker is also showcased in a new podcast series, also titled A San Francisco Conservative. In each episode of this new podcast series, David Parker shares his insight and the results of his scholarly research on a variety of topics, often focusing on what he envisions as the proper role of government and how individuals can arrange for the principles of a free market economy to work in their favor. 

United States

David Parker is the author of Income and Wealth, published in 2021, and A San Francisco Conservative. He began his career in education at the age of 24 and served students of San Francisco’s inner-city public elementary schools for 40 years as a music teacher, followed by 10 years as a volunteer. While pursuing his career in education, Parker became a very successful real estate investor. Parker’s career as a musician is similarly impressive. He spent 20 years as a member of the Berkeley Symphony Orchestra, then 20 years as leader of the Dave Parker Sextet, which twice headlined the San Francisco Fillmore Jazz Festival.

Parker’s thoughtful essays have been featured in The Economist, The Financial Times and prestigious law journals. In addition to being an author, entrepreneur and investor, David Parker is also a proud father and grandfather.  He is already hard at work on his next book.

Book Cover: A San Francisco Conservative